יום ראשון, 7 בנובמבר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Fake Ben Gurion quote "The old will die and the young will forget" has been published in mainstream media and books as legitimatenoreply@blogger.com

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Fake Ben Gurion quote "The old will die and the young will forget" has been published in mainstream media and books as legitimate
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 07 Nov 05:45 AM

Israel haters love to quote David Ben-Gurion supposedly saying "We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian Arab refugees] never do return. The old will die, and the young will forget."

He never said it. No one has been able to find this quote. It is a lie.
It has been published, of course, in anti-Israel media like Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada. (Even after Electronic Intifada admitted that it was a fake quote, they never corrected their earlier articles that quoted it as true.)
The quote is too good to check. Rashid Khalidi writes in his 2017 book The Hundred Years War "The comforting idea that 'the old will die and the young will forget' — a remark attributed to David Ben-Gurion, probably mistakenly — expresses one of the deepest aspirations of Israeli leaders after 1948." Yes, Khalidi knowingly uses a fake quote to make a point, years after late night comedians made fun of the concept of "truthiness."
But it is a lie that has been believed and published in mainstream media as well...Read More

11/06 Links: 83 years after Kristallnacht, antisemitism is again rising; B&J's Parent Company Doing Business In Countries With Questionable Human Rights Records
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 06 Nov 06:33 PM

From Ian:

83 years after Kristallnacht, antisemitism is again rising

All over the Western world, Jews are experiencing a resurgence of antisemitism. Synagogue doors are being reinforced, Jewish businesses are being attacked, Jewish monuments have been defaced. People are careful not to wear anything that can identify them as Jews, and those who do are in danger of verbal or even physical attack. It's happening all over Europe as well as the US.

Members of Antifa, the supposedly anti-fascist organization, have been known to support the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement. And in Germany, where antisemitism was suppressed after the defeat of the Nazi regime, it is again unashamedly raising its ugly head. In their recent government election, the AfD (Alternative for Germany) Party won 10.3% of the votes. It is a nationalist and right-wing populist political party that stands for opposition to the European Union and immigration. It is on the furthest right political spectrum. At a recent party congress of the AfD, there was consensus of their dislike of Islam. They agreed to include the sentence "Islam does not belong to Germany" in their manifesto. Those sentiments can easily extend to antisemitism.

Quoting from an article in The Atlantic:
"By claiming a share, however small, of Germany's political real estate, the AfD has forced the country...Read More

11/05 Links Pt2: Jewish Activists Noa Tishby, Bari Weiss, and Eve Barlow Discuss How Social Media Emboldens Antisemitism; ADL's anti-hate speaker accused Israel of "ethnic cleansing"
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 05 Nov 03:00 PM

From Ian:

Palestinians — How Invaders Became Indigenous

According to the anti-Zionist narrative, the Palestinians are the residents who have always lived in "historic Palestine", they were the Canaanites, Philistines, Jebusites and even the ancient Israelites who in the Byzantine period converted to Christianity and in the Islamic period and converted to Islam.

According to Shlomo Sand's theory in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People", for example, the Jews were never expelled from Judea, but simply became the ancestors of the Palestinians.

How true is this narrative?

What does Genetics Say?

According to the study "The Y chromosome pool of Jews as part of the genetic landscape of the Middle East":
"Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin differed from the other Middle Eastern populations studied here, mainly in specific high-frequency Eu 10 haplotypes not found in the non-Arab groups. These chromosomes might have been introduced through migrations from the Arabian Peninsula during the last two millennia."

Studies show that Palestinians are genetically closer to Saudi Arabia than to the Levant:

The Demographics of Palestine
The following data is based on Rivka Shpak Lissak book "When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel" details the migration of various groups to Palestine that have become in recent centuries, especially in the years 1830–1947

During...Read More

Lebanese journalist is accused of "treason" for giving an interview to Israeli media
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Nov 01:00 PM

Maria Maalouf is a Lebanese Christian-Maronite journalist broadcaster, publisher and writer who is based in Washington DC.

