Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- It's artificial earthquake time!
- Peace Now doesn't have a very "big tent" for those who disagree
- 12/10 Links Pt2: Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic, CBS orders 'The Dovekeepers’ series.
- A whopping Palestinian Arab lie gets even bigger!
- UN appeared to use pro-Palestinian litmus test in screening applicants
- How HRW and Amnesty have failed women in the Middle East (NGO Monitor)
- 12/10 Links Pt1: Obama’s four-state solution, Iran Executed 529 people in 2013, Hamas renews Iranian ties
- Terrorists unhappy with Israel-Jordan-PA water deal
- European NGO blames Israel for Gaza men beating, abusing their wives
- Bahrain's ambassador to France visits Holocaust memorial
It's artificial earthquake time! Posted: 10 Dec 2013 11:00 PM PST Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs in Gaza, Ismail Radwan, says that the Israelis are going to cause an artificial earthquake to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and to build a new Solomon's Temple in its place. Really, the Palestinian Arabs need to come up with something new to accuse Israel of. They have warned us about this impending earthquake in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012 and an Egyptian "researcher" made a similar claim earlier this year. I really don't know what is taking those Jews so long. After all, they already tested the technology in 1927, when the Al Aqsa mosque was damaged but, alas, not destroyed. By now I'm sure the technology has been perfected. |
Peace Now doesn't have a very "big tent" for those who disagree Posted: 10 Dec 2013 06:00 PM PST From Einat Wilf's Facebook page: Several weeks ago I was approached by Peace Now to speak at their annual conference on a panel discussing whether international pressure on Israel is necessary to promote peace. I was specifically told that my point of view (which opposes such pressure and certainly the domestic efforts to invite it) would be very appreciated in this discussion.As you can see, Einat Wilf is not a right winger. She entered Knesset as part of the Labor party and moved to Ehud Barak's Independence party. And the supposedly liberal Peace Now cannot countenance the fact that she is on the advisory board of NGO Monitor! I'm waiting to hear the groundswell of outrage from members of the Left who are aghast that their "big tent" doesn't include pro-peace but unapologetically Zionist liberals. This episode proves quite easily that groups like Peace Now are a lot less tolerant then they pretend to be. And that they are not as comfortable with the idea of a proudly Jewish state as they claim. They embrace the narrative of Israel's enemies and marginalize people like Wilf, which speaks volumes to how "Zionist" they are. (h/t PMB) |
12/10 Links Pt2: Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic, CBS orders 'The Dovekeepers’ series. Posted: 10 Dec 2013 03:30 PM PST From Ian: Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic The proposition that anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic does not mean that anti-Zionists necessarily hold classically anti-Semitic beliefs: anti-Zionism is a variant of anti-Semitism, even if it sometimes also manifests itself as a cover for a more traditional variety of anti-Semitism. Many anti-Zionists are probably sincere, therefore, when they deny accusations of anti-Semitism. That is irrelevant, however, because their agenda can be anti-Semitic in deed if not in intent. The bearer of prejudiced views may still be prejudiced even while ignorant of the nature of his offence: one need not be a wife-beater to be a misogynist, if one also believes that a woman's place is in the home.A Disingenuous Defense of Hate Speech A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the disturbing decision of the influential New America Foundation to host and promote Max Blumenthal's new book calling for Israel's destruction. As I wrote then, and in a previous post noting the civil war that has broken out on the left about it, any discussion of this piece of trash need not detain us long. It is an ignorant piece of agitprop the purpose of which is to depict the State of Israel as comparable to Nazi Germany....Eugene Kontorovich: New EU/Morocco fisheries deal and its implications for Israel The positions adopted by the EU in its negotiations with Israel over grants and product labeling are inconsistent with those it has taken at the same time in its dealings with Morocco. While the EU does not recognize Israel's control over the territories, and opposes it, the same is true of its policy toward Morocco in Western Sahara. Yet this policy does not require, nor does international law, the punitive measures adopted toward Israel.Dutch FM: Europe judges Israel by a different