יום שני, 2 בדצמבר 2013

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Muslim family attacked in Jerusalem - because attackers thought they were Jewish

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 07:30 PM PST

From YNet:
A Muslim family from east Jerusalem was attacked two weeks ago by three Arab youths near the road of Sur Baher. Only after the group learnt that the family was in fact Palestinian did they leave them alone.

Rashuan Salman, his wife and their baby daughter were making their way from Umm-Tuba to Jerusalem, using the same road used by the family of two-year-old Avigail Ben Zion who was moderately injured after being hit in the head by a rock, when they were attacked.

"After driving along the road near Sur Baher three Arab youths jumped up on us," Salman told Ynet on Sunday.

"They tried to pull us out of the car and hit us, it seemed they were intent on lynching us. They tried opening the doors and my wife begged them to leave us alone. She spoke to them in Arabic and only then did they understand that we ourselves are Arabs, and left us alone. I hit the gas and drove away as fast as possible."

According to him, the youth clearly mistook them for Jews: "Me and my wife look Jewish, even the police officer who arrived said 'at first sight I was sure you were Jews.' He told us that these types of things happen all the time."
What's that word again when people target Jews for no other reason except that they are Jews?

It's on the tip of my tongue...

Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it doesn't apply to the attackers here.

(h/t Gary)

75 year old recipe for "Palestinian Levivot" and other Chanukah delicacies

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 04:00 PM PST

From the Palestine Post, December 15, 1938:

Interestingly, this page distinguishes between levivot - regular pancakes - and potato pancakes, while today they are considered the same thing - latkes.

Haaretz has an interesting history of the word levivot, the latke and sufganiya.

I suppose this is evidence that Chanukah latkes are really a Palestinian Arab food - after all, we've heard the same arguments about the Palestinian football teams, the Palestine pound and stamps of Palestine from the 1930s and 1940s as somehow being proof of an ancient Arab nation of Palestine.

What's one more lie?

Chanukah video post #5: "Eight Nights a Week" plus The Colbert Report

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 02:00 PM PST

The inevitable Beatles parody (h/t Yerushalimey):

Plus a mashup of recent Colbert mentions of Chanukah:

ICC wouldn't have jurisdiction over settlements

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 12:00 PM PST

Here is the abstract of a new paper by Professor Eugene Kontorovich, who I have quoted before.

Writing in the Journal of International Criminal Justice, Kontorovich notes that according to current law, the ICC does not have the right to rule about the legality of settlements - something the PLO threatens Israel with constantly.

In the wake of the United Nations General Assembly's recognition of Palestinian statehood, the Palestinian government has made clear its intention to accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC), where it could, in principle, challenge the legality of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. This article explores a significant jurisdictional hurdle for such a case. (To focus on jurisdictional issues, the article assumes for the sake of argument the validity of the merits of legal claims against the settlements.) The ICC can only consider situations 'on the territory' of Palestine. Yet the scope of that territory remains undefined. The norm against settlements arises in situations of occupation. However, in the majority view an 'occupation' can arise even in an area that is not the territory of any state. In this respect, ICC jurisdiction is narrower than the corresponding Geneva Convention norm, as it only extends to sovereign state territory. Thus even if Israel is an occupying power throughout the West Bank for the purposes of substantive humanitarian law, this does not establish that settlement activity occurs 'on the territory' of Palestine. Moreover, both the General Assembly resolution and the International Court of Justice's Wall Advisory opinion make clear that the borders of Palestine remain undefined. The ICC lacks the power to determine boundaries of states, and certainly of non-member states. Given that Israel is a non-member state, determining the borders of Palestine, even for jurisdictional purposes, would violate the Monetary Gold principle, as it would also determine Israel's borders. Moreover, the Oslo Accords give Israel exclusive criminal jurisdiction over Israelis in the West Bank. Palestine cannot delegate to the ICC territorial jurisdiction that it does not possess.

