Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Abbas predicts a state in 2013. Sounds familiar.
- What's the Iranian media up to?
- "NGO staff advised to avoid area"
- Monday links
- Arabs reneging on aid to PA; paranoid PalArab leaders blame US
- Notable EoZ blog posts of 2012 (part 4)
- Egyptians slamming MB leader for offering to allow Jews to return to Egypt
- The "good guys" in Syria behead Christian, feed his body to dogs
- Hamas tells Abbas - if you want to dissolve the PA, we're happy to take over
- The "W" in UNRWA is as important as ever
Abbas predicts a state in 2013. Sounds familiar. Posted: 31 Dec 2012 06:36 PM PST From Times of Israel today: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rang in the New Year Monday night by declaring that 2013 would be the year that saw Palestinian independence.April, 2010: Citing Mahatma Gandhi, Palestinian Premier Salam Fayyad has said his people would not tolerate injustice after enduring decades of Israeli occupation and predicted an independent Palestinian state by August 2011.December 31, 2001: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has predicted that 2002 will bring independence to the Palestinians.May, 1996: Arafat also predicted that an independent Palestinian state would be created by the end of this century, saying, "It is coming. No one can hide the sun with his fingers." |
What's the Iranian media up to? Posted: 31 Dec 2012 04:30 PM PST Let's see: Zionist international banking cartel controls the US economy:--- Zionist regime practising Nazi-style occupation policies--- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said on Saturday that the US and Zionist regime are behind the Syrian crisis.--- Zionists, Saudis exacerbate Shia-Sunni divide--- Nice to see everything is normal! |
"NGO staff advised to avoid area" Posted: 31 Dec 2012 02:20 PM PST Life in Gaza, from the Gaza NGO Safety Office: 18 DEC, 0900hrs: Massive demos. will be organized at 1000hrs near UNSCO office, GC, in support of Pal. prisoners. NGO staff advised to avoid the area.If the protests are so peaceful, what are the NGO staff - people who are there to help Gazans - afraid of? |
Posted: 31 Dec 2012 01:00 PM PST From Ian: Barry Rubin: A Paradox of U.S. Middle East Policy: The Friend Who Acts like an Enemy is an Enemy "Yet given the current situation, especially in the Middle East, a realistic policy would make the enemies' list seem too long and discouraging. In political and diplomatic terms that means the truth will be covered up. The important question is: How far does a country have to go, how futile and even counterproductive do the pay-offs have to be, before it is no longer treated as a friend." Saturday people, Sunday people "Saturday People, Sunday People" is the title of a new, mesmerizing book by Lela Gilbert, an adjunct scholar at the Hudson Institute and author of 60 books, including several on the widespread persecution of Christians in Muslim countries, a phenomenon that is reaching epidemic proportions with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. What Do Abbas's Latest Threats Really Mean? by Khaled Abu Toameh "Why doesn't Abbas consider the possibility of handing the "keys" to another Palestinian? Abbas apparently believes that if he cannot lead the Palestinian Authority no one else should — that if he comes down, then the entire Palestinian Authority should also collapse. A changing of the guard is something that the US and the EU, the major funders of Abbas and his associates, could play a major role in bringing about." Two-thirds of Israelis support peace with Palestinians that ensures security, polls find "The public's support of a peace agreement surged when the plan was upgraded to include certain "perks", such as a defense alliance with the US, a demilitarization of Hamas in Gaza, the construction of a strong security fence along the border, and a pan-Arab readiness to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. Both polls found that in those cases, over 75% of Israelis would be highly supportive of an agreement with the Palestinians." Miracle Saves Baby from Rock-Throwing Terrorist A rock-throwing Arab teen nearly killed a baby Sunday morning when the huge rock he hurled at the car crashed a few inches from the infant. BBC Watch: BBC confuses armistice lines with borders yet again "The BBC's claim that a return to a "pre-1967 border" would "give Damascus control of the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee" is therefore inaccurate as the only border in existence prior to 1967 was the one agreed upon in 1923 by France and Britain which left access to the lake within the borders of Mandate Palestine." CAMERA: Pat Buchanan Rants Against "Wolves" Opposing Hagel, Cites E 1 Canard "Buchanan's latest rantings against "neocons" and "bellicose" Israelis and the "wolves" who want to throw Hagel overboard are a reminder that Buckley's moral leadership is sorely needed today." French paper to publish comic book life of Muhammad French magazine infamous for publishing Prophet Muhammad cartoons plans to release illustrated biography of Islam's founder Thomas Friedman Op/Ed Generator Because this is what his writing actually looks