Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- How would Catherine Ashton answer this?
- 7/24 Links Part 2: Douglas Murray on the EU Hezbollah 'ban', Muslim Anger over Virtual ‘Third Temple’
- What would happen if an Israeli tried to start a business in the PA-administered territories?
- Roger Waters flies a pig balloon with a Star of David in Belgium concert (video)
- 7/24 Links Part 1: Paving the Way for a Third Intifada, A Majority of Israelis Back Peace
- PLO official calls for Israel's destruction; says Israel wants to grab all Muslim lands
- More proof that Khirbet Qeiyafa was part of Judea, not Canaan
- Hamas paranoia hits a new peak
- Report: Syria gassed Palestinian Arabs in Yarmouk, killing 22. "Pro-Palestinian" groups silent.
How would Catherine Ashton answer this? Posted: 24 Jul 2013 06:27 PM PDT This letter, written by Irene, is sort of genius: PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Lady Catherine Ashton High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Brussels Excellency: Because we met a few years ago in Ankara during the time of Turkey's invasion of Iraq and its bombing of Iraqi civilian homes that Prime Minister Erdoğan believed to harbor PKK activists, I feel emboldened to write directly to you. You may recall that I had just been dismissed from my position as Senior Protocol Officer of the Republic of Azerbaijan by Armenian occupation officials. I have several questions regarding the new directive "Guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli entities and their activities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967 for grants, prizes and financial instruments funded by the EU from 2014 onwards." 1. My primary business is established (as defined in the directive) in Turkish occupied northern Cyprus, but I employ an individual whose great grandfather lived in Hebron in the West Bank during all 19 years of the Jordanian occupation when the whole area was ethnically cleansed of Jews. Am I eligible to apply for an EU grant to pay his salary? 2. I have a second business, incorporated and established, for tax purposes, in Rabat, but which is physically located in Moroccan occupied Western Sahara. We manufacture prayer flags for an important client in occupied Tibet; but the delivery truck broke down while transiting Jordan, which King Hussein, at the time of our incorporation, said was Palestine. (I believe his exact statement was, "Jordan is Palestine, and Palestine is Jordan.") Because of the emergency nature of the shipment, we contracted with a trucking firm run by Hasidic individuals from Beitar Illit in the occupied West Bank. They are demanding advance payment in the currency previously used in western Georgia before the Russian invasion. Are we eligible for a short-term loan from the European Investment Bank? 3. I have a third business that my Jewish great aunt established in Jerusalem's ancient Jewish Quarter on the very day that General Allenby arrived with British Forces in their effort to protect the civilians of Albion from Ottoman aggression thousands of miles away. (Of course, that was before it became an international crime for Jews to live in East Jerusalem.) This firm exports pastis to customers in French-occupied Corsica and also to Bilbao in the Spanish occupied Basque region. If I establish a dummy corporation in British occupied Gibraltar, will my pastis meet European Union specifications, or will I have to ship it to the Falklands for reprocessing? I am so appreciative of your attention to this matter. I remain a committed fan of your clear vision for the future of civilization as we know it. Your many pronouncements on the ethics of occupation and the need to maintain the rule of international law throughout the cosmos have been an inspiration to so many of us. I look forward to meeting you when you come to Riyadh in the fall for the International End to Feminism Conference. Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration. Yours profoundly, Ağcabədi Ağdaş President and Chief Financial Officer Bərdə Beyləqan Biləsuvar, Ltd. | ||
Posted: 24 Jul 2013 04:00 PM PDT From Ian: Douglas Murray: The EU fails to ban Hezbollah Still – at least we can look forward to watching this unfold in the coming months and years. I almost look forward to British and EU officials trying to explain whether it is the political or military wing of Hezbollah which is currently massacring non-Shiites in Syria. And in a way I will relish watching them trying to explain why future suicide bombings like that in Bulgaria come from an organisation called 'Hezbollah' and not an organisation called 'Hezbollah'.ADL: EU Hizbullah Decision 'Flawed Counter-Terrorist Strategy' The Anti-Defamation League has called the European Union's decision to designate the military wing of Hizbullah as a terrorist organization "a positive political statement, but a flawed counter-terrorism strategy."Israel to start supplying EU with intel on Hezbollah Law enforcement authorities, homeland security