יום חמישי, 14 ביוני 2012

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

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Israeli baby arrives at bris in a remote controlled car (video)

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 05:17 PM PDT

Proving once again that there are no limits to bad taste.

Video (no sound, thankfully):

As the 6 Degrees No Bacon website writes:
The macho-baby arrived to his own circumcision riding a convertible remote-control car, together with drumming and fireworks.

Whoever is controlling the car is doing pretty bad job too, which could explain where Israelis get their bad driving habits from, although he was able to avoid running the car into the fireworks so I'll give him that.

I hope the baby wasn't driving back home, since the mohel probably gave him alcohol.
I never imagined KITT as a kvatter.

(h/t Zach N.)

Islamic Jihad whines about coverage of kindergarten "jihadists"

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

On Monday, I showed photos of a kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza City at an Islamic Jihad school.

Challah Hu Akbar found it originally and it was picked up by YNet, among others.

Even though all these photos and quotes from the story came straight from Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades website, the Brigades aren't happy about it.

In a typical mixed message, they issued a statement saying that, yes, they are not going to apologize for teaching their children that "the enemy is the Zionist usurper of the land of Palestine."

But then they said that Israelis are far worse, teaching that Palestinian Arab women and children are snakes and cockroaches and instilling hate.

Then they veered into how they are victims of the criminal enemy media machine.

The upshot seems to be that they have the right to post whatever child abuse they want on their Arabic websites, but the evil Jews don't have the right to publicize it. And the Jews are worse anyway, because they hate Arabs so much. And they own the media. So there!

Speaking of, a new Israeli camp for children with serious diseases has opened up and it accepts Jews, Muslims and Christian children equally. Here's how the evil Zionists teach children to use weapons at this camp:

Israeli authors dispute claim that US started cyberwar with Iran

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 11:30 AM PDT

From IsraelSpy.com, by Yossi Melman, a co-author along with Dan Raviv of a forthcoming book on Israeli intelligence:
Well-informed Israeli security and intelligence officials responded with a smile and a pinch of verbal salt, when asked about Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power the book coming out (this coming week) by David Sanger, The New York Times reporter.

In his book Sanger argues that it was an American idea to attack Iranian nuclear installations with sophisticated and clandestine cyberspace warfare – planting viruses and worms in Iran's computers.  According to the writer, the operation — code-named "Olympic Games" — was initiated in 2007 by the Bush administration and sped up under President Obama. In an excerpt adapted from his book by the Times, Sanger wrote that only at a later stage were Israeli intelligence experts and computer wizards were brought in and joined forces.

The Israeli officials actually told me a different version. They said that it was Israeli intelligence that began, a few years earlier, a cyberspace campaign to damage and slow down Iran's nuclear intentions. And only later they managed to convince the USA to consider a joint operation — which, at the time, was unheard of. Even friendly nations are hesitant to share their technological and intelligence resources against a common enemy. In our book,Spies Against Armageddon, we will reveal much more about the special strategic relations and cooperation between the CIA and the Mossad and the importance given by the Aman (military intelligence) to cyberspace warfare.

Yet my Israeli sources understand the sensitivity and the timing of the issue and are not going to be dragged into a battle over taking credit. "We know that it is the presidential election season," one Israeli added, "and don't want to spoil the party for President Obama and his officials, who shared in a twisted and manipulated way some of the behind-the-scenes secrets of the success of cyberwar."
I notice that Melman didn't explicitly say that Israel was behind Stuxnet or Flame, only that they started their cyberweapons program against Iran before the US. Does this mean that Stuxnet really was American?

And does it imply that there are some Israeli software in Iranian systems that have not yet been detected?

The book sounds fascinating. From its blurb:
Among the burning questions addressed and answered in SPIES AGAINST ARMAGEDDON are these: Who planted a powerful computer worm in Iran's uranium enrichment centrifuges?  Who has been motorcycling boldly through the streets of Tehran, assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists?  Are Israeli spies regularly inside Iran and other enemy countries?  Did the Mossad make a huge mistake when two dozen of its operatives were seen by hotel security cameras in Dubai, or was it a successful murder mission?  Do the assassins, as portrayed in the movie "Munich," really feel pangs of conscience?  Have Israel's enemies ever managed to plant agents in the Israeli government?  Does the United States really trust Israeli intelligence, or is the relationship limited by mutual mistrust?  Why do U.S. security agencies believe their close ally is spying on America?  Is Israel trying to maneuver the U.S. into attacking Iran?
Looks like I might have to buy this....

(h/t Yoel)

Picnic jihad!

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

When you're entire existence is defined by being a loser, pride compels you to declare victory any way you can.

A few days ago Hezbollah's Al Manar reported:
Zionist army intensified its movements pace Wednesday dawn and morning along the border of the eastern sector of Lebanon, National News Agency reported.

