Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Stephen Hawking is only a symptom
- South Africa haters upset that students who disrupted concert are being charged
- Arab Muslim girls enjoying river rafting in Israel (poster)
- Fifth anniversary of the death of a woman who saved thousands of Jewish lives
- Sunday Links
- Siege! Hamas blocks human rights workers from leaving Gaza
- VIDEO: Lebanese TV shows Gaza luxury, slams Hamas (EoZ exclusive)
- Antisemitic rant in Gulf News op-ed (in English)
- Hamas compiling photos of Israeli soldiers
Stephen Hawking is only a symptom Posted: 12 May 2013 07:49 PM PDT As Zionists gnash their teeth over Stephen Hawking's embrace of BDS, and Israel-haters celebrate their victory, it it worthwhile to take a step back to understand how Hawking might have come to such a position. After all, as smart as Hawking is, his ability to access original information about the Middle East is quite limited. Almost certainly a large percentage of his time online is simply dealing with email, and his assistants are almost certainly filtering even that. It is not like Hawking can take a few weeks off to double-check the veracity of articles about the Middle East in British media, or even the many emails he was probably bombarded with from the BDSers when it was announced that he would attend a conference in Israel. Hawking is a product of his environment, and his ability to go beyond the conventional wisdom in anything besides physics is severely constrained. Which means that Hawking's knowledge of Israel is filtered through the conventional wisdom of Britain. In the most recent Pew Global Attitudes poll, we see that 44% of the British have an unfavorable attitude towards Israel, and only 34% have a favorable attitude. When asked which side they sympathize with more, 19% were on the Israeli side and 35% sympathized more with the Palestinian Arab side. Even more telling, in 2002, while Israelis were being blown up every couple of days from suicide bombs, the British were only 17% sympathetic towards Israel compared to 28% for Palestinian Arabs. A most telling episode occurred in 2001, when the French ambassador to England referred to Israel during a dinner party as "that shitty little country." The British, rather than being upset at the ambassador, tended to rally around him, with an op-ed in the Independent supporting the statement and other in the Guardian and the Observer all far more angry at the Jewish woman who revealed the comment than the French ambassador who made it. This was hardly an anomaly. Only days after 9/11, Richard Ingrams wrote in The Observer: The mountain of words and pictures last week mirrored the piles of rubble in New York. Like the rescue workers there, one waded in trying to find something that was alive, that would illuminate and explain what had happened.Yes, Ingrams' first reaction to the 9/11 attacks was that it must obviously be Israel's fault. There is no shortage of writings about British anti-Zionism and, yes, the related British anti-semitism. From the pages of The Guardian to members of the Church of England, virulent anti-Israel and more subtle anti-semitic statements have been becoming more and more mainstream and accepted. The fact is that the environment in Great Britain is turning increasingly toxic against anyone showing sympathy, or empathy, with the Jewish state. No doubt, the genesis of this hate is complex, from historic British antisemitism through antipathy towards Zionist Jews during the last years of the British Mandate of Palestine, plus the increasing influence of socialism and its concomitant anti-Zionism. In a nation that has embraced the false themes of unlimited Israeli evil and absolute Palestinian Arab victimhood, can we expect people to suspect that they are being fed a diet of lies? Finding out the truth takes time; it takes effort, and it takes commitment, all resources that most people cannot be bothered with. If their newspaper says that Israel is the intransigent party, who will spend the time to research the other side? Who would even consider that there is another side? We read reports about British anti-Zionism and think that it is a shame, but they are abstract. It takes a Stephen Hawking for us to realize that the torrent of lies and half-truths about Israel does affect and poison the minds of real people, even smart people. In such an environment, how could we expect Stephen Hawking to think differently? Why would he doubt the hundreds of emails he probably received, many illustrated with seemingly authoritative maps showing Zionist expansionism and fake quotes showing Zionist depravity? He simply has little or no exposure to anything but anti-Zionism and no real ability to check the veracity of the propaganda he and his fellow countrymen have been force-fed for decades. Hawking isn't the problem. His decision is the result of a much bigger problem, of an entire nation - actually, an entire continent - that cannot be bothered with the truth because of years of being brainwashed with simplistic and false notions of an evil Jewish Goliath and the saintly Arab David. |
