יום שישי, 21 באפריל 2023

Daily EoZ Digest

Racist Egyptians upset at a Black Cleopatra in Netflix series, and turn it into an antisemitic conspiracy theorynoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Apr

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Racist Egyptians upset at a Black Cleopatra in Netflix series, and turn it into an antisemitic conspiracy theory
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Apr 04:45 AM

Remember a couple of years ago how people were so upset that Israeli Gal Gadot was playing Cleopatra in a biopic (now set to be released sometime in 2023)? She was accused of "whitewashing" the role, with some claiming that Cleopatra was black or part Arab, and others responding that she was of white Macedonian ancestry, and it was not at all inappropriate for a Jewish woman to play someone else whose ancestry was Levantine.
There was more than a little antisemitism in that controversy - Gadot being from Israel was the real issue, as we saw with the protests in the Arab world about her Wonder Woman role.
Now, Egyptians are turning this issue on its head, thanks to an upcoming Netflix documentary series that casts a black woman as Cleopatra, and claims that she was indeed black.

A Netflix docudrama depicting Queen Cleopatra as black has sparked an uproar in Egypt.

'Queen Cleopatra' stars British actress Adele James, who is of mixed heritage, as the title character.

But Egyptian academics insists that Cleopatra, who was born in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 69 BC, was light-skinned and of European descent, not black.

So intense is the backlash that an Egyptian lawyer has reportedly filed a complaint...Read More

04/20 Links Pt2: David Hazony: Israel at 75: The Rebirth of Israel?; Where Is the Palestinian Equivalent of Haaretz?; New Ben & Jerry's Limited-Edition Flavor for Lab B'Omer in Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 20 Apr 05:00 PM

From Ian:

David Hazony: Israel at 75: The Rebirth of Israel?

Every nation faces the breaking point in its own way, and no outcome is predetermined. America bled and was reborn, while the USSR vanished as a living idea long before it disappeared from history.

There's another example of this dynamic — from our own history. In ancient Israel, the golden age, the great Israelite monarchy, was founded by King David, the hungry poet-warrior who conquered Jerusalem and planned the great Temple. King Solomon, his son, followed him, building great cities and expanding and firmly establishing the empire.

Then came the third generation. Rupture and division — the kingdom split in two, Israel to the north and Judea, with Jerusalem, to the south. It took some time, but this split led, eventually, to weakness and destruction of both kingdoms, and exile.

The prospect of such a biblical collapse lurks in the back of every Israeli's mind.

The coming months will be filled with tension, turmoil, negotiations halted and restarted, and tactical disinformation. So yes, I am scared that things could get much worse before getting better.

The coming months will be filled with tension, turmoil, negotiations halted and restarted, and tactical disinformation. Weapons will be drawn, perhaps even used, and then put back down again. Actual blood may yet, God forbid, be shed.

So yes, I am scared that things...Read More

What the media doesn't tell you about Huwara
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Apr 03:00 PM

The New York Times has an article about how awful things re for residents of Huwara, living with a huge IDF security presence:

Huwara, a town of about 8,000 people, sits on the only major road connecting the West Bank's north and south, and is traversed regularly by both Palestinians and Israeli settlers. That has long put it on the front line of Israel's expanding settlements in the West Bank, and it is a target of frequent attacks and harassment by settlers driving through.

But on Feb. 26 the violence reached new levels, traumatizing the residents of Huwara and leaving them fearful for their safety, as attacks by settlers surge and Israel's right-wing government vows to assert greater control over the occupied West Bank.

That day, two settlers were shot and killed by a suspected Palestinian gunman as they drove through Huwara, prompting an angry mob of hundreds of Israelis from the hillside settlements to rampage through the town and neighboring villages, throwing rocks and burning homes, businesses and vehicles. In the wake of the attack, in which a Palestinian man was killed, the Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, a settler himself, called for Huwara to be "erased" by the state.

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers are now deployed on its streets, occasionally shutting roads and intersections, forcing businesses along the main road to close and seizing rooftops and entire...Read More

Gozer Begs Enlil Not To Be Sent As Marshmallow Man To Israel On Lag BaOmer (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Apr 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Nippur, Sumeria, April 20 - A Mesopotamian deity known as "The Destructor" beseeched his superior in the pantheon to remain away from the Jewish State despite a mission tasking him with a visit there this coming May 8-9, having discovered what happens across the country to the constituent material of the god's "Traveler" form on the corresponding Hebrew date every year.

