Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- The Hamas school curriculum is not only antisemitic - it is also anti-Christian
- 11/05 Links Pt2: The Anti-Zionist Civil War on the Left, 'Open Zion' Closes, Philistine Boars
- Questions the Methodist Church didn't ask in their survey
- 11/05 Links Pt1: Abbas- All of Israel is occupied Palestine, EU Countries Wall Off Turkey
- Good news: Iran only wants to kill millions of Americans, not all of them!
- Once again, protesting Palestinian Arabs shut down a UNRWA office
- "Marriage to Saudis" - Fascinating State Department document circa 1996
- Israeli ambassador to Jordan in minor car crash, residents "terrified" by security
- Terrorist prisoner with leukemia dies; Arabs try to whip up riots (updates)
The Hamas school curriculum is not only antisemitic - it is also anti-Christian Posted: 05 Nov 2013 04:57 PM PST From AFP: The Gaza Strip's Hamas government said on Tuesday it had added studies to encourage "resistance to Israel" to the territory's public schools curriculum.Besides the obvious (support for terror, denial of Jewish rights), this shows that Hamas never had any intention to provide Christians with equal rights under their political system. They are saying that "Palestine belongs to us Muslims" only. Christians are merely tolerated if they act like good little dhimmis and stay in their place. Then again, anyone who ever read Hamas' charter knows that they are anti-Christian: From time to time a clamoring is voiced, to hold an International Conference in search for a solution to the problem. ...The Islamic Resistance Movement...does not believe that those conferences are capable of responding to demands, or of restoring rights or doing justice to the oppressed. Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the nonbelievers as arbitrators in the lands of Islam. Since when did the Unbelievers do justice to the Believers? "And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou follow their creed. Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah [himself] is the Guidance. And if you should follow their desires after the knowledge which has come unto thee, then you would have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper." Sura 2 (the Cow), verse 120. There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad..There are a few Christians left in Gaza. They have already been discriminated against, attacked, kidnapped, vandalized, and forced to convert. For some reason no one seems to spend too much time on the anti-Christian bigotry in Gaza. And now that bigotry is being taught in schools. |
11/05 Links Pt2: The Anti-Zionist Civil War on the Left, 'Open Zion' Closes, Philistine Boars Posted: 05 Nov 2013 03:00 PM PST From Ian: Peter Beinart leaving Daily Beast for The Atlantic Media Company, Haaretz Peter Beinart, the liberal Jewish blogger, is leaving The Daily Beast for The Atlantic Media Company, where he will serve as contributing editor for both The Atlantic and National Journal. Beinart will also join the Israeli newspaper Haaretz as a senior columnist.The Anti-Zionist Civil War on the Left To give you a taste of how outrageous this book is, Blumenthal even has the nerve to recount a conversation with Israeli author David Grossman who has been an important figure in the peace movement in which he lectured the Israeli about the need for the state to be dismantled and for its citizens to make their peace with the need to rejoin the Diaspora rather than to cling to their homes. Grossman responds to Blumenthal by walking out and telling him to tear up his phone number. Blumenthal attributes Grossman's reaction to Israeli myopia.Film: Relations between Israel, UK tarnished by Mandate period Melanie Philips, a British author and publisher, said the film told the "story of the utmost treachery and malice, as the British upended their international treaty obligation" under the mandate. She argued that the British public is besieged with anti-Israel propaganda that obscures the history of British action during the mandate.The uncomfortable silence of British Jewry In what's becoming a regular and predictable occurrence, yet another leading British politician attacked Israel and the American Jewish lobby. This time it was MP and former Foreign Secretary and Lord Chancellor, Jack Straw. Speaking of Israeli "theft" of Palestinian land and "Germany's obsession with [defending] Israel," Straw lamented the "unlimited funds available to Jewish organizations … used to divert American policy and intimidate candidates."Israel's wild pig population was originally from Europe, researchers say In a country where the two main religions, Judaism and Islam, both forbid its consumption, researchers say that Israel's feral pig population was originally European, likely arriving with the Philistines more than 3,000 years ago.By An Odd Coincidence The Top 10 Worst Countries In The World For Women Are Muslim Majority Nations 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the 10 nations that received the worst score in the World Economic Forum's 2013 Global Gender Gap Report. Each country was graded based on its score in four key areas: economic participation and opportunity; educational attainment; health and survival; and political empowerment. Countries scored worse by each measure when the gap between men and women for that measure was the widest.Islamic University Dean Supports Stoning The rector of the Islamic University of Rotterdam (IUR) values stoning as an appropriate punishment, NRC Handelsblad newspaper reported Thursday. The Lower House is demanding clarification from Integration Minister Lodewijk