12/01 Links: Israel, the Pilgrims and the Maccabees, The truth about Christians in Bethlehem

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 10:00 AM PST

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Israel, the Pilgrims and the Maccabees
So too today, Israel is castigated by Obama and his supporters in Washington, Europe and the media as a warmonger for realistically foreseeing the consequences of last weekend's nuclear deal with Iran. Even worse, they are portraying Israel as a rogue state that will be subject to punishment if it dares to militarily strike Iran's nuclear installations. In other words, rather than threatening Iran – the leading state sponsor of terrorism, led by a regime that is pursuing an illicit nuclear weapons program while threatening Israel with annihilation – with military strikes if it refuses to cease and desist from building nuclear weapons, the world powers are threatening Israel.
British Foreign Minister William Hague made this projection of Iranian criminality onto its intended victim the explicit policy of the world powers on Monday during his appearance before the British Parliament.
Promising that Britain will be "on its guard" to prevent any state from threatening the agreement with Iran, Hague said, "We would discourage anybody in the world, including Israel, from taking any steps that would undermine this agreement and we will make that very clear to all concerned." In other words, as Hague, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry see things, Iran needs to be protected from Israel.
Iran is happy. Next up: The Palestinians
I think the expectation that Obama will give Israel time to salve its wounds is misguided. This is a president who came to office determined to weaken the influence of the pro-Israel community, and "rebalance" Israel's relationship with its neighbors, Iran and the Palestinians. Rebalancing of course, can be defined here as weakening Israel's strategic position, since Israel's relative strength is perceived to be unfair and some of its power (and wealth) needs to be redistributed.
The president, a narcissist to the end, may think he is on a roll in the Middle East. His press clippings are certainly better these days on this front than for his health care reform. So with a bit of momentum, he may well think now is the time for him to slam down the hammer on the so-called "peace process," or rather, slam it down once again on Israel. And if he needs a workman to do the job, he can count on John Kerry, who, once again, will be "reporting for duty."
Examining the BBC's track record on Jewish refugees from Arab lands
On November 30th 2013 the BBC News website's home page and Middle East page both promoted a feature titled "In pictures: Early years of Palestinian refugees" which showcases images from the newly digitised archives of UNRWA – currently being promoted by that organization within the framework of its permanent public relations campaign.
Quite how the promotion of campaigning material produced by politically motivated organisations can be considered part of the BBC's remit or in adherence to its editorial guidelines on impartiality is a (big) question in itself, but it is notable that the captions to the photographs showcased by the BBC adhere diligently to the UNRWA script, with the text accompanying the final photograph, for example, reading:
"There are now four generations of Palestinian refugees. The "right of return" to their former homes in what is now Israel remains one of the thorniest issues in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."
But of course the issue of Palestinian refugees is only half the story. The other half – that of Jewish refugees from Arab lands – has no dedicated UN refugee agency to document its history, no hereditary refugee status, no UN sponsored 'Solidarity Day' and no UN funded committee to champion its 'inalienable rights'.
The Israeli Left and the Myth of 'Palestinian' Susiya
A legal battle over a historic site in the Hevron Hills continues, with Israeli far-left groups joining the Palestinian Authority in accusing Israel of "forced displacement" of Arab villagers in Susiya. They have won support from several international left-wing groups and media outlets as well.
The problem: the "Palestinian village" that Israel is supposedly uprooting never existed.
Tzviki Bar-Hai, the head of the Har Hevron regional council, explained the issue in an interview with Arutz Sheva. Bar-Hai has seen the development of the archaeological site at Susiya – which is home to the remains of an ancient Jewish village - from day one.
Not only did "Palestinian Susiya" not exist in the 1800s, as has been claimed by the far-left group B'Tselem, but it did not even exist in the 1980s, he reported.
Bereaved Father's Disgust: 'Just Free all Terrorists Now'
If the government is planning to release dozens more convicted terrorist killers, it should simply free them now rather than dragging out the process, bereaved father and anti-terrorism activist Ron Kerman has argued.
"Why wait nine months? Just release all the terrorists today already," Kerman told Arutz Sheva.
Kerman's suggestion came in response to reports that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is planning to end negotiations with Israel as soon as the terrorist release is complete. Abbas has openly declared that his goal is to free all PA terrorists from Israeli prisons, and that he does not plan to compromise on a single issue in negotiations.
Israeli officials: Obama gave Iran right to enrich, destroying sanctions
Unnamed Israeli officials denounced US President Barack Obama on Friday night for presiding over failed negotiations with Iran under which, they said, the sanctions pressure on Tehran is collapsing and the Islamic Republic has been granted the right to enrich uranium. The entire wall of sanctions, painstakingly constructed over years, is already crumbling and "will collapse within months," the officials were quoted as saying.
In comments reported by Israel's Channel 2 news and attributed to unnamed senior Israeli officials and official sources in Jerusalem, Obama was castigated for ostensibly showing he "will do anything to avoid a situation in which he will have to resort to force" against Iran.
Netanyahu orders Mossad to expose Iranian breaches of interim deal
Mossad, as well as the IDF's Military Intelligence Directorate, have been told to dig up evidence of Iranian duplicity ahead of Obama's push to win support for the deal in Congress and thus head off legislators' demands for further sanctions against Iran, the Sunday Times reported, citing Israeli defense sources.
"Everyone has his own view regarding the Geneva agreement," an Israeli intelligence source was quoted as saying. "But it is clear that if a smoking gun is produced, it will tumble like a house of cards."
If Israel does produce evidence that Iran is flouting its deal with the world powers, the agreement could prove a tough sell for Obama in Congress.
Rouhani says Iran will intensify nuclear work
