Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- There is one Jewish museum in the Arab world (video)
- 11/07 Links Pt2: The Lies of Protest Tourism, Norwegian Amb. blames Israel for Syria
- Egypt denies Israeli firm securing Suez Canal
- Video: Anti-Jewish books publicly displayed on Jordan's streets
- Swedish Jew wants asylum - in Sweden
- 11/07 Links Pt1: Fascist Rally at Al Quds Uni, Iranian Nobel Laureate - Rouhani is no Moderate
- "Jews have always stolen and looted"
- "Saudis ready to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan"
- Israeli video wins FIAT/IFTA award in Dubai, Arabs freak
There is one Jewish museum in the Arab world (video) Posted: 07 Nov 2013 05:32 PM PST Asharq al-Awsat has an article, in Arabic, about the only Jewish museum in the Arab world, in Casablanca. It is a positive article talking about the history of coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Morocco. I found a nice video made by JN1 this year that shows it: |
11/07 Links Pt2: The Lies of Protest Tourism, Norwegian Amb. blames Israel for Syria Posted: 07 Nov 2013 03:00 PM PST From Ian: CAMERA: Countering the Lies of Protest Tourism Ardie Geldman, a resident of Efrat, has written a piece for The New English Review that details the manner in which Palestinian activists have helped turn the West Bank into a theme park where privileged tourists from the United States and Europe adopt the persona of human rights heroes assailing Israel's misdeeds. Like most theme parks, there is a huge amount of trickery and showmanship going on.A Norwegian Diplomat Who Only Harms His Country's Image In Israel, the greatest damage to how Norway is viewed was probably caused by its current Ambassador Svein Sevje.The Myths of Ilan Ziv's film Having previously hesitated, the BBC this week chose to screen Ilan Ziv's film Searching for Exile: Truth or Myth?, which focuses on the idea of Jewish exile after AD 70.Spies R Us The difference between outraged Americans and impassive Israelis is striking, and illuminating. It is the difference between a public for whom security is largely a theoretical issue, and a public for whom defending the homeland is a perpetual concern.Open Letter to Hamas Spokeswoman Similarly, what is your opinion of modesty operations by Hamas policemen in Gaza over the past few months, in which women are detained in the street if their dress is considered to be immodest or their haircuts too modern?Former CIA director renews call for Pollard's release In a two-minute video, recorded on Monday at a conference in Manhattan in which Woolsey took part, Woolsey said: "If you look at other allies of the United States, such as South Korea and the Philippines, where we have caught spies, the sentence that they had has been light, not like Pollard's; it's been about six or seven years. What I said in The Wall Street Journal essentially was that if anybody is hung up over the fact that he's an American Jew or that he's Israeli, just pretend that he's a South Korean and set him free."Galloway's Viva Palestina Booted Off Charities Register There may be many reasonable explanations for the failure of Galloway's charity to file accounts, and indeed for the failure to account for the money that it claimed to have raised.UK Politicians Collaborate with Muslim Brotherhood Islamists? Speakers at the upcoming Global Peace and Unity conference can be categorized as follows: 65% are anti-Semitic, misogynist, homophobic and pro-terror preachers, 20% are public servants offering political legitimacy and moral credibility to the other speakers, while the remaining 15% could perhaps claim to be part of the conference's "project dedicated to creating a more harmonious world."The U.S.-Saudi Royal Rumble In early 1939, a Saudi delegation went to Nazi Germany to negotiate an arms agreement, part of which would have been diverted to Palestinian Arabs fighting Jewish immigrants in the British mandate of Palestine. At least some of the Saudi group met Adolf Hitler at his mountain top hideaway at Berchtesgaden.Berlusconi says his kids feel like Jews persecuted by Hitler Replying to a question about whether his five children had asked him to sell his media empire and leave Italy to escape his legal troubles, Berlusconi said: "My children say that they feel like Jewish families in Germany under Hitler's regime. Truly, everyone is against us."Holocaust museum highlights Myanmar's Rohingya Myanmar's government views the exhibition as inappropriate. The U.S. government-funded Holocaust museum primarily commemorates the genocide against the Jews by the Nazis during World War II. But it also documents the mass killings that have blighted Bosnia, Rwanda and Sudan, and seeks to spotlight situations where it sees a repeat of such atrocities. It has previously projected images on its walls of Holocaust survivors, and from South Sudan and the Darfur region of Sudan.Huffington Post Planning Israel Website The Huffington Post is planning to launch an Israeli website, founding editor Roy Sekoff told Israel's Channel 2 on Wednesday.Rabin's granddaughter inks Hollywood TV deal Noa Rothman, the granddaughter of the late Yitzhak Rabin, gave Israeli audiences a glimpse into a prime minister's family's gilded world when she wrote the drama "The Prime Minister's Children." Now American audiences are about to also get a taste, thanks to a deal inked this week with Hollywood's Timberman-Beverly