Intensive movements of infantry and armored patrols have been recorded close to the barbed wire of the Lebanese border, NNA added.

At 7:00 a.m. (local time) a Merkava tank has stationed behind the earthworks at the Abbasiya axis, while 3 Hammer vehicles entered the Lebanese part of the village of Ghajar at about 07:15 a.m. to monitor the liberated zone of confrontation, in particular the sector of Wazzani river.
Not s single soldier or bullet crossed the Blue Line. No complaints to UNIFIL recorded. All that apparently happened was an IDF exercise of some sort.

But now Iran's ABNA is crowing:
Hundreds of Lebanese citizens thwarted the Zionist enemy's scheme which aimed at keeping hikers away from the area of the Wazzani River through practicing daily provocations and building new military posts, Al-Manar correspondent to South Lebanon reported Monday.

After 10 days of the hype, alert, throwing flares, igniting fires and building positions adjacent to the bordering Wazzani resorts in southern Lebanon, all those inciting actions did not prevent the Lebanese people from frequenting areas along the Blue Line and the barbed wire to entertain and picnic on the banks of the Wazzani River, without being affected by the Zionist provocations.

"We are used to their (Zionists) attitude and movements, the more acts they provoke, the more hikers visit the area to entertain," one hiker told Al-Manar correspondent, Ali Sheib.

More than 6 parks are open on the banks of the Wazzani River, where all are filled with citizens from different regions of Lebanon, who come to spend time of rest and relaxation in spite of the tension proved by the enemy.

"We have been waiting for summer to come and make them (Zionists) feel oppressed watching us entertaining. They do nothing but looking at us from above. That's all they manage to do," another hiker told Al-Manar.

The significance of frequenting the Wazzani River region, alongside its aesthetic geographical location, constitute a state of challenge to which the people of the resistance are accustomed since the liberation in 2000 at each site facing the Zionist enemy.
Yes, Hezbollah has successfully launched Picnic Jihad.

I can't wait for the videos, with stirring martial music, of masked jihadists eating grilled hamburgers with potato salad and playing Frisbee.

Beach photos from what Charles Barron calls a "death camp"

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Democrat Charles Barron is running for Congress against Democrat Hakeem Jeffries in NY's 8th district and has a very good chance of winning.

Barron is, to put is politely, insane.

Besides the other bizarre quotes he has made, such as saying that Muammar Qaddafi was a "freedom fighter" and "The biggest terrorist in the world is the government of Israel" and "My pastor taught me about the Semitic people, the Semites are black", he also called Gaza a "death camp" run by Israel.

He repeated himself in another interview, saying "Gaza is a virtual death camp, the same kind of conditions the Nazis imposed on the Jews."

Here are the latest photos of the beach portion of that "death camp," taken yesterday, from Palestine Times:

For a second there I thought I was looking at photos of Treblinka. 

More on Barron from the ADL site.

Outrageously, Daily News columnist Juan Gonzales all but endorsed this black racist and anti-semite today:
Sure, Barron has been loud and outrageous at times.

But he has also been a fixture at scores of social justice battles in this city for decades. Few black leaders are better known. Few are more willing to challenge the city's rich and powerful.

No wonder the money people in Manhattan are suddenly worried about a congressional race in Brooklyn - one they thought was a sure thing.
Ah, so its only the rich people who are against him!

Kuwait arrests suspected gay teens for "satanic rituals"

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:30 AM PDT

From Bikya Masr:
Kuwait's morality police have reportedly arrested at least 10 LGBT teenagers in the country for "satanic rituals" under a crackdown in the name of "morality."

Security sources in the country have said that the LGBT youth were targeted under "vice" claims.

PinkNews.co.uk reported that the 10 teenagers between the ages of 16- and 18-years-old were arrested on June 8 after police alleged the rituals and "indecent acts" taking place.

The Kuwaiti daily al-Rai in addition claimed that they are also "suspected of homosexuality."

Kuwaiti police "received complaints" the group held nightly meetings in a disused building in Al-Sharq district of Kuwait city, the report said.

During questioning the adolescents claimed they were working on a film, a claim the police dismissed as the building has no electricity and no photographic equipment was found.

Al-Rai has also reported that 20 men and one woman were arrested in the areas of Salamiya and Hawalli of Kuwait city for "suspicious parties."

The al-Anba daily claimed the number of people arrested was 27 in several suspect apartments where they usually meet to commit "immoral activities."

Kuwaiti Times alleged that some of the people were found to be "intoxicated."

Al-Rai claimed that some of the suspects were arrested in previous raids and were released after signing a document that they will not repeat their "activities."
Is my copying an article from an Egyptian newspaper about Kuwaiti intolerance towards gays another insidious form of "pinkwashing" since it implies a distinction between how Israel acts and how Arab nations act?