standard than other Middle East countries Europe judges Israel by a different standard than other countries in the region because it is seen as a "European country" that should be judged by European standards, Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans said Monday.UK trade agency discourages business with settlements It was "more than strange" that a UK government agency last week issued a report assessing overseas business risks associated with dealings with Israel that discouraged British firms from doing business with West Bank settlements, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Tuesday.Elliott Abrams: Obama: Silent on Ukraine Where is U.S. President Barack Obama? Rice last week repeatedly assured us of the administration's commitment to human rights ("advancing democracy and respect for human rights is central to our foreign policy. It's what our history and our values demand, but it's also profoundly in our interests") but neither she nor the president nor the secretary of state has said much about the extraordinary events in Kiev. It's time for them -- personally, not through nameless spokesmen -- to offer at least moral support to the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians out in the streets, and to denounce the suppression of dissent by the Yanukovych government. It is not in the interest of the United States for Ukraine to fall back into the Russian orbit -- nor for our top officials to remain indifferent and near silent in the face of the largest manifestation of a demand for freedom to occur in years in Europe.The dark side of Roger Waters Waters has been calling for a boycott of Israel for years already. He turns to various artists who are planning to perform here and urges them not to come, not to lend legitimacy to our existence. It is likely that he expresses himself to them in the same biting and hurtful manner as he does in the quotes above, a contribution to the brainwashing of those who do not know the truth.What Boycott? Major Musicians Rock Israel Speculation about whether or not stars will cancel, or the latest commentary from Roger Waters (formerly of Pink Floyd and now a boycott spokesman) can give the impression that musicians teeter on the verge of agreeing with BDS. But BDS does not argue particular policies; they advocate for the elimination of the Jewish state, demanding all of Israel for Palestine.Chris McGreal story on Mandela omits his (discredited) Guardian 'expose' on SA nukes The anti-Zionist malice of Guardian "journalist" Chris McGreal has been the subject of many posts at this blog. Indeed, the error-prone propagandist – who seriously fancies the idea that Israeli snipers target Palestinian children, and is characteristically obsessed with the power of the Israel lobby – has achieved the rare status as one of the few Guardian reporters singled out by the Community Security Trust in their annual report on antisemitic discourse.Human Rights, anti-Israel campaigners and the BBC One simple litmus test for 'pro-Palestinian' organisations is the examination of their activity in the field of women's rights. Do they speak out on subjects such as enforced dress codes and 'modesty' patrols, inheritance and child custody laws, domestic violence and lenient sentences for so-called 'honour' killings? Do they promote women's education and financial independence? Or do they – as is now sadly so often the case in the 'liberal' West – regard issues such as polygamy, gender segregation, forced marriage and female genital mutilation as part of the untouchable 'culture' of a patriarchal society which their own cultural relativism prevents them from criticizing?Bulk of a BBC report is a B'Tselem press release No attempt is made in this article to provide audiences with information regarding the political views, aims and sources of funding which stand behind B'Tselem's campaigning and hence audiences are once again rendered unable to form their own opinions regarding the reliability and impartiality of claims made by that organisation.CBS orders miniseries based on 'The Dovekeepers' The makers of "The Bible" on TV are going back again in time for a CBS miniseries.Dutch company buys into Channel 2 concessionaire Endemol, a Dutch company owned by Italian media conglomerate Mediaset, produced a number of successful reality programs and created the "Big Brother" format.US to add $173 million for Israel missile defense Funding for several Israeli defense systems will be affected by the legislation.Israel's virus-killer Vecoy gets an outer-space research prize The Israeli company Vecoy Nanomedicine became a media sensation last year after ISRAEL21c covered the company's virus "decoy" designed to outwit the world's worst viral enemies before they do any damage.Israeli chemists to receive Nobel prize in Stockholm The two Israeli scientists and their Jewish American colleague who were named as winners of the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry are set to receive their awards at the Stockholm City Hall on Tuesday. The Israeli laureates join 10 other Israeli Nobel Prize winners.Israel Daily Picture: The Church of Ireland's Library Uncovered a Photographic Treasure 115 Years Old In 2011, Rev. Stephen White brought to Dublin several old cardboard boxes found in the old Church of Ireland Killaloe deanery in Limerick. He brought them to Dr. Susan Hood, the archivist for the Church of Ireland's Representative Church Body Library. |