like. PMW: Official PA daily: Be'er Sheva is a Palestinian city "Palestinian Media Watch has reported in the past that the PA daily presents many Israeli cities and sites as parts of "Palestine." Lod, Acre, Tiberias, and even Tel Aviv have all been presented as "Palestinian" or "occupied" cities, as have places like Mount Carmel and Mount Meron." Australia's Grand Mufti meets Hamas "AUSTRALIA'S Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed has met with the hierarchy of Hamas, the Palestinian party listed by the Gillard government as a terrorist organisation. Al-Qaeda puts gold bounty on head of Jewish US ambassador in Yemen Terror group also offers some $23,000 to anyone who kills an American soldier UN envoy estimates 100,000 Syrians could die in upcoming year The ongoing war is 'very, very bad' Lakhdar Brahimi says, warning that the 'situation is deteriorating' Iran says Patriot batteries in Turkey meant to protect Israel Tehran claims NATO-backed anti-missile system not being used to shield Turkey from Syrian civil war "Iranian military officials believe that the reason for deploying NATO's Patriot missiles in Turkey is to prevent Iran from responding to the Zionist regime [of Israel] if it attacked Iran," spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said in Ankara Saturday, according to Iran's state-run Press TV." Libya church blast kills two Egyptians: embassy An explosion rocked a Christian Coptic church near the western Libyan city of Misrata on Sunday, killing two people and wounding two others, all of them Egyptians, an Egyptian diplomat told AFP. Preaching the gospel of liberalism to the Jordanian street "Mudar Zahran, one of the leaders of his country's burgeoning Dignity Revolution, says spring is in the air. And, he claims, a post-Hashemite Jordan will have huge implications for the Palestinians, who may be forced to choose — Western-style secular democracy or a government led by the likes of Hamas's Khaled Mashaal " CNN: IDF Use of Twitter One of "Top 12 Tech Stories of 2012″ "CNN ranked Israel's use of micro-blogging site Twitter during the Jewish state's recent Operation Pillar of Defense on its list of the "Top 12 Tech Stories in 2012," for revolutionizing how involved parties communicate with each other during wartime." Israel Launches Natural Gas Platform in Coveted Tamar Gas Field "Natural gas will not only make electricity production more efficient, cleaner, and cheaper, it is a giant step toward freeing us from dependence on foreign energy sources, especially Arab oil," said Israeli Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau." UN Watch: Moynihan's Moment: the historic 1975 U.N. speech in response to "Zionism is Racism" "On the occasion of the acclaimed new book "Moynihan's Moment" by McGill University historian Gil Troy, we feature the historic 1975 speech delivered right after the U.N. declared that "Zionism is racism." The resolution was repealed in 1991, but its spirit tragically lives on in the form of the U.N.'s enduring obsession with condemning Israel." Plus, from Zvi: The Shalom Hospital staff are "a light unto the nations" - restoring light, one pair of eyes at a time. American President Barack Obama's step-grandmother underwent emergency eye surgery in an Israeli-run hospital in Equatorial Guinea last week. Sarah Onyango Obama, the president's [grand]father's third wife, lives in the remote Kenyan village of Nyang'oma Kogelo and suffered from an unspecified optical ailment. Guinean Health Minister Tomas Mecheba Fernandez escorted the First Step-Grandmother to the hospital in advance of her surgery by a team of Israeli doctors. The procedure was successful and Obama is making a full recovery, Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Sunday. "All of Africa is talking about your hospital and of the fact that you don't need to fly to Europe to get medical treatment," said an enthusiastic Obama following her operation.The Shalom Hospital, located in the Guinean capital city of Malabo, was founded by Israeli entrepreneurs Yardena Ovadya and Ariyeh Horesh and is serviced by over 100 Israeli doctors, nurses and staff. The hospital provides medical treatment for underprivileged residents of Equatorial Guinea and other neighboring African countries. Sarah Onyango Obama is, incidentally, a Muslim. Those Israelis really "hate Muslims", eh? It is wonderful to read about Mrs. Obama's joy and her enthusiasm for Shalom Hospital. It is also wonderful to see that this was an occasion for Guinea's health minister to pay an official visit to the hospital and meet the Israeli doctors. This example of pure good news stands in stark contrast to the mindless hatred radiating from the ANC in South Africa, which has officially endorsed Bigotry and Double Standards and which has thereby officially raised the stakes in the campaign to obliterate Israel. Jordanian civilians living near the border with Syria reported heavy clashes between the Jordanian and Syrian armies late Saturday night, during which the Syrian army allegedly crossed the border and used attack helicopters. ROME (AP) — Rita Levi-Montalcini, a biologist who conducted underground research in defiance of Fascist persecution and went on to win a Nobel Prize for helping unlock the mysteries of the cell, died at her home in Rome on Sunday. She was 103 and had worked well into her final years. Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno, announcing her death in a statement, called it a great loss "for all of humanity." He praised her as someone who represented "civic conscience, culture and the spirit of research of our time." Italy's so-called "Lady of the Cells," a Jew who lived through anti-Semitic discrimination and the Nazi invasion, became one of her country's leading scientists and shared the Nobel medicine prize in 1986 with American biochemist Stanley Cohen for their groundbreaking research carried out in the United States. Her research increased the understanding of many conditions, including tumors, developmental malformations, and senile dementia. Dr. Levi-Montalcini conducted some of her early research at home while hiding from the Nazis. In 1947, she was invited to the US, where she remained for 20 years before returning home to become director of the laboratory of cell biology of the National Council of Scientific Research in Rome. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1986, together with her collaborator Stanley Cohen. She was one of Italy's most admired women. Dr. Levi-Montalcini visited Israel's Technion early in 2012 as a show of support for Israel against those who would promote BDS in Europe. Ms. Levi-Montalcini remained actively involved in scientific research until the end of her life. "History of Neuroscience: 1996 archival interview with Dr. Levi-Montalcini" - Society of Neuroscience (1 hour long) She was 87 years old at the time of this interview, and very, very sharp. The world is much poorer for the loss of this remarkable woman, but her life and work have been a blessing for all humankind. |
Arabs reneging on aid to PA; paranoid PalArab leaders blame US Posted: 31 Dec 2012 11:30 AM PST The semi-official Fatah newspaper Palestine Press reports that Palestinian Arab leaders are blaming the US for the fact that Arab nations are not fulfilling their monetary pledges to the PA. According to this bizarre logic, the US was so upset at the Arab support for the UN vote to upgrade the status of "Palestine" to a non-member state that it has been punishing Arab nations for their vote. This in turn is forcing the Arab nations to renege on their promises to send hundreds of millions of dollars to the PA. They quote Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abdel Rahim Mallouh, a member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, as saying that there is American pressure exerted on the Arab countries to create a "siege" of the Palestinian Authority and to choke the Palestinian people financially. Ahmad Assaf, spokesman for Fatah, says that Arab leaders were supposed to visit Ramallah to pledge their financial support to the PA but changed their minds, and he has heard that this was because of pressure from the United States. He says that Arab nations have not sent any money over for two months. Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Front and member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Dr. Wasel Abu Yousef, claims that the US and Israel are imposing an economic blockade on the "Palestinian state," and prevented the Arab countries and donor countries from supporting the Palestinians financially, saying that these countries bowed to U.S. pressure. And that the US supports Israel building homes in the West Bank. None of them have quite explained why Arab nations have been reneging on their pledges to the PA for years before the UN vote. Now that they can find a way to blame the US, they can pretend that their Arab brethren give a damn about their cause, despite all evidence to the contrary. The funny thing is that even their Arab friends are not willing to tell them, straight out, that the decisions of Palestinian Arab leaders themselves is what has led to the disillusionment by their Arab brethren. They could have accepted peace plans in the past but instead started a terror war against Israel which paved the way for Hamas' ascendancy among their people. The Arab leaders see things quite clearly, and they do not want to throw more money into a leadership that has zero ability to lead. |
Notable EoZ blog posts of 2012 (part 4) Posted: 31 Dec 2012 10:00 AM PST October: Arab workers see sex with Jewish women as a form of "jihad" Israel Loves America (Posters) Insane anti-semite appointed to Egyptian religious affairs ministry The Rami Levy BDS protest proves BDS failure November: Dead child cradled by Egypt's PM was killed by Hamas! Pallywood in BBC report Here come the staged Gaza doll photos! December: Hamas' logo for its 25th anniversary shows its priorities The world really needs to understand the Arab mentality The truth about E-1 Israeli Arab students score higher in tests than those from every Arab country |