productions to produce an adaptation of that program for American television.Israeli Energy Minister: 'Everyone Wants to Hug Israel' Because of Its Natural Gas Production Israeli natural gas is saving the country's economy $300 million a month, a figure that could reach as high as $1 billion, Israeli Energy Minister Silvan Shalom told Bloomberg News, adding that the country has become an attractive natural gas supplier in the global marketplace, one that "everyone wants to hug."Israel's Mobli Gets Major Boost From Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim The photo and video-sharing platform Mobli has received a major financial boost from one of the world's richest men.Israel's Sodastream to Air $4 Million Super Bowl Ad Sodastream, the popular Israeli carbonated drinks company, has announced that it will kick off its 2014 advertising campaign with a $4 million Super Bowl ad for the second year in a row.Paula Abdul floats idly in Dead Sea after lathering herself in mud during spiritual retreat in Israel As she continues her spiritual journey through Israel, Paula Abdul took part in an age-old tradition that dates back to biblical times.The quest continues to honor Arab hero doctor While Helmy is the first person from the Arab world to be designated by Yad Vashem, more than 60 Muslims who saved Jews in Bosnia, Albania and the then-Soviet republics have been recognized, said Irena Steinfeldt, director of the Righteous Among the Nations department. |
Egypt denies Israeli firm securing Suez Canal Posted: 07 Nov 2013 01:45 PM PST The not-very-reliable Middle East Monitor reports: A report by the Arab Organisation for Human Rights has revealed that an Israeli company, Seagull Maritime Security, provides maritime security services for cruises and cargo ships passing through the Suez Canal in Egypt. The Egyptian authorities have granted the company a license to work in the Suez Canal, the Red Sea and in Arab and African ports including Jordan, UAE and Oman.Seagull Maritime Security is definitely an Israeli company. Although its webpage is currently down, while it didn't say Israel explicitly it didn't try to hide it much either: Kfir Magen– CEO. Served as a commanding officer in the elite Naval Commando and has acquired years of maritime operational experience. Holds a BSc. degree from the Technion – Institute of Technology.It specializes in securing commercial ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba areas: We hold a Weapon Storage at the port of Eilat. Together with our fast boats we can provide unique and flexible embarkation and disembarkation of our security teams throughout the Gulf of Aqaba and Red Sea (27°N Red Sea, port of Eilat and port of Aqaba).So it is plausible that they work in the Suez Canal as well. Of course, Egypt was quick to vehemently deny it: Egypt's Suez Canal Authority denied Wednesday allegations that Egyptian authorities gave permission to Israeli firm Maritime Seagull Security to secure ships in the Red Sea. |
Video: Anti-Jewish books publicly displayed on Jordan's streets Posted: 07 Nov 2013 12:15 PM PST |
Swedish Jew wants asylum - in Sweden Posted: 07 Nov 2013 10:30 AM PST In August, I linked to a heartbreaking story about a Swedish Jewish woman and the antisemitism she had experienced there. The woman, Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, has written something new that is also worth reading: A case for asylum I want my religious freedom to be protected. I want to be able to live as an observant Jew in Sweden. I want not to have to flee my own country in order to be who I am and live according to my faith.(received via email) (h/t Andrew) |
11/07 Links Pt1: Fascist Rally at Al Quds Uni, Iranian Nobel Laureate - Rouhani is no Moderate Posted: 07 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Tom Gross: Scenes yesterday afternoon from a "moderate" Palestinian university Al-Quds is a Palestinian university in east Jerusalem. It is often hailed as a "liberal" or "moderate" university by western diplomats and journalists.EU MP: We Froze Aid Money PA Was Using for Terror After the meeting, Susy de Martini, a European Parliament MP and member of the Parliament's budgeting committee, said that "the EU should not be funding these anti-Israel groups and activities. From what I understand, the EU recently made a decision to freeze money being sent to the Palestinians because we found that some of that money was being used to fund terror.Palestinian Hatred is the True Obstacle to Peace The rambunctious Israeli press, politicians, and public cover the political spectrum, and aren't shy about disagreeing with government positions regarding the peace process. An alphabet-soup of Jewish and Israeli organizations regularly protests government policy.Missing Peace: Israeli goodwill measures and Palestinian intransigence The atmosphere surrounding the current peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel seems to be poisoned since the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners who were convicted of serious crimes, such as murder. The release was part of a deal that was reached with the US administration prior to the renewed negotiations.Two-State Paradigm 'Unworkable' For these and other reasons, Inbar said, the current situation – a status quo in which the PA controls the civil life of Arabs in its jurisdiction, with Israel responsible for overall security – is