Not only is Iran not going to dismantle any of its nuclear facilities as part of an effort to reach a long-term agreement to limit its nuclear development, it will also construct a second nuclear reactor at Bushehr, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in comments over the weekend.
Addressing provincial managers and officials of Bushehr province on Saturday night, Rouhani said "Based on our estimates, the second nuclear power plant will be built in the same province and I hope that we can use the facilities of this province," Fars News reported. According to the report, Iran has identified 34 locations throughout the country where new nuclear facilities could be built.
Obama has accepted a nuclear Iran
The more facts that come to light from the negotiations in Geneva, the more the agreement appears to resemble Swiss cheese. There are many holes in the agreement as well as some serious vagueness. Barack Obama and John Kerry are not persuading the average American that this was any kind of achievement. They simply assume that most of the American public are willing to have their leaders deceive them. This is what the fight is about on Capitol Hill. In the present round, Israel is not holding back its criticism of the agreement, but neither is it taking steps against the While House.
Analyzing the administration's conduct leads to the conclusion -- for which there is yet no proof -- that Obama has made a decision to reconcile himself to Iran's nuclearization. Perhaps full nuclearization, perhaps stopping at a point where Iran is a threshold country that can assemble four nuclear bombs in a very short period of time. There is no "smoking gun" to prove this circumstantial belief, but the evidence is getting stronger by the day.
Iranian, Turkish spy services working in 'close collaboration'
Ambassador Alireza Bikdeli, speaking at a conference in Ankara, said the Iranian Intelligence service MOIS was working in "close collaboration" with Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MİT).
Speaking to the Turkish daily Hürriyet, Bigdeli said the intelligence cooperation between the two countries were at a level that should be between strong neighbors, which bothered Western powers as well as Israeli authorities.
Erdogan's problems with his neighbors
What went wrong? Dubbed "neo-Ottomanism" by various analysts, the AKP Party's foreign policy sought to establish Turkey as a model state for the Arab world, at a time when the Arab Spring continues to reshape the political landscape. A romantic in nature, Erdogan envisaged a renaissance of Turkey's soft power – with him at the helm – that would push the ideas of democracy, modernism and peaceful reconciliation in a troubled region.
As a non-Arab actor, however, Erdogan found religion, rather than national identity, to be the common value to appeal to the Arab masses. As a selfdeclared "conservative democrat," he guided his party members to voice support for free elections in all Arab states, while allying themselves with the Islamist-leaning and populist political movements, with whom they share common ideological roots.
Find your way around the mall with Mally
The idea was developed by Issa, a Christian Arab woman from the Haifa area, with a Spanish partner. The new app is already installed in a mall in Toledo, Spain, and two more malls are coming on board next. It is currently available in English, Hebrew, Spanish and Catalan.
"We are closing a deal with a shopping center's administration agency, which is holding 47 malls in Spain. They all have Google Indoor [Google Maps on Android devices] already, but are totally unsatisfied with it," she says.
"To map the malls around the world isn't easy," she continues. "We give the whole experience. When you enter, we not only help you navigate but also give you content and information — what offers are being made right now."
'Like sending back art Nazis looted': Iraqi Jews who fled persecution fight to stop U.S. from returning stolen artifacts to Baghdad
Set against the historical backdrop, the impending return of the Iraqi Jewish archive to Iraq has angered an ex-patriot community scattered by tragic circumstance. American and Iraqi Jews worldwide are urging the U.S. government to return the Jewish items to the Iraqi Jews. A petition signed by 47 members of Congress was delivered to Secretary of State John Kerry on Nov. 13, asserting that the "Government of Iraq has no legitimate claim to these artifacts," echoing earlier statements from New York Senator Chuck Schumer.
Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird, added his voice to his American counterparts in an email to the National Post Friday. "It is unfortunate that Iraq is simply not prepared to openly chronicle this tragic history as a monument for the people of Iraq, towards a meaningful reconciliation, or towards the historical preservation of archives and other items that document the ancient heritage of Iraqi Jewry," the minister wrote. (h/t AlexandreM)
Netanyahu heads for Rome to meet Pope, Italian PM
Netanyahu is expected to invite the pope to Israel.
The meeting will be the prime minister's first with the current pope, who met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in October at the Vatican and with President Shimon Peres in April. Netanyahu met with the previous pope, Benedict XVI, in 2009, as well as with Pope John Paul II in 1997.
Six government ministers are joining Netanyahu on the trip and will meet with the Italian government.
With song and remorse, an unlikely Amish group comes to Israel
The group, which flew out of Israel early Sunday morning, is unique in the traditional Amish world. Brought to the country by Keshet, an Israeli educational tourism company, its members were on their third Reconciliation Mission to Israel to Israel to build bridges with the Jewish people and show remorse for what they called the Amish community's apathy at generations of Jewish suffering.
"We, the Amish and Anabaptist people turned away from the Jewish nation, while they were in their darkest hour of need," reads the group's mission statement. "We hardened our hearts against them, we left them — never lifting our voices in protest against the atrocities that were committed against them. We want to publicly repent of this and acknowledge our support of Israel."
Repressing Christians through an Islamised Jesus
Time and again, Muslims, especially those in Egypt, project Islamic thinking onto Christians: thus the Coptic church has been accused of smuggling and storing weapons in its churches to take over the nation (when in fact mosques are regularly exposed housing illegal weapons for the jihad).
It has been acused of kidnapping and torturing Coptic girls who convert to Islam (when in fact Muslim converts to Christianity -- apostates -- are regularly beaten, imprisoned, and sometimes killed); and even of supporting suicide-attacks when the church speaks of Copts being martyred (because in Islam being "martyred" so often means actively sacrificing one's life in "holy war").
The truth about Christians in Bethlehem (a repost from 2012)
Facts overlaid in top of a propaganda video made by the Palestinian Authority for Christmas 2012. They don't want you to know that Christians are fleeing Palestinian-ruled areas because of harassment and discrimination.