officials and intelligence agencies in the EU's 28 countries will need a plethora of information to make sure that Hezbollah's military wing does not continue to operate on the continent, the officials added.Prosor: EU's Hizbullah Blacklist is Not Sufficient Addressing the UN Security Council, Prosor likened the separation between Hizbullah's "military" and "political" arms to trying to distinguish between one's left arm and right arm.Robert Fisk on Hezbollah and its Europe ban needs a double fisking One of Britain's most outspoken Israel haters and apologists for all who oppose the Jewish state has written one of the weirdest pieces I have seen for a while.Cageprisoners, Rowntree Trust and "Jews did 9/11". The article is by Kevin Barrett, an American who runs Truth Jihad Radio, talks of "Zio-Nazis" (here, disgracefully with United Nations Human Rights rapporteur Richard Falk), and seems determined to prove that no Muslim perpetrated 9/11.UN's Falk Tries to Dissociate from "Zionazi" Epithet, Kevin Barrett Falk expressly acknowledged reading this text — he called it "defamatory" — and it caused him to flip out and turn the opening of his annual UNHRC report into a rant crying for UN Watch to be shut down.BBC tweaks Hizballah statement, promotes its conspiracy theories Muir's failure to present any balance to the Hizballah party line, his promotion of the conspiracy theory-based notion of the EU designation as being a "politically motivated" cave-in to a mysterious Israeli master plan and his resulting relativist whitewashing of Hizballah's very long history of terror and crime is not only inaccurate and partial, but deliberate misinformation.Indy's Alistair Dawber refers to Palestinian terrorists as "Political Prisoners" As we argued previously, to refer to violent Palestinian criminals and terrorists (many of whom committed cruel and sadistic crimes against innocent Israelis) as "political prisoners" represents an egregious corruption of the term – propaganda of terror apologists legitimized by those in the media ideologically sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.Muslim Anger over Virtual 'Third Temple' A Jewish website that aims to teach Israelis about the Temple has been met with an angry backlash from the Arab Muslim community.US appeals court: Americans born in Jerusalem not from 'Israel' The statement called the court decision "misguided," and noted, "Federal government agencies have recognized in official documents and statements to the media that Jerusalem is in Israel. The State Department's passport policy remains an isolated holdout, denying what is universally acknowledged, to the detriment of a right that a duly enacted law gives to American citizensWhich Nations Hate The U.S.? Often Those Receiving U.S. Aid None of these examples suggest cause and effect. In other words, U.S. assistance may not cause countries to dislike the U.S. But in these cases we've noted, U.S. money certainly doesn't seem to help.Stand With Us The Newest Battlefront against Israel: Kangaroo Courts BDS activists try to forestall opposition. They frequently delay putting resolutions on the agenda until the last minute to take opponents by surprise. Pro-Israel students, pre-occupied with college life, have little time to prepare a response. They can also feel overwhelmed by the lurid accusations and hostile atmosphere. At UC Berkeley, for example, one speaker claimed that IDF soldiers use rats to sexually violate Palestinian women. Outside the student senate, groups like Students for Justice in Palestine often demonstrate, chanting, "From the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea, Palestine will be free," a clear call for wiping Israel off the map.PA Arabs May Have to Go Hungry and Naked to Boycott Israel With Fox's entry into Ramallah, PA activists, the International Solidarity Movement's paid protesters living in Judea and Samaria, and European Union officials are welcome to stand fast and back the boycott, do without Fox clothes and stick to a diet of Arab-made pita.EU's Ashton Adds to 'Settlement' Discrimination EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton is pushing for comprehensive guidelines to introduce separate labeling for products made by Jews in Judea and Samaria, Israeli-daily Haaretz reported on Tuesday.Israeli Military Exports Reach Record High According to figures released Tuesday by the Defense Ministry, Israel sold $7.473 billion in defense products last year.Brig.-Gen. (res) Shmaya Avieli, who heads the Defense Exports Directorate (SIBAT) warned at a news briefing that the country's fiscal slump may also affect military sales.Bionic contact lenses turn touch into vision Much in the way Braille allows people who are blind to "see" the written word, a bionic contact lens invented by Israeli researcher Prof. Zeev Zalevsky "presses" images onto the surface of the eye to help the brain decipher through touch what the wearer is looking at.Peace prize for Jewish and Muslim leaders of United Hatzalah When Jerusalem resident Eli Beer implemented a neighborhood-based volunteer emergency response system to Israel in 2006, he wasn't dreaming of prizes, only of saving lives. | ||
