Hotels will be closed if staff are found to have sexually harassed tourists, Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou has said.
"Foreign travel agents have complained about the inappropriate behavior of some hotel staff towards tourists," Zaazou told Al-Hayat 2 private satellite channel on Saturday. "They threaten to remove Egypt from their list of tourist destinations."
Zaazou told Ahram Online on Sunday that he would meet with members of the Egyptian Hotels Association to discuss the move.
"I am determined to close hotels where sexual harassment has taken place because this behavior has an impact on the country's reputation," Zaazou asserted.
The tourism ministry has recorded 150 cases of sexual harassment against tourists over the last two years. There have also been three recorded rapes in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh.
Iraqi media is reporting that Israel, the US and Qatar have agreed to allow Israel to expand to take over all Arab lands from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Qatar has been under much criticism in the Arab world for trying to position itself as a player in negotiations between Israel and Palestinian Arabs. It has also been criticized for helping send fuel and construction material to Gaza, which has been making Egyptians nervous and jealous.
An Egyptian "human rights" official this week described Qatari as the "Jews of the Gulf," apparently because of the interest it is charging Egypt for a loan.
Following are excerpts from an interview with Swedish-Algerian TV host Yahya Abu Zakariya, which aired on Syrian TV on April 28, 2013:
Interviewer: Today, an Israeli newspaper leaked the news that the Emir of Qatar would be visiting Israel in the near future, in order to strengthen trade relations between the two countries. Will we have to get used to ties between Israel and some Arab countries?
Yahya Abu Zakariya: Let me say – and this is not propaganda - that the Qataris are Jews. The Thani clan is the clan of Ben-Gurion. The Qataris have Jewish roots, because in the Arab national fabric, no Arab, unless he is Jewish, can harbor such vicious hatred toward another Arab. We know this from our Arab history, and we see it in the present. Hamad Bin-Gurion Al-Thani is a Jew.
The person in charge of building Solomon's Temple in occupied Palestine, to replace the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is on the verge of collapse, said that Qatar is the country financing the temple. He said, in plain English, that Qatar is helping to finance the building of Solomon's Temple. The secret ties between Qatar and the Hebrew entity are as warm and as strong as can be. From this we understand the role that Qatar has been given in the systematic destruction of Syria.
It is no coincidence, therefore, that the Zionists mobilized their kinfolk in the Arab world. Hamad Bin-Gurion dreams of being Lord of the Arabs – according to the Arab-Jewish legends, a Jewish king will rule the Arabs, and he believes that he is the one… By Allah, his moustache will be shaved off before he is allowed to be mayor of Jaffa or Haifa.
If the Gulf States were deprived of oil, perhaps they would put their minds, their culture, and their poetry to good use. They have nothing but sword dances – and even their sword they gave to George Bush. They have sold even their Arabian horses to America.
Did you know that all the Arabian horses were purchased from the Gulf emirs? Only two or three thoroughbred Arabian horses are left in the Arab world. They have even sold our horses.
We cannot rule out the possibility that these Arabian horses will be crossbred with Jewish horses, and will become, I'm said to say, Hebrew – so that one day, it will be said that the Arabs did not breed horses or have swords, and that they do nothing but fornicate, act with treachery, and collude against their fellow Arabs.
Believe me, the ears of every Gulf emir are red from being pulled by the Americans, who say to them: "Come here, you empty vessel, you lackey, give me your money and buy a hundred million…"
The [emirs] buy airplanes from them, without knowing how to use them. They ride up to the airplane on a camel's back. They have an F-25 here and a camel race there. What is this?
I would like to say to Saudi Arabia: Beware of the Emir of Qatar. By Allah, he will pulverize Saudi Arabia and turn it into mini-states. No reactionary can be safe from another. You will end up fighting one another. The Saudis must realize and reveal to the people that the American intelligence assassinated Prince Naif with special rays. Let them have the courage to tell the people that the American intelligence killed Prince Naif.
They know full well that Abdallah is the last king of Saudi Arabia. [I say to the Saudis]: Re-embrace Arab nationalism. Re-embrace the Arab realm that protects your lands. Do not place your trust in America, for it is a bastard state. You cannot rely upon it for anything.
One day, a friend of mine, Robert Fisk, wrote an article about the establishment of Palestine [sic]. He wrote that Europe was afraid of Zionist treachery, and so it quickly helped to establish a Jewish homeland, in order to rid itself of the Jews, because the [Jews] were behind many conspiracies, and behind economic speculation and bankruptcy in Europe. Therefore, they drove the [Jews] to occupied Palestine.
