יום שישי, 29 באפריל 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Israeli Arabs are buying houses in the West Bank. Why aren't they "illegal settlers"?noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 04:45 AM Haaretz reports:

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Israeli Arabs are buying houses in the West Bank. Why aren't they "illegal settlers"?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 04:45 AM

Haaretz reports:

Arab Israelis in West Bank real estate is another trend that began in recent years. In some sense, it is similar to real estate investments overseas that have also sprouted in Israel. A specific trend is investment by Israeli Arabs in Turkish real estate. With prices in Israel increasing wildly, it's no wonder that Turkey or the West Bank are seen as good alternatives.

The price differentials are definitely alluring. A 100-square-meter apartment in an upscale Ramallah neighborhood could cost between 350,000 and 400,000 shekels (around $105,000-120,000). In Jericho, you can buy a 200-sqaure-meter villa with a 750-square-meter yard with a pool for one million shekels. In other cities, prices are even lower. An apartment in Nablus costing 150,000-200,000 shekels could be a reasonable solution for an Arab family from the Galilee whose son is studying medicine at al-Najah University in Nablus, especially since prices in the West Bank are on their way up.

The flow of Israeli Arabs students to campuses in the West Bank is another reason for buying real estate there. Some estimates put the number of Arab-Israeli students there at 9,000, 5,000 of them at the American University in Jenin, in which private residential...Read More

04/28 Links Pt2: Jordan's attitude towards Temple Mount is antisemitic and hypocritical; Gal Gadot shares grandfather's harrowing tale during Holocaust
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 28 Apr 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Growing Integration and Prosperity for Israeli Arabs at Risk from Forces that Crave Victory over Jews

Over the past few weeks there has been sustained rioting on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. From the al-Aqsa mosque, Arabs hurled stones, iron bars and petrol bombs on to Jews worshipping below at the Western Wall. This forced the Israeli police to enter the compound to restore order.

Israel's Arab citizens, who number around 1.9 million, 20% of the population, are different from Palestinian Arabs living in the disputed territories of the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, or Gaza. Among Israel's own Arab citizens there has been signs of increasing prosperity and integration in recent years. The Arab Israeli middle class is growing and the share of Arab students at Israeli colleges and universities has nearly doubled over the last 12 years. In 2020, more than 1,000 volunteered to serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), more than twice the number of previous years.

Yet in May 2021, when Israeli forces were at war with Hamas in Gaza, Arab Israelis rioted in Jaffa, Lod, Acre, Ramle and Haifa, where they had lived peacefully alongside their Jewish neighbors for decades. The mobs burnt synagogues and schools, stoned Jews in more than 5,000 attacks, and set homes and cars on fire. So among Israel's Arabs, both assimilation and radicalization have been simultaneously...Read More

Arabs admired Nazi Germany - not in spite of genocide but because of it
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 03:00 PM

Here are some newspaper clippings on how the Arab world supported Nazis after their defeat.

The Daily Times-News, Burlington NC, Thursday, August 28, 1958:

Edmonton Journal, Alberta, Canada, 22 Feb 1960:

The Jordanian English language daily, Jerusalem Times, published the following "Open Letter to Eichmann" on April 24, 1961:

Dear Eichmann,
1 address you in your glass cell to extend a word of sympathy in your present plight. German genius that has invented sputniks and missiles and all sorts of things has failed to inspire you to avert the disaster that has befallen you.
What a pity Eichmann that you allowed those swine to arrest you and stage their drama. But don't worry Eichmann it will in the end fall on their heads.
Listen Eichmann you are accused of dissimating (sic) six million of this breed. Whether this is correct or not it is not our object to debate this issue but what we like to say is this if you actually managed to liquidate six million of them and if the remaining six million have been instrumental in inflicting so much havoc and suffering on the Arabs and disgorging them from their homes we wonder what would have been the result if the dissimated (sic) six million would have been allowed to survive. It is likely that a similar drama would have been staged in another part of the Arab countries. So that by liquidating six millions you have minimized...Read More

Activist Documenting All Apartheid In Israel Exhausts Research In 12 Minutes, Seeks Suggestions For Stuff To Do Rest Of Month (PreOccupied Teritory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Tel Aviv, April 28 - The holder of a fellowship from a human-rights-monitoring NGO came to the Jewish State several days ago to conduct a comprehensive survey of the race-based discrimination and segregation policies that his organization insists the country maintains against the non-Jewish population within its borders, but has discovered that after recording every remotely credible manifestation of the phenomenon that he can identify, he still has twenty-nine days, twenty-three hours, and forty-eight minutes remaining in the thirty-day fact-gathering portion of the project, and has begun soliciting recommendations from locals and friends abroad regarding what sites, activities, or experiences to pursue with all that free time.

