Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- SFSU's GUPS president explains that he wants to see all Israelis dead
- 11/25 Links Pt2: A culture of anti-Semitic poison at Al-Quds University, Video of the Fascist-style rally
- "The World Cup Is Jewish Conspiracy"
- Stop press! Palestinian leaders condemn a terror attack!
- 11/25 Links Pt1: Iran Nuke Deal Reactions, PA Sheikh: Only Solution for Jews is the Sword
- Israel haters try to ram a BDS resolution through American Studies Association
- Rafah closed yet again. NGOs still pretty quiet.
- The willful blindness of the Israeli Left
SFSU's GUPS president explains that he wants to see all Israelis dead Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:04 PM PST The San Francisco Examiner wrote about the display of signs saying "MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS KILLED COLONIZERS" at a San Francisco State University event earlier this month: Uproar over what some are calling an anti-Semitic stencil that showed up at a Nov. 7 San Francisco State University campus event has prompted the school's president to issue a stern statement against advocating violence and hate.Commenter and researcher Bob Knot looked a little more at the writings of Mohammad Hammad. Hammad has three Tumblr accounts, which have all recently become password protected: palestinianliberator, canttouchthisnuhnuhnuh, and astrangerdanger. Between the time that the disgusting signs were publicized and the time that the GUPS realized that they have a public relations problem, Hammad described to his friends on Tumblr exactly who the target of the signs are - and his opinion does not refer only to to Jews who lived in Israel in the 1940s: You know what? Now re-read Hammad's defense the GUPS actions in the article quoted above. It sure looks like he says one thing in public and another thing to his friends on Tumblr, doesn't it? More fun stuff from Hammad: A photo he uploaded of (presumably) him flipping the bird to a US Marines office (with a "Palestine" banner): ![]() I will no longer support the two-state solution, and will vie for the liberation of Palestine through the reclamation of the lands that are rightfully ours through any means necessary. If the Israelis want to live in peace with us, so be it, but this peace will NOT be on their terms. It may be Palestinian freedom fighters who pull the triggers, but whatever lives are lost in the battle for liberation rest squarely on the shoulders of Israel.The president of GUPS has made it crystal clear, in his own words, that he interprets the "MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS KILLED COLONIZERS" sign as a call to kill Israeli Jews (he is not calling to kill Israeli Arabs!) Let's see GUPS try to spin this. I predict they will go on a wild attack, because misdirection is the last refuge for people caught with their pants down. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Nov 2013 03:00 PM PST From Ian: International law and Judea and Samaria: It's time to return to the facts In his November 21 article on "Humanitarian law vs. political choices," Juan Pedro Schaerer, head of the local delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), repeats the longstanding point of view that Judea and Samaria, what some refer to as the "West Bank," is "occupied territory."A culture of anti-Semitic poison at Al-Quds University Nusseibeh is often described as a Palestinian "moderate." But in a culture as poisoned with vitriolic anti-Semitism as the Palestinian Authority, moderation doesn't go very far. It doesn't even go as far as repudiating the Nazi-like salutes and tableaux of dead Israelis during a public rally on an East Jerusalem college campus. Not even to retain the goodwill of an institution as dovish and liberal as Brandeis, a Jewish-sponsored university that was proud of its relationship with Al-Quds.MEMRI: Nazi-Style Salutes and Glorification of Martyrdom at Islamic Jihad Rallies in Al-Quds University Anti-Semitism is Rife Among America's Far Left (REVIEW) If you've ever wondered why "do-gooder" is a pejorative label, Stephen Norwood's book on "Antisemitism and the American Far Left" will enlighten you. Rarely has there been a group of Americans so prone to mistake feeling good about what they are doing for actually doing good, as "far leftists."Egyptian Nazi Scandal Shows Clear Academic Bias Had the conference organizers done their due diligence, they would have had a very clear idea of Jan's toxic beliefs. After all, we're not talking about a cloak and dagger espionage operation. A few seconds of Googling would have taken them to a video from 2011, in which Jan and other Egyptian Nazis explained their raison d'etre to a shocked Egyptian television host. Also, the Alwaleed Center has a Facebook account, as does Jan. Had the conference organizers paid a brief visit to the Facebook page of a man