יום חמישי, 6 ביולי 2023

Daily EoZ Digest

Percentage of Israeli Arab women with academic degrees doubles, number with jobs jumps toonoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 Jul 04:45 AM More indica

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Percentage of Israeli Arab women with academic degrees doubles, number with jobs jumps too
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 Jul 04:45 AM

More indication of how absurd the "apartheid" libel is. From Globes:

According to the Labor Market Report for 2022 released today by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, over a decade, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of Arab women acquiring higher education, which has translated into greater participation in the labor market.

In 2020, the report states, a quarter of Arab women aged 30-34 held academic degrees, double the proportion in 2010, when just 13% of Arab women in this age group held degrees. In the 29-31 age group, the proportion of those with degrees reached 27% in 2020.

The figures are in line with those of the Council for Higher Education in Israel, which also show a substantial rise in the number of female Arab students. The proportion of women among Arabs studying for a first degree has remained steady in recent years at about 69%, but the proportion of Arabs in the undergraduate student body as a whole has risen from 16% in 2014 to 20% today, almost the same as their proportion in Israel's population.

There is a correlation between higher education, participation in the workforce, and level of pay for those in work. People with academic degrees are found to earn more than those without, even after control for variables such as occupation, industry, gender, ethnic group, and location. ...

The general level of participation...Read More

Did the PA arrest terrorists on their way to Jenin?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Jul 09:45 PM

The Safa news agency reports that the Palestinian Authority arrested some would-be jihadists on their way to Jenin Tuesday to attack the IDF:

The Jenin Brigade of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, said on Thursday that the arrest of a number of resistance fighters by the Palestinian Authority security services while they were on their way to repel the aggression on the city of Jenin and its camp was a "disgrace."

The battalion said in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Safa agency, that "it is heartbreaking that the fatal stab comes to us from the back, by our people, by the security services of the authority, which last Tuesday did an act that no fighter and defender of this land would accept."

The statement indicated that the Preventive Security Service arrested the resistance fighters Murad Malaisha and Muhammad Brahmin and assaulted them along with a number of resistance fighters who were on their way to support their brothers in the Jenin battalion.

The Jenin Battalion confirmed that the tension is still present with the continued arrest of Malaisha and Brahmin from the authority's apparatus.

The statement continued, "The political arrest of our mujahideen brothers and sons is a disgrace, and it is shameful that we engage in battles with the occupation and are stabbed in the back."

The Jenin Brigade called on the Fatah leadership and movement to stand up to their responsibility in curbing such actions...Read More

07/05 Links Pt2: When Freedom Began to Ring; UK Parliament Passes Anti-BDS Legislation; A two-state solution for terminally ill France?; 'Exodus' immigrant's diary shows hardships of post-Shoah refugees
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 05 Jul 05:00 PM

From Ian:

When Freedom Began to Ring

In his famous 1790 letter to the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island, George Washington wrote that "the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support." These words were not the kind of quid pro quo sometimes offered by European Enlightenment leaders of the time to Jews; it was not an implicit warning that they ought to behave themselves if they wanted to be tolerated.

President Washington, under whose leadership many Jews had fought during the Revolutionary War, was simply recognizing that America only required of its Jews what it required of all its citizens. At the founding, America was already not a Christian nation, and this was in large part because of its Jews.

Everywhere else in the world, prior to the American Revolution, Jews were disfranchised, politically isolated, and vulnerable. Even where they were relatively secure, such as in England, they were not full citizens. In 1775, on the eve of the Revolutionary War, English Jews could not vote, serve on juries, serve in Parliament, be military officers, attend a university, engage in some businesses, become barristers, or practice some other professions. Jewish immigrants had to...Read More

The Jews Who Live on Stolen Land (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 05 Jul 03:00 PM

Note: Not written by Elder of Ziyon

What makes Progressive American Jews so dogmatic about "Palestinian"
rights to statehood on Jewish land? Is it that they don't know that Israel is
indigenous Jewish territory—that the Arabs are latecomers? Or is there
something else in play? Perhaps they feel just a wee bit guilty, as latecomers themselves,
to be living on stolen Native American territory? In supporting the Arab cause,
progressive American Jews may be making a subconscious statement that he who is
last, has dibs, thereby giving themselves moral permission to steal.

They may reason, if they reason at all, that no one expects
Americans to vacate America. Least of all the Native American people. Everyone
accepts that it's a fait accompli. Today the land belongs to America, whatever
the motives or the rightness or wrongness of the land grab at the time at the
time that it happened. That's just a fact. To the victorious Americans go the

No one does
anything about this. There is simply no impetus for anyone to do anything about
returning the stolen object that is America, to its rightful owners, the Native
American people. If you were to speak about this to someone at a party, you'd
see their disdain, the unspoken words they would be privately thinking: "That's
a bit silly, isn't it? Unrealistic, immature, a nonstarter. No one expects us
to just leave. No one. Even THEY, the
Native American people, don't expect us to go."