the best solution for everyone. "It's good not just for Israelis, but for Palestinians, too," he said. "The Palestinians look at the failed Arab states" like Syria and Egypt "and understand that things could be much worse for them."Oslo Architect: No Repeat of Past Mistakes Doctor Yair Hirschfeld of Haifa University, one of the architects of the Oslo Accords, has admitted that "mistakes were made" in the plan, and expressed his opinion that the current round of peace talks with the Palestinians will not end with the signing of a comprehensive agreement.Kerry: US considers Israeli settlements to be 'illegitimate' "Let me emphasize at this point the position of the United States of America on the settlements is that we consider them... to be illegitimate," Kerry said after discussions with Palestinian PresidentKerry pledges $75m. more in US aid to Palestinians US Secretary of State John Kerry says the United State will provide an additional $75 million in aid to create Palestinian jobs and help them improve roads, schools and other infrastructure.Israel: Arafat 'Poisoning' Sounds More Like a Soap Opera In response, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor told the BBC, "This is more soap opera than science."Arafat polonium — junk science With the most amazing measuring equipment, in the most physically shielded room possible, you couldn't find a piece of radioactive Polonium-210 eight years after it was made. Looking for some in an exhumed body or belongs is astonishing.Lieberman Acquitted, Will Return to Foreign Ministry In a unanimous verdict, a three-judge panel on Wednesday acquitted former Israeli foreign minister and Yisrael Beiteinu party chairman Avigdor Lieberman of corruption charges, Israel Hayom reported.Report: IDF Deems Hebrew U Area Unsafe for Soldiers The report revealed that the IDF base in the area now locks its gate at 6 p.m. From that point on, soldiers are allowed to leave the base only in secure convoys.Palestinian man allegedly tries to run over IDF officer An IDF officer was nearly run over early Thursday morning while conducting operations in the West Bank. The incident near the West Bank village of Naalin occurred during a security sweep of the area.Smuggling Into Gaza By Sea On the Rise As a result of the closure of many underground tunnels into Gaza, smuggling of weapons into Gaza by sea is on the rise, The Israel Navy thwarts many smuggling attempts into Gaza. Navy soldiers have noticed that one thing is missing: no vessels have arrived with medicine or humanitarian goods.Senior IDF Commander: Hezbollah's Battle Tactics Spreading to Syria Hezbollah is transferring its knowledge of warfare to Syria, teaching its Syrian allies to fight underground and lay bombs along Israel's border. As the cooperation between Hezbollah and Syria grows stronger, the IDF is preparing for a different kind of war in the north.Former Jordanian MP Yaq'ub Qarash Glorifies Jihad and Martyrdom on PA TV, States: The Israelis "Can Only Survive as Nazis" VIDEO The [Jews] want everything, although they have no religious rights. They want to prove myths, elevating them above the truth, although these are nothing but myths that they fabricated and now believe in. By Allah, if that [Wailing] Wall really was part of a temple, I am certain that the companions of the Prophet would have honored that. The Islamic nation is known for never having desecrated a synagogue or a church. It is a fact, however, that they do not have any rights. We confront myths.J'lem court convicts Islamic Movement leader for incitement to violence The prosecution also said that Salah made references to blood-libel against Jews as the basis for a separate claim against him for racist incitement.John Bolton: Obama Should Listen to Saudi Arabia The Saudis have been entirely candid: They think the Security Council is broken. For nearly three years Riyadh has watched Moscow and Beijing stymie every effort to have the Security Council weigh in against Syria's Assad regime, while U.S. diplomacy has been inconsistent and ineffective. Weak American policies toward Iran, moreover, combined with Russian and Chinese political cover for Tehran, have largely rendered the council a bystander to the Iranian nuclear problem. Now, with President Obama yearning for a negotiated "resolution" of Iran's nuclear weapons threat, the Saudis have snapped.Iran says nuclear deal possible this week A second round of talks between Iran and the West kicked off in Geneva Thursday, with the Iranian foreign minister saying that a deal over his country's controversial nuclear program could be reached by week's end, if all parties strove to reach that goal.Israel preemptively opposes new Iran proposal Israel is reportedly urging its Western allies to reject an expected proposal to limit Iran's nuclear program in exchange for limited relief from crippling economic sanctions.Iranian Nobel Laureate Criticizes 'Moderate' Rouhani Iranian Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi has strongly criticized the human rights record of Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani, whom the West has touted as a "moderate". |
