יום שישי, 19 בנובמבר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Abbas advisor also says that the Temples never existed. He's following the Palestinian tradition from the Mufti.noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 Nov

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Abbas advisor also says that the Temples never existed. He's following the Palestinian tradition from the Mufti.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 Nov 05:45 AM

Yesterday I reported that the Waqf said that Israel intended to brainwash its young students into believing that the Temples in Jerusalem ever existed.

Mahmoud al-Habbash, a senior advisor to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas who is also the top sharia judge for the Palestinian Authority, went even further.
Al-Habbash issued a press statement where he said that "the occupying state practices all tricks and fabrications and uses lies and falsification of facts to try to prove any connection between the Jews in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque [meaning the Temple Mount], in preparation for imposing Israeli control over the mosque within the circles of Judaizing the holy city. "
Denying the Temple is antisemitism, just as is denying any part of Jewish history, denying that Jerusalem is holy to Jews, or denying that today's Jews are descended from the Jews of the Torah.
As far as I can tell, the first person to even imply that there was no Jewish connection to the Temple Mount was the antisemitic Mufti of Jerusalem. Giving his statement of the Committee for the Defense of Al-Buraq Al-Sharif at the Islamic Conference held in Jerusalem in 1928, he talked about Jews as "these greedy people" and said, "Jews have long been aiming for a terrible goal, which is to extract the Al-Aqsa Mosque...Read More

11/18 Links Pt2: Anti-Israel Activists Resort to Violence Because Their Views Cannot Withstand the Application of Fact; Palestinian sues over Ben & Jerry's boycott, saying it promotes 'hatred'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 18 Nov 06:00 PM

From Ian:

Lessons learned on the frontlines against BDS

The post-Holocaust moratorium on openly expressing anti-Semitism is over. Even where blatant targeting of Jews remains unfashionable, it often flourishes masquerading as anti-Israelism. Its latest incarnation is the BDS campaign. States can and should help fight this stealthy discrimination.

Even as more Arab countries recognize Israel, Israel's high-tech economy flourishes and competing Palestinian leaderships achieve nothing positive for their people, BDS warriors inside and outside the Middle East ramp up a rejectionist narrative painting Israel as a pariah and its supporters (read, "Jews") as the devil's handmaidens. The strategy is not just to harm Israel's economy, but to destroy political and moral support for the continued existence of the world's sole Jewish state. As for the goal, former BDS co-founder and Hamas leader Omar Barghouti explained: "definitely, most definitely, we oppose a Jewish state in any part of Palestine."

Ben & Jerry's is the first high-profile company to buy into BDS. Judging by the recent success that ideology has had in penetrating Western business culture, it won't be the last. Like other ideologies, BDS blames successful people and societies for their success, presumes the unsuccessful bear no responsibility for failure and, in fact, blames the successful for others' failure.

But many states...Read More

Waqf warns that Israel is brainwashing kids to believe that the Temples existed
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 18 Nov 04:00 PM

The Council of Endowments, Islamic Affairs and Holy Sanctuaries in Jerusalem, known as the Waqf, warned today that "the targeting of Al-Aqsa Mosque by extremist Jewish groups reached a level of danger in the decision issued by the so-called Education Committee in the Knesset to compel schools affiliated with the Israeli Ministry of Education to include the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque within educational tours for Jewish students."

The statement said that the decision was made "in order to strengthen and increase the number of Jewish intrusions into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and to consolidate the idea of ​​the alleged temple in emerging minds."

Yes, they are warning that Israeli schools want to brainwash kids into believing that the Jewish Temples existed.

The Waqf reiterated that the Temple Mount, in a place that Muslims call Bait is a purely Islamic mosque that belongs to Muslims alone and does not accept division or partnership...Read More

Ministry Of Culture Puzzled By Grant Request For Non-Anti-Zionist HaBima Play (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 18 Nov 02:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Jerusalem, November 18 - Officials and clerks at Israel's chief government body for support of the arts voiced confusion today upon receipt of an application to fund a production of a show at the country's most venerable and prestigious theatrical venue - but one that, unlike every other production in that establishment, does not question, challenge, undermine, or ridicule Judaism or the legitimacy of Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish homeland.

