יום חמישי, 23 בפברואר 2023

Daily EoZ Digest

"I love my mother!" Nablus terrorist said. Awww.noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Feb 05:45 AM One of the targets that Israel attempted to arrest in

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"I love my mother!" Nablus terrorist said. Awww.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Feb 05:45 AM

One of the targets that Israel attempted to arrest in Nablus yesterday, Hussam Aslim of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, went on Facebook live to tell the world that he was about to be "martyred" rather than allow himself to be taken alive.

In his final message, he included his love for his mother.
Naturally, that became a headline in Palestinian media.

The Palestinian Health Ministry also originally said that Tamer Nimer Ahmed Minawi, 14, was killed in Nablus. It...Read More

02/22 Links Pt2: Ilan Ramon and the Words That Soared; The Arab Revolt against the British That Created the Israel-Palestinian Conflict; NYT Wins Award for Debunked Anti-Jewish Hit Piece
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 22 Feb 06:00 PM

From Ian:

The Arab Revolt against the British That Created the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

For three years before World War II, Palestinian Arabs attacked Jews and fought against British rule—leaving roughly 500 Jews and 250 British dead. Oren Kessler, the author of a new book on the episode, explains how it laid the groundwork for much of what has transpired since then:

The Great Revolt of 1936 to 1939 was the crucible in which Palestinian identity coalesced. It united rival families, urban and rural, rich and poor, in a single struggle against a common foe: the Jewish national enterprise—Zionism—and its midwife the British empire. A six-month general strike, one of the longest anywhere in modern history, roused Arabs and Muslims worldwide to the Palestine cause.

Yet the revolt would ultimately turn on itself. A convulsion of infighting and score-settling shred the Arab social fabric, sidelined pragmatists for extremists, and propelled tens of thousands of refugees out of the country. British forces did the rest, seizing arms, occupying cities, and waging a counterinsurgency. . . . When the dust cleared, at least 5,000—perhaps more than 8,000—Arabs were dead, of whom at least 1,500 likely fell at Arab hands. More than 20,000 were seriously wounded. Arab Palestine's fighting capacity was debilitated, its economy gutted, its...Read More

Intifada Intel: What the IDF Knew in July 2000 (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 22 Feb 04:00 PM

Itamar Ben Gvir caused a furor when he visited the Temple Mount back in January. But not really. All the umbrage regarding his "provocation"—walking while Jewish—was manufactured by bored reporters who have nothing else to write about; by left-wing reporters who lust to smear Israel in print; by Hamas, the PA, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, and yes, the United States of America. The latter, of course, demanded that Israel maintain the "status quo" at holy sites, which means that the Jordanian Waqf remains in charge; Arabs get the full run of the Temple Mount; but Jews are rushed through the compound under guard and may not linger or pray. The thrust of all this is that Jews are somehow intruders in their own land, in their holiest city, on their holiest spot, and that they are stealing them from the Arabs.

It's not a new accusation. As Alex Sternberg noted in a recent piece, 'Al-Aqsa is in danger' The history of a 100-year-old lie, the libel that Jews are taking over the Al-Aqsa Mosque is old. The falsehood, motivated by politics, originates with Haj Amin El-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem:

An early enemy of Zionism, Husseini regularly engaged in incitement against the Jews of then-Palestine. In 1920, this resulted in five deaths and 211 injured. In 1929, Husseini used the occasion of Tisha B'Av to tell an Arab crowd that the Jews were coming to destroy Al-Aqsa and rebuild the Temple in its place. "Al-Aqsa...Read More

75 years ago: Eleanor Roosevelt urges the world to allow Jews in Palestine to get arms
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Feb 02:15 PM

From The Palestine Post, February 20, 1948:

From JTA, February 19, 1948:

New York City's effort on behalf of the $250,000,000 national United Jewish Appeal campaign was launched today by 2,500 community leaders at the annual Women's Division rally held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Speakers included Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, former Governor Herbert H. Lehman, Max Lerner, and Mrs. Jerome I. Udell, chairman of the Women's Division in the 1948 campaign.

Mrs. Roosevelt, a member of the American delegation to the United Nations, told the gathering that "we must ask our government to allow the importation of arms into Palestine and to raise its embargo." The added that "the Arab leaders have done themselves a great harm in saying that they would fight a decision of the United Nations."