Israel Defense Forces assemble in 'menorah formation'
How do members of the Israel Defense Forces wish a Happy Hanukkah? By assuming "menorah formation," of course. (h/t MtTB)

Today's "storming" of the Temple Mount

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 08:00 AM PST

JPost reports:
Clashes broke out between Jewish and Muslim worshipers at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Sunday morning, prompting police to close the site to Jewish worshipers.

According to Army Radio, a group of Jewish worshipers visiting the Temple Mount began singing Hanukka songs and demonstratively praying despite police instruction against such activity.

Several dozen Muslim worshipers responded by attacking the Jewish worshipers. Police broke up the clashes, detaining two Jewish worshipers and two Muslims in the process.
So the worst that Jews do is - sing.

Once again, as they do every day, Arab media is condemning "Jewish extremists storming" the Temple Mount.

Let's look at the video made by the Al Aqsa Foundation of today's events, slightly edited:

Arab media is also saying that a planned Chanukah lighting ceremony this week at the Kotel will be a "desecration of the Buraq Wall by Netanyahu" as "settlers perform Talmudic rituals."

Egypt may revoke citizenship of Gazans who are MB - and maybe Hamas - members

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 06:00 AM PST

In 2011, Egypt started allowing Palestinians who had Egyptian mothers to become citizens. Tens of thousands of Gazans applied for citizenship, and hundreds received it.

The episode exposed one of the biggest lies of the Middle East, a lie that has been espoused by UNRWA from the beginning of its existence - that Palestinian Arabs do not want citizenship in Arab countries, and would prefer to remain stateless in anticipation of "return."

One of the most prominent to receive citizenship in Egypt was none other than Mahmoud Zahar, a prominent Hamas leader.

Now, it looks like Egypt may be having second thoughts.

According to reports, new Egyptian citizens who live in Gaza are receiving notices that their citizenship could be revoked if they are affiliated with any political party that is banned in Egypt. And the current Egyptian regime has banned the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas is of course an offshoot of the MB.

The reports say that many Gazans seeking to enter Egypt are being harassed at the Rafah crossing if their political views are considered suspect. Egyptian authorities have responded that naturalized citizens are not allowed to belong to any political party for five years after becoming citizens.

When Zahar became an Egyptian citizen he said explicitly that he wanted to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood in elections.

I have still yet to see a single major human rights group insist that Palestinians who wish to become citizens of Arab countries have that right. Not one.

You mean those "civilians" really were jihadists?

Posted: 01 Dec 2013 03:45 AM PST

According to a Ma'an editorial:
Immediately after Israeli forces murdered Mahmoud al-Najjar, Mousa Makhamra and Muhammad Nayroukh in Yatta on Tuesday, Israel started a large media campaign claiming the three men were planning to found an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in the West Bank.