Asscher.Anti-Zionism: the "big" ideology Anti-Zionism explains history in terms of the struggle of Jews to control the world. The chosen weapon is not force but conspiratorial games. Jews are clever 'Elders of Zion' type manipulators. They rely not on their own physical power but on that of others: political powers and the media do their bidding.Academic Boycott of Israel Will Not Bring Peace Today, however, academic freedom is incorrectly equated with unrestricted faculty free speech and the "correlative obligations" or presenting "divergent opinions" have been swept away. As the late Gary Tobin put it, "Academic freedom has evolved from protection against political influence to job security — an employment contract rather than an intellectual contract."Report: EU Diplomats Participating in PA Incitement Activities Diplomats and parliamentarians, mainly from European countries, have actively participated in popular resistance events and activities initiated by Palestinian Authority Arabs in Judea and Samaria, a report released by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) has found.Israelly Cool: How To Deal With BDSholes Props to the quick thinking person who posted this note on the Apple computer belonging to a BDShole at Oxford.BBC correspondent compares anti-terrorist fence to Berlin wall, fails to mention terrorism Beyond its multiple accuracy failures, this broadcast is clearly no more than a politically motivated polemic which adopts both its theme and its language from the repertoires of anti-Israel campaigners. What it certainly does not do is to provide BBC audiences with any "insight" (as claimed in the programme blurb) into why the anti-terrorist fence had to be built or why its presence is still a regrettable necessity. Gebauer's total abstention from any serious mention of the subject of Palestinian terrorism indicates that he did not intend to inform his audiences at all: his frankly repugnant 'moral' posturing and his co-opting of childhood memories are merely a vehicle for the promotion of an all too transparent political standpoint – in clear breach of BBC guidelines on impartiality.Missile attack on Israeli civilians not a 'flare-up' for the BBC Despite the fact that the incident began when the Israeli soldiers were attacked, the BBC puts the deaths of Hamas terrorists first in its order of reporting, leading the average reader to understand that chronologically, the injuries to Israeli soldiers came after the terrorists were killed.Irish Times: Graphically Illustrating Bias The Irish Times has a habit of confusing journalism with activism when it comes to reporting on Israel. Last year, the newspaper didn't just report on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in Ireland, it told its readers how they could join in the boycott.Stephen Sizer: "Zionism's Awful Anti-Christian Legacy" An article in Israel Today, a pro-Israel Christian magazine, focuses on a pastor called Lynne Hybels, who is evidently not a Christian Zionist. Lynne Hybels need not concern us here, but the article concludes by saying:'Kristallnacht' ad for German health spa sparks outrage"While certainly not an anti-Semite, she is guilty by close association with those who accuse Israel of everything from genocide to deicide. Perhaps unwittingly, she is carrying on Christianity's awful anti-Semitic legacy."In response, Stephen Sizer has left the following comment on Facebook: "No, Israel Today is carrying on Zionism's awful anti-Christian legacy." A health spa triggered controversy with an advertisement on its website to enjoy a "long romantic Kristallnacht," ahead of this week's anniversary of the night Nazi forces burned synagogues and murdered Jews across Germany in 1938.Jewish group: Germany complicit in concealing looted Holocaust art Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said the government was informed "several months ago" about the case. He said authorities in Berlin were supplying "advice from experts in the field of so-called 'degenerate art' and the area of Nazi-looted art."Kafka's Hebrew notes go on display Pages from the notebook used by Czech Jewish author Franz Kafka for his Hebrew language classes will be available for public viewing this week at the National Library in Jerusalem. The display is part of the Open House Jerusalem 2013 program taking place this weekend, the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported Sunday.Israeli start-ups set to make a splash in UK, again London doesn't lack a start-up scene, but that won't stop the city from importing dozens of Israeli start-ups for the second annual Innovate Israel, the largest Israel business conference outside of the Holy Land. This year's event promises to be even bigger than last year's, with over 500 attendees expected at the one-day event on December 4. Attendees representing some of Europe's largest companies and investment houses, along with government and tech industry figures, will hear from senior figures from companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Virgin.Crowdfunding grows up, as giant GE fund gets involved Crowdfunding, an investment model that lets small investors become venture capitalists with as little as $10,000 to put into a start-up, has come of age. On Monday, OurCrowd, an Israel-based crowdfunding platform started by veteran Israel tech investor Jon Medved, announced that it had entered into a co-investment agreement with GE Ventures, the US company's corporate venture capital unit. |
