Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Former Yemeni president: Local Muslim Brotherhood is Zionist
- Q: Why won't Muslims draw an image of Allah?
- A sloppy BBC headline
- 7/08 Links Part 2: LATMA Needs Help, Britain’s Schindler and a Robot Wedding
- Children and half naked women storming Al Aqsa!
- Lebanon accuses Israel of stealing gas it doesn't know it has
- The first "Palestinian" tragedy
- 7/08 Links Part 1: Will Hamas Be Next?, Ahmadinejad Proud Of Holocaust Denial and Turkey's Conspiracies.
- Israel uses balloons, radar to keep an eye on Gaza
- Egypt closes Rafah crossing for fourth day. Sounds like a "siege."
- Hizballah under pressure from its own people to quit Syria
Former Yemeni president: Local Muslim Brotherhood is Zionist Posted: 08 Jul 2013 10:30 PM PDT Elder's Rule of Arab Opposition: Your opponent is always a Zionist. From National Yemen: Saleh Accuses Muslim Ikhwan Of Loyalty To Zionists Former president Ali Saleh has launched a severe attack against the Muslim Ikhwan of Yemen's Islah party, accusing them of loyalty to Zionist entity. In a meeting with leaders of the GPC, Saleh said that the ousting Muslim Ikhwan was a logical result, as it is not easy for a group of religious leaders to rule countries after spending years preaching. |
Q: Why won't Muslims draw an image of Allah? Posted: 08 Jul 2013 07:30 PM PDT A: Because Apologies all around - for the potential offensiveness, for the bad pun, and for not translating it. The pun seemed so obvious to me in retrospect so I did a quick look for it, and found this very funny cartoon: (h/t Junior Elder) |
Posted: 08 Jul 2013 05:45 PM PDT Doesn't this sound like Israel is banning the movie? You have to read the story to see what it means: There is no shortage of coming attractions in the cinemas of Lebanon this summer. And there is something for everyone.More about BBC coverage of this movie and its seeming embrace of the idea of Arab censorship was in the last linkdump. (h/t Simon K) |
7/08 Links Part 2: LATMA Needs Help, Britain’s Schindler and a Robot Wedding Posted: 08 Jul 2013 03:20 PM PDT From Ian: Latma Issues Call for Help Latma, the nationalist weekly video satire show, has run out of funds and will go offline at the end of the month, unless new donations make it possible to keep on producing the show.Radical cleric charged with planning attacks against Israel, US A Jordanian military prosecutor on Sunday filed charges against a radical Muslim preacher suspected of being a key al-Qaida operative in Europe, who had landed in Amman after being deported from Britain.Guardian's former associate foreign editor: I know Abu Qatada – he's no terrorist. As we've argued previously, the most egregious problem at the Guardian is not, per se, explicitly Judeophobic commentary published by their contributors, but, rather, the insidious moral cover the media group often provides for the most extreme, reactionary Islamist anti-Semites in Europe and the Muslim world. Those unable to summon genuine outrage over an al-Qaeda supporter who sanctions the murder of innocent Jewish children in the name of Islam are – at the very least – morally guilty of abetting the most dangerous manifestations of Jew hatred around the world.MK: Why is a Terrorist Being Allowed to Visit the Knesset? In a special request to Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein, Bayit Yehudi MK Zvulun Kalfa requested that al-Ajrami be barred from the Knesset building.IDF Blog: One Year Ago Today: Hezbollah Terror Plot Foiled in Cyprus Exactly one year ago today, Hezbollah terrorist Hossam Yaakoub was arrested in Cyprus. Trained and financed by Hezbollah, Yaakoub gathered information about Israeli tourists as part of a planned terrorist attack in the countryA Moment Reflection on the Anniversary of 7/7 In their memory and in honour of their being victims, part of a tragically long and growing list of victims of the process that the British media are by and large encouraging the British public to forget, here are the names of the fifty-two, sacrificed against their will by Islamists whose murderous achievements eight years ago today continue to be celebrated in the hate-filled circles which spawned and sent them.Jewish life in Europe 'dying a slow death'? On the other hand, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said the idea of 150 million European anti-Semites neither surprises nor shocks him.BBC's 'Talking Movies' provides platform for BDS activist It is difficult to imagine that the BBC would elect to describe a member of the EDL or BNP as an 'English rights activist' and even more doubtful that it would bother to run an interview with such a person in which he objected to, say, a mixed-race actor playing the part of an Englishman. But Andrew Kadi's no less archaic and reactionary opinions are nevertheless given BBC airtime and notably, his actual activities are disguised behind the cuddly term "Palestinian rights activist".Muslim student in Germany destroys Israeli exhibit A female Muslim student at the University of Duisburg-Essen ripped down parts of a graphic novel exhibit, which included the work of the internationally known Israeli artist Rutu Modan.Alleged Canadian bomber made anti-Semitic statements One of the suspects in the alleged plot to bomb the British Columbia Legislature had previously made anti-Semitic statements online.Panama anti-Semitic remarks blasted by Jewish group A Jewish human rights organization condemned Friday the increasing use of anti-Semitic rhetoric in Panama, specifically regarding the Central American country's governor's insult of a Jewish journalist, and a leading newspaper's publication of a piece which evoked Holocaust imagery as well as Jewish stereotypes.Israel to sign research accord with Canada The Association of University Heads of Israel is expected to sign an agreement on Monday with