I believe it must be! If pointing out Israel's gay rights record is wrong, then pointing out Arab abuses of gays must be equally wrong - if you are Jewish. (Arabs can and must fight for gay rights in Arab countries, but when Jews mention the topic it is clearly pinkwashing!

Understanding the logic of the hate-Israel crowd is always a challenge, but I think I've got it.

Israeli state comptroller slams PR response to Mavi Marmara

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

From YNet:
After the IDF raided the Marmara ship and the rest of the Turkish flotilla vessels in May 2010, Israel went into effective radio silence mode. While the flotilla's organizers flooded the media with reports placing Israel in an extremely bad light, nothing was said in Israel until noon.

The State Comptroller's report on the flotilla raid pointed to severe impairments in the execution of Israel's public diplomacy policy.

State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss noted the significant delay in Israel's public response to the IDF raid and the public diplomacy bureau's last ditch effort to contain the media disaster and minimize the event's negative effect on Israel's global image.

The report stated that the public diplomacy bureau in the Prime Minister's Office did not distinguish between Israel's domestic messages and those directed to the international community. This, the report stated, was manifested in negative coverage overseas, largely due to the severe delay in response.

The comptroller also found that the public diplomacy bureau is not equipped to operate on a 24/7 capacity.

The report points to impairments in the division of responsibility between the Foreign Ministry and the IDF. The IDF Spokesperson's Unit, the report said, acted as Israel's public diplomacy bureau by default and operated in areas which exceed its responsibility, due to the weakness of other state advocacy bodies.

The comptroller explained that the delay in the transfer of photographic material critical for Israel's public response to the raid was largely due to the IDF's sensitivities in domestic hasbara.

Addressing the handling of foreign press in Israel, the report stated that no element was tasked with overseeing overall communication with foreign press.

Impairments were also found in Israel's hasbara vis-à-vis Arab states. The report states that there was hardly any Arabic-language hasbara in the period preceding and following the Marmara raid.

He noted that this falls under the full jurisdiction of the Foreign Ministry.

He also criticized the fact that the head of Israel's public diplomacy bureau acted as the prime minister's spokesman.

Lindenstrauss concluded this part of his report by recommending a comprehensive plan to improve Israel's public diplomacy under the prime minister's guidance.
While the IDF did do an admirable job at the time, this report points out systemic problems with Israel's Foreign Ministry in getting the facts out to the right people in a timely manner.

It is notable that when I grabbed some Israeli TV coverage of the incident the morning after the raid, showing an IDF soldier being stabbed from the live flotilla feed (something the Free Gaza people cut out in their edited videos on the raid), my video received over 180,000 views on YouTube. There was a hunger to find out the truth as quickly as possible. The IDF videos on YouTube did well, but the MFA dropped the ball.

Let's hope that this will spur Israel, under the most media-savvy prime minister it has ever had, to do something about the terrible state of its efforts to disseminate the truth. I would suggest completely revamping the unusable MFA website.  (Try to do a simple search, for example. Just try.)

Spanish UNRWA page is worse than English page

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 03:08 AM PDT

I just came across the Spanish Committee for UNRWA page, unrwace.org, which is not linked to from the official unrwa.org site but seems to be associated with UNRWA.

Very quickly I found two absurdities that would not be found on the official English UNRWA site, as they try to be very careful in English.

One was the caption for the story, linked to in the front page, for Nakba Day.

It says that "On this day, in 1948, thousands of Palestinians lost their homes, families ... their life, to become refugees."

Really? There was a mass expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs on May 15, 1948?

Of course, they chose that day to celebrate the Nakba because it was the first full day of the Jewish state. The Nakba isn't about the creation of refugees but about the failure of the Arab world at large to prevent the creation of Israel and to lose militarily in a war that they all agreed was essential to win.

The second absurdity was this line in that linked article, where it says "Approximately one third of the world's refugee population is Palestinian."

The only reason that this statement can be said is because of...UNRWA! The definition of "Palestinian refugee" is different than "refugee" from any other part of the world, thanks to UNRWA's definition of allowing descendants of refugees to remain in that status forever. Becoming a citizen of another state doesn't chaneg that; living in "Palestine" doesn't change that - they are refugees forever and they keep growing. Since this site is meant to raise money for UNRWA, UNRWA is using their own anomalous definition of refugee to raise more money for UNRWA!

Change the definition to the standard definition of "refugee" used by the UN in every other case, and suddenly the number of Palestine refugees dwindles to perhaps 2% of the five million they claim are refugees.

UNRWA in English is generally sensitive to mistakes like these. Apparently, their Spanish section is not.

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