The direct ancestor of Jewish Voice for Peace: The Jewish Alliance Against (Unknown), 03 Nov 04:45 AM In 1978, an anti-Zi | In 1978, an anti-Zionist Jewish organization was founded, literally named The Jewish Alliance Against Zionism. JAAZ's philosophy sounded a great deal like Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow do today. Its Statement of Principles sounds like it is out of the Soviet antisemitic handbook, saying things like "Zionism is very much part and parcel of the ideology of 19th century colonialism" and that "from the beginning [Zionists] had allied with powerful Western empires, first British and then US imperialism" and Zionism "was establishing an exclusivist Jewish state and sentenced those Palestinians who remained inside ever-expanding Israeli borders to economic,political and social domination, racial subjugation, religious discrimination, as.well as direct military occupation, arrests, and torture." The group was against the Camp David Accords, just like today's successors are against the Abraham Accords. One part of the Statement of Principles was excised, because even those self-hating Jews felt it went too far: "We also suggest that Israel, in its racist practice and reactionary role in the world, itself contributes to anti-Semitism, and that by opposing Zionism, Jews therefore contribute to the struggle against anti-Semitism." In the days before intersectionality, the JAAZ principles said "We believe that the struggle of women against male supremacy is inextricably connected...Read More |
From Ian: David Colier: How the Palestinians stole the suffering, of well – just about everyone It might seem absurd to those that do not see what is going on, but the pro-Palestinian movement probably cannot believe its good fortune. They can steal any idea, make any accusation, and global antisemitism will do the rest of the work for them. Because their fight is against the Jews, their empty smears all go viral. What we see in the anti-Israel movement today is the result of decades of co-opting causes, historical revisionism and piggybacking on the very real suffering of others. Basically – if there is a bad thing happening in the world – the pro-Palestinian movement stole the idea to use it against the Jews. Here are some of the key examples: The theft of Apartheid Apartheid was a system of legislation that upheld segregationist policies against non-white citizens of South Africa. White South Africans inflicted a brutal racist system upon over 80% of the population – tens of millions of people – just because of the colour of their skin: The international boycott against the Apartheid policies was seen as successful and so for this reason, the pro-Palestinian camp simply co-opted it as their strategy. They reasoned that if people can be conned into believing that Israel is an Apartheid state – then the international community will realise that it must go the same way as Apartheid South Africa did. Except of course there...Read More |
I just realized that between by 39,000 Twitter followers and 11,000 Facebook followers, that makes over 50,000 EoZ fans on social media. Over the past 30 days my tweets have gained over 2.3 million impressions. Since I've been spending a lot of time making memes for Twitter - many of which I don't post here - I decided to create an Instagram channel for my graphics. Like this one: Thanks for all your support! * * * * * * ...Read More |
Today is the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, where Great Britain announced its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. As with every year, the Palestinians are marking the day with mourning. PA president Abbas instructed all flags to be flown at half-mast every November 2. Palestinians got the secretary general of the Arab League to issue his annual statement calling on Great Britain to "correct this historical mistake and assume its historical, legal and moral responsibility by offering an apology to the Palestinian people and recognizing the Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 lines with its capital East Jerusalem." They like to pretend that the Balfour Declaration is the source of their problems. But it was just a letter. It wasn't a legal obligation. What happened afterwards is arguably more important. It was endorsed by the French and Italian governments, as well as the United States. It was incorporated into the San Remo Resolution in 1920. Finally, it was then incorporated into the Mandate for Palestine by the League of Nations. That's when it became international law to support Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people. Interestingly, the Arab opposition to the Mandate was not only against the concept of a Jewish...Read More |
From Ian: The Danger to the International Community of the Two-State Solution Because of the Palestinian Arabs' radical stance, all of the very generous two-state proposals that have been submitted by Israel and supported by the international community were rejected by the Palestinian Arabs in the following years: 1967, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2009-2014. In 2005, Israel even withdrew unilaterally from the Gaza strip hoping to move closer to a peaceful resolution of the conflict, but in return, Israel has since received from Hamas barrages of rocket attacks and floating firebombs into its civilian populated areas, including its capital city Jerusalem and the highly populated city Tel Aviv. Unfortunately, the Palestinian Authority, which controls Judea and Samaria, and Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, continue with malicious deceptive brain washing of their own populations and that of their oblivious international supporters. In addition to destroying the wellbeing of their own people, these self-serving corrupt leaders use a big part of the financial resources that are provided to them by the international community to support terrorists and their families and to build a strong terror infrastructure that will attack anybody who stands in their way – be they Muslims, Christians, or Jews – to gain even more power and personal wealth. Some politicians and others around the world are known to be...Read More |
Leaders from Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, the DFLP and the PLO wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth II demanding that she "wash away the shame of the fateful Balfour Declaration." Islamic Jihad leader Ahmed Al-Mudallal described the Balfour Declaration as a big sin that will continue to shame Britain as long as Israel exists. The terror leader whose group is proud of murdering hundreds of Jews says that the whole world is experiencing "instability and insecurity" as a result of "the continuation of this occupation caused by the Balfour Declaration." Member of the Central Committee of the murderous Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Iyad Awadallah, said that the declaration wa a "crime against humanity." A leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist group, Mahmoud Khalaf, said, "Britain, with this promise, has made a historical mistake, and it is time for it to atone for it, admit its guilt and apologize to the Palestinian people for giving the land of Palestine to the Jews to establish an alleged state on it." He added: "For 104 years we have been striving for the end of the occupation and the enjoyment of the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital." His knowledge of history is a little lacking. A member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Tayseer Khaled, said, "The British promise is fundamentally invalid" and called for launching the 'Palestinian Holocaust' museum...Read More |
The Media Line has the most devastating description of the Palestinian Authority's budget woes yet. Excerpts: The Palestinian Authority is experiencing the worst fiscal difficulties it has ever had since its establishment more than a quarter century ago. The treasury is facing a severe cash crunch, and this could soon reflect on its ability to pay government salaries and conduct daily business, top officials say. In the past, when faced with financial crises, the PA turned to wealthy Arab governments in the Gulf for assistance, but that support has declined. The Media Line has learned that, of the $100 million that the Arab League member countries had committed to the PA as part of a financial "security net," less than $2 million has been forthcoming, according to a top official at the PA Ministry of Finance. The donors' share of the PA budget has dropped by a whopping 58% in the past few years, forcing the government to scramble for ways to make up the difference. President Mahmoud Abbas dispatched Shtayyeh to Brussels this week, in hopes of persuading the Europeans to restore financial aid. The PA government has received no aid from the European Union this year. An example of how serious the financial situation is: Gas stations in the West Bank city of Bethlehem have refused to service PA cars, including security vehicles, because the government hasn...Read More |
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