Supernal witnesses described a fearful, contrite, yet determined Gozer the Gozerian pleading his case again today before Enlil, who sits atop the Sumerian divine assemblage. Gozer assumed his Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man form for the encounter, to drive home the danger to him at time when every open space in Israel is expected to feature multiple bonfires, some large enough to reduce the god's entire physical essence to gooey, caramelized deliciousness.

"My Lord," implored Gozer, "I must importune His Divine Supremacy to reschedule the visit to the of the land of Canaan. His Excellency no doubt can see that the inhabitants of that barbaric locale have a festival during which it has become customary to build enormous fires and roast marshmallows. Venturing into such an environment on that day will pose a serious hazard to the success of my mission, and I humbly request to postpone or suspend it until the flames subside...Read More

04/20 Links Pt1: Over 100 rights groups lobby UN to not adopt IHRA antisemitism definition; UN Instructs PA to Take Responsibility for Israelis Held by Hamas in Gaza
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 20 Apr 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Iron Dome Is Not Enough to Make Israel Safe

News of attacks against Israel and retaliatory airstrikes seem as common as the news of mass shootings in the U.S.

Since the early 2000s, Israel - in close cooperation with the U.S. - has developed perhaps the most impressive counter-missile defense system in the world: Iron Dome.

Yet Iron Dome, like any defensive system, has its limits.

Unlike past flareups between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the most recent attacks have come from Lebanon and Syria.

These areas are controlled by Hizbullah, whose 150,000 missiles represent a fundamentally different security challenge than that posed by Hamas.

This capacity enables Hizbullah to threaten Israel with a missile campaign that would rapidly overwhelm Iron Dome and necessitate prioritizing the protection of vital infrastructure at the expense of civilian exposure.

U.S. support for Israel's military readiness is critically important to ensure the protection of Israel from missile attacks and enable precise and decisive action in self-defense.

Supporting Israel's ability to defend itself from the threats from all sides should be a source of unity for Americans.
41 Senators Back Joint U.S.-Israel Missile Defense Programs
Forty-one senators from both parties have signed onto a letter...Read More

More Muslims visited Al Aqsa this Ramadan - under Israeli control - than any time in history
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Apr 09:15 AM

Al Quds reports:

The Director General of the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem, Azzam Al-Khatib , said, "More than 4 million worshipers visited Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of Ramadan , despite the restrictions and restrictions imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities."

Al-Khatib added in a statement: "This number is unprecedented compared to previous years, as the Waqf managed things very well."

This means that under Israeli control, more Muslims have visited Judaism's holiest spot this Ramadan than ever in history.

But as the article goes on to say, there were restrictions:

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation authorities prevented, during the month of Ramadan, male residents of the occupied West Bank, between 12-55 years old, from accessing Al-Aqsa Mosque, while only allowing dozens of residents of the Gaza Strip to reach the mosque to perform prayers.

Despite this, thousands of young men were able to bypass The Israeli Forces checkpoints to reach the mosque, especially in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, to perform i'tikaaf.

This is not quite accurate - men from 45-55 could go to Jerusalem but only with a permit.

AP reports about some of the thousands of young men who sneaked into Israel:

Others found riskier ways to get to the holy compound — scrambling over Israel...Read More

Iranian media still publishing Holocaust denial - in English
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Apr 07:00 AM

English language Iranian media has a long tradition of publishingclassically antisemitic articles under the guise of op-eds by Westerners, who are often American white supremacists. This gives them the ability to spread Jew hatred while claiming that they are only practicing freedom of speech and that Iran itself has no problem with Jews.

Today's example is a little different. Instead of publishing antisemitism from neo-Nazis, this Holocaust denial article was written by Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam, Secretary General of Palestine Foundation Pakistan.

The illustration is one of the entries in Iran's Holocaust Cartoon Contest showing a Jew sweeping the rubble of the Jerusalem he is destroying under a rug labeled "Holocast" [sic.]

It is pretty clear that this "pro-Palestinian activist" calls all Jews in history "Zionist" to avoid being called antisemitic:

The Holocaust refers to those people belonging to the Jewish religion, about whom the Zionists have propagated to the world on the basis of lies and deception that they were brutally murdered by the German Nazis between the years 1933 and 1945.

Zionists called the Nazi killing of Jews a systematic state-sponsored massacre, and hence it is now referred to as...Read More

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