יום שישי, 11 בינואר 2013

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

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Hundreds of Muslims demonstrate in Egypt to retake Andalusia

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 05:30 PM PST

From WebIslam (Spanish):

Hundreds of Egyptians demonstrated on Wednesday Jan. 2 in Safenex Square in Cairo to commemorate the 521st anniversary of the fall of Granada.

The demonstration was called by The Free Movement (Harakat Ahrar).

The protesters organized a human chain around the square and held signs that said: "Obligatory return","We have not forgotten Al Andalus" and "Of course we will return" ...

MEMRI has video:

Hey, in a decade they might get the UN to declare Andalusia to be "occupied Moorish territory" and in twenty years Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the enlightened Western media will agree.

Abbas' lie of the day: "Jews were not expelled from Egypt"

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 02:20 PM PST

Mahmoud Abbas said in Cairo last night that Jews were not expelled from Egypt, but that they all left voluntarily.

As usual, he is lying.

From Wikipedia:
In the immediate aftermath of trilateral invasion during the Suez Crisis of 1956, on November 23 by Britain France and Israel, a proclamation was issued stating that 'all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state', and it promised that they would be soon expelled. Some 25,000 Jews, almost half of the Jewish community left, mainly for Israel, Europe, the United States and South America, after being forced to sign declarations that they were leaving voluntarily, and agreed with the confiscation of their assets. Some 1,000 more Jews were imprisoned. Similar measures were enacted against British and French nationals in retaliation for the invasion. In Joel Beinin's summary: "Between 1919 and 1956, the entire Egyptian Jewish community, like the Cicurel firm, was transformed from a national asset into a fifth column." ...

After the Six-Day War in 1967, more confiscations took place. Rami Mangoubi, who lived in Cairo at the time, states that nearly all Egyptian Jewish men between the ages of 17 and 60 were either thrown out of the country immediately, or taken to the detention centers of Abou Za'abal and Tura, where they were incarcerated and tortured for more than three years. The eventual result was the almost complete disappearance of the Jewish community in Egypt...

Thursday links

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 12:45 PM PST

From Ian:

Elliott Abrams: The "State of Palestine" and the PLO Office in Washington
"In addition to the PLO's historic baggage and its offensive Charter, a third reason to stop dealing with the PLO is that it is a non-democratic body. The PNA is theoretically a democratic one whose leadership is chosen through popular elections. Of course that's highly theoretical, because the last national elections were held in 2006 and the terms of the entire parliament and of President Abbas expired long ago. Still, isn't accepting the hypocrisy of the PNA about democracy preferable to honoring the unreformed, hopelessly compromised PLO, in whose Charter the word "democracy" does not even appear?"
[It is a good article about the contradictions between the functions of the PLO and the PA, but he doesn't mention that the PA answers to the nondemocratic PLO.- EoZ]

Will Jordan Be the First Arab Monarchy to Fall?
"...the monarchy red line will not last forever, and Washington will face a series of new strategic challenges when and if this threshold is crossed. The end of the monarchy in Jordan would constitute a particularly serious blow to U.S. interests. Should the regime fall, Washington would lose its best remaining Arab ally, and Israel would lose its last reliable peace partner."

As Fatah, Hamas meet, PM vows not to cede land
Netanyahu slams Abbas for meeting "terrorists trying to annihilate Israel," asserts Hamas would seize any territory Israel evacuates.
"We see the dangers clearly," Netanyahu said. "Today Abu Mazen (Abbas) is in Cairo together with the head of Hamas. They are looking into a possible unity deal between Fatah and the terrorists who have been trying to annihilate the state of Israel, and who have fired rockets at our cities."

Poll: Half of Israelis Say Ignore US Pressure, 67% Expect Peace Process Deadlock
"Additionally, according to the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University December 2012 Peace Index poll, two-thirds (67 percent) of Jewish Israelis agree that, no matter which parties prevail, the peace process with the Palestinians will remain at a standstill for reasons not connected to Israel."