Her outspoken opposition to Hezbollah and Syria have resulted in death threats and she no longer visits Lebanon.
Now she is in hot water again, after granting an interview with Israel's Kan network.
She told the Israeli station, "What Israel did to Lebanon is a drop of water in an ocean" compared to the damage Iran has done to Lebanon since 1982. "We oppose violence . We are a generation of civil war and Hassan Nasrallah and the Iranian party kidnapped our country and are trying to take us to the Stone Age, after we were once the Switzerland of the Middle East."
She also said she would want to visit Israel.

Naturally, the Lebanese are going crazy.
Members of Hezbollah are suing her in Lebanese court, claiming "Maalouf committed crimes for having contacted people from an enemy country and for collaborating with it, espionage, treason, incitement and conspiracy, in addition to damaging Lebanese honor, damaging national sentiment and security, and urging an enemy to eliminate...Read More

11/05 Links Pt1: Caroline Glick: From Glasgow to the War to Destroy the West; Einat Wilf: Let's lay the myth to rest: Rabin wouldn't have brought peace
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 05 Nov 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Bennett's diplomatic tsunami

Naftali Bennett's government's diplomatic policies came into full view in recent weeks and were put to the test at the UN climate conference in Glasgow this week. The results are unmistakable.

Under Bennett's government, Israel's foreign policy is predicated on making far-reaching concessions – first and foremost to the Palestinians, and second to the international Left. Four such concessions stand out.

The first concession is Zionism. Last week, Defense Minister Benny Gantz abandoned the central tenet of Zionism – redemption of the land of Israel through land purchases for Jewish settlement. After it liberated Judea and Samaria from Jordanian occupation in 1967, the Eshkol government chose to administer these areas through the military while maintaining Jordanian law as the governing law of the areas. The military government issued orders that updated the laws from time to time to align the legal regime in the areas with basic principles of civil rights.

Jordanian law contains several racist provisions. One of the most prominent racial laws is Jordan's land law, which bars non-Muslims from purchasing land. In 1971, Israel's military government amended the law to permit non-Muslim owned companies – but not private non-Muslim citizens – to purchase privately owned land in Judea and Samaria. The amendment required these companies to register...Read More

The context that reporters are not bothering to mention in the NSO story
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Nov 09:00 AM

From the New York Times:

In a remarkable breach with Israel over one of its most successful technology companies, the Biden administration on Wednesday blacklisted the NSO Group, saying the company knowingly supplied spyware that has been used by foreign governments to "maliciously target" the phones of dissidents, human rights activists, journalists and others.

The firm, and another Israeli company, Candiru, acted "contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States," the Commerce Department said, a striking accusation against a business that operates under the direct supervision of the Israeli government.

It is definitely newsworthy to say that two Israeli companies are sanctioned for marketing spyware. Yet as I pointed out months ago, there are plenty of other companies that do the same thing worldwide, and no one seems to have a problem with them.

Twenty paragraphs into the article concentrating on NSO, we read:

NSO was one of four companies that were blacklisted on Wednesday.

Candiru, another Israeli firm, was sanctioned based on evidence that it supplied spyware to foreign governments. Positive Technologies of Russia, which was targeted with sanctions last April for its work with Russian intelligence, and Computer Security Initiative Consultancy of Singapore were added to the list for trafficking in hacking tools, according to the Commerce Department...Read More

Arab population growth in Palestine 1882-1947 double that of Egypt, Syria
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Nov 07:00 AM

There has long been a controversy about whether the large population growth of Arabs in Palestine that coincided with the beginning of Zionism was natural or the result of massive immigration.

The British officials at the time, and later demographers, insist there is no evidence of large Arab immigration. Some people, like Joan Peters and Fred Gottheil, bring evidence for such immigration from neighboring Arab countries to Palestine. Gottheil in particular showed that even within Palestine, the Arabs would move near where the Jews were concentrated, because the economic opportunities were coming from Jewish areas - and there is no reason to think that Arabs outside Palestine weren't similarly attracted to the booming economy that came from the Jews.
I thought that a comparison of Arab population growth in Palestine to that of its neighbors in Egypt and Syria would help shed light on this question. After all, if Palestine's Arab population growth was way faster than its neighbors in the north and the south, it sure sounds like something unique was happening with the Arabs in Palestine - and...Read More

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