A whopping Palestinian Arab lie gets even bigger! Posted: 10 Dec 2013 01:06 PM PST I have noted in the past an absurd statistic, given by some Palestinian Arab NGOs like Addameer and repeated by the UN and others like The Lancet and Jimmy Carter. They claimed that over 650,000 - and then 750,000 - and then 800,000 and even 900,000 Palestinian Arabs have been jailed by Israel since 1967. I've proven that these statistics were complete fiction. Every Israeli arrest is documented by PCHR, and they average about 25 arrests a week, which would make at most 1300 a year - but for these numbers to be increasing as fast as they claim in recent years, there would need to be over 50,000 people not just arrested but jailed every year! (There are about 5000 Palestinian Arabs in Israeli jails, a number that has been pretty consistent for the past couple of years.) Now, Mustafa Barghouti in Irish Times beats everyone else in his ability to lie: Now there is almost no Palestinian family that did not have someone in jail. More than 44 per cent of Palestinian adults have been to jail in one way or another.This means that even if every prisoner has only been jailed just once in his or her life, based on the current population in the territories, 1,060,000 people have been jailed! (There are about 2.4 million Palestinian Arab adults in the territories.) Of course, Irish Times doesn't bother to check his very specific sounding statistic. (Liars like to use very specific numbers to make them sound more authentic.) Just like Time magazine, the Goldstone Report, and countless others have cited the inflated and patently absurd statistics as truth, no one even considers that when intelligent looking Palestinian Arabs say something with a straight face, they might be lying. Barghouti is lying. The Irish Times is gullible. And so is the rest of the world. (h/t Adam) |
UN appeared to use pro-Palestinian litmus test in screening applicants Posted: 10 Dec 2013 12:00 PM PST From UN Watch: The following written exercise, which was revealed to UN Watch and is published for the first time today, was administered two years ago by the United Nations to applicants seeking a position with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). How many applicants were screened by this exam — and whether it remains in use — is unknown. Concerning such exams, OHCHR on Monday informed UN Watch in an emailed statement that it is "quite impossible to find out which ones have been used when, or by whom, or for what specific purpose."This is thoroughly unsurprising. Can you imagine the chances for a pro-Israel candidate to get a job at the OHCHR? No doubt the UN cannot even conceive that there is any problem here. Israel's guilt is unassailable; who could possibly argue? If you do, then the UN would consider you to be just as unstable as someone insisting that the sky is green. |
How HRW and Amnesty have failed women in the Middle East (NGO Monitor) Posted: 10 Dec 2013 10:30 AM PST NGO Monitor has just released a very impressive report, titled "Second Class Rights: How Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch Fail Women in the Middle East." Here are some excerpts from its executive summary and introduction: Given the importance of women's rights and their contribution to the development of society, the promotion of liberal democracy, and the strengthening of other human rights, they should be a primary focus of the most prominent human rights NGOs, specifically Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW). And as noted above, given that women's rights are the least protected within MENA countries, it would seem to follow that these organizations should direct significant resources and sustained campaigning toward promoting women's rights within the MENA region. |
