Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Mahmoud Abbas' offensive Christmas message
- Netanyahu's Christmas message
- 12/24 Links Pt2: Haaretz’s Holocaust Revisionism, Molhem Barakat: From AQ Reject to Reuters
- Stunning Jerusalem snow sculptures
- Fatah plans 3 day celebration of terror to mark next prisoner release
- 12/24 Links Pt1: IAF attacks Gaza targets in response to murder of IDF employee
- What does Jesus have in common with Palestinian Arab terrorists?
- Israel: the Partner-Up Nation?
- Arab media loves self-hating Jews
Mahmoud Abbas' offensive Christmas message Posted: 25 Dec 2013 12:00 AM PST Much has been written about Mahmoud Abbas referring to Jesus as "Palestinian" in a Christmas address. But the rest of his Christmas message is no less offensive, as he attempts to use the Christian holy day as an excuse to extensively bash Israel. Here is the entire message: Palestine, the Holy Land, extends its warmest seasonal greetings to the peoples of the world on the holy occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.Abbas also talked about the impending release of more murderous terrorists - at the Church of the Nativity. Don't Christians find Abbas' nauseating attempts to hijack the holiday for his own political purposes to be hugely offensive? Why is there no outcry about this cynical and sickening politicization of Christmas? |
Posted: 24 Dec 2013 07:00 PM PST |
12/24 Links Pt2: Haaretz’s Holocaust Revisionism, Molhem Barakat: From AQ Reject to Reuters Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:00 PM PST From Ian: Caroline Glick: Kerry's oh-so-'90s security nonsense Like his supporters, US Secretary of State John Kerry has apparently been asleep for the past 20 years.Elliott Abrams: No closer to peace Two recent articles are reminders that he is unlikely to succeed. In the first, the Arab League says it rejects a continued Israeli troop presence on the eastern border of a future state of Palestine, a proposal Palestinians say was floated by the U.S. earlier this month. Arab League chief Nabil Al-Arabi said Saturday no peace deal would work with Israeli presence in a Palestinian state.US plan said to include dismantling all Jordan Valley settlements The proposals, discussed by US Secretary of State John Kerry with Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on his recent visits here, infuriated Abbas, who last week went over Kerry's head and wrote a letter of protest to US President Barack Obama about his concerns.Report: Abbas Will Oppose Official Recognition of Jewish State Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas presented his terms for the acceptance of a U.S.-backed framework agreement with Israel to the Arab League over the weekend in Cairo, Ma'an News Agency reported on Monday. Among Abbas' conditions, there is to be no recognition of Israel as a Jewish State.Israel Archives document: Mossad trained Mandela Israel State Archives has published a 50-year-old letter from the Mossad claiming it unknowingly offered paramilitary training to a young Nelson Mandela, along with documents illustrating the Jewish state's sympathy for the anti-apartheid struggle in the 1960s.UN Watch: Timeline: Democracies denounce UN's Richard Falk for racism U.S. condemns UN's Richard Falk stooping to "new low", demands his resignation MS. PSAKI: Well, let me very clear here. We condemn and completely reject Richard Falk's latest outrageous statements made during an interview with Russia Today. The Administration has repeatedly condemned in the strongest terms his despicable and deeply offensive comments, particularly his anti-Semitic blog postings, his endorsement of 9/11 conspiracy theories, and more recently, his deplorable statements with regard to the terrorist attacks in Boston. His most recent remarks, however, represent a new low. We do not support his mandate or his work, which has been one-sided and biased, nor do we believe he should continue to serve as independent UN rapporteur, and we reiterate our calls for him to step down from this role.Haaretz's Holocaust Revisionism A new level of vileness has been reached in the pages of Haaretz. It has already published work extremely critical of the State of Israel–even running columnists that support boycotting the state. But regardless of one's opinions on the Palestinian issue, the paper has now shown that it exists in a world entirely divorced from any Jewish consensus, and cannot claim the title of loyal opposition. It has crossed all prior bounds of decency and published a criticism of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, calling it a "myth," and accusing its heroes of being responsible for the ultimate liquidation of the Ghetto. Despite disagreements on diplomatic, territorial, and religious issues, the memory of the Holocaust–its heroes and victims–had been the great unifying porch in post-War Jewish consciousness. Now the Holocaust is fair game too.Bennett: Haaretz is Anti-Jewish "In recent months Haaretz has been running an organized and precise campaign against the Jewish identity of Israel," Bennett wrote. "Various groups, in conjunction with Haaretz, have been leading the battle. They have had articles that deny the connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, and others