Grant Rider, 23, arrived in Israel last week on sponsored mission from Human Rights Watch and instructions from the latter to observe Israeli society, government, politics, law enforcement, and public policy, with a specific focus on each institution, law, or policy that features apartheid. Mr. Rider began his research as soon as his flight landed, attempting to discern whether passport control, customs, or other official functions at Ben-Gurion International Airport discriminated against incoming travelers by race - only to discover...Read More

04/28 Links Pt1: Bennett: Holocaust memory is part of Jews' DNA, passed from generation to generation; Irwin Cotler: Holocaust Remembrance Day: 6 lessons in memory of the 6 million
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 28 Apr 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Bennett: Holocaust memory is part of Jews' DNA, passed from generation to generation

For Jews, Holocaust memory is genetic, passed from generation to generation, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said during a memorial ceremony in the Knesset on Thursday as part of a series of events to mark Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day.

"The memory of the Holocaust is not just a memory but a layer, part of the DNA that is passed down from generation to generation," Bennett said.

The head of Germany's parliament, along with the prime minister, President Isaac Herzog and other Israeli officials, lit a memorial candle in the Knesset for the ceremony.

"I bow my head with humility and shame in face of the Holocaust victims," Bundestag President Barbel Bas said in German ahead of the official Knesset ceremony "Unto Every Person There is a Name," during which the names of Nazi genocide victims were read aloud.

"It is forbidden for us to forget and we will not forget," she said. "From our historical guilt stems a commitment. It is upon us to fight resolutely against antisemitism in all of its forms, and it is upon us to preserve the [victims'] memory, and to pass on their memory to the younger generations."

Likud MK Ophir Akunis said during the ceremony that he will not forgive the Germans for the Holocaust.

"Others may be able to forgive the Germans," he...Read More

In 1938, "Nature" published a paper saying Jews can't easily be good physicists - but Aryans are the best
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 09:00 AM

In 1938, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Johannes Stark published a paper in Nature, called "The Pragmatic and the Dogmatic Spirit in Physics."
In that paper he argues that there are two types of mindset among physicists:

I have come to recognize that there are two main types of mental attitude among workers in the field of physics.
The pragmatic spirit, from which have sprung the creations of successful discoverers both past and present, is directed towards reality ; its aim is to ascertain the laws governing already known phenomena and to discover new phenomena and bodies as yet unknown.

The physicist of the dogmatic school operates in quite a different manner in the field of physics. He starts out from ideas that have arisen primarily in his own brain, or from arbitrary definitions of relationships between symbols to which a general and so also a physical significance can be ascribed.

As one reads the paper, one sees that Stark has a marked preference for the "pragmatic" school and hi8s special loathing for Einstein.

Finally, towards the end, he comes to his point:

I have taken the field against the dogmatic spirit in Germany because I have been able to observe repeatedly its crippling and damaging effect on the development of physical research in this country. In this conflict I have also directed my efforts against the damaging influence of Jews in German science, because I regard them as the chief exponents...Read More

A Jewish ethics professor in 1893 blamed Jews for American antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 07:00 AM

Dr. Felix Adler (1851-1933) was a well-known chair of political and social ethics at Columbia University who was also the rector for the Ethical Culture School. The son of a popular Reform rabbi, he believed that the world needs a universal religion does away with God and concentrates on ethical teachings.

He was a social justice warrior before its time, supporting the popular social causes of the day.
He was quite opposed to antisemitism. He lectured about it at Carnegie Hall in 1897, saying that it was "un-Christian," and emphasizing the evils of stereotyping people.
But in 1893, speaking at a Jewish venue in New York, he pretty much blamed American antisemitism on its victims - doing what he would later decry himself by characterizing Jews as unrefined, loud and obnoxious.