Soldiers Nab Terrorists who Nearly Murdered Woman
"Security forces have arrested five young Palestinian Authority Arab men responsible for multiple terrorist attacks, including an attack on a female driver that left a 60-year-old woman fighting for her life.
The arrests were carried out in November, but were revealed only Wednesday with the removal of a gag order."

Douglas Murray: The Ralph Miliband lectures remind us how stupid 'clever' people can be
"But best of all is to recall the 2010 lecture given by LSE alumnus Saif Gaddafi. People really should watch Professor David Held's introduction. I had forgotten how funny it is.
Whilst Ghaddafi Junior grins and waves away at lackeys in the audience, Professor Held says by way of introduction:
'Saif is committed to resolving contentious international and domestic issues through dialogue, debate and peaceful negotiations.'
'Saif is committed to resolving contentious international and domestic issues through dialogue, debate and peaceful negotiations.'Obviously this was the year before Saif began massacring everybody and promised to 'fight until the last man, the last woman, the last bullet'."

CIF Watch: Guardian's anti-Zionist propagandist, Chris McGreal, responds to CiF Watch.
"In short, McGreal pieced together a few unrelated incidents of Palestinians killed or injured during a myriad of different circumstances over several years, omitted any evidence contradicting his desired narrative, and completely erased the context of Palestinian terrorism to impute unimaginable malevolence to Israeli soldiers.
As we wrote in our earlier post, what Chris McGreal engages in is not journalism. McGreal is an ideologue drawn to extreme left agitprop who trades in crude anti-Zionist propaganda."

UN group urges Cuba to release Alan Gross
Imprisonment watchdog calls jailed American's 15-year sentence 'arbitrary'
"The Human Rights Council's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention said in an opinion released Tuesday to Gross' lawyer that Cuba's lack of an independent judiciary, the imprecise nature of the alleged crime and the failure to grant bail to Gross rendered his 15-year sentence "arbitrary."

Egyptian minister said sacked for opposing Iranian influence
Ahmed Gamal El-Din's reportedly criticized meeting between Morsi adviser and top Revolutionary Guard official
"The ouster of Egypt's interior minister earlier this week was due to his opposition to a secret meeting between an adviser to President Mohammed Morsi and a high-ranking commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guard, the Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm reported Wednesday."

No penalties for hate crimes in Malmo, despite record attacks
Rising anti-Semitism in widely criticized Swedish city leads to zero indictments
"The local daily Sydsvenskan on Jan. 7 reported that in 2010 and 2011, the Swedish court system did not convict anyone of hate crimes despite a record-number of 480 complaints about such incidents reported in those years."

Vatican rejects sect leader's calling Jews 'enemies of the church'
Such a description is 'impossible,' says representative of Pope Benedict XVI
"Lombardi called Bishop Bernard Fellay's remarks "meaningless" and "unacceptable."
Lombardi was responding to comments made by Fellay, superior of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X, during a Dec. 28 address at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy in New Hamburg, Ontario."

Maserati, Lamborghini Withdraw Business From Iran
"Both Maserati and Lamborghini will no longer do business in Iran The Algemeiner has learned. The announcement comes following a campaign by United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) aimed at pressuring the two car makers into halting their activities in the country."

Israel Daily Picture: It's Snowing in Jerusalem Today
-- A Reminder of Snows in Jerusalem almost 100 Years Ago
We present here old pictures of snow in Jerusalem from the Library of Congress collection.


"Beethoven was a Zionist": A Memoir From Israel on the Eve of its Creation

"Today I saw The Land for the first time, and it was beautiful."

With those simple but moving words, veteran American Zionist activist Harold Manson began his remarkable diary of the visit he made to the Holy Land 65 years ago this month, shortly before the establishment of the State of Israel. It was a journey filled with surprises for Manson—but much of what he found could have been taken from our own headlines today.

