Report: 16 PalArabs in prison for selling land to Jews Posted: 14 Jun 2012 05:10 PM PDT From Aaron Klein: At least 16 Palestinians are currently in Palestinian Authority prisons for selling property to Jews, KleinOnline has learned. Nine of the 16 face possible capital punishment for their direct involvement in the land sales, according to PA sources. The sources said that of the 16 Palestinians incarcerated, seven are employees of the PA, including its security forces. Most of those in prison are housed in PA jails in Hebron, Jericho and Ramallah. The land sales to Jews include four deals in the region of Hebron, 3 in Jerusalem and one more deal in the West Bank city of Beit El. The PA sources told KleinOnline that the Palestinian government recently formed a unit with a $2.7 million yearly budget to investigate property sales to Jews as well as any Jewish communities, outposts or military bases that may be sitting on Arab-owned land. The unit works with nongovernmental organizations, including European-funded NGOs. The number of Palestinians imprisoned for land sales to Jews is much larger than previous reported. It is hard to verify stories like these, but Klein definitely has contacts in the PA. It is possible that they use him for their own vendettas, but he isn't making them up. What we do know: - It is a crime in the PA to sell land to Jews, and one can be executed for that.
- Plenty of Jews will do everything they can to purchase land in the territories, and they will go through elaborate schemes to legally buy the land.
- Arabs have happily, and sometimes anxiously, sold land to Jews since modern Zionism started.
- The Jews who claim to have purchased land in recent decades are not all liars.
Putting it together, it makes the article quite plausible. Where's Amnesty International? They mentioned the death penalty for selling land to Jews in 1997 and 2001, but their outrage wasn't because the crime is racist - it was because they are against the death penalty altogether. I could not find anything at HRW about this at all. Presuambly, life in prison for selling land to Jews is fine, according to the leading human rights organizations. (h/t Lori)  
The hummus war crimes of the Zionists (Leo) Posted: 14 Jun 2012 02:30 PM PDT A funny comment from Leo dam Hofshi on my post of the video " Why did you steal hummus from the Arabs?" Yes, the Jews did steal Hummus from the Arabs! The shocking story - a further example of "dishwashing", closely related to "pinkwashing" - can now be told. Israeli Zionist Jews kidnapped Hummus from Gaza in a cross-border raid, kept it hidden at a secret location in a basement in Tel Aviv for 5 years without giving it access to its family, international media or even the Red Crescent. Denied adequate healthcare or tortured by adulteration with chile peppers, hummus was not forgotten by its people. Ultimately it was traded for 1000 bad recipes of the Zionist Jews, many sure to give you indigestion. The introduction of overcooked vegetables - bland to the point of non-recognition - into Arab cuisine has been considered a war crime by Amnesty International. The Zionists will never be forgiven for their fatty corned beef, responsible for an epidemic of coronary artery disease. And the consequences of serving matzohs to the Arab people are considered - unspeakable!This story can be verified by any of the many reliable sources in the "Palestinian" and Arab press. The Zionists have been condemned by all of the appropriate UN agencies - UNRWA, UNESCO, UNHRC - and the Security County has threatened action against the Zionists many times, blocked only reluctantly and at the last minute by their fellow infidels from the United States. And to think - the Zionists are trying to block our brothers in Iran from making nuclear powered hummus! Allah forbid!  
Administrivia Posted: 14 Jun 2012 01:21 PM PDT I upgraded the Disqus comment system to Disqus 2012. I figure it can' t be any worse, can it? So far it looks better but I'm having problems viewing the admin screen from Chrome. Let me know if you like it. In other news, people keep complaining about how slow this site is. I don' t have time to revamp it, but you can see different dynamic views of the blog by choosing a magazine-type view, a sidebar-based view or what Google calls " classic" The downside is that there are no comments, there is no sidebar, none of the gadgets or widgets and no Spongebob. (And I won't get StatCounter statistics when you visit, although I think I would get Google Analytics.) But if you visit a few times a day and don't need to comment, you can use these dynamic pages anytime. It might save you some time.  
Egypt imprisons all Gazans for four days Posted: 14 Jun 2012 12:10 PM PDT Egypt is closing down the Rafah border with Gaza from today through Sunday for the presidential runoff elections. Human rights organizations are upset at this inhumane blockade where Egypt is imprisoning 1.5 million innocent Gazans and employing collective punishment against them, in violation of innumerable humanitarian laws. Just kidding! They only use that language with a different country bordering Gaza.  
