BDS is AGAINST Palestinian and Israeli Arab high tech (Unknown), 02 Jul 04:45 AM Egypt's Al Ahram has an op-ed about how |  |
Egypt's Al Ahram has an op-ed about how high tech companies in Israel are supposedly trying to marginalize Arabs. The author, Asim Abdel Khalek, says, "In the Negev desert, the giant Cisco company operates and has two outlets in the two Palestinian towns of Hurra and Ar'arat, working with IBM as part of Israel's plan to settle Jews and deport the Palestinian Bedouins. " Cisco (and IBM) are cooperating with Israel to deport Arabs from the Negev? Where did it get this information from? From the "Who Profits?" BDS organization. And their description of Cisco's activities in Israel and in Palestinian areas shows that every fact - even heavy investment in training and hiring Israeli Arabs and Palestinians - can be twisted to fit the BDS agenda. "Who Profits" writes about Cisco: In the Naqab, where ten Cisco technology equipped hubs are planned, two are located in Palestinian towns – one in Hura and the other in Ar'arat al-Naqab (two out of seven Palestinian Bedouin towns in the Naqab).[10] These hubs form part of the Israeli government's industrialisation and resettlement plan which strives to create jobs...Read More |
From Ian: French lawmaker: 'Intifada in heart of France' comes from antisemitic areas The roots of the ongoing riots in France are in areas where antisemitism, among other hatreds, are rampant, French-Israeli lawmaker Meyer Habib warned on Saturday. "This looks like an Intifada in the heart of France," Habib said. "France is on fire, with 249 police officers injured. Nothing, not even the dramatic death of a young man justifies this chaos." According to Habib, "in these lost areas of the republic, for years there has been an undisturbed growth of hatred of France, white people and Jews." Habib contrasted the response to the killing of a 17-year-old by a police officer, which sparked the riots, to the murder of 65-year-old Jewish woman Sarah Halimi, who was murdered in her home in 2017 by a man who shouted "Allahu Akbar" while attacking her. "Sarah Halimi was beaten for 20 minutes in front of 20 police officers. Her murderer is practically free and no one rioted or burned anything," said Habib, who holds a seat in parliament representing French expats living in the Eastern Mediterranean region, including Israel. Holocaust memorial in Paris vandalized by rioters The Holocaust memorial site in Paris, known as The Memorial to the Martyrs of the Deportation, was vandalized by rioters on Friday amid the large wave of anti-police protests, according to reports by The Jewish Chronicle and Algemeiner. "The...Read More |
From Ian: Kuntzel questions myth of 'antisemitic backlash' in the Arab world It is commonly assumed – in fact it has become dogma in academic and political circles – that antisemitism in Arab countries was a backlash to the creation of Israel. Now in his new book Nazis, Islamic antisemitism and the Middle East, the German political scientist Matthias Kuntzel produces new evidence that the 1948 war against Israel was a consequence of widespread Nazi propaganda in the Arab world. For the first time, the 1937 pamphlet Islam and Judaism constructed a link between Muhammed's confrontation with the Jews of Medina and the conflict in Palestine. This, coupled with six years of poisonous anti-Jewish Nazi radio propaganda beamed to the Arab world, and the rising influence of the Nazi-inspired Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, created a continuity between the Nazi war against the Jews and the Arab war against Israel. See his article in Fathom: Mattthias Kuntzel Why then is the role of Nazi propaganda and Nazi policies largely ignored in debates on the roots of antisemitism in the Middle East? A plausible hypothesis is that this pattern of omission reflects a desire to protect a proposition that is accepted as dogma in many academic circles: the idea that Israel, i.e. Jews, bears sole responsibility not only for the war in 1948, but also the antisemitism in the region...Read More |
The second and third ones really, really upset the Israel haters on Twitter. The fourth was one of the most popular memes I ever posted on Instagram. By the way, this is Byzantine-era. Jews continued to build towns after 70 CE. There are lots of Talmudic-era synagogues discovered in the Galilee, Judea and Samaria. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