they were willing to fly to Washington, they would have discovered that he'd posted several pictures of Adolf Hitler alongside admiring tributes to the Fuhrer.Terror-link group met in parliament Separately, it can also be revealed that one of the Government's police and crime commissioners will this week speak on the same platform as a man who has justified the killing of British troops and called for democracy to be replaced by Sharia.Harriet Sherwood misleads on UNRWA statement about Gaza construction ban Whilst the language in her Nov. 22 report is not completely clear, if Sherwood is claiming that UNRWA characterized the recent Israeli restrictions on construction materials into Gaza as "illegal", and as a form of "collective punishment", it is clear that the outgoing UNRWA Commissioner General never in fact made such an argument.Compare and contrast: BBC reporting on cross-border missile fire On November 21st cross-border mortar fire hit an uninhabited desert area in Saudi Arabia's eastern province. The attack was claimed by an Iranian-backed militia operating in Iraq. A report on the incident appeared on the BBC news website's Middle East page on the same day.BBC Monitoring puffs wind in the sails of professional anti-Israel campaigners Interestingly, part of the BBC Monitoring article focuses on reactions to the amended map provided by the publisher.Fire Friedman – forthwith Tom Friedman has surrendered every shred of professional integrity in favor of defending an indefensible policy of an indefensible administration.Neo-Nazi's victory in Slovakia spurs Jewish call for action European officials must act to reverse the momentum of neo-Nazi political parties, the head of the European Jewish Congress said following a victory in Slovakia by a neo-Nazi candidate.Egypt: New Book Deals with Jews in Cinema The book, entitled "Jews and cinema in Egypt and the Arab world" was written by critic Ahmed Raafat Bahgat. It examines the role of Jewish cinema makers and artists in the Egyptian and Arab cinema, according to the report.10,000-Year-Old Home Found at Eshtaol Settlement remains were unearthed at the site, the earliest of which dates to the beginning of the eighth millennium BCE and the latest to the end of the fourth millennium BCE.'World's Oldest' Wine Cellar Uncovered in Galilee Israeli and American archaeologists have uncovered what may have been the world's oldest wine cellar in the Galilee, Business Standard reports. The cellar is estimated to be about 3,700 years old and to have held up to 2,000 liters of strong, sweet wine.Scientists Find 3,700-Year-Old Wine Cellar Netanyahu to Meet With Pope Francis Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Italy next Sunday for the annual meeting held between the Israeli and Italian governments, part of Israel's effort to strengthen ties with European nations.The man who made DiskOnKey a household word Equally inconceivable is that Moran considers his sale of M-Systems to SanDisk in 2006 for $1.6 billion as a kind of failure.Apple confirms $350m purchase of Israel's PrimeSense Last July, it was reported that PrimeSense and Apple were in intense negotiations over a possible Apple acquisition.IDF Humanitarian Aid Team: Why We Came to Help in the Philippines | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"The World Cup Is Jewish Conspiracy" Posted: 25 Nov 2013 01:00 PM PST I love when I get shout-outs from Islamic clerics. From MEMRI:
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Stop press! Palestinian leaders condemn a terror attack! Posted: 25 Nov 2013 11:00 AM PST From Ma'an: Palestinian authorities on Sunday condemned last Tuesday's suicide bombing attack against the Iranian embassy in Beirut, stressing that the Palestinian individual involved "does not represent the Palestinian leadership."Wow! And to think, only a few weeks ago, Mahmoud Abbas was happily posing with people who murdered innocent civilians! ![]() There must have been a major change of heart in the Palestinian Arab leadership in the past few weeks. Surely there isn't any rational way to otherwise reconcile these stories. Surely the PA condemns all terror attacks, no matter who the victims are. Otherwise, they'd be monsters. And how could a monster be so honored by the international community? (h/t PTWatch) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/25 Links Pt1: Iran Nuke Deal Reactions, PA Sheikh: Only Solution for Jews is the Sword Posted: 25 Nov 2013 09:00 AM PST From Ian: David Horovitz: When the US let Iran off the hook And as its economy revives, nuclear-threshold state Iran will gradually assert itself as a regional heavyweight, with the leverage and clout to pursue its rapacious territorial and ideological goals, most emphatically including the ongoing effort to weaken and isolate and demonize and threaten Israel. And Israel will find its capacity to respond necessarily