Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Shocking anecdote from Egypt's Jewish community leader
- A Jew visits Kurdistan
- Hamas starts begging Egypt for fuel
- 7/17 Links Part 2: Alice Walker Praises Racist Mass Murder Che Guevara, Dmitriy Salita Documentary
- Great video about vilification of Israel
- The EU's slide towards accepting Palestinian Arab intransigence since 1997
- Thousands of PalArabs visit Tel Aviv beaches - for Ramadan
- 7/17 Links Part 1: EU Round Up, Iranian Pres.Rouhani Backs Syria, EU Courts Dismantling Iran Sanctions
- French Jewish organization files complaint about "Khaybar"
- Ikea considers opening Ramallah branch
- Palestinian Arabs on Temple Mount call for destruction of US, France, Britain, Jews
Shocking anecdote from Egypt's Jewish community leader Posted: 17 Jul 2013 11:00 PM PDT In April, I briefly profiled Magda Haroun, the new head of the Jewish community in Egypt whois an avowed anti-Zionist, as was her father, who wanted to fight Israel in the Six Day War. In a new interview at Al Masry al Youm, Haroun gives an interview that includes a shocking anecdote that shows that her father's sickening way of thinking. In 1954, Magda's older sister Mona became sick with leukemia. Mona was 4 years old at the time. Magda says that her father, Chehata, was crazy about Mona; the only treatment available in Egypt for the disease was blood transfusions and Chehata gave as much blood as he could. Things got worse, and doctors told him that the only way tosave Mona's life was to travel to France to receive treatment there. Egyptian authorities told Chehata that, as a Jew, he would not be allowed to return to Egypt if he took Mona out of the country. He refused to accept that he could never go home again. And Mona died. Even after this incident, Chehata remained dedicated to Egypt - the country that didn't want him. Now, Magda says that she refuses to travel to Israel, and to take any money from Israel to help preserve the remaining Jewish sites in Egypt. She inherited her father's stubbornness - and fatal stupidity. (h/t Ibn Boutros) |
Posted: 17 Jul 2013 07:00 PM PDT From Paul Rockower at HuffPo: With just a bit of trepidation, I set off in early June last year for Iraq. I was to be there for five weeks, running performing arts academies in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. I was working as the Communications Director for American Voices, a nonprofit organization that conducts cultural diplomacy to countries emerging from conflict or isolation.....I briefly discussed Kurdish feelings for Israel in this 2009 post. |
Hamas starts begging Egypt for fuel Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:40 PM PDT Al Ahram reports: Hamas spokesman Ehab Al-Ghaseen said on Wednesday that the Egyptian army has initiated a campaign to close smuggling tunnels to Gaza.Remember that Gaza can get much more fuel from Israel, but it is at market rates and not subsidized by the Egyptian government the way the smuggled fuel is. Here is a video showing the Egyptians destroying a reservoir for fuel near the Gaza border that was meant to be pumped by smugglers into Gaza. Meanwhile, the Palestinian NGO Network issued a joint press statement condemning Egyptian media incitement against Palestinians, aimed at "defaming Palestinian citizens."The Palestinian Arabs are the victims of incitement by the Arab media? That must be an awful feeling! |
7/17 Links Part 2: Alice Walker Praises Racist Mass Murder Che Guevara, Dmitriy Salita Documentary Posted: 17 Jul 2013 03:10 PM PDT From Ian: Jews Sue Police for Barring Them from Temple Mount on Tisha B'Av The Babylonians and Romans destroyed the Holy Temples long ago. Since 1967, the site of the ruins returned to Jews, but Muslims have de facto rule. Police barred Jewish entry on Tisha B'Av and now face a lawsuitANALYSIS: With Hamas Cooperation, Jihadists Turning Egypt's Sinai Peninsula Into Key Battleground The Sinai Peninsula is fast becoming the primary battleground between the Egyptian military and Islamist groups ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian off-shoot Hamas, to Al-Qaida and Salafist groups. The peninsula's always-tenuous stability has been further undermined by the successive falls of Egyptian presidents Hosni Mubarak in 2011 and Mohammed Morsi in 2013. Homegrown Islamists, Hamas, and foreign jihadis are now regularly attacking Egyptian and Israeli targets in the Sinai.This time in Sinai, the Egyptians mean business Egyptian security forces early Tuesday morning discovered and sealed another eight smuggling tunnels running from the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian media reports, the Egyptians also located 23 warehouses used for storing fuel and thwarted the imminent transfer of the fuel to the Hamas-run territory. These warehouses contained 140,000 liters of fuel, a rare commodity of late in the Strip.Erdogan: Morsi Is Still "My President" Erdogan was an early and consistent supporter of Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood-linked government, and Ankara reacted to Morsi's removal with outrage. Cairo had already summoned the Turkish ambassador to Egypt last week after Ankara described Morsi's removal as an "unacceptable coup."MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Zoghbi Calls on Allah to Annihilate Jews and Shiites in a Friday Sermon UK Zionist Federation Slams Transport for London Deal Banning Sale to Israel The United Kingdom's Zionist Federation has sharply condemned Transport for London, the local government body responsible for most aspects of the transport system in London, England, for agreeing to an Israeli exclusion condition put forward by the United Arab Emirates. The condition was included in an Emirates Airlines sponsorship