South Africa haters upset that students who disrupted concert are being charged Posted: 12 May 2013 03:15 PM PDT Remember the concert by pianist Yossi Reshef that was stopped by Israel-haters who broke into the concert hall and jumped on the stage? A reminder: Guests and the audience arriving for the concert, were manhandled, shoved by the student protesters and utterly traumatised - some were in tears and shaking. The haters, naturally, are being brought up on charges by the university for their crimes. But their comrades seem to feel that violently stopping a pianist from playing is considered "free speech" and is something to be admired! From Business Day Live (South Africa:) CONGRESS of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi on Friday added to a call for the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) to drop charges of violating its code of conduct against students who disrupted a concert by an Israeli pianist.In Vavi's memo, we see a master of Orwellian rhetroric: We stand here, in a free, democratic and post-apartheid South Africa, to affirm our unequivocal support for the right of all people to engage in peaceful resistance in defence of their rights and those of others.Get that? Israelis, and Zionists, have no right to speech, to play music publicly or indeed to be treated like human beings. The students who broke through police lines, broke windows and doors to force themselves in, violently disrupted the concert, intimidated the audience and guests, and terrorized the artist should not only not be charged - they should be admired! But they must not suffer any consequences for breaking the law. That would be wrong. How liberal! Luckily, some students at Wits are not falling for this hypocrisy: Dear Wits StudentWe live in a Bizarro world where up is down, black is white, free speech is oppression and violent oppression is freedom. I have a feeling that the students will not be punished at all. Bullying Jews and Zionists will be considered a human right in parts of South Africa. Kristallnacht cannot be far behind. |
Arab Muslim girls enjoying river rafting in Israel (poster) Posted: 12 May 2013 01:15 PM PDT |
Fifth anniversary of the death of a woman who saved thousands of Jewish lives Posted: 12 May 2013 11:15 AM PDT Exactly five years ago today, Irena Sendler passed away at the age of 98. If you have never heard of this remarkable woman, here is a description from AP upon her death: Amazingly, this isn't everything. Even before the Warsaw Ghetto, at the outbreak of the war, Sendler created some 3000 false documents to save Jews. Her story was dramatized in this movie: The story of the play about her, Life in a Jar, written by high school students in Unionville, Kansas who researched her in the 1990s, is also very worthwhile reading. Here is a 2002 news report about the play: The Irena Sendler Project which includes information about her life and the play is funded by the Lowell Milken Center. |
Posted: 12 May 2013 10:00 AM PDT From Ian: Barry Rubin: If You Think America Should Go to War in Syria You Haven't Been Paying Attention Don't get me wrong. On balance, I'd like to see the Assad regime fall and to see an end to the suffering of Syrian civilians. From a strategic standpoint, though, the fact that the Sunni and Shia Islamists—who both want to destroy U.S. interests and wipe Israel off the map—are battling in Syria may not be the worst thing in the world.Prosor warns UN to rein in Hezbollah Israel's Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor on Friday warned that the transfer of "game changing weapons" from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon threatens to "plunge the entire region into instability and violence."EU threatens pullout of south Lebanon peacekeepers The European Union has threatened to remove its troops from UNIFIL, the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, unless the Lebanese government improves the security situation in the area.UN says 4 peacekeepers held by Syria rebels freed Syrian rebels on Sunday released four Filipino UN peacekeepers they abducted last week, a military spokesman in the Philippines said.Galloway: Israel supports Al-Qaeda British Member of Parliament chirps up conspiracy crackpottery from his Press TV pulpit Apparently, Israel is working with Al-Qaeda to help bring down the Assad regime. Yes. Apparently Israel is stupid enough to arm a terrorist group that would arguably work much harder to wipe the Jewish state off the map than Assad's lot ever did.IRS Punished Conservative Non-Profits, Perhaps Also Pro-Israel Groups After repeatedly denying it was targeting conservative groups for unfair treatment, the IRS admitted it was treating politically conservative groups in inappropriate ways. A pro-Israel group sued the IRS in 2010 for the same (and worse) conduct.Soldiers: We've Capitulated to Rock Throwers Report: number of soldiers injured by rocks is soaring but they are not allowed to open fire. Writing in the web magazine Mida, Erez Tadmor says that in the past week, since the grave injury of Yaakov Zlatkin at the hands of an Arab mob, he has spoken with dozens of officers and soldiers who all said the same thing: The health and security of Jews who live in Judea and Samaria, as well as those of the soldiers who are supposed to guard them, have been left to the mercy of the enemy.American stabbed in Cairo for "Being American" identified as lefty anti-zionist academic Chris Stone Stone is a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause and writes frequently against ZionismCairo says thwarts suicide attack on embassy Egyptian security forces thwarted an al-Qaida-linked group's plan to carry out a suicide attack on a foreign embassy and captured several militants, the interior minister said on Saturday.Turkey arrests nine in connection to deadly bombings 46 reported dead and 50 still hospitalized from Saturday blasts; Turkish officials blame Syrian intelligence for attacks; Syria denies allegationsOne arrested as plot to assasinate Patriarch Bartholomew uncovered The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into an alleged plot to assassinate Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I on the 560th anniversary of the conquest of İstanbul by the Ottomans, with police arresting one suspect and still seeking two others.To get money, Marmara families must drop demands Turkish Deputy PM says negotiators are trying to get up to 20 times the amount requested in court, but victims must waive civil suits"Business