limited.Iran deal is riskier than meets the eye Iran can be expected to spend the next six months trying to divide this shaky coalition, and, aided by the lifting of some sanctions, will seek to whet the appetite of firms from around the world, to lure them back to do valuable business with it in the future.Analysts: Iran Deal "Beginning of End" of Sanctions Regime, U.S. Caved on Enrichment "Right" More controversially, Iran seems to have secured language under which the international community acknowledges that a comprehensive agreement will still allow Tehran to enrich uranium. The U.S. has long rejected Iran's claim that it has a "right" to enrich, and last October lead U.S. negotiator Wendy Sherman told Congress that "the President has circumscribed what he means by the Iranian people having access… access, not right, but access to peaceful nuclear energy in the context of meeting its obligations." The interim language, however, describes a future comprehensive solution as involving "a mutually defined enrichment program with practical limits and transparency measures to ensure the peaceful nature of the program." Iranian state media carried boasts by among others Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif that the U.S. had caved on its long-standing position. The U.S. and Britain both flatly denied Iran's interpretation of the interim language with Secretary of State John Kerry saying as much and the White House further denying it on a late-night background call.Obama advised Netanyahu of Iran talks in September In the confines of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on September 30, just after the Jewish high holidays, Obama revealed to Netanyahu that his administration had been engaged in secret, high-level diplomatic talks with the mortal enemy of the Jewish state. Netanyahu's immediate public reaction betrayed no surprise, but a day later he launched a full-frontal attack on Iran, delivering a blistering speech at the UN General Assembly in which he said the Islamic Republic was bent on Israel's destruction and accused Rouhani of being a "wolf in sheep's clothing."Congress plans tough Iran sanctions if deal fails Such distrust that Iran was negotiating in good faith ran across the political spectrum in a Congress that otherwise is deeply divided. And ready-to-go sanctions seemed to have rare bipartisan support across both of Congress' chambers.15 Senators Vow New Iran Sanctions "A nuclear weapons-capable Iran presents a grave threat to the national security of the United States and its allies and we are committed to preventing Iran from acquiring this capability," the group said. "We will work together to reconcile Democratic and Republican proposals over the coming weeks and to pass bipartisan Iran sanctions legislation as soon as possible."American Jewish Leaders Censure Nuclear Deal; Lauder Says No Way Iran Will Honor Agreement "Iran must be judged by its actions, not its words and promises, because they are not worth the paper they are written on," World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder told The Algemeiner. "Nothing in the deceptive behavior of Iran and its leaders in recent years should make the world believe that they will honor this agreement."What message is being sent? 'Always believe the threats of your enemies, more than the promises of your friends," Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel has said. This wise advice is becoming a cold reality for many of America's longtime allies in the Middle East, amid an unprecedented breakdown in US foreign policy and credibility in the region.Poll: Israelis don't believe Iran will stop nuclear program According to the poll, commissioned by Israel Hayom from the New Wave Research Institute, 76.4% of respondents said they did not believe Iran would halt its nuclear program, while only 12.6% said they did believe Iran would put a stop to its program. Eleven percent said they did not know.Dershowitz: Iran Deal Could Be a 'Chamberlain Moment' "Iran's goal has always been to create a wedge between Israel and the U.S. They are the smartest enemy the U.S. and Israel have faced in recent years. They have proven they are smarter. We fell for the pretext of a new president with a smiley face. It will only turn out for the best if Congress takes strong action."Canada to enforce sanctions against Iran despite nuclear deal Baird told reporters Sunday Canadian sanctions against Iran will remain in "full force" and that Canada will "evaluate this deal not just on the merits of its words," but on verifiable evidence that Iran respects the terms of the deal.PA Sheikh: Only Solution for Jews is the Sword The sheikh, Omar Abu Sara'a, made the remarks in a sermon he gave at the Al-Aqsa mosque during which he blasted the "traitor" Palestinian Authority.Court indicts east Jerusalem man for Hamas fundraising