against visits by students to Jewish sites."Why is The New York Times Silent When Hamas Says to Harvest the Skulls of the Jews? • Hamas TV tells Palestinians it is an "act of worship" to "harvest the skulls of the Jews," and the Times is silent.Media's Lexicon Poisons Public Perceptions of Israel Given Israel's undeniable historical and legal claims to Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem, it is offensive to state that Jews who live there are in "settlements," while Arabs live in nearby "neighborhoods, towns, and villages."Guess which British journalist re-tweeted Gilad Atzmon? If you're entertaining the notion that Bar-Hillel's re-tweet of Atzmon did not in fact 'imply endorsement', consider that Atzmon's post (The Milibands, The BBC and The Proloteriat, Oct. 13) included passages which are quite consistent with Bar-Hillel's own complaints about the stifling of debate about Israel.PSC patron's Christmas smear of Israel promoted on multiple BBC platforms As for Dalrymple's claim of those same Christians being pressured by the Israeli government, the simple fact that the vast majority do not live under Israeli rule is enough to demonstrate the absurdity of that assertion, but of course many members of the BBC audiences listening to or reading Dalrymple's piece will not be aware of its geo-political background. Neither will they be aware of Israel's annual efforts to facilitate Christmas celebrations for the Palestinian Christians from the Gaza Strip and the PA controlled areas.Molhem Barakat: From Al-Qaida Reject to Reuters Barakat tried to join Al-Qaida. After learning of the photographer's death, Hannah Lucinda Smith wrote that Barakat was the subject of her story, My Friend, the Aspiring Suicide Bomber.Why Do Human Rights Groups Punish Access? Human-rights groups are an important component of civil society, even if the best-known groups—Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty International, Human Rights First, and various United Nations offshoots—corrupt their mission by conflating human rights with politics.Kanye West wants to take back 'ignorant compliment' about Jews He told the Chicago-based radio station B96 on Thursday that he was unaware his comment comparing Jews and Blacks would be so ill-received, adding that it was taken the wrong way.CareFusion invests $100 million in Caesarea Medical Electronics American medical tech company CareFusion has that it will invest $100 million for a 40 percent minority stake in Caesarea Medical Electronics(CME), Israel's infusion pump systems manufacturer.AirMule successfully completes series of automated test flights All unmanned aerial vehicles have a futuristic feel to them, but if you want something that looks like it came straight out of a science fiction film, you can't beat a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft.Spanish city opening museum on its 'forgotten' Jews The Palace of the Forgotten, as the museum is called, is scheduled to open on Jan. 2. It is housed inside the Santa Ines palace located in Albaicin — a neighborhood in the southern city's old center where many Jews used to live before 1492, when they were forced to convert to Christianity or flee.Ancient Jewish Texts Found in Afghanistan to Debut Next Week Professor Hagai Ben-Shammai, academic director of the National Library spoke to Arutz Sheva Monday about the event, and revealed that thousands of texts were found in the genizah - some dating back to the first century CE. The National Library has managed to acquire 29 texts for archival purposes.Israel Daily Picture: A Special Feature for Our Christian Readers -- Christmas in the Holy Land 100+ Years Ago Most of the photographs on this page were taken by the American Colony Photographic Department before and after World War I when the British captured Palestine after 400 years of Ottoman rule. Other pictures are from collections at Chatham University and the Irish Catholic Church. |
Stunning Jerusalem snow sculptures Posted: 24 Dec 2013 01:30 PM PST The snow is almost all melted in Jerusalem, although there are some leftover piles here and there. The Jerusalem Municipality held a snow sculpture contest last weekend, inviting people to submit their best work on their Facebook page. And the entries range from whimsical to stunning. Enjoy: By the way, I stumbled onto this while trying to figure out how to pay a Jerusalem parking ticket online. |
Fatah plans 3 day celebration of terror to mark next prisoner release Posted: 24 Dec 2013 11:00 AM PST Israel's third release of terrorists - in exchange for "peace" talks - is scheduled for December 29. The peace-loving Palestinian Authority will turn the terrorist release into a three-day celebration of terrorism, since January 1 is the 49th anniversary of Fatah's first terror attack in January 1965 and is therefore the official anniversary of Fatah itself even though the organization is several years older. A Fatah Central Committee member, Mahmoud Aloul, said that the event will celebrate "war heroes and martyrs." He added, "We assure the continuation of the Palestinian revolution in the face of the occupier." What "occupied" land was Fatah trying to "liberate" in 1965 again? |