Questions the Methodist Church didn't ask in their survey Posted: 05 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST Last month I noted that the Methodist Church was issuing a survey asking for people's opinions about boycotting Israel. Even though the questions indicated that the decision had already been made, I felt it was a good idea to encourage people to respond anyway. (One particularly good response was written by Maurice Ostroff, and NGO Monitor wrote a comprehensive paper in response, and Dexter Van Zile also had a nice one [h/t WATAL]. ) I received a different kind of response from Avi Bell. Instead of answering the questions, he suggests that Methodists should answer some additional questions: What do you understand to be the motivation/inspiration behind the UK Methodist Church's call for boycotting, divesting from and imposing sanctions upon the world's only Jewish state? What do you understand to be the motivation/inspiration behind the UK Methodist Church's silence regarding terrorist groups that have murdered thousands of Jews in Israel in service of an explicitly anti-Semitic agenda including the denial of a Jewish right of self-determination in the historic Jewish homeland? Do you consider it odd that the Methodist Church frets about the imperfections in the world's only Jewish state while ignoring the much more troubling imperfections in all the world's non-Jewish states? Do you consider it troubling that the Methodist Church has adopted a harsh moral standard for judging the world's only Jewish state, and a forgiving one for all the other states in the world, including those seeking to destroy the Jewish state? In your view, how can the Methodist Church credibly contribute to Arab-Israeli peace efforts when it has spent recent years promoting conflict by supporting the delegitimization of the Jewish state, while maintaining silence about moral outrages committed against the Jewish population of Israel? In your view, how can the Methodist Church be viewed as engaged in sincere reflection about its anti-Israel views when the Church publicly solicits only further anti-Israel opinions? Do you support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from part of their homeland? Do you support the ethnic cleansing of Jews from part of their homeland? Do you support boycotts in order to promote such ethnic cleansing? What message do you think the Methodist Church sends by promoting the ethnic cleansing of Jews from part of their homeland? What message do you think the Methodist Church sends by flirting with mass boycotts of the world's largest Jewish population? Does historical Church-promoted anti-Semitism affect this perception? How do you feel the Church's moral authority will be impacted if it promotes boycotts against Jewish Israeli thinkers and artists? What do you think is the impact of the Methodist Church's public assumption that its campaign against the Jewish state and the world's largest Jewish population center is moral? How do you think the Church's moral authority is impacted by its request for public and political support of its campaign against the Jewish state? |
11/05 Links Pt1: Abbas- All of Israel is occupied Palestine, EU Countries Wall Off Turkey Posted: 05 Nov 2013 11:15 AM PST From Ian: Caroline Glick: It's time to reassess Israel's strategic assumptions So here we are, three for three. All of Obama's second term foreign policy goals are harmful to Israel. Everything that is good for Obama is necessarily bad for Israel.Abbas' speech: All of Israel is occupied Palestine All of Israel is "occupied Palestinian land" was part of the message of a speech by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at a memorial this month. Delivering "the speech of Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine," member of Fatah Central Committee Jamal Muhaisen stated that "not an inch of the land of Palestine" has been "liberated," including the "1948 lands," which is a term the PA and Fatah use to refer to Israel within the Green Line:Abbas: Israel's claim it wants Jordan Valley for security is a lie"All our holy places are still under occupation, and so far we have not liberated one inch of Palestinian land. All Palestinian land is occupied - Gaza is occupied, the West Bank is occupied, the 1948 lands (i.e., Israel) are occupied and Jerusalem is occupied." The statements were published by Abbas's office on the eve of his meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Bethlehem to discuss the crisis in the peace talks with Israel.Netanyahu: PA's position unchanged since 1993 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas expressed pessimism Monday, ahead of their Wednesday meetings with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, saying the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians seem to be treading water.Time to get ready for a third intifada Yes, in Livni's skewed view, the fact that Bennett voiced strong opposition to the release of bloodthirsty Palestinian murderers from Israeli jails makes him more of a threat to peace than Abbas, who is proud of their accomplishments.Akunis: Arrogant PA Wants to Break Off Talks After Releases The entire incident is just another example of PA "double talk," Akunis said in the Knesset Monday evening. Israel, he said, had agreed to free terrorists as its "gesture" to encourage the PA to join the talks. Israel had never agreed to a building freeze. "We do not need anyone's permission to build in our land," Akunis said. "We have built, we are building, and we will build in all parts of Israel."Poll: 54% of Palestinians support two-state solution The poll also showed that 58% of Palestinians support non-violent means "to end the occupation" as opposed to 47% of Gaza respondents who believe that armed resistance is the best method to achieve independence.Report: Fewer Rockets Fired on Israel in 2013, Hamas 'Afraid' According to Maariv, while over 200 rockets were launched at Southern Israeli cities in 2012, only 40 have been fired so far in 2013. IDF officials have stated that Hamas has been "intimidated" by Israeli military might after successes in last year's Operation Pillar of Defense, which killed top Hamas officials like Ahmed Jabari, the mastermind behind the Hamas takeover of Gaza who also played a significant role in the 2006 Gilad Shalit kidnapping.Fuming Arab MKs storm out of debate on Temple Mount The subject on the docket was an amendment to the longstanding policy banning Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, a site holy to both Judaism and Islam. Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Eli Ben Dahan (Jewish Home) remarked that while the Chief Rabbinate traditionally upheld the ban, since the inauguration of new chief rabbis earlier this year, "I sought to put the possibility before them to recognize the reality that there's a large [portion of the] public whose rabbis permit them to ascend the Temple Mount."Israeli MK: I am Proud to be Araffat's Friend 'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur. IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.Compelling Evidence of Serious Maltreatment in Gaza Strip of Cattle Imported from Australia and Israel The treatment of cattle and the Halal slaughter practiced in the Gaza Strip constitute a blatant violation of Australian law, which stipulates strict standards for maintaining the health and welfare of animals, and slaughter practices minimizing and shortening suffering.Hamas appoints female writer as Western media spokesperson The new spokeswoman has many plans to change the stereotypes affiliated with Gaza, as well as plans to present the regime in Gaza to Israeli media. "I will address Western and Israeli media," she said in an interview, "and I will work on changing the media discourse, painting a different picture of Palestine and Gaza. The West does not understand religious discourse."Israeli PM Netanyahu: U.S. Should Hear Iran Chants of 'Death to America' and 'Give No Discounts to Tehran' Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out on Monday that while world powers negotiate with Iran in Geneva over its nuclear capabilities, the regime's supporters in Tehran are marching to commemorate the 1979 takeover of the U.S. embassy.Netanyahu presses visiting Chinese, Polish leaders on Iran Meeting on Monday with Meng Jianzhu, a member of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Political Bureau, Netanyahu told Jianzhu that the pressure on Iran must not be relaxed.Hagel: Israel's pressure pushed Iran to negotiations "It's true that sanctions — not just US sanctions but UN sanctions, multilateral sanctions — have done tremendous economic damage," Hagel said in an interview with Bloomberg journalist and pundit Jeffrey Goldberg. "Even many of Iran's leaders have acknowledged that. And I think that Iran is responding to the constant pressure from Israel, knowing that Israel believes them to be an existential threat. I think all of this, combined, probably brought the Iranians to where we are today."Nobel laureate to EU, US: Ban Iran from TV satellites Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi on Monday called on the European Union and United States to ban Iran from using US and European satellites to broadcast what she described as the Islamic Republic's propaganda.'West may offer Iran cash for halting nuclear program' Iran could be offered a one-time cash payment from its frozen oil revenues as part of a plan reportedly being explored to give the Islamic Republic some immediate relief from crippling economic sanctions.Iranian MP Boasts of Hundreds of Troops in Syria The MP, Javad Ghoddousi Karimi, reportedly boasted that hundreds of Iranian battalions are fighting in Syria, where they are fighting alongside troops loyal to President Bashar Al-Assad.Intelligence Between Turkey, Iran in 'Very, Very Good State' – Iranian Ambassador The intelligence cooperation between Turkey and Iran is in a "very, very good state," Iranian Ambassador to Turkey Alireza Bigdeli told Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News Monday.Greek, Bulgarian fences along Turkish border draw criticism Plans by Greece and Bulgaria to build a fence along the Turkish border have drawn criticism in Turkey as it is widely perceived as the EU's hidden intention to build a wall to mark its borders. |
Good news: Iran only wants to kill millions of Americans, not all of them! Posted: 05 Nov 2013 09:30 AM PST Rouhani's moderation pays off!: TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces General Hassan Firouzabadi underscored that the slogan "Death to the US" chanted by Iranians is meant at the 1% capital holders and Zionist Americans ruling the world's unjust system, and not the American people.See? They don't want to murder 300 million Americans - only those that are arrogant, capitalist and who support Israel, which he estimates is only 3 million! Unfortunately, the latest Gallup poll finds an all-time high of 64% of Americans who are sympathetic towards Israel, which comes out to 200 million Americans who deserve to die. But still - this is a great improvement over the previous Iranian demands of death to all Americans. Those 114 million of Americans who might survive Iran's selection process should be enough to give Rouhani a Nobel Peace Prize next year. This also gives great hope to the Roger Cohens and Max Blumenthals and Walt/Mearsheimers in the US who are trying their hardest to end up in the privileged minority of American Jews whom Iran would allow to live. |