Egyptian parliament to be dissolved, military taking over, after court decision Posted: 14 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Wow: Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) dealt a blow on Thursday to civilian forces by handing down rulings that effectively dissolved Parliament, returned legislative powers to the military and affirmed the legality of former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq's bid for presidency. In a much anticipated court session, the SCC deemed the Parliamentary Elections Law unconstitutional, under which an Islamist-dominated Parliament was elected earlier this year. The court based its ruling on the law's failure to ensure independent and party candidates equal opportunities. While parties were allowed to run for all contested seats, the bid of independent parliamentary hopefuls was restricted to only one-third of the seats. According to Hossam Issa, a law professor at Ain Shams University, the verdict means that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces shall assume legislative powers until Parliament is reelected. For the generals, taking over parliamentary powers is not a new responsibility. Since Hosni Mubarak stepped down in February 2011 until the People's Assembly first convened in January 2012, the military authorities held both executive and legislative powers. During that period, they issued several laws that regulated the establishment of political parties and the exercise of political rights, and criminalized protests that would obstruct the economy. Issa dropped a bombshell by arguing that the presidential election set for this weekend should be postponed until Parliament is reelected. "According to the Constitutional Declaration, the parliamentary elections must precede the presidential election," he told Egypt Independent. However, SCC head Farouk Sultan told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the ruling would not affect the upcoming presidential runoff slated for Saturday and Sunday. The fate of the newly formed Constituent Assembly, elected by Parliament on Tuesday and tasked with writing the new constitution, is also up in the air. According to Rafaat Fouda, a constitutional law professor at Cairo University, the ruling would lead to the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, because "it includes members of Parliament that has now been dissolved." Several secular parties had withdrawn from the Constituent Assembly on grounds that it is dominated by Islamists. The State Council is currently looking into the legality of the assembly. Reactions: Rulings by Egypt's constitutional court that dissolve the Islamist-dominated parliament and allow Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister to continue in the presidential race amount to "a complete coup," a former presidential candidate said on Thursday. In a statement on his Facebook page, Abdul Moniem Abul Fotouh said that a government decree issued on Wednesday granting military police and intelligence services the power to detain civilians was part of the same action. ...Meanwhile, former chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog Mohammed ElBaradei wrote on his Twitter account that electing a president in the absence of a constitution and a parliament will bring a president with utmost dictatorship authorities. Barry Rubin notes: In short, everything is confused and everything is a mess. All calculations are thrown to the wind. What this appears to be is a new military coup. Yes, it is under legal cover, but nobody is going to see it as a group of judges — appointed by former President Hosni Mubarak, remember — looking deep into the law books and coming up with a carefully reasoned decision based on precedent. This will be seen by every Islamist — whether Salafi or Muslim Brotherhood — and by most of the liberals — who feel closer to the Islamists than to the government — as if the 2011 revolution has just been reversed. Prediction: massive violence.  
PalArabs spreading propaganda in British schools Posted: 14 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT A typically excellent piece from Daphne Anson: The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has a paid secretariat and a network of some 40 branches in the UK plus affiliated groups. Sinisterly, it includes the entire land of Israel on its logo. Among its current links is the London Palestine Place fest (Palestine Place, incidentally, was the purpose-built and deliberately-named nineteenth century headquarters of a notorious London missionary society that existed for the sole purpose of converting Jews to Christianity!) In its own words, which I take from its leaflet entitled "Palestine-Israel: The Basic Facts", the PSC "produces publications for its members and the general public and disseminates information through its website; lobbies the media, institutions, the British government and local MPS; organises public meetings, film shows, conferences, debates, boycott events. pickets and demonstrations at local, national and international levels; promotes relations between British and Palestinian oranisations and communities" It's promoted BDS with gusto since 2001, not least by picketing supermarkets selling Israeli goods, button-holing passers-by, and thrusting anti-Israel propaganda at them. "This is an excellent way to start up a discussion with the general public," one member is quoted as saying. "You start with imported avocados and end up with the Fourth Geneva Convention!" In my experience, there's always a wad of Israel-demonising leaflets on hand at such demos. But what is not as generally known as it might be (for it's not usually among the material distributed at pickets and rallies) is that in 2009 the PSC produced a particularly pernicious piece of propaganda aimed at poisoning impressionable teenage minds against Israel. This pernicious piece of propaganda is called "Teachers Pack on Palestine" and a leaflet describing it was given to me hot off the press when, at a PSC-sponsored Israel-demonising exhibition of children's drawings from Gaza, I was mistaken for a schoolteacher. Read the whole thing. I remember many years ago in the US there was a controversy that schools, cash-strapped as always, were accepting free materials from Gulf countries to describe the history of the Middle East. Zionist organizations could only respond with pro-Israel materials, but schools would prefer histories of the entire region rather than just one country, and no Zionist organization was up to producing a comprehensive and balanced history of the entire Middle East to counter the Arab narrative. As Daphne Anson notes, there is no way to know how much of this pernicious anti-Israel propaganda made it into British schools, but given the environment there it seems more than possible that brainwashed teachers and administrators would eagerly accept this political tract as a teaching tool.  