What do you do when your hate becomes socially unacceptable? Find an alternative that people won't blame you for! From TheJC: Textbooks in German schools display a strong political bias against Israel, according to a new report. It reveals a disturbing trend of blaming Israel for the conflict with the Palestinians. And it says teachers in German schools tend to shy away from discussing Israel in class because of fears of sparking unmanageable debates. The report, conducted by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the Mideast Freedom Forum, focused on 16 history and politics textbooks used in secondary schools in Berlin and Brandenburg. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation described textbooks as "inadequate, often one-sided and tendentious" in their depiction of Israel. It said there is a "different weighting of the victims on the Palestinian and Israeli sides. "A mostly paraphrased David versus Goliath narrative is dominant. Terrorist attacks and other acts of violence are sometimes played down or ignored. "Most of the textbooks portray Israel as a war-mongering crisis state and the sole aggressor in the conflict. "Uprisings and violent attacks on Jewish civilians are given a kind of legitimacy because of the dominant image of Israel. "The focus of knowledge transfer at school is on the Six Day War, which is also often presented in a distorted...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: It's time to dismantle the United Nations In May the U.N. commemorated "Nakba Day," the propaganda term the Palestinian Arabs have given to the date on which the State of Israel was founded. It invited the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to address it. He used that platform to repeat the P.A.'s murderous lie that Britain and the U.S. had decided "for their own colonialist purposes" to establish "another entity in our historical homeland" because they "wanted to get rid of the Jews and enjoy having them in Palestine—two birds with one stone." As for the WHO, Neuer observed that every year its annual assembly deviates from surveying global public health to hold a special debate singling out Israel. There is no such focus on Syria, where hospitals are repeatedly bombed by Syrian and Russian forces; nor on North Korea, which has one of the worst health systems in the world. On the contrary, the WHO recently elected North Korea to its executive board. As ever, the deranged onslaught upon Israel stands proxy for the endangerment of the world itself. A WHO mission to study the Covid pandemic's origins in China announced in February that the possibility that the virus had escaped from a laboratory needed no further investigation. The mission had been put under pressure to reach that conclusion by Chinese scientists who made up half the team. The United Nations has been impotent...Read More |
From The Cradle: Washington is urging the Lebanese government to pressure Hezbollah into removing an outpost erected in the occupied Shebaa Farms, Israeli media reported on 29 June. Walla news outlet cited anonymous Israeli and US officials as saying that the outpost represents a "miscalculation on Hezbollah's part, which does not take into account the potential Israeli response. Therefore, this incident has the potential for serious escalation." "Our goal is for the outpost not to be there. We prefer Hezbollah evacuate its people itself over us bombing them. We have made this clear to the US, and the Americans made it clear to the Lebanese," the report cites an Israeli official as saying. According to Walla, Hezbollah began erecting the first tent in April. The Israeli army reportedly did not realize this until a second tent had been set up. Israel tried to handle the situation "under the radar in quiet talks" with UNIFIL for weeks. Other Israeli media outlets say Tel Aviv set a deadline to remove the tents, and that it would deal with the resistance group "on its own," sparking fears of a wider confrontation. Beirut has acknowledged that the outpost is south of the UN-recognized Blue Line, separating Lebanese and Israeli territories. Last week...Read More |
On Wednesday, an Iraqi immigrant to Sweden tore up and burned a Quran after receiving permission to do so as an act of protest, A Swedish court ruled that burning the Quran was a legal expression of free speech and the police gave a permit for the action. In response, the Muslim world is seething. Many Muslim-majority countries lodged protests against Sweden, and there were riots in Iraq as protesters attempted to break into the Swedish embassy. In 1976, on Yom Kippur eve, a group of Arab youths - fueled by a false rumor that Jews had torn Qurans - stormed through the synagogue at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and tore up numerous Hebrew holy books as well as several handwritten Torahs which were ripped to shreds. The desecration of the Torah is much, much worse than tearing or ripping a printed Quran. The best analogy to a ripped Quran would be to a torn up Chumash, a mass printed version of the Torah; tearing up a Torah is more like tearing up a handwritten Quran manuscript. And Jewish prayer books, chumashim and other holy books are desecrated by Palestinian Arabs much more often than you know. In 2007...Read More |
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