"It seems that the sons of Allah are using the minaret of a mosque for sniping purposes," he wrote. "They seldom hit anybody, but it's damned irritating to know that Haganah retaliation would be denounced as an attack on a holy place and could precipitate 'holy warfare' [jihad]."

Abbas makes it clear: Destroying Israel more important than life itself

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 10:33 AM PST

From Times of Israel /AP:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected an Israeli offer to allow Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria to enter the Palestinian territories on condition that they forgo their "right of return" to Israel proper, Abbas told the Egyptian press on Wednesday evening.

Following a meeting with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, Abbas said that he had appealed to the UN to intercede on behalf of Palestinian refugees living in Syria and demand that Israel allow them to enter the West Bank and Gaza.

Abbas said Ban was told Israel "agreed to the return of those refugees to Gaza and the West Bank, but on condition that each refugee ... sign a statement that he doesn't have the right of return (to Israel)."

"So we rejected that and said it's better they die in Syria than give up their right of return," Abbas told the group.
Western politicians and pundits always claim that "everybody knows" that the Palestinian Arabs will drop their demand for "return" in an eventual peace agreement and accept living in a state based on the 1949 armistice lines.

They have never said anything close to that.

Here we see the stark difference between how Jews acted in the 1940s and how Palestinian Arabs are acting today. At a time that millions of Jews were in dire danger, the highest priority of Zionists were to save them and to create a safe haven for Jews worldwide, even if they had to compromise on their historic lands and their very capital city to do so - and even compromising on promises directly made to the Zionists by the international community only a couple of decades before.

Palestinian Arab leaders, however, don't give a damn about their own people. To them, "Palestinians" exist for a single reason: to destroy the Jewish state. They are not even cannon fodder; they are PR fodder. Their people's continued misery is considered their greatest political asset, and that misery is sacrosanct.

This is why they fight tooth and nail against Palestinian Arabs being naturalized in Arab countries. This is why they fight to keep "refugee camps" open in perpetuity, even in territory they fully control. This is why they are upset when even tiny amounts of Palestinian Arabs move from environments of real deprivation to Western countries. This is why they demand UN resolutions against any attempts to build permanent housing for "refugees."

And this is why they choose to let Syrian Palestinians die rather than save them. Their value as symbols far outweighs the value of their very lives, according to the Palestinian Arab value system.

What reason can there be that a condition that will never, ever be implemented is more important than saving lives today? Because that condition reflects the very raison d'etre for Palestinian Arab nationalism itself - not to build a nation for a people, but to destroy another people's nation.

(Note also that Abbas is arrogantly making the decision to allow the Syrian Palestinians to die rather than forgo this false "principle" - but he doesn't give them the choice to make their own decisions. Which is what one would expect from a dictator.)

Is there a single human rights group that would dare condemn Abbas for his callous disregard of his purported people's lives?

(h/t Ian, Herb)

UPDATE: Here is my published comment on the Washington Post for this piece:

Is there any greater proof that Palestinian Arab leaders don't give a damn about their people?

Is there any greater proof that Mahmoud Abbas, by arrogantly making a decision dooming many people rather than letting them make their own choices, is acting with the same callousness as the dictator Assad?

Is there any greater proof that the Palestinian Arab leaders are more interested in destroying Israel via the false "right of return" than they are in building their own state?

Anyone who insists that Israel needs to make more concessions for peace needs to read - and re-read - this article to understand the realities of today's Middle East.

"Of course you are equal" Jordanian leader tells second-class Palestinian Arabs

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 09:00 AM PST

From Ammon News:
Palestinian refugees are an important segment in Jordanian society and have equal rights and obligations, Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour said on Tuesday, calling on them to join forces with the state in the reform process and participate in upcoming parliamentary elections.