Lotsa Links by Ian Posted: 14 Jun 2012 08:45 AM PDT More Pyalara funded incitement. EU-funded NGO for youth honors terrorist murderers on PA TV (Video) PMW Suicide terrorists are "greatest role models," says EU-funded NGO for youth on PA TV More PMW "Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail" - in poem recited by girl on PA TV (Video) PMW reports lead to closure of website and investigation of NGO Burj Luq-Luq's website closed and PYALARA being investigated by its donor following PMW reports this week on Palestinian NGOs' hate speech, promotion of violence and glorification of terrorists Covered here: EOZ - EU-funded NGO teaches anti-semitism Vanity Fair profiles Bibi! The Netanyahu Paradox [With a mug shot. Really. -EoZ] Israeli wins World Food Prize for 1st time in history "Hillel's concept of bringing efficient water irrigation to arid lands helped some of the most barren environments in the world flourish, according to (Hillary) Clinton. Using his method, farmers now produce crops on more than 6 million hectares of land, she added." Paris: Jewish youth attacked Police arrest three suspects in anti-Semitic assault on 18-year-old in Sarcelles suburb of French capital New pan-Arab satellite channel hopes to counter Al-Jazeera's Arab Spring coverage "The new station led its Syria coverage with statements from both the opposition and Syria's state-run media. In a later program, the channel hosted Anis Nakash, a Lebanese pro-Iranian figure with a controversial past. Bin Jiddo said earlier that the new channel will champion Arab nationalism, primarily the Palestinian cause."We will fight sectarianism and stand against colonialism and foreign intervention," he said. "The station's compass will always be turned to Palestine and the resistance." The channel has attracted journalists from across the Arab world and even beyond. George Galloway, an outspoken former British lawmaker, will host a weekly program called "A Free Word."" Iran West has failed to halt our nuclear program Chief Iranian negotiator says 'peaceful' nukes are a symbol of progress Hamas denies involvement in killing of Egyptian protesters "The Egyptian lawyers alleged they had video proof that snipers from Hamas' military wing Izz A-Din Al-Qassam infiltrated Egypt during the final days of the Mubarak regime, helping the Muslim Brotherhood kill demonstrators." Abbas son says to sue US magazine over wealth claims Ethnic Cleansing in Post-Qaddafi Libya The Finkler Question by Associate Professor Philip Mendes None of this means that a degree of opportunism or expediency is not involved. Some as noted in the Finkler Question only claim a Jewish identity as a convenient means of bashing Israel, and deflecting allegations of anti-Semitism. The most offensive use of a pseudo Jewish identity arguably occurs when Jewish anti-Zionists (including some of the most extreme BDS advocates) highlight and exploit the Holocaust survivor background of their parents or family in order to justify their attacks on Israel (see, for example, the flier promoting Avigail Abarbanel's book). Yet any serious survey of Holocaust survivors and their families would almost certainly find that the vast majority furiously reject these statements, and offer strong support for the State of Israel. from Daphne Anson South African Jews angry at politician's 'scapegoating' Israel Deputy minister of foreign affairs Marius Fransman said Palestinians are fighting the 'brutal iron fist of imperialism' Israel is less peaceful than Syria and Iran, study finds 'Perhaps in some parallel universe,' scoffs Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahrain and Mexico more peaceful than Israel ? Global Peace Index - wikipedia  
Amazing - UNESCO to reject PA attempt to slam Israel Posted: 14 Jun 2012 07:15 AM PDT From UN Watch on June 10: Under intense pressure by the PLO and its allies, the upcoming meeting of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, from June 24 to July 6, is liable to find that the "Birthplace of Jesus: the Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage route, Bethlehem" is under urgent danger and worthy of special UN protection, a declaration that could only further inflame the region. What news reports fail to mention, however, is that the PLO's submission — its first nomination to the World Heritage List since UNESCO voted to admit "Palestine" as a member in October 2011 — has been completely rejected by the professional body charged with evaluating country applications. In its submission, the PLO claims that "the Israeli occupation," which is "hampering the supply of appropriate materials," creates an "emergency situation" that needs to be addressed by "an emergency measure." Yet a comprehensive