What would happen if an Israeli tried to start a business in the PA-administered territories? Posted: 24 Jul 2013 02:15 PM PDT The Bethlehem Multidisciplinary Industrial Park is being built now and is due to open next month, with help from the IDF's COGAT: Despite the fact that the park is located in Area "A", the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has been involved in advancing the project. The Civil Administration facilitated permitting for all BMIP's secondary projects which required infrastructure that would run through Area C in the West Bank.On the website of the BMIP it gives the steps needed for a foreign investor to start a business in Bethlehem. Since they are soliciting foreign investment, what would happen if an Israeli wanted to invest in an existing company or start a new one - completely under the PA's rules? I could see, for example, someone opening up a clothing factory for modest women's dresses, manufactured in Bethlehem, that might appeal to both religious Jews and Muslims in Israel and Europe. Would that be allowed? Or would it be considered a "settler" business and its exports banned or labeled in Europe? What about if the investor isn't Israeli but a Zionist Jew? I honestly don't know the answers. But whatever they are, they would reveal a lot about how mature the PA is, as well as whether the European rules on "settler" items are consistent. Anyone want to try? | ||
Roger Waters flies a pig balloon with a Star of David in Belgium concert (video) Posted: 24 Jul 2013 12:12 PM PDT ![]() On Saturday night, Israelis were among those who attended a British musician and former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters' concert in Belgium. Even as Waters is a known activist pushing for the boycott of Israel, Israelis were still amazed to see that the show included a blatantly anti-Semitic display.I found a video of a July 18th show with the pig and the star: | ||
7/24 Links Part 1: Paving the Way for a Third Intifada, A Majority of Israelis Back Peace Posted: 24 Jul 2013 10:45 AM PDT From Ian: Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: U.S. Paving The Way For Third Intifada The last time Israel was blamed for the failure of the peace process was in the summer of 2000, when Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat rejected former Prime Minister Ehud Barak's offer at the botched Camp David summit.Barry Rubin: Foreign Policy Farce: U.S. Conduct of Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Has this happened before? Yes, in late 2010 when President Obama announced at the UN that the talks would soon restart at Camp David. Prime Minister Netanyahu agreed; the Palestinians refused. Is there a pattern here?Will more freed murderers bring peace? This was a particularly cruel, gruesome and shocking act. Its iconic status is not surprising. Sbarro acquired fresh notoriety in 2011 when Tamimi, who had confessed to all charges and was convicted and sentenced to 16 life terms, walked free. Israel's prime minister released her under pressure from Hamas to win the return of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit. She was repatriated to her family in Jordan where she has lived since. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu inexplicably calls this gift an "exile."Majority of Israelis would back a peace deal, poll finds A full 55 percent of Israelis are likely to support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he were to submit a peace agreement with the Palestinians to a public referendum, according to a poll whose results were released Wednesday.Mortars Slam into Southern Israel What at first seemed to be two rockets were later discovered to be two mortar shells that slammed into Israel's southern region Wednesday morning, surprising residents who had no warning of the attack.Top IDF Official Warns: Global Jihad is at Our Doorstep "Syria, which is the most disturbing example, attracts thousands of global jihad activists and Muslim extremists from the region and around the world, who base themselves in the country, not only to bring down Assad, but to promote the vision of a state based on Islamic law," he added.PMW: PA cleric: Eating during Ramadan is a capital crime To back up his ruling, he cited a Hadith (Islamic tradition attributed to Muhammad) that presents eating in public during the fast of Ramadan as a capital crime: "His blood becomes permitted [to be shed]." He called on PA police to "strike with an iron fist" and give "the heaviest punishments" to those who eat in public.PMW: Song calls for attacking Israel, "the snake's head" - in PA TV documentary Disgraced PA Official to Sue Abbas Over Alleged Corruption Two years ago former senior Palestine Liberation Organization official Mohammed Dahlan made explosive accusations against Palestinian