Today, Europe is afraid of terrorism, and facilitates the departure of those terrorists. By the way, they were all under security surveillance. Some of them did not have passports, because they came from Peshawar, Pakistan, and when they reached Europe, they were allowed to remain as European citizens, but their passports were taken away. When the crisis in Syria began, they were given back their passports, along with financial aid. The Western intelligence agencies knew that they were heading for Syria.
There were several goals, which I shall clarify. I have an important European document, which says that by 2050, half the European population will be Muslim. Therefore, the Muslims who settled in the West will become the decision makers, and there will be a change in the balance of power between Europe and the Zionist entity, which uses Europe as a Trojan horse, when it comes to financing and armaments. In order to stop the advance of islamization, they must create an extremist Islam that will scare the Westerners, and threaten their very existence.
The creation of the extremist Islamic organizations was, in my opinion, the smartest and most creative Mossad bomb today.
Sanity is not a prominent feature of Arabic media, leaders or spokespeople.
Today, though, the PA is in a box of its own making. It cannot win militarily against Israel, nor will it engage in serious diplomacy with Israel. During a recent public relations' meeting in Washington, supposedly to show Arab state support for a two-state solution, the PA's representatives glowered in making clear they weren't interested in serious negotiations with Israel.
President Shimon Peres on Sunday denounced the reports of the Geneva headquartered United Nations Council on Human Rights which invariably depict Israel as the evil doer rather than the victim, while never condemning the human rights abuses of those who attack Israel.
The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities said Friday that the paper is "an outrage to everything that interfaith dialogue stands for" and "reads like an Inquisition-era polemic against Jews and Judaism." "The arrogance of telling the Jewish people how to interpret Jewish texts and Jewish theology is breathtaking," the Jewish council said. The council further declared that the paper "closes the door on meaningful dialogue" and called on the church to withdraw it ahead of its forthcoming General Assembly.
There are two main reasons that many leftists who are viscerally supportive of Israel have difficulty understanding and defending the Jewish state today. First, the storyline about Israel is deeply distorted.
Israel has been working toward a cooperative agreement in compliance with Turkey and three Arab states to implement an allied system of detection technologies to defend against Iranian ballistic projectiles, British newspaper The Sunday Times reported.
So, one of the U.S. officials who apparently flubbed American intelligence on Iraq warrants front-page coverage for his outlandish allegations about alleged Israeli weaponry in Syria? And Wilkerson's record on Israel is no more reassuring. For instance, he has endorsed the discredited Walt-Measheimer study on "The Israel Lobby" as containing "blinding flashes of the obvious."
The Simon Wiesenthal Center called on the organizers of the Buenos Aires Book Fair to publicly condemn the "House of Islam" stand for its promotion of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Several hundred supporters took part, despite attempts by the government to prevent it going ahead. Jobbik said the rally was a protest against what it said was a Jewish attempt to buy up Hungary.
The Western world is increasingly realizing that the terrorist threat it faces is the same threat that Israel has faced for decades, says Avi Posnick of the StandWithUs Israel advocacy group.
For CEOs of start-ups, spreading the word on a new idea or technology is a bit like being a missionary. In order to get people to believe in what you're doing, you need to be a super-believer yourself, preparing your presentation to perfection, anticipating any questions or objections in advance, and anticipating opportunities waiting to be seized before they slip away.
"There seems to be art and creativity everywhere, whether it was in the galleries of Jaffa or along the streets of Jerusalem … the creativity blows my mind because you can see that people want to live their lives to the fullest," said Diaz. America's Voices in Israel, a division of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, brought over the potpourri of stars to give them a view of the country from beyond the headlines.
They don't even bother to identify the source of the scare quotes in the headline, making it appear from a glance like they are quoting a reputable source.
In fact, practically the entire article only quotes Arab sources and anger at Israel.
Only at the very, very end - in paragraph 26! -does it grudgingly mention
After the latest attack, unnamed Western intelligence sources said the target was a weapons cache heading for Lebanon.
Israel has repeatedly said it would act if it felt advanced weapons were being transferred to militant groups in the region, especially Hezbollah.
This is not even journalism - it is the BBC acting as a propaganda mouthpiece for the most extreme haters of the Jewish state.