The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada "to facilitate, promote and support international research collaboration between Israeli and Canadian universities." (h/t Zvi)Israel's Mobileye Adds Investors in Potential IPO Prelude Mobileye NV, a company whose Israeli-developed technology helps stop car accidents, added five investors, including U.S. global asset managers and a Chinese firm, in a $400 million sale of equity that is a step toward an initial public offering.Israeli High School Students Win Contest With Robot Wedding A team of 9th-graders from a high school in Rehovot, Israel, won the RoboCup 2013 international robotics competition in Holland with their robotic re-enactment of a Jewish wedding, returning to Israel on Wednesday night with the first-place trophy.A cinematic paean to Britain's Schindler Winton's story was revealed in the 1980s thanks to the British "That's Life" television program, which not only reported on what he had done, but also arranged for a surprise meeting between him and some of the people who owed their lives to him. The television show would never had been made had Winton's wife not by chance found an old scrapbook containing documents and memorabilia pertaining to the rescue. |
Children and half naked women storming Al Aqsa! Posted: 08 Jul 2013 01:45 PM PDT Oman Daily reports: Consecutive sets of settlers yesterday stormed the al-Aqsa mosque, including women dressed in scandalous clothing and semi-naked, and practiced religious rituals opposite the Dome of the Rock....Naturally, I had to research and find the photos of the scary storming children and half-naked women. Look how these children defile the holy spot! I mean, how dare they go up to the Temple Mount and refuse to play soccer??? After the children left, some female tourist came by wearing shorts. This is apparently the half-naked woman we were warned about, and the Islamists of the Al Aqsa Foundation made sure that we had two pictures of her to be appropriately angered: ![]() |
Lebanon accuses Israel of stealing gas it doesn't know it has Posted: 08 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT From Now Lebanon: In what appears to be an attempt to pressure caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati, caretaker Energy Minister Gebran Bassil on Friday warned that Israel could be stealing offshore oil and gas resources from Lebanese waters. He called for the caretaker government to immediately act on passing the decrees needed for Lebanon to begin its own exploration and potential development.Just so you can see, the Karish reserve is fully within Israeli waters. The article goes on: Enzo Zappaterra, a geologist with PetroServe International, noted that it would not make sense for a company to employ horizontal drilling to blindly move from one reserve in search of another.Without the slightest bit of evidence, Lebanon's energy minister is claiming that Israel is drilling horizontally over 20 kilometers, blind, to access Lebanese gas that no one knows is there. In 2011, I discussed the legal issues around Israel and Lebanon sharing the same oil/gas field as far as who gets to benefit. The ironic conclusion is that if Lebanon wants any of the natural resources it may share with Israel, it needs to sign a treaty with Israel - or lose it, as otherwise Israel can just resort to taking everything it wants on its side of the border. Lebanon is still years away from pumping. So given a choice of recognizing Israel and sharing in potentially billions of dollars, or choosing to shun Israel, Lebanon has made its position clear. |
The first "Palestinian" tragedy Posted: 08 Jul 2013 10:15 AM PDT Al Quds al Arabi, the London-based Palestinian Arab newspaper, has an article about how the West and Israel has always colluded to always make Palestinian Arabs into victims. The author, Samir Jabbour, brings numerous examples of how the Palestinian Arab issue is "the largest humanitarian issue par excellence." Since the First World War there has emerged the fragmentation and weakening of the Arab world, such as the Sykes-Picot agreement and the Balfour Declaration, and the Palestinians pay the price. Instead of Palestine being a natural part of Syria, a major state that could be in a position to confront the Zionist entity, it was isolated from the motherland in order to weaken it. Did you catch that? Jabbour admits that "Palestine" was never an independent entity and is naturally a part of Syria! The tragedy he is lamenting is the very same event that gave rise to the beginnings of Palestinian Arab nationalism - before 1920, practically the only nationalism any Arab spoke about was for Greater Syria, with nary a word for "Palestine." Reading these words you can see that Palestinian Arab nationalism is an artificial construct, borne out of the desire to thwart Jewish nationalism and not at all to help Palestinian Arabs achieve their national aspirations. They didn't have any. We all knew this, of course - the infamous antisemitic Mufti of Jerusalem only became a Palestinian Arab nationalist after Sykes-Picot - but it is interesting to note that even today's Arabs know this as well, even if they never will admit it in English. |