Authority Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, accusing him of having stolen $700 million from PA coffers.Qardawi reappears on Al Jazeera to incite Egyptians against their army Qaradawi avoided mentioning names, but his words sounded like an explicit fatwa calling for the assassination of those who decided and carried out "the military coup" on ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.Egypt: Military Leader Calls for Mass Rally as Violence Worsens Egyptian military chief Abdel Fattahal al-Sisi has urged supporters to hold nationwide demonstrations on Friday, to grant him the mandate to confront "terrorism" in the country. Egypt has seen steadily increasing levels of violence following to ouster of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi by the secular military leadership.Muslim Brotherhood's 'Freedom and Justice Party' Qalyub HQ Attacked With Molotov Cocktails, 6 Die in Clashes In Cairo, Al-Ahram said Muslim Brotherhood supporters climbed the Giza bridge, cut off the road to Cairo University, blocking traffic in multiple directions, and set fire to a traffic kiosk, after clashes with police at the university left six dead and 33 injured. Nine people have been killed in political violence in the past two days.Egypt Security Forces Ignored Slaying of Coptic Christians, Human Rights Group Says A report by the human rights group Amnesty International blames Egyptian security forces for standing by idly and failing to intervene during an 18-hour-long attack on Coptic Christians on July 5 that left four dead and one man hospitalized.Western-backed Syrian Rebels: E.U.'s partial blacklisting of Hezbollah A "Step in the Right Direction" The SNC's stance, which rejects the E.U.'s distinction between political and military Hezbollah officials, echos statements made by Hezbollah leaders and assessments issued by the American intelligence community.Russian Terrorists Fight in Syria, Giving Moscow Olympics Headache "Dagestan has become the epicenter of the Caucasus insurgency, with rebels mounting nearly daily attacks on police and other officials," the AP reports. Calming this region before the Olympics is very important to President Putin, and it provides a rationale for his staunch support for the Assad regime in Syria. The Kremlin fears creeping Sunni radicalism; it fears terrorists from the Caucasus getting training, weapons, money, and support down south and then returning home to attack the Olympic Games. With UN officials warning that the Syria war could drag on for years, Moscow will have to hope the Russian jihadists stay there and don't return.NYT: Khamenei Speech Rejecting Comprehensive Talks "Threw Some Cold Water" on Hopes For Talks The Times story outlining Iranian intransigence comes two days after the outlet published an editorial encouraging engagement with Iran and criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for skepticism regarding Iranian intentions:Saudi but stateless: born on the margins of society Born of tribal origin in Saudi Arabia, stateless people known as bidoons live on society's margins, unable even to register marriages or open a bank account because they lack identification cards.Saudi court orders severing of defendant's leg A Saudi court has ordered the severing of a local man's leg after he caused the amputation of the leg of another Saudi, when he shot him during an argument. | ||
PLO official calls for Israel's destruction; says Israel wants to grab all Muslim lands Posted: 24 Jul 2013 08:45 AM PDT It's one story when PLO officials speak to Western diplomats and to the media. But in Pakistan, their real feelings shine through: Speakers at an international conference on Palestine said that Israel is an illegitimate state that must cease to exist and an independent sovereign state of Palestine must be established. International conference on "Palestine: Manifestation of Muslim Ummah's Unity" was held under the aegis of Palestine Foundation of Pakistan at Radio Pakistan auditorium here recently.Of course, Zazeh was only one voice of the chorus of crazy: Pakistan Peoples Party Sindh's secretary general Taj Haider said that Israel has never been existed [sic] in the history of the world. He said that it is an illegitimate state imposed in the heart of Islam by the global imperialist powers.No doubt this speech will cause great embarrassment to Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the PLO, for contradicting the *real* PLO position accepting a two-state solution. Zazeh will probably be reprimanded, and sacked, for lying about the official Palestinian Arab position. How can any government tolerate a diplomat going rogue like that? Unless, of course, this is the real position of the PLO and the other stuff is carefully calibrated to fool the West. But that couldn't possibly be true, right? We'll know soon enough, if Zazeh is fired. Anyone taking bets? | ||