Indeed, it is the BBC who is writing headlines coordinated with terrorists.
Born to a religious Christian family and a firm believer in the Bible, Orde Wingate passionately embraced the prophetic vision of Jewish redemption and the Jews' ultimate return to Eretz Yisrael. During his service in Eretz Yisrael, he worked to help realize that ideal.
The son of a British officer, Wingate was born in India, received a military education, and was commissioned in 1923. He served in India and then in the Sudan, where he studied Arabic and Semitics, and acquired a familiarity with the Middle East. Wingate was recognized as a talented officer, and by 1936 he had earned the rank of captain. That same year he was transferred to Eretz Yisrael, and served there for the next three years.
Wingate arrived in Eretz Yisrael as an intelligence officer at a time when small bands of Arab rioters were regularly attacking both the British and the Jews. To counter this offensive, Wingate organized and trained "Special Night Squads," comprised primarily of Haganah fighters, which were successfully employed throughout the Yishuv. Their tactics were based on the strategic principles of surprise, mobility, and night attacks, and they served effectively both as defensive and offensive units, successfully pre-empting and resisting Arab attacks.
Wingate maintained good contacts with the heads of the Yishuv and the Haganah. He learned Hebrew, and he demonstrated his ardent belief that the Jews were entitled to their homeland in Eretz Yisrael. He also recognized the need for a working military force, and he dreamed of heading the army of the future Jewish state. Because of his efforts and support, he was called in the Yishuv "ha-yedid," the friend.
Wingate's intense support for the Zionist viewpoint, however, was controversial, and in 1939
the British succumbed to Arab pressure and transferred Wingate from Eretz Yisrael. His passport was stamped with the restriction that he not be allowed to re-enter the country. His personal involvement with the Zionist cause was thus curtailed, but many of those he trained became heads of the Palmach and, later, the Israel Defense Forces
Wingate returned briefly to Great Britain, but, recognized for his military talent, he was transferred to further active duty. In 1941 he led the force in Ethiopia against the Italians and was a major figure in liberating the country. He then worked in Burma, organizing and training the Chindits, a special jungle unit that operated behind Japanese lines. Wingate was killed in an airplane crash in Burma in 1944, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
Wingate's friendship for the Yishuv and his contributions to its defense have been recognized through the several places in Israel named for him, including the College of Physical Education near Netanya.
CIPAC (Christians' Israel Public Action Campaign)is pleased to cosponsor again this year, with the Jewish War Veterans, the Orde Wingate Memorial Service at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) this Sunday, May 5 at 2:30.
You are specially invited, with no need for tickets, to check in at the ANC visitors center, near the Arlington National Cemetery Metro stop, for directions to the grave site, or if weather's inclement, to the "Women in Military Service for America Memorial" auditorium.
Wingate, in the British Army and a Christian, served in pre-State Israel under the British League of Nations mandate in the late 1930′s as an intelligence officer to defeat Arab terrorists attacking Jewish kibbutzim and the Iraq-Haifa oil pipeline in the North. His creation of British-Israeli joint Special Night Squads ("Plugot Lila") embodied a biblically inspired, preemptive offense centered, lead from the front, style of combat doctrine that still typifies the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) today.
Though Wingate would go on to create Special Forces to defeat vastly more numerous Axis troops, restore Haili Selassie to the Ethiopian throne and convince the Japanese in Burma to drop plans to conquer India, he never lost a burning desire to create and lead the first Israeli Army in 2000 years. He died in a US bomber crash in Burma, a 42 year old major general and father of a newborn son he'd never see, likely with Israel in his heart and on his lips. His remains are buried, with those of all aboard the ill-fated flight, in Arlington – fittingly, I feel, since the US has been Israel's best backer on Earth.
Last Thursday TV personality Avri Gilad went on a trip to the northern Negev with Regavim – an independent, professional research institute and policy planning think tank involved in protecting Israel's national lands. So disturbed was he by what he saw on that trip that upon his return he immediately penned the following post on Facebook:
"I came back from a tour of the Negev conducted by Regavim. I'm appalled by what I've seen. There's no more Negev.
The Beduin have taken it over completely by force....
By shameless criminal activity, with insolence met only by fear and submission, the Beduin have taken over the entire Negev."