The campaign was very fast, very large and prepared in advance. Media outlets in the Arab world and in Palestine bought the Israeli argument to a certain extent by quoting reports about the incident from Israeli sources.

The absence of an official Palestinian account, and the fact that Palestinian factions and security services remained silent, helped circulate the Israeli account and even give it some credibility. ...The world has almost forgotten that Israeli forces carried out a predetermined, well planned military attack against young men in the prime of their youth driving a civilian car.
PCHR described it this way:
On Tuesday evening, 26 November 2013, Israeli forces killed in 2 separate attacks of an extra-judicial execution and excessive use of lethal forces 3 Palestinian civilians in the vicinity of Yatta, south of Hebron.

In a new crime of extra-judicial execution, Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinian civilians in Hebron by targeting their vehicle near Zaif area, north of Yatta, south of the city. ...

Half an hour later, in an excessive use of force, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian in the south of Hebron. ....

After examination of the crime scene, it was found that Israeli forces had opened fire randomly at al-Najjar while he was walking near the house, due to which, he was hit by a number of bullets causing his death before he was taken to the hospital.
The IDF's version of events and Palestinian corroboration was all but ignored in Arab media:
Thousands of mourners attended the funerals Wednesday of three suspected Palestinian militants who were killed in an Israeli army raid in the West Bank the day before.

The three were jihadi Salafis, or followers of a militant stream of puritanical Islam, and had planned attacks on Israelis and on the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian self-rule government in the West Bank, said Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli army spokesman.

Lerner said the group had started putting together a terrorist infrastructure, including assembling weapons and explosives. He said the cell was the "first substantial indication" of violent activity by jihadi Salafis in the West Bank.

A Palestinian security official said jihadi Salafis in the West Bank are a cause of concern, but declined to give an estimate on how many there are.

Lerner said Israeli special forces stopped the car the three were riding in and shot out the tires. He said the men in the car acted suspiciously and that soldiers opened fire, killing two, while the third escaped on foot. The fugitive was later killed in a hideout several kilometers (miles) away, Lerner said.

Palestinian security forces previously had attempted to arrest the three, but they escaped, said Nairouh's brother Obeidallah and al-Najjar's uncle, Taleb.

Palestinian police have arrested 22 suspected jihadi Salafis in Hebron and the West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin in the last three weeks, the Palestinian security official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters.

Obeidallah Nairouh said his brother had served six years in an Israeli prison for Hamas-related activities. In prison, Mohammed quit Hamas and drifted toward the Salafis, his brother said.

He said his brother was upset with Hamas for not imposing Shariah law in Gaza and spoke frequently about the need to engage in jihad, or holy war.
Today, an Al-Qaeda group admitted that these three were jihadists:

An al-Qaeda-linked group said three militants killed in the West Bank by Israeli forces last week were its members, and that their presence there showed that the Islamist network had taken root in the Palestinian territory.

"By the will of God Almighty, the global jihadi doctrine has reached the bank of pride, the West Bank, planting its foothold after all attempts to thwart its presence," said a statement posted by Majles Shura al-Mujahideen, or Holy Warriors' Assembly, on an Islamist web forum.

In its online statement, Majles Shura al-Mujahideen denounced the peacemaking efforts and threatened attacks on Israel and the PA.

"We call on every sincere person to cut off what is called 'negotiations', which causes one's nose to turn away with its foul stench of collaboration," the statement said. "We are serious about fighting the aggression against religion by the blaspheming Jews and the hypocritical collaborators."
Now let's return to Ma'an's editorial. After downplaying the idea that these were jihadists, it said that even if they were, they shouldn't be attacked - they should be respected - just like the IDF engages in dialogue with Haredim!

Fighting Jihadist Salafist ideologies and radicalism shouldn't be through targeted assassinations of supporters of these ideologies, simply because, violence begets violence. The right way to do that is through the withdrawal of the occupation on one hand, and through dialogue between Palestinian organizations and Salafists on the other. Those people should be invited to dialogue sessions to listen to their thoughts and obsessions.

There will never be any solution except through education, reflection, dialogue and participation. Israel has been trying for years to get religious people to do military service through dialogue with those people and through listening to their demands.
Yes, Ma'an believes that al-Qaeda and black-hatted Jews are the same thing - and that jihadists just want to talk about their feelings. the poor people are just troubled by the moderation of Hamas and the PA, and only want to be heard.

Their violence is a cry for help!  The poor mujahadeen are so vulnerable and alone.

We should be sending social workers to Pakistan and Afghanistan, not drones!

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