Insider" names 20 hottest Israeli start ups "Business Insider" yesterday listed Israel's 20 hottest start-up, and praised the country's developed start-up industry. "By some counts, Israel is home to 4,800 startups today. It's also home to least two dozen accelerator/incubator programs in the Tel Aviv area, alone, including some run by Microsoft and Google," it says, adding, "As a startup hub, Israel is second only to Silicon ValleySodaStream raises guidance on strong Q1 results SodaStream has raised its full-year revenue guidance to $554.1 million (27% growth over $436.3 million revenue in 2012) from $545.4 million ($25% growth over 2012). The company also raised its non-GAAP net profit growth forecast to 27% from 25%, to $63.5 million from $62.5 million, compared with a net profit of $50 million in 2012.Morgan Freeman Presented With The Jake Eberts Key Of Knowledge Award By Canadian Friends Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem Event raised $2 million for Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada |
Siege! Hamas blocks human rights workers from leaving Gaza Posted: 12 May 2013 08:00 AM PDT From PCHR: The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the decision of Internal Security Services (ISS), stationed at Beit Hanoun Crossing (Erez), to prevent lawyer Eyad al-Alami, PCHR's Deputy Director for Legal Affairs, and lawyer Mohammed Bseiso from traveling to the West Bank this morning. The two lawyers were leaving for an official mission related to PCHR's Legal affairs. PCHR calls upon the government in Gaza to intervene in order to put an end to these illegal measures and unjustified decisions which restrict the constitutionally guaranteed right of civilians to freedom of movement, and to ensure respect for the right freedom of movement. PCHR also calls upon the Government to allow people to move freely, especially, in light of restrictions imposed on Palestinian civilians' movement by the Israeli forces.The evil Israelis gave them permission to travel through Israel to visit the West Bank. The "democratically elected" Hamas leaders of Gaza blocked them. The "Free Gaza" movement is, naturally, silent. |
VIDEO: Lebanese TV shows Gaza luxury, slams Hamas (EoZ exclusive) Posted: 12 May 2013 06:11 AM PDT Lebanon's OTV is owned by a Christian party that is allied with Hezbollah, so this very interesting video shows Iran's displeasure at Hamas' non-support of Bashir Assad's regime in Syria. The report apparently aired May 9. It was publicized in anti-Hamas Palestinian Arab media. Reporter: Those who don't know Gaza don't know that it has Movenpick, Rotana, and other expensive hotels. Those who don't know Gaza don't know that Western Union, Money Express and other financial and banking services are available for Gazans on every street. Those who don't know Gaza don't know that some fishermen have changed the flags from those of Palestine to those of Qatar. Those who don't know Gaza don't know that the price of some apartments in the Rimal neighborhood are the same as the price of an apartment in the Rauche neighborhood in Beirut (an upscale neighborhood in Beirut).(h/t Ibn Boutros) |
Antisemitic rant in Gulf News op-ed (in English) Posted: 12 May 2013 03:53 AM PDT Usually one only sees these in Arabic, but Professor As'ad Abdul Rahman, the editor of the "Palestine Encyclopedia," wrote an article about the highly ineffective "Russell Tribunal on Palestine"in the Gulf News and segued into a crazed rant against Rabbinic Judaism: "Professor" Rahman, after putting "the Holocaust" in scare quotes, makes up a bizarre history of Judaism. I confess, I never heard of the "Sephardim Talmud." Sephardim learn the same Talmud that Ashkenazim do. [There were two main Talmuds written, the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds. The Babylonian is considered more authoritative but both are studied and used by both Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.) Shas is a Sephardic party! If the "Sephardim Talmud" reflects the true Torah, then how did they become such "racists"? The idea that any rabbi considers the Talmud "more holy" than the Torah is beyond absurd, as the Talmud itself shows countless times. And, once again, it needs to me mentioned that if the idea of a "Jewish State" is racist and negates the presence of all non-Jews, than every single Arab state, without exception, as well as "Palestine," are racist states that negate the presence of non-Arabs (and, for most, non-Muslims" based on the wording in their own constitutions. Keep in mind that this writer is considered an intellectual in the Arab world, and he doesn't have the ability to do the slightest amount of research. His hatred of Jews trumps any facts. The chances that the Gulf News would reprimand him for making things up range from remote to zero. (h/t Gidon Shaviv) |
Hamas compiling photos of Israeli soldiers Posted: 12 May 2013 01:00 AM PDT There have been a few incidents in recent years of IDF soldiers getting in trouble for posting information on Facebook that could compromise security or embarrass the IDF. In 2010, the IDF announced "In response to the latest incident the army's Information Security department issued a letter to soldiers warning: "Enemy intelligence scans the Internet in search of pieces of information about the IDF, information that could sabotage operations and endanger our forces." It turns out that the English-language Qassam website has been quietly compiling photos of IDF soldiers that originated on Facebook. The photos are not all on the same section of their site, and the captions do not help to understand why they are doing this. While their goal is unclear, but all potential scenarios - kidnapping, lawfare, or whatever - are not appealing. (h/t Irene) |
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