He noted that though he had visited Beersheva and Arad, he had never entered Beduin towns like Laqia, Hura or the others he saw on this trip. Gilad also wrote that the government of Israel has virtually agreed to give Beduin clans in the Negev over 60 percent of the state land they have illegally settled on. On top of this, former MK Benny Begin sweetened the deal recently, offering them more land and additional monetary compensation. Avri Gilad, in his post, called on the government "to stop the Begin plan immediately," and said, "We have to re-conquer the Negev."
He concluded by saying "we must have one law for everyone – both for a Jew who encloses his balcony [without authorization] and for a Beduin who uses a fence he stole from Omer to enclose five dunams [0.5 hectares] of land as his."
Gilad's post went viral, and when interviewed later on Army Radio, he stated over 450,000 people had seen it.
However, it didn't take long for the many defenders of the Beduin's supposed right to take whatever land they want to jump into action. These foreign-funded, radical left-wing NGOs have done a great job training the various Beduin tribes to always refuse the Israeli government's every offer of compromise and hold out for 100 percent of their claims.
The author of this piece continued with what she called "facts": "What is known as the Beduin diaspora are 35 unrecognized villages in the Northern Negev on an area between Beersheva, Yeruham, Arad and Dimona." This, however, is the "big lie" – that only 35 "unrecognized villages" exist.
The author appears to have forgotten that nowadays programs like Google Earth exist (although a tour of the facts on the ground with Regavim is preferable) allowing all and sundry a close-up look at what is really happening to the area between Beersheva, Arad and Dimona. Fact: There are not 35 illegally built villages on state-owned land, but over 2,000 illegal settlements, spread out over 80,000 hectares (800,000 dunams). How do these NGOs imagine they can continue to hide the facts when the means of independent verification are so accessible? ...
But as much as these NGOs try to frame and fudge the public debate around the illegal villages of those 20% of Beduin who have grabbed state land and claim to have ancestral title to it, Regavim hopes for an equitable solution to the problem. Because of growing public awareness, the government program to overcome the lawlessness in the south is scheduled for renewed discussion.
The Negev problem is quite real, as I documented in February during my own trip with Regavim:
Regavim is hardly a racist organization - they stress that the Bedouin were treated unfairly for decades and want to solve the problem fairly. But as long as anti-Israel NGOs reflexively attack the Jewish state no matter what, calling anyone who shows both sides of the story "racist," the problem will only grow.
Israel carried out a pre-dawn air strike near Damascus on Sunday, targeting Iranian missiles destined for Lebanon's Hezbollah in the second such raid on Syrian soil in three days, a senior Israeli source said.
"The target was Iranian missiles which were destined for Hezbollah," he told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The attack targeted a facility just northwest of the Syrian capital, very close to the site of a similar attack late January which was implicitly confirmed by Israel, the source said.
He also confirmed Israel was behind an earlier strike on a target very close to Damascus airport which took place early on Friday, which also struck Iranian arms destined for the Lebanese Shiite movement.
"Any time Israel learns about the transfer of weapons from Syria to Lebanon, it will attack," he warned.
According to Syria's official SANA news agency, Sunday morning's attack targeted the Jamraya military research center near Damascus, in the Eastern Ghouta region.
Following the strike, the Israeli air force went on high alert, although the Jewish state was not anticipating a significant response from Damascus, the source said.
"The air force is now on high alert, the highest in recent years," he said.
Tonight's air strikes in Syria targeted sensitive military facilities, including ones staffed by Iran Revolutionary Guard personnel, according to Western government sources who focus on the Middle East and who spoke to The Tower.
What I have said in the past and I continue to believe is that the Israelis justifiably have to guard against the transfer of advanced weaponry to terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. We coordinate closely with the Israelis recognizing they are very close to Syria, they are very close to Lebanon.
There have also been reports that the airstrikes targeted the 104th and 105th brigades of the Syrian Republican Guards, a source told RT Arabic.
Mount Qasioun and Damascus Airport are located in different parts of the city, so if both were targets of airstrikes, this would likely require a more complex coordinated attack.
....While no official casualty number has been made public, rumors on Syrian social media say that at least 300 soldiers stationed at Mount Qasioun have been killed and hundreds of others injured, Mawazini said. Many Syrians are calling for retaliation as the possibility of a full-scale war with Israel is speculated upon.
During the attack, one Israeli jet was reportedly shot down by Syria's Air Force, according to Hezbollah's Manar TV channel, citing security sources in Damascus. Two Israeli pilots of the downed IDF jet have been taken to a military area in Damascus under Assad's control, according to reports in Lebanese and Syrian media.
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