investigation and report by The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) – a Paris-based entity that advises the World Heritage Committee on which nominated properties to list — said the very opposite: "[T]he Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage route in Bethlehem, Palestine should not be inscribed on the World Heritage List on an emergency basis. . . ICOMOS does not consider that the conditions required by paragraph 161 of the Operational Guidelines are fully met, concerning damage or serious and specific dangers to the Church of the Nativity that make its condition an emergency that needs to be addressed by the World Heritage Committee with immediate action necessary for the survival of the property." ICOMOS also found that, contrary to the Palestinian submission now before the UNESCO committee, the Church of the Nativity was neither "severely damaged," nor "under imminent threat". There was no "immediate action… necessary for the survival of the property". Despite the Palestinian claims, Israel was not found to be a major obstacle to the preservation of the Church of the Nativity. In fact, the report pointed out that the church's roof – said to be at greatest risk – was repaired "most recently in 1990, when works were implemented by the Israeli military authorities." Accordingly, ICOMOS suggested that the PA "resubmit the nomination in accordance with normal procedures for nomination." Amazingly, though, UNESCO's draft resolution rejects this obvious use of UNESCO for political ends: The United Nations circulated a draft resolution rejecting a Palestinian bid to list the birthplace of Jesus as an endangered World Heritage site, citing a report by international experts who investigated and dismissed claims that the Church of Nativity was under any specific danger. CLICK HERE FOR UNESCO TEXT. The draft resolution will be considered by UNESCO's 21-nation World Heritage Committee at a meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, later this month. The panel has the power to overturn the expert-drafted text but insiders say that Arab states may not win the required two-thirds majority, noting that Russia, as the host country, may be hesitant to upset an objective evaluation submitted by UN professionals. "This is the first time in recent memory that a draft resolution circulated by the United Nations — let alone by UNESCO, which recently elected Assad's Syria to its human rights committee — openly rejected a Palestinian claim or position," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based UN Watch monitoring group. "At the UN, whose General Assembly each year adopts more resolutions criticizing Israel than on the rest of the world combined, this is a spectacle as rare as Halley's Comet." Notice, though, that after all the drama of whether UNESCO should accept "Palestine" as a member, it is clear from the PLO's very first official nomination to the World Heritage List is based on naked political ambition to slam Israel and not at all based on facts. Proving that the Palestinian Arab view of "culture" is a bit at odds with what the word normally means.  
"Why did you steal hummus from the Arabs?" Posted: 14 Jun 2012 05:49 AM PDT A funny interview video that ends up being educational. (h/t Missing Peace)  
Qatar's magic fuel supports Gaza power plant on fewer liters Posted: 14 Jun 2012 03:08 AM PDT  Last week I reported that Gaza's power plant was shut down despite the fact that Israel was providing roughly the same amount of fuel it had been since the "fuel crisis" earlier this year. I guessed that this might be because Hamas was manipulating the fuel supply to pressure Egypt to send through some promised (and free) Qatari fuel instead of being forced to pay for fuel from Israel. There is more evidence that I am right. The fuel from Qatar started being transferred on Thursday, and there have been no reported power plant shutdowns since then. But the daily amounts of fuel transferred have been roughly the same amount that Israel had been pumping! COGAT reports that between last Thursday and Tuesday, some 871,000 liters of fuel had been pumped into Gaza (none on Saturday, as far as I can tell, as usual.) But Israel was regularly pumping between 200,000 and 300,000 liters a day itself. So either Qatar's fuel is magically twice as effective as fuel purchased from Israel, or this entire farce of a "fuel crisis" entirely about Hamas being unwilling to pay market prices for fuel and showing its willingness to put its own people at risk to avoid paying. Which is exactly what I determined in February. Look for another "fuel crisis" to erupt when the 30 million liters from Qatar are used up.  
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