He said that German antisemitism at the time was the result of nationalism gone amok, but American antisemitism came from social factors - and if American antisemites hated Jews, it must be at least partially the Jews' fault.

In this country the opposition to the Jew is not on account of his race or religion, as there is no country on the face of God's earth where the freedom to worship according to the dictates of conscience is so respected. Jews are opposed here principally from social reasons, and in keeping...Read More

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יום חמישי, 28 באפריל 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

The Holocaust was well documented even by 1943, but the world didn't carenoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 04:45 AM In August, 1943, small items

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The Holocaust was well documented even by 1943, but the world didn't care
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 04:45 AM

In August, 1943, small items appeared in some American newspapers indicating that, by the way, 3,000,000 Jews had been murdered so far during the war.

The 300 page report by the Institute for Jewish Affairs was remarkably detailed, indicating that the news of the Holocaust was getting out - but no one besides Jews cared to listen.
Titled "Hitler's Ten Year War on the Jews," it goes through every country and every region in Nazi-occupied Europe and describes what happened to the people there.
It even includes counts of deaths and deportations by country as of 1943.
The New York Times reproduced this table in their one column article on this report - on page 7.
The report authors knew about gas chambers too, although not the details nor the extent of their use:

From an eyewitness who had been in Treblinka B, known throughout Poland as the "slaughterhouse," has come a detailed account accompanied by a map. The camp of Treblinka B, which lies conveniently close to a railroad siding that receives transports directly from Warsaw, is the main extermination center where most of the Jews of Warsaw, and many from other ghettos have been murdered. When the victims arrived, they were told that they were in a quarantine distribution center for labor camps. On this excuse...Read More

04/27 Links Pt2: What have we really learned from Yom Ha'Shoah?; What do we mean when we say, 'never again'?; Does Netflix Have a Problem With Israel?
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Apr 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Dani Dayan: We're all obligated to remember the victims of the Holocaust

"Dear Berthe, this is already the fourth day. I am on the train car now. I hope, my child, that you will be able to live as a free person, even though, for now, you are without your parents. I'm traveling in the confidence that you will grow up to be a good, healthy, and smart girl. I hope to see you again soon, your father." These were the final words Aaron Livrente wrote to his daughter in March 1943, before throwing the letter from the train that had departed the Drancy internment camp in France for the Majdanek death camp in Poland, where he was murdered.

This year, the central focus of Holocaust Remembrance Day is the transport of Jews during the Holocaust. Within the framework of the "Final Solution," the Nazis and their collaborators uprooted millions of Jews from their homes and sent them to their deaths on trains destined for the death camps, ghettos, and concentration camps.

These deportations tore exiled Jews from the world of the humane, robbing them eternally of all they had known. This systematic operation was a historic event that destroyed Jewish communities – most of them entirely. The crowdedness and lack of basic conditions on the train cars were insufferable. Many found their deaths on these tortuous journeys. Some attempted to pass information to their loved...Read More

You Say Nakba, We Say You Fled, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 27 Apr 03:00 PM

They call it the Nakba, the disaster, pretending they were expelled. We call it a lot of people turning tail. Whatever you call it, it happened after the nascent State of Israel was attacked by multiple Arab nations, just for declaring independence from British rule.

The vast majority of Arab residents left Israel of their own volition. No one forced them out of their homes. They could have stayed. But they didn't.

Why did the Arabs flee? For one things, the leaders of the invading Arab armies told them to leave. In effect, the Arabs who fled at the behest of Arab heads of state, were told that they should get out of the way while they made short shrift of the Jews and pushed them into the sea. Then, they intimated, the Arab residents who fled could return to their homes, free of Jews forever, while enjoying the spoils left behind by a presumably exterminated people.

History, however, proved these leaders, and the runners who listened to them, wrong. Little Israel/David defeated Goliath, in the form of the multitude of soldiers who poured into the new Jewish State from five separate Arab countries to murder Jews and take their land. It may have been a Nakba/Disaster, but it was a disaster of their own making (the idjits). Not only because they lost, but because they became political pawns in perpetuity, kept in refugee camps by their own people—but the losers—blaming it on Israel.