Posted: 10 Dec 2013 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Caroline Glick: Obama's four-state solution First we had a two-state solution when Jordan, with its overwhelming Palestinian majority, was carved out of the Jewish territory.Khaled Abu Toameh: Why Isn't Kerry Listening to What the Radicals Are Saying? Hamas and its Palestinian allies will in any case never accept Israel's right to exist. So even if Abbas today gets 100% of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem to establish a Palestinian state, Hamas, which represents a substantial part of the Palestinian population, will continue to fight to "liberate the rest of Palestine."Palestinians reject US proposal for 10-year IDF presence in Jordan Valley According to Kerry's proposal, the Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley would include an "invisible" Israeli presence in the border crossings between the West Bank and Jordan and Israeli early warning stations on the eastward slopes of the West Bank highlands, the official said.Guardian prejudice aside, Israel is helping Bedouins Some of the usual suspects in the politically correct British company of Israel-bashers are at it again. This time, fifty public figures signed a letter in The Guardian on November 29, 2013 demanding that the British government protest what the letter called "forced displacement of Bedouin Palestinians" by Israel.'This is Attempted Murder' The incident occurred at about 7:00 pm, on the Egged Ta'avurah line. Rabbi Zev Shandalov, a Chicago native and Torah teacher, witnessed the attack.Romanticising rocks and stones: BBC on the first Intifada The BBC's romanticisation of stone-throwing through the use of language such as "unarmed", "captured international attention" and "enduring picture" conceals the fact that stones and rocks are potentially weapons which can be lethal to human beings – whether soldiers or civilians. But that BBC backgrounder makes no mention whatsoever either of Israelis killed during the first Intifada or of the thousand or so Palestinians killed by other Palestinians during those years, stating:Meet the Ramahis, Family of 'Peace'"The Israeli Defence Forces responded and there was heavy loss of life among Palestinian civilians. More than 1,000 died in clashes which lasted until 1993."Of course the use of rocks and stones to attack Israelis did not stop twenty years ago with the end of the first Intifada and such attacks still occur on an alarmingly regular basis. But like much of the international media, the BBC is now in its third decade of ignoring and downplaying of the potentially lethal aspects of stone-throwing and misleadingly presenting such attacks to its audiences as romantic 'non-violent' protest. Following accusations by Wajdi al-Ramahi that his 14-year-old son Wajih was the victim of a "cold-blooded murder" at the hands of Israeli "soldiers [who] wanted to pass the time and shot at him," Ha'aretz today publishes a more balanced report examining the contradictory claims regarding the boy's killing in the Jalazun refugee camp Saturday.Egyptian Army Kills Terrorist Behind Eilat Rocket Attack Egyptian sources said Monday night that Egyptian Army soldiers had eliminated Ibrahim Abu Atiyeh, a terrorist belonging to the Al Qaeda-linked Ansar Beit al-Makdis terror group. Abu Atiyeh was a leader of the group, which has claimed responsibility for a recent rocket attack on Eilat in August. Abu Atiyeh was killed in a shootout with Egyptian soldiers in northern Sinai.Iran's Kayhan Newspaper Calls on Hezbollah to Kidnap, Murder IDF Soldiers Iranian daily Kayhan called upon Lebanon's Hezbollah to avenge the assassination of a senior official last week by carrying out a combined terror and kidnapping operation and murdering IDF soldiers, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).IDF Blog: Looking Hezbollah in the Eyes: Druze Soldiers Prepare for the Enemy While Hezbollah enhances its attack capabilities, the IDF's all-Druze battalion is preparing to counter a growing threat along the northern border. As they learn to battle Hezbollah terrorists – positioned just kilometers from Druze villages – the soldiers explain that they are just protecting home.Hamas Announces Renewed Ties with Iran Hamas has "resumed" relations with Iran after a temporary falling out over the Syrian conflict, according to AFP.Report: Iran Has Executed 529 People in 2013 Iran has executed 529 people this year, including more 300 since President Hassan Rouhani assumed office in August, according to a tally compiled by the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC).U.S. Seeks to Assure Allies of Limited Iran Relief, as Evidence Mounts of Sanctions-Busting Feeding Frenzy Reuters has documented how Iran is preparing to reassert itself in oil markets, and former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz have assessed that "the threatened reimposition and strengthening of sanctions… risks losing its edge." Lastweek the Wall Street Journal cataloged a range of companies that are preparing to reenter Iran's market. The Journal noted that while sanctions relief was only granted to a few sectors of the economy, "a