The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office on Monday filed an indictment against Maged Juaba in the Jerusalem District Court for allegedly serving as a money man for the families of imprisoned Hamas terror operatives.'US intends to seek Iran's help in solving Syrian civil war' Having overseen an interim deal with Iran on its nuclear program, the Obama administration now intends to try to involve Iran in wider Middle East diplomacy, including an attempt to find a solution to the Syrian civil war, Israeli television reported Sunday night.Syria War Has Killed More than 11,000 Children, New Report Finds The Oxford Research Group, which specializes in global security, said in a new study that there were 11,420 recorded deaths of children aged 17 years and under.Syrian Rebels Unite, Call for Islamic State To that effect, leaders of prominent Islamist opposition brigades announced the establishment of he "Islamic Front" (in Arabic, "Al-Jabhat al-Islam") - calling it "a political, military, and socially independent body."PA officials condemn Palestinian suspect in Beirut bombing on Iranian embassy The Palestinian authorities said that Adnan Mousa Muhammad's participation "in such a cowardly criminal act represents (only) the individual," Ma'an News Agency reported.Michael Totten: Blowback is a Bitch Hezbollah did not invent terrorism, of course. Nor would the Middle East be stable and happy if it weren't for its suicide bombers. But there is a karmic sort of justice at work now that a terrorist army and its biggest state sponsor are themselves victims of their own deplorable tactics.Hezbollah fears more suicide attacks "We fear that [new] suicide attacks might target [Hezbollah] headquarters and Shiite gatherings such as the [bombings] in Iraq," sources close to Hezbollah's leadership told the daily.Egypt: "Why Not Us?" Egypt has an abundance of natural resources and is situated at the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Europe. It should be an economic powerhouse capable of providing jobs and economic well-being for its people, who have suffered enough. But no one in his right mind will invest in a country where persecution – and not the rule of law – is the norm. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Israel haters try to ram a BDS resolution through American Studies Association Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:00 AM PST From Inside Higher Ed: The National Council of the American Studies Association is deliberating a proposed resolution to endorse a boycott of Israeli universities, and a decision is expected before Thanksgiving, according to the executive director of the association, John F. Stephens. The council had a long meeting on Sunday morning, at which many thought there would be a decision, but the meeting is still technically considered to be in session. Isn't it interesting that so many of these anti-Israel initiatives are scheduled on Saturdays? Both pro- and anti-boycott scholars claim the mantle of academic freedom. Opponents of the boycott cite the AAUP's stance that boycotts cut off free exchange between scholars, while those in favor describe a desire to increase academic freedom for Palestinian students and scholars specifically. The resolution presented to the National Council outlines concerns about the closure or destruction of schools as a result of Israeli military strikes and restrictions on the ability of Palestinian students and scholars to travel.So let's punish Israeli schools because, allegedly, Palestinian Arabs can't easily get to school! Proof that this was a well-organized anti-Israel initiative meant to overwhelm the ASA council comes from this telling detail: Speakers on Saturday overwhelmingly urged the council to immediately act and approve the resolution -- any delay, they argued, was a tactic for defeat.Like a car salesman telling you that if you don't buy it today, the opportunity will be lost forever. Don't think! Don't deliberate! Just do as I say! Now! or else there will be terrible consequences! The last thing these haters want is a sober discussion of the facts, because the facts are not on their side. These pseudo-academics are using emotion to subvert the very standards of objectivity and evidence that they pretend to uphold. Can you imagine the outcry if people said to boycott Palestinian Arab schools because of the pro-terror atmosphere they encourage? Even though some Palestinian Arab universities are directly complicit in terrorism? Yet boycotting Israeli universities - whose connection to the crimes alleged by the haters is extraordinarily tenuous - gets respectful hearings from academics??? It is obvious that the motivation here isn't academic freedom for Palestinian Arabs. If it was, then they would mention the restrictions that Palestinian students face in Lebanese public universities, including a quota system