contract for Thames Cable Cars, a cable car link across the River Thames in London. Thames Cable Cars is also referred to as the Emirates Air Line.Student BDS movement leader up for regent post in California "While it would be an important milestone for a Muslim student to become the student regent, Ms. Saifuddin is an ill-advised choice because she promotes activities that marginalize a large group of students on campus, and she advances extremist positions," StandWithUs wrote in an open letter to the Board of Regents.Alice Walker evokes Che Guevera in post on Trayvon Martin at 'Comment is Free' Whether espousing explicit antisemitism, defending Palestinian suicide bombers and paying tribute to radical chic 'anti-imperialist' mass murderers, Walker is about the last person who should be taken seriously on the issues of race and bigotry. And, the fact that she was imputed with such moral authority by 'CiF' editors is a remarkable commentary on the continuing perversion of true progressive thought at a media group which, however risibly, still fancies itself the world's "leading liberal voice".Kirchner to Skip Bombing Memorial Again Jonathan Schanzer, vice president for research of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, points out to me that for the second year running, Argentine President Christina Kirchner is going to skip commemorations for the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. Her snub to Argentina's Jewish community comes after her refusal to allow the prosecutor in the case to testify in the U.S. Congress in recent hearings about Iranian activity in Latin America.ADL 'Applauds' De Blasio's Campaign to Highlight Saudi Arabian Airlines 'Six-Decades of Discrimination' "Saudi Arabia, along with numerous other Arab countries, have refused entry to people traveling on Israeli passports since 1948. As many travelers know, many of these countries will not allow entry even to individuals who have an entry stamp from Israel in their passport.Leonard Garment, Beyond Watergate Leonard Garment, Richard Nixon's law partner, adviser, and White House Counsel during the Watergate scandal, died in New York on Saturday at the age of 89. The New York Times' obituary emphasized Garment's exquisite success in defending his friend-president-and-client while preserving his own integrity and reputation–a daunting task. But this 2,200 word article overlooked Garment's essential contribution to American, Jewish, and world history in working with Daniel Patrick Moynihan to denounce the UN's Zionism is Racism Resolution. Garment, a trial attorney, carefully sought the right word to describe Resolution 3379, which the General Assembly passed in November 1975. His ultimate choice, "obscene," brilliantly captured how this unfair, inaccurate libel sullied us all.Orthodox Jewish Boxer Dmitriy Salita Featured in Documentary Series, Talks Jewish Roots (VIDEO) Overshadowed in recent years by The Algemeiner's other favorite film-friendly Jewish pugilist, Yuri Foreman, Salita was recently given his own chance to shine.Israeli-Made 'Pencil Sharpener' Device Peels Carrots, Vegetables (VIDEO) An Israeli has invented a tool that will shave time off of peeling carrots. The device? The Karoto, looks and works like a large pencil sharpener, and peels vegetables such as courgettes and carrots or any similar-shaped vegetable.Apple in Talks to Buy Israel's PrimeSense for $280 Million American tech giant Apple is in talks to buy Israel-based PrimeSense, a developer of chips that enable three-dimensional machine vision, for $280 million, Israel's Calcalist website reported Tuesday.New clips, alarms and apps can stop parents forgetting tots in cars Israelis have been saddened — and angered — by the deaths of three very young children, in the past two weeks, forgotten for hours inside vehicles on sweltering summer days, succumbing to dehydration and heat exhaustion. |
Great video about vilification of Israel Posted: 17 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT |
The EU's slide towards accepting Palestinian Arab intransigence since 1997 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 12:00 PM PDT Early today I noted that the official EU guidelines that were much discussed since yesterday incorrectly used the phrase "1967 borders" to refer to the 1949 armistice lines; lines that were never national borders and never meant to be national borders. I just did a quick look through official EU documents and the earliest mention I can find of the phrase "1967 borders" is this 2002 document, which was quickly followed by a host of others with the same wrong formulation. It is astonishing that Israel apparently never pushed back on the EU to change that incorrect language. But beyond that, it is notable to see how the EU's language has, over time, become more strident against Israel and more pro-Palestinian. From the June 1997 Presidency Statement: The foundations of peace are widely known : the right of all States and peoples in the region to live in peace within safe, recognized borders; respect for the legitimate aspiration of the Palestinian people to decide their own future; the exchange of land for peace; the non-acceptability of the annexation of territory by force; respect for human rights; the rejection of terrorism of all kinds; good relations between neighbours; and compliance with existing agreements and the rejection of counterproductive unilateral initiatives. In this context the Union recalls its opposition to settlements and attachment to security cooperation. From the June 2002 Presidency Statement - as noted, the first time I can find a reference to "1967 borders." The European Council strongly condemns all terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. The peace