Once again, protesting Palestinian Arabs shut down a UNRWA office Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:45 AM PST When there are rumors that the billions of dollars of free services might get slightly curtailed, Palestinian Arabs know what to do - attack the people providing them with the free services: The popular committees of the Palestinian refugee camps in the northern West Bank will shut down UNRWA's offices Tuesday protesting reductions in services provided to Palestinian refugees in the region.UNRWA was originally meant to find real jobs for Palestinian Arabs so that they would no longer need handouts. In recent decades UNRWA itself became a major employer of Palestinians since Arab countries didn't want to give them jobs. This program was not intended to provide real jobs. Here is an example of the "Money for Work" program in 2011, showing both how the program itself was a joke and how UNRWA is - against its own mandate - an anti-Israel political organization: The outgoing director of UNRWA operations Barbara Shenstone on Monday planted olive tree saplings on land slated for confiscation in the northern Palestinian Bank. The PA isn't paying its people to execute a land grab in a disputed area - UNRWA is. Good riddance to "Money for Work." Instead, do what is needed to get real jobs for Palestinian Arabs - like lifting restrictions on jobs they can have in Lebanon. |
"Marriage to Saudis" - Fascinating State Department document circa 1996 Posted: 05 Nov 2013 06:30 AM PST In the thread about the American woman who was married to a Gazan, commenter Bill alerted me to this fascinating document written by the US State Department warning American women of what to expect if they marry Saudis. From Middle East Forum, Winter 2003: [This] eight-page brochure entitled "Marriage to Saudis," ...was published and distributed by the consular bureau of the Department of State, from the mid-1990s. The document is an advisory to American women contemplating marriage to Saudi men, based on the long experience of U.S. consular personnel in the kingdom. It is remarkable for its undiplomatic and anecdotal tone, so distant from the department's standard bureaucratic style. For prospective spouses, "Marriage to Saudis" constituted an official tutorial in Saudi culture; for others, it served as a fascinating example of practical anthropology, school of hard knocks. The following advice and guidelines for women considering marriage to Saudi nationals were culled from interviews with women well known to our Embassy for their embattled relations with their Saudi spouses, from anecdotes from women whose husbands are well known to the Embassy because of their positions in government or business, as well as conversations with women happily or tolerably married to middle and lower class Saudis. |
Israeli ambassador to Jordan in minor car crash, residents "terrified" by security Posted: 05 Nov 2013 05:15 AM PST From Ammon News: Citizens told Ammon News on Sunday that an Israeli ambassador's car collided with a Jordanian car in Jordan Valley. No injuries has been reported.The security guards acted appropriately, of course, since car crashes are a standard way to kidnap people. |
Terrorist prisoner with leukemia dies; Arabs try to whip up riots (updates) Posted: 05 Nov 2013 03:00 AM PST We've seen many times that it only takes a small event to capture the imagination of the so-called "Arab street." We've also seen that Arab leaders will try to manipulate the people to act in ways that are politically expedient for them. Such a confluence may be happening now:
Sources from the village of Sarra in the northern West Bank told Ma'an that the Israeli prison service officially notified Turabi's family of his death.So the official PA position is that a prisoner who died after his blood vessels burst is a victim of a "war crime." But Islamic Jihad, the group that Turabi was a member of, has no less than nine articles about Turabi on the front page of its Palestine Today newspaper. They are also calling him a "martyr" due to "medical negligence." They say that there was a riot at Megiddo Prison when the prisoners there heard about his death, and that many prisoners were injured. They report that Hamas is demanding that negotiations between Israel and the PA be stopped because of this. Prisoners declared a hunger strike. Doctors who never saw Turabi are being interviewed so they can assure the Arab world that he died from "medical negligence." The last video of Turabi in the hospital was released. The Department of Prisoners Affairs announced that their lawyers will boycott all court cases today in protest. One article actually quotes Turabi's [Israeli] doctor as saying that they have no idea why his body is shutting down - they took biopsies of his liver, spleen and esophagus; he wasn't sure if the blood vessel ruptures were a leftover side effect of his leukemia or of the medicines he took to treat it or something else. That article shows that the hospital was trying very hard to cure him! This is all only a few hours after Turabi died. Clearly some Arab leaders want this to snowball into an international incident, and so far none of them are calling for calm. His funeral might be the spark that some people have been hoping for to start a new terror war. UPDATE: Turabi had thrown a Molotov cocktail at an IDF patrol a year ago. Ma'an Arabic is referring to him as a "martyr." His body was handed over to his family. |
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