"We are all Jordanians under the constitution and our decisions and orientations should be united for the aspired reform and modernization process in our dear country," he told refugee camp leaders and embers of services committees.
If they are fully equal Jordanian citizens, then why are they considered "refugees"? Why do they still live in "refugee camps" over six decades after becoming citizens of Jordan? Why can they not be finally mainstreamed into Jordanian society as truly equal citizens?

And why are no Arabs, Palestinian or otherwise, even asking these questions?

Egyptian preacher advocates Islamic vice squad on TV

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 07:00 AM PST

From Egypt Independent:
Many Egyptian viewers were horrified when preacher Hesham al-Ashry recently popped up on primetime television to say women must cover up for their own protection and advocated the introduction of religious police.

That an obscure preacher could get publicity for such views was seen as another example of the confused political scene in Egypt since the revolt that toppled Hosni Mubarak gave birth to a cacophony of feuding voices.

"I was once asked: If I came to power, would I let Christian women remain unveiled? And I said: If they want to get raped on the streets, then they can," Ashry told Al-Nahar TV channel last week.

Introducing a Saudi-style anti-vice police force to enforce Islamic law was "not a bad thing," he said, and added: "In order for Egypt to become fully Islamic, alcohol must be banned and all women must be covered."

Few take Ashry, who admits he flew to the US dreaming of a Western lifestyle and romance but instead found truth in preaching, seriously. But his views have stirred emotions.

With the economic downturn and rising food prices putting pressure on the government, moderate Muslims, Christians and others worry their newfound political freedom is at risk of being exploited by hardline Islamists bent on imposing their values on a society that has been traditionally moderate.
The article goes on to show that Al Azhar University leaders were against Ashry's ideas, but the fact that Al Azhar is now comparatively moderate tells you much about how Egypt has moved towards Islamist extremism.

What do you build with snow if you are a Palestinian Arab?

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 05:00 AM PST

Why, you build a replica of a terror rocket meant to kill Jews - at Judaism's holiest spot!

Reuters now blames Israel for floods

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 02:09 AM PST

I thought this would be in Arabic media first, but Reuters' Noah Browning ran with this ridiculous angle in its race to find new ways to blame Israel for anything and everything:

Heavy winter downpours have turned some Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank into a morass of filth and flooding as an Israeli barrier blocks the waters from draining away.

In Qalqilya, a town of 42,000 in the northern West Bank almost completely surrounded by the concrete wall, Khaled Kandeel and his family huddled by an open fire in a shed as trash-laden water swelled through his pear orchard.

"Before the wall, the water used to drain fine, and flowed down to the sea easily. They could just flip a switch and end our suffering, but they don't," Kandeel said, his breath steamy from the winter cold.

Israel started building the barrier, a mix of metal fencing, barbed wire and concrete walls, in 2002 in response to a wave of Palestinian suicide bombings.

Drainage channels run under the imposing ramparts but their automated metal gates are mostly closed and now clogged with refuse and stones that block the outflow of storm water.

The Israeli military, citing security reasons, generally bars locals from clearing the obstructions or digging their own channels close to the barrier.
Is this bolded text true? Who knows? Browning doesn't interview any Israeli officials for this story. (Of course, Israel is going to bar locals from digging tunnels near the barrier, but Browning tries to conflate the two to make Israel look especially evil.)

The water is filled with raw sewage, but this is Israel's fault as well, Browning informs his audience.

Later, after most people stop reading, Browning allows:
[I]n Hebron, whose old city is a flashpoint of conflict with Jewish settlers, rare coordination with the Israeli military allowed Palestinian officials to lift the concrete slabs which separate the ethnic enclaves to relieve flooding.

"We removed the concrete to prevent the passage of water to the old city souq, where flooding reached up to one meter," said Walid Abu Halawa of Hebron's construction commission.
Was there any attempt to work through channels in Qalqiya? Browning doesn't say.

Then again, he is probably working on his next article on how the separation barrier is being used by Israel to keep the wild pigs Jews breed to attack Arabs on the Arab side.

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