process and the stability of the region cannot be hostage to terrorism. The fight against terrorism must go on; but so at the same time must the negotiation of a political solution. Now compare those to this statement from the High Representative, November 2012, which no longer calls on the PA to have any responsibility - as if the PA has achieved the goals of democracy and transparency insisted upon ten years earlier: The EU has repeatedly expressed its support and wish for Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations as part of a solution to the conflict. The EU has also consistently worked to advance the Palestinian Authority's state-building efforts under Prime Minister Fayyad. It will continue to do so. Recalling the Berlin Declaration of March 1999, the EU reiterates its readiness to recognize a Palestinian State when appropriate. Two weeks ago, from a joint statement with the GCC: The Ministers reaffirmed their shared position that a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East is vital for international peace and security, noting that such a solution must be based on UN Resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, leading to the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State on the territory occupied since 1967. ... I still do see some more recent documents that call for "secure and recognised borders" such as this one from January 2012 and this one from this month. But both those statements also enshrine the "Arab Peace Initiative" as one of the bases for peace. The change in language over the years is unmistakable. Essentially the entire Palestinian Arab position has been adopted fully by the EU. There is not even insistence to end Palestinian Arab incitement against Jews and Israel, nothing about Hamas (and some Fatah) terrorism, nothing condemning Abbas' embrace of stone throwing and firebombs as "peaceful resistance" - nothing. This represents a great failure on the part of Israel's diplomats. |
Thousands of PalArabs visit Tel Aviv beaches - for Ramadan Posted: 17 Jul 2013 10:30 AM PDT ![]() Officially, most of the passes are meant for them to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque, but tens of thousands of these Palestinians visiting the beach instead of, or in addition to, their prayers. They are also spending lots of money. "For the first time in my life I was in Tel Aviv," said Ligal Atz'ai, 24, who came to the city for a fun day with some friends from Ramallah. "I've always dreamed of Tel Aviv's beach, which I saw in pictures. When I got here this morning I was struck by the beauty of the city." Atz'ai is an aluminum factory worker near Beit Horon. Two weeks ago he asked permission from the Civil Administration to enter Israel for travel during Ramadan.So far, 100,000 permits have been issued, but far more will be given out for the end of Ramadan, the holiday Eid al Fitr. Many of the Arabs interviewed were seeing normal Israelis for the first time, and some showed appreciation for being allowed to come into Israel. Maariv also interviewed some shopkeepers in Ramallah who are staring at their empty stores while their potential customers flock to Israel and spend twice as much for the same products. The article ends off: They're not exactly boycotting Israel, are they? |
Posted: 17 Jul 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The baseless hatred of the EU towards Israel News of the EU's act of existential spite against Israel broke on the fast of Tisha b'Av, when Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple (you know, that Temple, the one that stood in Jerusalem all those centuries ago before any Arabs existed, let alone any Green Line) along with the seemingly never-ending list down through the ages of all those prosecuting their uniquely murderous and baseless hatred of the Jewish people.Missing Peace: New EU directive about Israeli settlements raises serious questions Nevet Brasker of the Broader View Resource Center asked the EU the following questionsWhen Europe demanded Israel surrender the Western Wall As another official noted, the EU's new policy is in effect demanding that Israel deny — in writing — any rights to the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, as a precondition for signing any agreement with the EU.PA official: EU Judea and Samaria guidelines harm Palestinians "For our part, we approached a number of [European] Union officials, in the [Palestinian] Authority and also in Israel, to try and prevent the decision or at least to keep it unofficial," said the official, who declined to give his name. "It's not just Israeli companies that are going to be hit economically, it's also going to be disastrous economically and socially for the Palestinian community."Senior Official: Israel's EU Embassy Failed Finance Minister Yair Lapid said that the controversial EU directive undermines the efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to bring both parties to the peace negotiation table. According to Lapid, the EU move signals to the Palestinians that there is no diplomatic or economic cost to their continued refusal to return to negotiations, causing them to believe that Israel will have to give in to political and economic pressure.ADL: PA Got 'Free Pass' From EU ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman fired off a letter to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday, stating, "President [Mahmoud] Abbas has blocked the [peace] process with his preconditions, so who does the EU pressure? Israel. Who gets a free pass? The Palestinians."'Implement the Levi Report in Response to EU Boycott' The Levi Report was commissioned by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, to examine the legal status of so-called "outposts" - nascent communities in the Judea-Samaria region. The committee was headed by former Israeli Supreme Court justice Edmund Levy, and found that - contrary to the claims of Israel's detractors - Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is legal under international law.'East Jerusalem is not a Palestinian territory' The statement, signed by ZOA President Morton Klein, also noted that the neglect of eastern Jerusalem only ended under Israeli rule and after the unification of Jerusalem.Kerry's New 'Peace' Brainstorm: Talk with Abbas without Israel U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry left Washington Monday with a new a brainstorm of meeting with Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan to advance the dead and buried "peace process" while leaving Israel off the itinerary.Prosor to UN: Condemn the Mortar Fire from Syria "Israel is an island of stability in a region steeped in violence, blood and destruction, and we expect that the Security Council will do everything in its power in order to maintain stability," Prosor wrote in his letter.Syrian gunmen hide in unmanned IDF post; Israeli patrol shot at Two Syrian gunmen of unknown affiliation infiltrated an unmanned IDF military outpost in the southern Golan Heights in the demilitarized zone Tuesday night. Shots were then fired at an IDF patrol approaching the area.Europe Fears "Jihad Tourism" as Radicalized Citizens Flock to Syria European countries are rushing to head off what's being labeled "jihad tourism," as evidence emerges that radicalized Europeans are traveling to Syria to fight against the Bashar al-Assad regime. Officials are expressing concerns that their citizens will eventually come home as battle-hardened jihadists:Syrian Kurds to declare autonomy from Damascus The PYD's declaration of autonomy came amid reports of intense clashes between the Kurdish group and the al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra in the northeastern city of Ras al-Ayn. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the clashes took place approximately 200 meters from the Turkish border crossing.Iran's Rouhani affirms support for Syria, Hezbollah The official IRNA news agency on Tuesday cited Hasan Rouhani as saying close Iranian-Syrian ties will be able to confront "enemies in the region, especially the Zionist regime." According to the semi-official Fars News, Rouhani "lauded the Syrian nation for its resistance against western plots" and said Syria will "overcome its current crisis."Rouhani says Netanyahu threats over nuclear program are laughable "When some (the United States and Israel) say that all options are on the table and when a miserable regional country (Israel) says such things, it makes you laugh," AFP quoted Rowhani as saying in an address to Iran-Iraq war veterans.E.U. Courts Dismantling Iran Sanctions, "Dozens of Cases" Put International Regime at Risk of Unraveling European Union courts are dismantling sanctions designed to stall Iran's nuclear program at the behest of companies and individuals targeted by the sanctions. Courts are demanding that European governments provide information – much of it sensitive and classified – justifying the asset freezes, visa restrictions, and other measures imposed by the international community against Tehran. In the absence of such evidence, which European agencies have declined to provide lest they expose delicate sources and intelligence, several courts have ordered restrictions removed. |
French Jewish organization files complaint about "Khaybar" Posted: 17 Jul 2013 07:15 AM PDT ![]() that monitors TV programming in that country, about the incitement against Jews in the "Khaybar" miniseries. Three of the satellite networks broadcasting the antisemitic series - Dubai TV, Algeria 3 and Dream 3 - are available to French satellite customers. According to CRIF, the anti-Semitic series encourages serious public incitement to national and racial discrimination, hatred and violence. The series can also be seen on cable and the Internet, which gives it a significant and disturbing potential audience. As "Khaybar" is included in various paid packages, CRIF also informed Eutelsat Numéricâble, SFR, Orange and Canal satellite TV providers of offensivbe material recorded during the broadcast of this series. |
Ikea considers opening Ramallah branch Posted: 17 Jul 2013 05:30 AM PDT ![]() There are reports that Ikea is looking positively upon opening an Ikea branch in Ramallah. Two Ikea officials met with Palestinian Arab businessmen and its economy minister last month. The convenience of inexpensive, ready to build slingshots and Molotov cocktail kits might be irresistible to the discerning middle-class Arab customers. Actually, it looks like Ikea was marketing to "Palestine" for a while. I'm not sure that they will be selling the "Omar" wine shelf, though. (h/t Uri) |
Palestinian Arabs on Temple Mount call for destruction of US, France, Britain, Jews Posted: 17 Jul 2013 02:52 AM PDT ![]() There was some controversy over such a political demonstration in the Arabic media and I saw some pushback on people openly supporting Morsi after the Egyptian revolution. However, none of the Arabic media I could find mentioned anything negative about the content of the speeches themselves, and how thousands of people were chanting anti-Western slogans. That is a little more newsworthy. From MEMRI: Following are excerpts from a pro-Morsi demonstration held outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which was posted on the Internet on July 12, 2013:The people who complain that Jews quietly and reverently visiting the Temple Mount are being "provocative" have never said a negative word about this. |
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