much wider set of European and US companies – from pharmaceutical firms and medical-equipment makers to food companies and traders – also stands to regain lost Iranian trade as soon as relief measures are formally adopted next month." The Journal describes the relief as coming from "the fine print of the deal," and particularly emphasized that renewed contacts would stem from the desire of "executives [to] re-establish ties in the Middle East's largest consumer market."Pro-Israel groups change tactics on Iran deal In a conference call last week, Howard Kohr, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's executive director, advised pro-Israel activists and leaders not to confront the Obama administration directly over the "difference of strategy" between the United States and Israel on Iran. Instead, Kohr said to focus on passing new sanctions as a means of shaping a final deal.Poll: American People Disapprove of Nuclear Deal with Iran The poll shows that a majority of the country believes that Iranian leaders are not serious about addressing concerns about their country's nuclear program.Ya'alon: Iran Building Terror Infrastructure in Central and South America Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said he believes Iran is building a terror infrastructure in Central and South America, using its embassies and local Shi'ite Muslim populations as bases.Why Is the Obama Administration Courting Hezbollah? While the U.S. the Netherlands, Israel, and Canada consider Hezbollah to be a monolithic terrorist organization, Britain maintains an entirely fictional distinction between the 'political' and 'military' wings of Hezbollah. This notion enables its officials to talk to representatives of the 'political' wing.Egypt's Women: Covered-up or Locked-up The ancient Egyptians created a sophisticated civilization, particularly regarding the status of women. On women's rights, ancient Egyptian society was considerably more liberal and progressive than Athens and Rome. Ancient Egypt's eight female pharaohs and a number of influential queens led the country as it achieved astonishing feats in a wide range of fields that include engineering, fashion and astronomy. From the archaeological evidence of the art on the ancient temples, at least in the realm of law, it appears Egyptian women had achieved equality with men. Women could own land, divorce their husbands and represent themselves in court. Women also played a central role in the how their society was governed.Can Israel and Qatar learn to be friends again? Qatar is the richest country in the world, per capita, and also one of the most perplexing. And its complexity is perhaps nowhere more apparent than in its relationship with the Jewish state. |
Terrorists unhappy with Israel-Jordan-PA water deal Posted: 10 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST Yesterday, a historic agreement: Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have signed a water sharing pact aimed at one day replenishing the rapidly drying Dead Sea.There is more that would benefit everybody: Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians have agreed to a water-sharing pact that would see the construction of a desalination plant on the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea and bring "a long-awaited Red Sea-Dead Sea pipeline one step closer to completion," according to Reuters.Some Arabs who follow zero-sum thinking are upset, because to them, if Israel benefits, then it is bad - no matter who else benefits. Islamic Jihad warned about the consequences of the agreement, "saying the move is a direct normalization with the Israeli occupation." |
European NGO blames Israel for Gaza men beating, abusing their wives Posted: 10 Dec 2013 04:15 AM PST The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights has released a laughably biased and inaccurate report about the situation of women in Gaza. As we have seen before, anti-Israel NGOs like to use any hook they can find to blame Israel and only Israel. The Goldstone Report said no less than eight times that Israel, by attacking Gaza in response to Hamas rockets, was violating the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which is beyond absurd. This report by Euro-Mid shows the same type of bias, specifically using the issue of women's rights - something Hamas is not exactly known for - as an excuse to condemn Israel. Some lowlights: Access to services in Gaza has been significantly curtailed by the 7 years long Israeli blockade. The ban on the private sector to import construction materials, medical equipment, and machinery impacts every aspect of life in Gaza, which is already highly affected by the frequent Israeli military operations.There are no Israeli restrictions on medical equipment into Gaza outside of some