Functionaries at multiple levels of the Ministry of Culture and Sport acknowledged Thursday they continue not to grasp the bizarre application for a grant to help the Habima Theater Company produce Idit Avrahami's play Sultan's Breakfast, a drama the takes place primarily in a kindergarten, and that explores gender roles, child-adult dynamics, the border between a child's perception and reality, and other themes, with a thick layer of warm humor pervading the script. A spokesman for the ministry told reporters they still did not know what to make of the prospect of funding an artistic event without anti-Zionist or anti-religious connotations, explicit or implicit.

"We're still trying to figure this thing out," admitted Theater Division chief Meza Nin. "When the application first came in, we thought something was...Read More

11/18 Links Pt1: An Important Blow Against UN Anti-Semitism; US Senate Bill Calls for Annual Review of Palestinian Curriculum for 'Racist Violence Against Jewish People'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 18 Nov 12:00 PM

From Ian:

The Fallacy of 1,300 'Obstacles to Peace' in Middle East

The problem is that both of these claims are complete and utter nonsense. Nevertheless, that doesn't stop many world leaders and many mainstream news networks from repeating these claims over and over again as if they are black-letter laws.

One such example occurred on Oct. 29 when Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney was on CNN and pronounced that Jewish "settlements" "built on territories in the West Bank" are "illegal" under the "4th Geneva Convention" because it "forbids the transfer of civilians." In addition to making this assertion to CNN's entire audience, as if it was no more controversial than claiming that the earth is round, Coveney added that it is these "settlements" that are "making a two-state solution and a peace process more and more distant and more and more difficult."

The Geneva Conventions of 1949, which were the basis for these "international law" claims by the Irish foreign minister, were drafted to prevent the kinds of deplorable forcible deportations and mass transfers of peoples perpetrated by Nazi Germany during World War II. They are, however, completely inapplicable to how Israel came into control of Judea and Samaria.

Under the Fourth Geneva Convention cited by Coveney, in order for territory to be "occupied," it must be conquered by force from an existing sovereign state...Read More

Epidemic of mezuzahs being stolen on campus
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 18 Nov 10:15 AM

Vandalized mezuzah case at Northeastern U Hillel in October; the parchment was stolen

WTHR (Indianapolis) reports:

Starting in September, around Jewish High Holy Days, IU [Indiana University] had at least a dozen reports of sacred religious symbols, mezuzahs, stolen from dormitory doors. The mezuzah is an enclosed prayer scroll put on a doorframe, that identifies a home as Jewish and indicates God's protection.

Rabbi Sue Silberberg, the executive director at IU Hillel, said in her 31 years working at the university, IU has always been known as welcoming, with very few incidents of hate.

But she's seen a recent rise in antisemitism across the country and at IU.

The Briscoe, McNutt and Forest quads were all hit in the past month or two. One student, Silberberg said, was verbally harassed, too, by girls on her floor. Some students had their mezuzah stolen multiple times.

"It was taken and she put it back up. It was ripped down at least another two times, and then, someone else on her floor had their mezuzah ripped down. Then, it spread to another residence hall and a third residence hall," Silberberg said.

This is only the latest of a string of mezuzah thefts and vandalizations on campuses in North America.

Earlier this month, a mezuzah was stolen and damaged at...Read More

Racist Hanan Ashrawi calls the US Ambassador to the UN an Uncle Tom
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 18 Nov 08:00 AM

Hanan Ashrawi, former PLO member and darling of the Western media, sent out a racist tweet this morning.
US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield visited an UNRWA school in Ramallah, and she tweeted that she met with UNRWA officials on how they can help educate Palestinian children without teaching them hate, as they have been proven to do time and time again.

Ashrawi responded by essentially calling Thomas-Greenfield an Uncle Tom:

This tweet is incredibly offensive on so many levels.
Ashrawi is gratuitously bringing Thomas-Greenfield's race into a discussion where it is completely irrelevant.
She is saying that a high-ranking, successful Black woman is slavishly following the dictates of the white man and has no agency of her own.
She is defending UNRWA's teaching antisemitism and hate for Jews and Israel.
She is saying that UNRWA is a Palestinian school...Read More

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