On the bright side, the Arabist world of antisemites, took their side and called them "refugees...Read More

Major BDS Fail: Tel Aviv partners with three Turkish universities
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Apr 01:00 PM

From i24News:

Tel Aviv University on Tuesday announced a new academic collaboration with three Turkish institutions amid warming diplomatic ties between Jerusalem and Ankara.

The academic initiative is with Koç, Özyeğin and Sabancı.

"Every year TAU welcomes thousands of Muslim and Christian students from Israel and around the world, and we will be delighted to extend this collaboration to leading universities in Turkey as well. Academia is a bridge between nations, and a key to economic and social growth everywhere."

According to the statement, the academic heads said that without the breakthrough in diplomatic relations, the academic partnership would not have been possible.

It doesn't look like the BDSers have noticed this, or perhaps they are trying hard to ignore it. Because when Turkish universities say drop dead to BDS, that is a pretty serious blow to the Israel haters.

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04/27 Links Pt1: Tampa Palestinian Islamic Jihad School Gala; Blinken confirms 'ongoing threat' to US officials from Iran's Revolutionary Guard
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Apr 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Tampa Palestinian Islamic Jihad School Gala

It has been a long and convoluted journey for the American Youth Academy (AYA), from its jihadist beginnings, as an alleged fundraising site for a brutal Palestinian terrorist group, to today with its brand new building and facilities. Given AYA's radical history, it is amazing that it continues to exist and with impunity. Yet, earlier this month – 20 years later – the school has celebrated in style, along with a number of government and law enforcement officials to help give it the veneer of normalcy and legitimacy. The celebrants have seemingly ignored the school's violent legacy.

AYA was incorporated under the name Islamic Academy of Florida (IAF), in August 1992. The school was the brainchild of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) co-founder and then-North American leader Sami Amin al-Arian. Al-Arian had used Temple Terrace, Florida, a suburb of Tampa Bay, to create a PIJ network, consisting of the school, a mosque (which is adjacent to AYA), a charity, the Islamic Concern Project (ICP), and a think tank, the World and Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE).

The mosque, the Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), also goes by the name Masjid al-Qassam, named for one of the main inspirations for PIJ, Palestinian militant icon Izz ad-Din al-Qassam. The mosque property is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a group...Read More

Arab League Parliament demands UNRWA be funded - but they sure don't want to fund it themselves
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Apr 09:00 AM

The Arab Parliament, which is part of the League of Arab States, issued an empty statement of support for UNRWA:

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Arab Parliament affirmed its absolute support for UNRWA to continue to play its role in providing basic and necessary services to Palestinian refugees, as it is the only mechanism that carries out this important humanitarian responsibility to improve the conditions of Palestinians in the Palestinian territories.

It pointed out the importance of providing the necessary support to UNRWA, especially with the financial conditions it faces, and the negative repercussions of the Corona pandemic, with the aim of maintaining the continuation of its work as required.

The Arab Parliament called on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards the Palestinian refugees, through aid and funding, to enable UNRWA to continue its work...

Of the nearly $1.2 billion pledged to UNRWA in 2021, less than 4% came from Arab states. (And some of that may never be paid!)

It is easier...Read More

Great news for Yom HaShoah! There are no antisemites!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Apr 07:00 AM

Tonight is Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The usual reasons given for this day are so that we won't forget the evils of antisemitism, and we solemnly pledge "never again."
Unfortunately, much of the world already has forgotten the lessons and support the rights of those who want to see it repeated.
Today's antisemites who style themselves as being merely "anti-Zionist" or "pro-Palestinian" say that they have learned the lessons of the Holocaust, so much so that they can give instruction to the Jewish state as to how it hasn't learned those lessons. They strenuously deny being antisemitic, and they have lots of "proof:" they have Jewish friends, they have Jewish members, they have seders, they are acting according to Jewish morality, they quote "Justice, Justice thou shalt pursue."
And for the most part, the world that claims to be horrified by the Holocaust believes their denial of being motivated by Jew-hatred.

But they aren't the only ones who have denied being antisemitic.

This 1990 Canadian news story shows that a neo-Nazi skinhead also denied hating Jews:

He didn't hate Jews. He just didn't want them around anymore.

The Soviet Union also denied hating Jews. Soviets were only anti-Zionist, and...Read More

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