Posted: 08 Jul 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Khaled Abu Toameh: Will Hamas Be Next? Unlike Egypt, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip do not have an army that could come to the rescue. Also, Fatah's supporters in the Gaza Strip do not have enough weapons to launch an Egyptian-style coup against Hamas.Middle East experts find Kerry focus on Israeli-Palestinian peace 'baffling' What's more, [Michael] Rubin said, with all the fires flaring around the world, it makes little sense that Kerry would devote so much time to a problem that isn't currently in a position to be resolved.Abbas: We're Not Making Any Concessions Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who is often touted by the West as a "moderate peace partner", has once again indicated that he is willing to resume negotiations with Israel - but not give up on even one of his never-ending preconditions.Ahmadinejad says Holocaust denial was his major achievement Outgoing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said during a farewell ceremony Sunday that publicizing his Holocaust denial was a major achievement of his presidency.Daphne Anson: The UK Zionist Federation Fights Against The Iranian Revolutionary Guard The Zionist Federation in Britain has launched a petition targetting one of the world's principal terrorist groups:Jewish Group Protests Argentina-Iran 'Whitewash Agreement' The Simon Wiesenthal Center is protesting a decision by the Argentinian prosecutor general to block the chief investigator who led the probe into the bombing of the Buenos Aires AMIA Jewish Center from testifying at a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security. The hearing is scheduled to take place July 9, and is entitled "Iran's Extending Influence in the Western Hemisphere", reflecting American concerns over the Islamic Republic's role in international terrorism, among other things.Analysis: For the Egyptian army, there's no turning back The army has been effectively – and brutally – dealing with the Islamists for years, and if anyone knows how to suppress them, it is the army and the country's intelligence service.Muslim Brotherhood urges 'uprising' as dozens are killed Amid fears of imminent civil war, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood called Monday for an "uprising" against the military and urged international intervention in Egypt to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control.Gunmen slay soldier in northern Sinai Gunmen shot and killed an Egyptian soldier near the northern Sinai city of el-Arish Sunday night, a day after a Coptic priest was gunned down in the same town by suspected Islamist militants.Fears for Egypt's Christians following Murder, Arson Attacks Fears have been raised over the plight of Egypt's Coptic Christian community, after a series of attacks - including the assassination of a priest and an arson attack against a church - following the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood-backed President, Mohammed Morsi.Officials: Sinai Desert not Safe for Israelis The National Anti-Terror Unit on Sunday issued a travel warning for Sinai, and warned Israelis still there to come home immediately. "Given the deteriorating security situation in Sinai, which includes numerous violent clashes between groups, along with intelligence we have received about possible terror attacks," the warning strongly suggests that Israelis avoid Sinai altogether, including the popular resort of Taba on the border near Eilat.Daniel Pipes: In Terms of Civilization, Turkey is Not Part of Europe In other words, what counts is civilization, not waterways. Morocco and Turkey are both for many centuries part of Dar al-Islam, the Muslim world, Islamdom, call it what you will. Atatürk's reforms, to be sure, made Turkey appear more European and less Islamic but they did not change the essence of the country's culture, as has been increasingly evident during the past decade.The Great Turkish Conspiracy In addition, the Islamist daily Yeni Şafak has reported that the protests are an anti-Erdoğan plot concocted in February by the American Enterprise Institute and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.Erdoğan's Disdain Extends from Jews to Blacks Every Tuesday, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addresses his Justice and Development Party (AKP) cohorts. Speaking before a friendly audience, he often lets his guard down and lets the real Erdoğan shine through. Alas, increasingly it's apparent that the real Erdoğan is not only an anti-Semite—ranting and raving about Jews or some amorphous "interest rate lobby"—but also a racist.Footage emerges showing assailants with machetes attacking protesters and bystanders in Istanbul Amateur video footage showing unidentified people with machetes indiscriminately attacking protesters and bystanders running from the effects of tear gas has emerged, hours after the police intervention in protesters in Istanbul on July 6. |
Israel uses balloons, radar to keep an eye on Gaza Posted: 08 Jul 2013 07:30 AM PDT From World Tribune: Israel's military has enhanced capabilities in monitoring the Gaza Strip.Thwere have been occasional stories about these balloons before - apparently they are tethered and don't directly enter Gaza airspace. Still, I wonder what protection they have from being simply shot down. |
Egypt closes Rafah crossing for fourth day. Sounds like a "siege." Posted: 08 Jul 2013 05:30 AM PDT For the fourth day in a row, Egypt has closed the Rafah crossing, not allowing anyone to travel between Gaza and Egypt and stranding many at the border. Also, the Egyptian army stationed some 20 tanks at the border as well. Some Gazans wanted to travel to Mecca for Ramadan. All this is happening as Egypt continues to destroy smuggling tunnels to Gaza, although there were reports that some fuel was making it through. Meanwhile, Israel is sending 340 trucks of material to Gaza today. I am still searching for articles about the "collective punishment" and "illegal blockade" of Egypt. Or is it that only one country is not allowed to control its own borders? |
Hizballah under pressure from its own people to quit Syria Posted: 08 Jul 2013 02:27 AM PDT From Asharq Al Awsat: Its always tempting to joke that things never change in the Middle East, but the sea change in attitudes against both the Islamists in Egypt and those in Lebanon - even for different reasons - is quite remarkable. (h/t Yoel) |
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