By their own success criteria, BDS has been a massive (Unknown), 23 Apr 04:45 AM The website for the BDS Movement has a F | The website for the BDS Movement has a FAQ section that asks, "What has the BDS movement achieved so far?" The very top achievement is listed as: BDS was a major factor behind the 46% drop in foreign direct investment in Israel in 2014, according to a UN report. How have direct investments in Israel done since then? If BDS is taking credit for the 46% drop in direct investment in 2014 then the 255% increase since then must be viewed as a huge BDS failure. Also, the UN report did not say what BDS claims. It quoted a Newsweek article which in turn quoted a YNet article where one of the authors of the report said: "We believe that what led to the drop in investment in Israel are Operation Protective Edge and the boycotts Israel is facing," Dr. Roni Manos of the College of Management and one of the authors of the report's summary told Ynet. According to her, these are only conjectures that can explain the sharp decline, but there is another reason. "In the past there were large transactions such as Waze and ISCAR Metalworking which boosted investment, but over the past year there were not enough such deals. So BDS is not only trying to hide the statistics since 2014 that disprove its "victory," it even lied about the reason for the 2014 anomalous decline itself. The BDS Movement FAQ goes on: A Rand Corporation study predicts BDS could reduce Israel's GDP "by 1 to 2 percent" annually over the next 10 years. That...Read More |
From Ian: Seth Frantzman: Israel at 75: How the Jewish state compares to other countries In 1851, 75 years after the US Declaration of Independence, a crowd gathered in the shadow of the US Capitol. They had come to lay a cornerstone for the expansion of the building. An architect had been chosen by president Millard Fillmore. Thomas U. Walter, a Philadelphia architect, was chosen. A cornerstone would be laid to mark the beginning of construction of the new part of the building, at the northeast corner of the House wing. This would be an extension of the building first begun in 1793. Supposedly, the same trowel that president George Washington had used back in the day, was used in 1851 to mark the occasion. Several men who had served in the Revolutionary War were in attendance. They must have been only teens in the war. That might not have been so rare; Andrew Jackson had served in the war as a kid. He'd been president in the 1830s and died in 1845. This was only a few years later. America must have seemed at peace in those days. A year before a crisis in the country had been averted by a major legislative compromise. California, recently acquired from Mexico by the war of 1846-48, wanted to join the US as a new state. It did not want to have slavery, and this created a dispute among the states that had slavery and those that did not. A compromise enabled California to join and called to abolish the slave trade...Read More |
From Ian: Don't 'All Lives Matter' the Holocaust - opinion IT IS a basic human instinct to seek ways to connect events that appear, on the surface, to be similar to one another. But to do so when it comes to collective memory is to risk diminishing the uniqueness of each group's experience. In 2022, the White House issued a well-intentioned but poorly-worded statement about Holocaust remembrance that recalled "the six million Jews who were systematically and ruthlessly murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators," as well as "the millions of Roma, Sinti, Slavs, disabled persons, LGBTQ+ individuals, and political dissidents who were killed during the Shoah." This past Tuesday night, after I tweeted about Yom Hashoah, a South African Twitter user with a timeline full of antisemitic tweets responded with a screenshot of the Wikipedia entry for "Holocaust victims." On that page is a table that lists 12 different groups defined by the crowdsourced encyclopedia as victims of the Holocaust. They include Soviet POWs (2.8-3.3 million), Freemasons (80,000-200,000), and Spanish Republicans (3,500), alongside Jews. Taken together, the 11 non-Jewish groups vastly outnumber the six million Jews noted on the page – which is, of course, exactly the point. My Twitter interlocutor's message was clear: the Jews weren't even the primary victims of the Holocaust, so they should really stop harping on about it. This needs to be said...Read More |