12/24 Links Pt1: IAF attacks Gaza targets in response to murder of IDF employee Posted: 24 Dec 2013 09:00 AM PST From Ian: The academic boycott of Israel is the hill to fight on The BDS movement went too far this time. Its position on academic boycotts is indefensible.Israel and the Disparity Between Academia and Commerce So why the disparity between the worlds of commerce and academia?The ASA boycott: Academic freedom for me, but not for thee Seeming to give credence to Orwell's wry observation that "there are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them," the fatuous members of the American Studies Association (ASA) passed a December 15th resolution to institute an academic boycott against Israeli universities. Admitting that the organization consciously made the decision to ignore the academic transgressions of universities in any number of other totalitarian, oppressive countries which stifle dissent and imprison errant professors, and which might actually deserve to be censured, ASA president Curtis Marez, a University of California at San Diego associate professor of ethnic studies, said "that many nations, including many of Israel's neighbors, are generally judged to have human-rights records that are worse than Israel's, or comparable." Nevertheless, he contended, his tendentious organization would focus solely on Israeli institutions, since, as he stated quite tellingly and disingenuously, "One has to start somewhere."WaPo: Dozens of U.S. universities reject academic boycott of Israel Dozens of American colleges and universities are rejecting an academic boycott of Israeli universities recently approved by the academic American Studies Association, the nation's oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history. And a few schools said they are withdrawing from the organization.Kenyon College withdrawing from American Studies Assoc over Israel boycott (Update – Indiana too) The List of Universities rejecting academic boycott of Israel is growing rapidly. These two announcements are significant because they involve withdrawals of Institutional Membership, not just condemnation. This makes four universities (Penn State Harrisburg, Brandeis, Kenyon, Indiana) who are withdrawing membership, plus several others (Willamette, Hamilton, Northwestern, Tufts) who deny being Institutional Members even though listed.IAF attacks Gaza targets in response to shooting of Defense Ministry employee A civilian employee of the Defense Ministry was killed by a Palestinian gun attack on the Gaza - Israel border on Tuesday. He was identified as Salah Shukri Abu Latyef, 22, from Rahat.Policeman stabbed near Jerusalem in apparent terror attack An Israeli police officer was stabbed in the back on Monday near the West Bank settlement of Adam, north of Jerusalem.The terrorist threat The nation went through a collective state of déjà vu on Sunday. Suddenly we were all thrown back to a time when terrorist bombings were an outrageously common occurrence on our buses, on our streets and in our cafes. It could have been the mid- 1990s when Israel had embarked on the Oslo Accord, and terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad were registering their displeasure with the PLO's purported capitulation to "the Zionist entity" by staging indiscriminate murderous attacks on men, women and children. Or it could have been the early 2000s, when Palestinians launched the bloody second intifada, supposedly out of frustration with a stalled peace process.B'tselem 'Human Rights' Cameraman Convicted for Rock-Throwing The Arab youth told the soldier when he was arrested that he was just a cameraman for B'tselem and had nothing to do with the rock throwing.Government Approves Rock-Proof Window Funding The government on Monday allocated money for the installation of rock-proof windows on vehicles belonging to residents of Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. The protective windows, known as migun, will be again available to all residents for free, with the cost underwritten by the government. The program will cost the state NIS 1.25 million, the government said.In first, Sderot train chugs into rocket-protected station The first train arrived in Sderot from Tel Aviv on Tuesday morning, pulling into a rocket-proof station and marking the end of a years-long project to extend Israel's rail network to the poor, missile-battered desert town located less than a mile from the Gaza border.YouTube blocks PMW video exposing Fatah threats to kill Israelis Now, YouTube has decided to block PMW's Hebrew version of this video, claiming the video violates YouTube's "policy on depiction of harmful activities."Massive Drug Lab Uncovered in PA Controlled Territories Israeli police exposed a massive drug lab in Tulkarm, a city in the Palestinian Authority controlled territories.Israel to Abbas: No, Jesus was not a Palestinian "We celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem under occupation," Abbas wrote. "This Christmas Eve, our hearts and prayers will be with the millions who are being denied their right to worship in their homeland." He called the security barrier an "annexation Wall, which is stealing [Palestinians'] land and dooming their future."Iran's "Treaty of Hudaybiyya in Geneva" In reflections on the deal with Iran, one particular Islamic theological construct has been largely neglected: The treaty of Hudaibiyya. During March 628 AD, the prophet Muhammad marched his army on Mecca, the stronghold of his polytheistic opponents. Muhammad realized his forces were at that time not likely to achieve victory, and the Meccans had no appetite for war. The two parties thus agreed on a ten-year armistice. However, when Muhammad thought his forces were strong enough to crush the Meccans, he unilaterally broke the truce and conquered Mecca. Although possibly not the first time in history a truce was broken, the significance of Hudaibiyya in Islamic teachings is that, as the prophet was chosen and protected by Allah himself, and is therefore the "perfect man" without flaw, all of his actions are commendable, mandatory and to be emulated -- treaties are made to be broken.Iran ayatollah tops Jewish slur list The Simon Wiesenthal Center put Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei at the head of its "Top Ten Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel List" for comments he made about the Jewish state.Senate Leader Moves to Speed Vote on New Sanctions Legislation Amid Iranian Boasts of Negotiations Victory The comments came a day after Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif boasted that Iran could quickly restart enrichment to 20 percent – thereby reviving debate over asymmetries in the JPA that have Tehran merely "freezing" parts of its program while the West reduces sanctions – and amid a potential showdown between the Obama administration and Congress.Islamist rebels said to forcibly convert Syrian Druze Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria forced residents of 14 Druze villages located in an isolated area to convert to Islam, The Times of Israel was told Monday.Bombing at Egypt police station kills 12, wounds 134 A powerful explosion believed to be caused by a car bomb ripped through a police headquarters in a Nile Delta city north of Cairo early on Tuesday, killing 12 people and wounding more than 100, leaving scores buried under the rubble.Corruption Scandal Rocking Turkey Engulfs Bank Known for Iran Sanctions-Busting A corruption probe involving some of Turkey's top figures has engulfed officials at a Turkish bank long linked to Iranian sanctions-busting schemes, adding a potential international dimension to a scandal that was already threatening to destabilize the country's Justice and Development Party (AKP) government.Muslim Brotherhood Channel Finds Home in Turkey The Rabaa radio channel, a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated channel, went on-air in Turkey on Friday, Dec. 21. The channel is named for Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiyyah Square, where hundreds of Egyptians died in August during protests against Morsi's ouster. The four-fingered "Rabaa" hand signal has become the symbol of those opposing the overthrow of Morsi. |
What does Jesus have in common with Palestinian Arab terrorists? Posted: 24 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST AP reports that PA president Mahmoud Abbas has referred to Jesus as a "Palestinian" messenger of hope. This puts Jesus in interesting company. Abbas also recently honored Abu Jihad, responsible for 125 deaths, as a "Palestinian" hero. He has also called dozens of convicted murderers released from Israeli prisons "heroic." Abbas has also praised the mastermind of the 1972 Olympics massacre. And the terror leader of the DFLP. And the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem. What would Jesus say? |
Israel: the Partner-Up Nation? Posted: 24 Dec 2013 05:00 AM PST From Forbes: The truth is that to become the #2 startup ecosystem in the world after Silicon Valley, it's taken a complicated calculus of educational, societal, and entrepreneurial influences to make Israel the economy it is.As one of the officials I spoke to yesterday mentioned to me, Israel's continued economic strength and growth is the most effective response to those who are trying to isolate the Jewish state diplomatically. The world has no problem overlooking China's daily, gross violations of human rights - because of its huge economy. The EU happily ignores Moroccan and Turkish occupations of territory - because of economic benefits. And the same goes for dozens of other countries whose human rights records are horrendous but happily ignored by corporations and nations alike. Look at it this way: Has official discrimination against women in virtually every Arab country ever been a factor in stopping Western nations from signing economic agreements? Just recently, France's prime minister visited Algeria to boost economic cooperation - despite its poor human rights record. Economics drives diplomacy far more than the other way around. And that fact is what will secure Israel more than any piece of paper. |
Arab media loves self-hating Jews Posted: 24 Dec 2013 02:00 AM PST Whenever a Jew makes news for his or her anti-Zionist or antisemitic beliefs, the Arab media happily publishes it. In only the last day:
There have also been recent favorable mentions of Max Blumenthal's latest anti-Israel screed. I'm sure that all these Jews are very proud that their hate finds a willing audience and venues in the antisemitic Arab media. |
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