paperwork. Even anti-Israel groups admit this. Euro-Mid is lying. Frequent Israeli military attacks have left a large number of women in Gaza on their own to raise their families. Pal-Think for Strategic Studies estimates that in just the aftermath of the 23-day Israeli military operation called "Cast Lead" in 2008-2009, more than 800 new widows were created. These widows suffer from insecure incomes and constant feelings of threat and insecurity, high levels of anxiety and concern about lack of access to education and other services for them and their children.Given that over 700 of those killed in Cast Lead were terrorists, this means that Euro-Mid is blaming Israel for defending itself because killing terrorists creates widows! Such stresses increasingly contribute to tension within the family, with 90 per cent of the women describing the blockade and frequent Israeli military attacks as directly triggering higher levels of nervousness, tension and anxiety. A result of these growing tensions is a rise in the divorce rate (perceived as increasing by 24.6 per cent of the interviewees) and violence against women and girls. More than half (58.9 per cent) of the women in the study said they believe domestic violence is a growing problem in Gaza, and an even larger proportion (61.3 per cent) think their children are more at risk. An earlier survey (2011) by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics corroborated the women's concerns. It found that approximately 37 per cent of Palestinian women in both the West Bank and Gaza had experienced physical or sexual abuse by their husbands in the previous 12 months. A larger 51 per cent in Gaza reported violence within the household directed against at least one member (including children).Yes, when a Gaza man beats or sexually abuses his wife, he is blameless - it is all Israel's fault! I'm surprised that Euro-Mid doesn't take this to the next logical step - since Israel's existence is an affront to the Arab world by existing and thriving, it is causing more rape and wife beatings than would occur if Israel would be destroyed. Maybe next year they can put this in their report. (Just give me a hat tip, okay?) Pregnant women are particularly at risk. A report on the "Situation of and Assistance to Palestinian Women," produced in December 2012 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Commission on the Status of Women, estimates that 45 per cent of pregnant women in the Gaza Strip suffer from anemia.And how does that compare to women throughout the world? Well, according to WHO, about 42% of pregnant women worldwide are anemic. To prevent anemia, women should take pre-natal vitamins including iron. There are no restrictions on such vitamins in Gaza from Israel. But who gets blamed? Of course, the report must mention the fuel shortages in Gaza: The latest crisis in Gaza was triggered on June 30, when the Egyptian military halted all but a trickle of traffic into and out of Gaza, adding more agony to the already crippling blockade imposed by Israel since 2007. The Egyptian actions have created an acute shortage of fuel, construction materials and a variety of essential medicines within Gaza.Yet do the recommendations mention Egypt or Hamas or anything else to alleviate the problems in Gaza? Well, why should it? The recommendation given: The only answer to the suffering of the people of Gaza, including its neglected women, is for the international community to hold Israel accountable and force it to lift the blockade, allowing the Palestinian society to evolve and develop in a healthy way and grant Palestinians their right to gradually heal from this injustice.This report, like many of the other reports by NGOs working in the Middle East, is little more than an excuse to blame Israel for everything (and to justify receiving grants from governments so "researchers" can keep churning out more biased reports like these.) One more thing: this report does not mention Hamas or the PA once, even though their hate for each other are the major reason for any lack of medicines, medical equipment and fuel in Gaza today. |
Bahrain's ambassador to France visits Holocaust memorial Posted: 10 Dec 2013 02:00 AM PST Al Masry al Youm reports that the Bahraini ambassador to France, Dr. Nasser Al Balooshi, has visited the French Holocaust memorial in Drancy. This was the first diplomat from a Muslim country to visit that memorial, according to reports. Balooshi was quoted there as saying "it is our duty to work together to combat all forms of intolerance and hatred." He also laid a wreath at the site, which is where some 67,000 Jews - including 6,000 children - were detained before being sent to extermination camps during the Holocaust. (h/t Bob Knot) |
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