More proof that Khirbet Qeiyafa was part of Judea, not Canaan Posted: 24 Jul 2013 07:00 AM PDT On Monday I discussed the new archaeological findings that indicated a palace that could have belonged to King David in Khirbet Qeiyafa. Some articles expressed skepticism, saying that it could have been from some other kingdom. The archaeologist, Yossi Garfinkel, describes six proofs that indicate that this is Judean:
Unique features of the palace include double walls, indicating multiple stories; a location in the center of the town with a great view, and a size of 1000 square meters, dwarfing all the other houses in the city. What this all proves is that around 1000 BCE thee was a centralized kingdom of Judah with the ability to build fortified cities, collect taxes and manage long-term trade relations with places like Cyprus and Egypt. The article also goes into the disagreements between archaeologists on how much to believe Biblical accounts when deciding on the importance of a find. It is a nice piece; I hope that it gets translated. (h/t Yoel) | ||
Hamas paranoia hits a new peak Posted: 24 Jul 2013 05:00 AM PDT On Monday I reported that the deputy head of the "political bureau" of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzouk, was accusing Egypt of wanting to exercise sovereignty over the Gaza Strip as it had before 1967. His evidence was the increase in helicopter flights from the Egyptian army over Gaza. That theory was nutty enough, but now Hamas spokesman Dr. Salah Bardawil has run with it and really turned on the crazy. According to Bardawil, the Egyptian helicopters are not coming from Egypt, as initial reports indicated, but from Israel. This means, he thinks, that the helicopters are being inspected in Israel first and Egypt is cooperating with Israel in this enterprise of Egyptian surveillance. Why Israel, with its drones and blimps and airplanes, needs Egyptian help is not quite explained. But Bardawil, like all good Arab despots and their officials, spins a conspiracy theory that goes beyond Israel and Egypt. You see, John Kerry announced the resumption of negotiations between Israel and the PLO in...Jordan! This means that the US and Israel are pushing both Egypt and Jordan to re-occupy Gaza and the West Bank, respectively! The PLO, Hamas' enemy, is of course part of this scheme as well. Bardawil characterizes Abbas' agreement to (pretend to) negotiate is "national suicide." Hamas' paranoia comes, of course, from Egypt's decision to treat it virtually as an enemy - one that both kills Egyptian Army soldiers and one that steals scarce fuel from Egypt. Without Muslim Brotherhood patronage, Hamas is lost, and its seeming ascendancy on the back of the Arab Spring has evaporated. Yesterday, both Israeli and Egyptian helicopters were reported to be seen in Gaza skies. Chances are that there is a low level of security coordination between Israel and Egypt as far as activities in the Sinai and in destroying smuggling tunnels is concerned, as the Camp David agreements require Israeli permission for any increase in Egyptian army presence in the Sinai - permission that Israel has been liberal in granting, to allow the Egyptian army to fight the Islamists and jihadists in the Sinai and to protect its border with Gaza. Bardawil's paranoid fantasies clearly reflect Hamas' mindset and its fear of losing its grip on power. It sees things like the Palestinian "Tamarod" Facebook page, with nearly 20,000 members. Today, it even accused Fatah of being behind that movement, when it is obvious that Tamarod Palestine hates Fatah and Hamas equally. As with the revolution beforehand, the new Egyptian coup affects the entire region. However, it is way too early to count the Islamists out. There is no strong, well-organized and popular alternative; slogans against the Islamists is not enough to hold any nation together. So while Hamas and the MB are down, they are hardly out. | ||
Report: Syria gassed Palestinian Arabs in Yarmouk, killing 22. "Pro-Palestinian" groups silent. Posted: 24 Jul 2013 02:00 AM PDT From JPost: Syrian opposition activists say that the military has used chemical weapons against the Al Yarmouk district of Damascus, an area of the city comprised predominantly of Palestinian refugees, Israel Radio reported.The Syrian Coalition press release says: According to video footage uploaded by activists inside the capital of Damascus, Assad's forces are using chemical and toxic gas bombs to shell the Yarmouk Palestinian Camp. The strategic, systematic use of chemical weapons in order to achieve military gains only proves the desperate state that Assad's regime has reached.Arabic media also indicates 22 victims. Here is a news report that supposedly shows victims of the attacks: As usual, the "pro-Palestinian" crowd is utterly silent about this potential war crime against the people they pretend to love. Use the phrase "white phosphorus" and they are up in arms, but actual poison gas doesn't cause a ripple in their moral compasses. Because their concern isn't for the victims, but in the religion of the attackers. |
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