I will be bold: Americans are thieves. They are...Read More

What the @NYTimes left out from their story on Palestinian kids wanting to be "martyrs"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Jul 01:15 PM

Raja Abdulrahim continues in her tradition of using her platform as a New York Times reporter to shade the facts away from the reality.
She has a tragic story about how teenagers in the West Bank are writing out "wills" in the expectations of being killed by Israeli troops.

The farewell testaments reflect a prevailing sense among many young men that death is heroic, meaningful and inevitable during what is now the deadliest period for Palestinians in nearly two decades in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

With the intensifying violence, many young Palestinians feel added pressure that they themselves must become involved in the struggle against Israel and act.

Palestinian society has long lionized "martyrs" — anyone killed by Israeli forces — with many of their images displayed on walls and banners in Palestinian cities and, more recently, on social media platforms like Instagram.

Farewell messages are often published by the Palestinian news media and shared widely on social media, inspiring more young Palestinians to write their own.

Dr. Samah Jabr, the head of the mental health unit for the Palestinian Authority, said the writing of such wills was wrapped up with generational traumas for Palestinians living in the occupied territories, dealing with checkpoints and near daily raids by Israeli troops. Many young people feel a duty to take on adult roles, including confronting...Read More

07/05 Links Pt1: BBC apologises after presenter said 'Israeli forces are happy to kill children'; Palestinian child sacrifices; Israeli woman held hostage in Iraq by Hezbollah
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 05 Jul 11:00 AM

From Ian:

'Israeli forces are happy to kill children,' BBC anchor tells ex-PM Bennett

A BBC anchor told former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett that "Israeli forces are happy to kill children" in an interview where Bennett responded to criticism of the Israeli operation in Jenin. The BBC interview was conducted by host Anjana Gadgil and was posted to Bennett's YouTube channel on Wednesday.

"The Israeli military are calling this a 'military operation,' but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under eighteen. Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?"

"Quite to the contrary," Bennet replied. "Actually, all 11 people dead there are militants. The fact that there are young terrorists who decide to hold arms is their responsibility." The former Israeli prime minister went on to explain that, of many of the terror attacks over the past year, events that have collectively ended several dozens of Israeli civilian lives, the perpetrators have come from, and we trained in, Jenin. "Jenin has become an epicenter of terror," he says. "All the Palestinians that were killed were terrorists in this case."

"Terrorists" or "children?" Bennett, BBC anchor vie over IDF actions in Jenin

"Terrorists, but children. The Israeli forces are happy to kill children," Gadgil responded. After asking the BBC anchor how she would define an armed 17-year-old shooting...Read More

"Disturbing photos show the militarization of British children" (British hypocrisy watch)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Jul 09:30 AM

In 2014, Electronic Intifada wrote one of its most popular posts, showing photos of Israeli children at an Independence Day celebration learning about weapons.

The title was, "Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children, " and it showed a series of photos from AFP taken in Efrat.
Israel haters like to trot these photos out for the strangest reasons. So, for example, when I tweeted a photo of one of the Jenin "children" holding quite real weapons, without any adult supervision, one apologist for British Labour antisemitism tweeted back:

When I pointed out the obvious differences between the two situations, (you know, one of them was actually using the weapons,) he responded "So the glorification of weaponry with extremely young children of is fine with you"?
Ah, yes. That's what is upsetting him. Not children actually being combatants!
OK, let's go with that "glorification of weaponry" angle.
Every year Britain holds an "Armed Forces Day." Teaching children about the British army is one of its main goals.

So we see photos like this, every year, in British media:

What is the difference between the smiling Israeli kids with weapons and the smiling British kids with weapons?
Because the Israeli boys are...Read More

Despite BBC blood libel, combatants under 18 are legitimate targets in international law
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Jul 07:00 AM

Here is a blood libel from the BBC.

In response to Naftali Bennett saying that every single person killed in Jenin was a terrorist, the presenter said, as a fact, "Terrorists but children. The Israeli forces are happy to kill children."

Bennett's answer was good, but here is another case where news interviewers are either ignorant or willfully twisting international law.

Child combatants are still combatants under international law. No matter whether they were forcibly recruited, whether they are under 14, whether they are girls - once someone is shooting at a soldier they are legitimate targets, according to every article I can find on the subject.

In 2000, a group of child soldiers in Sierra Leone known (in the West) as the "West Side Boys" captured a patrol of British soldiers from the Royal Irish Regiment along with their Sierra Leone Army liaison officer. Several of the British soldiers were held for two weeks before the British Army decided to free them in an operation that killed between 25 and 150 of the West Side Boys.

Was the deliberate, planned killing of those children a war crime? Of course not.

Absolutely no international law scholar disputes that the British Army had the right to free their fellow soldiers because they were held by combatants under 18. And no BBC reporter responded...Read More

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