limiting "foreign students" (aimed specifically at Palestinians) and some courses and majors that are simply off limits if you are Palestinian. Yet no one is bringing that up. No one is criticizing Lebanon for its institutionalized bias against Palestinians, including specifically against Palestinian students. This isn't about education. This isn't about helping Palestinian Arab students. This is a thinly veiled attack on Israel, period. It uses "academic freedom" as an excuse to betray academic freedom. Some see this clearly: Simon J. Bronner, a distinguished professor of American studies and folklore and chair of the American Studies Program at Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg, criticized what he described as "the curtailing of academic freedom in the name of somehow guaranteeing academic freedom." The letter opposing the boycott, which Bronner signed, states that the adoption of a boycott resolution would "do violence to this bedrock principle of academic freedom."Scholars for Peace in the Middle East wrote a lengthy and devastating fisking of the anti-Israel resolution, pointing out its lies and errors. Simon Bronner set up a petition to counter the anti-Israel resolution. If you are an academic you may want to sign and give your reasons. (Although it appears that the anti-Israel petition is being signed by non-academics as well.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rafah closed yet again. NGOs still pretty quiet. Posted: 25 Nov 2013 05:00 AM PST For the fourth day in a row, Egypt has closed the Rafah border to Gaza. Here is a calendar showing how often the crossing was open in recent weeks: Rafah, October-November
Green- open Red-closed Even the days it was open the number of people who could cross were severely limited. While the average number of travelers allowed to cross in June averaged over 1800 people daily, during the days Rafah was open in November the number of people allowed across averaged closer to 100 a day.Which means that, practically speaking, Rafah has been closed the entire time. The handful of people who have been allowed to cross include medical patients. By contrast, Israel has been allowing about a thousand people a week to cross through Erez. Sometimes NGOs will mention Rafah. They might even betray puzzlement as to Egypt's arbitrary rules for opening and closing the crossing. But they never, ever condemn Egypt for its siege of Gaza. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The willful blindness of the Israeli Left Posted: 25 Nov 2013 02:16 AM PST From +972, quoting Daniel Seidemann, founder of Ir Amim: This afternoon, I paid a working visit to a friend in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sur Bahir, barely a kilometer from my home. When we took leave of one another, I headed home in my car. I had the misfortune of ending up in a traffic jam in the center of the village, just as school was getting out.Seidemann is not a stupid man. But the idea that Arab violence will end if Israel withdraws to the 1949 armistice lines is willful blindness of the worst kind. He knows that before "occupation" there were Palestinian Arab attacks on Israel - and not on Jordan, which occupied the West Bank at the time. He knows that before the state of Israel was reborn the Arabs (not called Palestinians then) would routinely attack Jews (not called Israelis then.) "Occupation" is not the cause of violence, but a trendy excuse for violence. Nothing proves that more than the rocket attacks that not only didn't end after Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, but that increased. Yet he is willing to ignore all of that, and even his now first-hand knowledge of the dangers of the "non-violent resistance" that Mahmoud Abbas encourages that includes stone throwing. No, he is - like so many in the Israeli Left - so singlemindedly obsessed with "occupation" that simple facts have no meaning to him anymore. It would behoove him to read this article from earlier this year from a former member of his religion of Leftism: I participated in the Dialogue for Peace Project for young Israelis and Palestinians who are politically involved in various frameworks. The project's objective was to identify tomorrow's leaders and bring them closer today, with the aim of bringing peace at some future time.When an Israeli peacenik is attacked, he is instantly willing to forgive. When an Arab liberal is attacked, he is instantly drawn to revenge, even if it takes generations. Real peace is impossible. All the Daniel Seidemanns in the world willing to work to help all the Palestinian Arabs in the world will not bring them one step closer to accepting Israel's existence. Believing otherwise is not moral - it is delusional. And it will result in more attacks, more terror and more deaths, not less. (h/t YM) |
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