Three cartoons in the three styles I do. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights has created a website that pretends to calculate how much your community would benefit if the US stopped funding Israel. It is a useful example to show just how much these guys lie. They write: Every year, the U.S. government writes Israel a blank check for at least $3.8 billion to fund Israel's violence against the Palestinian people. The Israeli military then uses your tax dollars to kill Palestinian people, destroy their homes, and steal their native land, in violation of U.S. laws. How many lies are here? #1. There is no blank check. Every dollar is earmarked and audited. #2. None of the money goes towards "violence against the Palestinian people." Unless you consider all Palestinian people to be terrorists; perhaps USCPR does. #3. None of the money is earmarked for offensive operations against Palestinians altogether. #4. It is the native land of the Jewish people. #5. Nearly all of the $3.8 billion goes towards missile defense, joint research projects, F-35 fighter jets, in-air refueling tanks for planes, energy and water conservation research, joint homeland security programs, and above all loan guarantees (which Israel hasn't used for 18 years.) The claim that the full amount is used to attack Palestinians is a ludicrous lie. Beyond that, the USCPR tries to make $3.8 billion sound like a huge amount. However, it is 0.06% of the federal budget...Read More |
From Ian: Caroline Glick: The ruling class must regain its senses President Joe Biden has shown through his policies and statements on Iran, the Palestinians, Jerusalem, progressive anti-Semitism and a host of other issues of strategic importance to Israel that his Middle East policies are predicated on ideological positions that are hostile to Israel's core national and strategic interests. Under normal circumstances, Biden's hostile posture would place him in an uncomfortable position vis-à-vis the overwhelming majority of American Jews who are pro-Israel. But with the likes of Lapid, Barak, Olmert, Ya'alon and their many partners demonizing the government and calling for American Jews, Democrat and Republican lawmakers and the Biden administration to boycott the government, Biden's effective declaration of Netanyahu persona non grata last month went over with barely a word of protest among American Jewish leaders. He was applauded by Israeli leaders. In this week's "Caroline Glick Show," Tony Badran from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies explained that Iran's decision to escalate its aggression against Israel in recent weeks is predicated in part on Biden's declared shunning of Netanyahu. Biden's statement was interpreted by Iran as an invitation to attack Israel at will. Likewise, in recent weeks, the Iranian regime-controlled media have given banner headlines to statements by retired...Read More |
Arabic media is reporting: The Moroccan singer, Fatima Zahraa Al-Arousi, caused anger among activists, after she performed a concert in Israel. Activists shared footage of Fatima Al-Zahraa Al-Arousi's performance, which was organized by the Moroccan Liaison Office in Tel Aviv, on the occasion of the Mimouna festival held by Jews of Moroccan origin at the end of Passover. It seems that Al-Arousi was expecting the angry reaction, so she did not previously announce the event through her accounts on social networking sites. However, the Moroccan artist lost thousands of followers from her fans after the footage circulated of her concert in Israel . Here's the short clip being circulated: So did she lose her fan base? Her detractors are circulating this graphic: According to this, Al-Arousi lost abut 11,000 followers in the three days after the news broke, and based on that, about 60,000 followers until today. It sounds like a lot, but it is only 3% of her fan base. And her Instagram has a bunch of people criticizing her but really not that many, considering how many followers she has, and many...Read More |
There are thousands of Palestinians still living in Iraq with essentially no rights. They have been attacked, and many killed, by Iraqis since 2003. They are not recognized in Iraq as a refugee group. Other Arab countries refuse to allow them to immigrate. The Safa news agency interviewed Baghdad-based journalist Hassan Al-Khaled who said that there are some 6,000 Palestinians in Iraq, 70% of whom live below the poverty line. He aid that there is no joy this Eid al-Fitr for them. In 1948, many Palestinians were forced by Iraqi forces to join them and fight against Israel. After their defeat, they were allowed to go to Iraq, where they were treated decently. That all changed after the 2003 fall of Saddam Hussein, who had given them huge privileges. In 2020, UNHCR dropped their rent subsidies for the Palestinian families, throwing them into an even deeper crisis. Al-Khaled complained about the lack of relief associations or organizations that help Palestinians in Iraq, saying, "If there are any, the amount assistance they provide to the refugees is not enough for everyone." Think about that. There are hundreds of NGOs...Read More |
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