"Jews have always stolen and looted" Posted: 07 Nov 2013 07:00 AM PST Vetogate, an Egyptian news site, has an antisemitic screed that accuses Jews of a long history of thievery and crime - from gold in the time of the Pharaohs until today, when they are stealing, um, music. The article by Mohammed Laithi says that Jews could never live with their non-Jewish neighbors. They lived separately in ghettos in Europe. The Haskalah movement, meant to integrate Jews in the countries they lived in, was a failure. The reason is, we are told, that it is forbidden for Jews to have any dealings with the gentiles. On the other hand, we are also told that Jews have a love of money and would use usury and inflated prices to get rich at the expense of the neighbors who they had no contact with. They would even take over the economies of these countries from their ghettos, apparently, forcing their hosts to get rid of them. Consistency is not a hallmark of antisemites. Anyway, since Jews had failed to infiltrate these societies with haskalah, they then decided to steal Palestine, continuing on their love of stealing. Laithi then detours back to Pharaonic times, noting that even then the Jews lived separately but that they stole jewels, gold and kitchen utensils from the Egyptians under the pretense that God wanted them to. The Jews in Egypt only built mud storehouses in the cities of Pithom and Ramses, and had nothing to do with the Pyramids. Hardly proof of their technical superiority! This wasn't the first time Jews stole from Egypt, obviously, since they stole the Sinai in 1967. And now, after this litany of Jewish theft, we get to the latest outrage of Jews stealing from Egypt: Their music! Laithi links to 10 videos of Israeli artists singing Egyptian songs with Hebrew words. "If we assume that the Israelis are actually descendants of the sons of Israel, it is valid to say that they are addicted to stealing from the Egyptians." This is not the first time that Arabs complained about Israel "stealing" their music (and cuisine, and clothing, and dances....) This video compares Arab tunes with the ones Israelis supposedly stole. That specific charge, at least, appears to be true. In 2010 an Egyptian artist accused an Israeli of taking his tune, and the Israeli apologized and said he would be happy to give him credit. I don't know whether Israeli singers are generally open about taking tunes from Arab songs (UPDATE: Phil in the comments shows that they are.) I somehow doubt that any Arab artist would sell the rights of a song to an Israeli Jew. Even so, it is very funny that the punch line of a huge anti-Jewish article is the unauthorized taking of Arab music. |
"Saudis ready to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan" Posted: 07 Nov 2013 05:00 AM PST In Time magazine, Fareed Zakaria wrote one of the dumbest columns I've ever read. He argues that the US shouldn't care if the Saudis are upset at Washington's incompetent Middle East policy, because Saudis have a terrible human rights record and are largely responsible for Wahhabi terrorism. I was thinking of writing about it, but the BBC found a much better response. The Saudis, alarmed that President Obama will not stop an Iranian nuke, are reportedly working on getting their own: Saudi Arabia has invested in Pakistani nuclear weapons projects, and believes it could obtain atomic bombs at will, a variety of sources have told BBC Newsnight.Notice that Saudi Arabia never felt threatened by Israeli nuclear weapons, but the prospect of Iran with nukes is enough to start a nuclear arms race throughout the Middle East. There are many other ways that Iranian nuclear weapons would change the world for the worse, but this one is immediate - and it was quite predictable. The BBC article notes the evidence that Saudi Arabia would acquire nukes if Iran develops them have been around for over a decade. But the Saudis have a horrendous human rights record, so to Fareed Zakaria, who cares what they do? |
Israeli video wins FIAT/IFTA award in Dubai, Arabs freak Posted: 07 Nov 2013 02:49 AM PST Earlier this year I reported about the shameful actions of FIAT/IFTA, the International Federation of Television Archives. They did not complain when Dubai banned the Israeli nominee for their awards from arriving in the country an they decided to allow the ceremony to go forward anyway - and they even said this showed their "independency! [sic]" Well the Israeli video, called "Israel: A Home Movie," won the Archive Achievement Award. Here's the entire ceremony; the award is at around 17:50. The award was accepted by what I believe is a FIAT/IFTA official.official. The video itself shows archival footage of Israel's history through the eyes of ordinary people and their home movies. Here's the trailer: At least one Arabic media outlet is enraged that the winner of an award given in Dubai dares say that Israel is the home of the Jews. It rails against the idea that these rich Jews, owning expensive movie equipment, came to Palestine to replace the "indigenous" Arabs. The movie shows Jews in these home movies having fun, their weddings and other family events - the sort of thing that home movies would show - which is a slap in the face of the suffering Arabs, according to the article. Beyond that, the article asks, how can an Israeli work be honored on Arab land? From what I could tell (I didn't watch the entire video nor the discussion afterwards ) FIAT/IFTA downplayed the fact that the Israeli director was not there, simply saying he couldn't be there without saying why or making a statement in favor of freedom and against Dubai's bigotry. |
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