Egyptians slamming MB leader for offering to allow Jews to return to Egypt Posted: 31 Dec 2012 08:30 AM PST Egyptian media have been in a non-stop uproar since Muslim Brotherhood leader Essam el-Erian said last week that Jews who lived in Egypt should be allowed to return in the context of allowing Israel to become a Palestinian Arab state. People from politicians to football coaches have been criticizing Erian for even considering allowing Jews into Egypt. The leader of the Salafist Nour party said his statements were "not acceptable for any sane person." Erian tried to clarify his comments. he said that in ten years, after the "libration of Palestine," there will be no Israel anymore, and Israeli Jews would have no place to live. He is claiming his remarks were in that context. Erian added that he said his statements to help bring peace; as Jews leaving Israel would allow room for Palestinian Arabs to move there. He also said that Nasser didn't expel the Jews but that they left on their own after the 1956 war. As far as the criticism that a return of Jews to Egypt would open up the nation to potential lawsuits of billions of dollars for Jews whose property was confiscated, Erian replied that (of course) the West would bankroll the return of Jews to Egypt and pay all of the potential legal claims. |
The "good guys" in Syria behead Christian, feed his body to dogs Posted: 31 Dec 2012 07:15 AM PST From Al Arabiya: A nun sounded the alarm that the Syrian conflict was becoming sectarian when she said that a Christian man was beheaded by Syrian rebels in the northern town of Ras al-Ayn on the Turkish border, and his body was fed to dogs, a British newspaper reported Monday.I forget - are we supporting the cut-throat genocidal dictator or the Islamist beheaders? |
Hamas tells Abbas - if you want to dissolve the PA, we're happy to take over Posted: 31 Dec 2012 05:30 AM PST Mahmoud Abbas' latest empty threat to dissolve the PA as a pathetic attempt to strengthen his negotiating position has boomeranged on him. Moussa Abu Marzouk, deputy head of Hamas' "political bureau," responded to the threat today by saying that if Abbas is so unwilling to lead, Hamas is more than ready to take over the onerous job of leadership. Marzouk asked, "Why would [Abbas] want to hand power over to Netanyahu?" He said that if he would give control to Hamas then there would be a successful "reconciliation" (with Hamas controlling all of the PalArab territories). He also noted that while Abbas was saying this, Hamas was basking its its "victory" over Israel. Abbas showed yet again that his leadership abilities are nil, and his pathetic attempt to use threats as a substitute for leadership is only helping his political rivals who will inevitably succeed him. |
The "W" in UNRWA is as important as ever Posted: 31 Dec 2012 03:12 AM PST UNRWA stands for the "United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East." In the early days of UNRWA in the 1950s, a large part of its mandate was to work with Middle Eastern nations to find jobs for the refugees, the "Works" part of its title. UNRWA worked on some projects to build roads in Jordan and to create and market small handicrafts in 1950; and in 1953 they created a farming cooperative in Jordan for the refugees. In general, however, Arab nations did not support these works programs because they did not want to do anything to make the Palestinian Arab population permanent residents in their countries. The refugees themselves also showed little interest in the programs because they were already getting free housing, medical aid, food and education from UNRWA. By the late 1950s, UNRWA all but abandoned their attempts at finding decent, honorable work for the refugees, and the "W" in its name became anachronistic. However, one accidental works program has become a "success," and that is employment at UNRWA itself. Some 99% of UNRWA employees are Palestinian Arabs themselves, meaning that UNRWA employs about 29,000 Palestinian Arabs. The employees and their families do not regard these jobs as normal work; rather they regard them as yet another entitlement that the West owes them. Which is why when UNRWA announced it would not be renewing the contracts of some workers, the camps are in a virtual uprising. As Ma'an reports today: Popular committee heads in West Bank refugee camps on Sunday threatened more protests against the UN agency giving services to the camps.UNRWA had a choice of what to do with its budget shortfall - cut off services or let some employees go. They chose, reasonably, to keep the same level of service and to trim some of the fat. But the Palestinian Arabs are not only willing to engage in violent protests to keep the jobs of a small number of people - they are willing to ensure that the services themselves are disrupted! To be sure, they have protested just as vehemently when there were even mere rumors of service cutbacks in the past. However, the degree of these protests over some hundred jobs shows that Palestinian Arabs not only regard free food, shelter and medicine as their right, but employment as well. UNRWA has managed to create a third and fourth generation of people in "refugee camps" whose sense of entitlement is supreme. It is the ultimate welfare state. The idea that people should work hard to succeed is utterly foreign to people who only find a sense of urgency when they protest that they deserve more. |
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