I cannot find the transcript of her speech to the United Jewish Appeal. However, she also spoke there in 1946, where she described the conditions of Jews in the displaced persons camps of Europe, and said:

On the day that I was in the Jewish camp, the main meal was some powdered eggs—scrambled eggs. The people have such a longing to create a sense of home that they would take the powdered eggs from the kitchen and take them back...Read More

02/22 Links Pt1: The Gigantic Scam of the 'Occupied Territories'; Biden administration funds anti-Netanyahu protest group; Peter Beinart's Deceptive Attack on Israeli Democracy
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 22 Feb 12:00 PM

From Ian:

There is no alternative to Israeli victory

Our enemies look to the past for proof of their eventual victory, often referring to the Crusades and figures like Saladin, convinced that time is on their side.

They will also know that history proves that victors do not concede or compromise until they have won and vanquished their enemies. This has been true for millennia. Our enemies see an Israel that denies this historical truth, trying to negotiate away the conflict through concessions and compromises, and failing miserably.

A country that wants victory does not act like this. A nation that wants to defeat its enemies must force them to give up any hope of ultimate victory. It must crush its enemies' will to continue fighting.

Israel should listen carefully to Nasrallah's words and understand their ramifications. They are the words of someone who believes in ultimate victory over Israel, even if his timeline is somewhat optimistic.

These are the words of our enemies, heard regularly in Tehran, Ramallah, Gaza, Beirut and elsewhere. Our enemies believe them and act accordingly.

People regularly ask how we can win this war against our enemies.

History has the answer: You pressure them militarily, economically, diplomatically and politically until they give up. Then they admit defeat and accept the terms of their loss.

Only then is it possible to talk about what peace might look...Read More

A lying left-wing antisemite from +972 dies
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Feb 10:15 AM

+972Mag writes an obituary for Yossi Gurvitz:

It is impossible to imagine Israeli anti-occupation writing without thinking of Yossi Gurvitz. A relentless, fearless, incredibly knowledgeable, prolific, and sharp writer, Yossi passed away last week at the age of 53.....

Yossi's roots were as far from the left as one could imagine. He was born to a national-religious family and educated at Nehalim Yeshiva, an Orthodox boarding school...Yossi hated religious studies, and even more so the racism and nationalism he encountered at school, including among the rabbis. Gradually, he began to lose his faith. "I started devouring philosophy books," he would later write: "By the time I started grade 11, I was Orthodox in name only. Earlier, I rejected Jewish law as racist; now I could no longer believe in a deity which was managing the world and interested in our lives … "

I only wrote about Gurvitz twice, over a decade ago, but he stuck in my mind as an exemplar of everything a journalist shouldn't be: a bigot, a liar, and an antisemite.

In 2012, Gurvitz claimed that a person wrote a halachic question to a rabbi essentially asking whether it is permitted for Israeli soldiers to rape women, and that the answer was that they could. He completely misrepresented the question and answer - as well as the rabbi's clarification after the fake story...Read More

AIPAC delegation meets PLO Executive Committee head. It looks like a set up.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Feb 08:00 AM

Hussein Al Sheikh, the secretary general of the PLO's executive committee, met with a delegation from AIPAC on Tuesday.
He tweeted, "I discussed with them Palestinian - US relations and many regional and international issues, and stressed the need for a political horizon leading to the 2SS based on international legitimacy."
These contacts began last September, when another AIPAC delegation met Al Sheikh.
AIPAC did not tweet about this meeting.

It seems that Al Sheikh, seen as a potential successor to Mahmoud Abbas, is trying to raise his profile as an international figure. While Abbas holds all the power in the PA and the PLO, arguably Al Sheikh is more powerful than the PA prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh, since the PA only reports to the PLO.

As far as the AIPAC delegation itself, it is hard to think that they are getting anything out of these meetings. While I can understand their desire to be involved in meetings like this, and not to cede this role to J-Street which also meets with PLO officials, clearly they have no influence over any Palestinian official.

Worse, the photos of the meetings make them look like dupes. In front of the room where they met Al Sheikh are portraits of not only Abbas but murderous terrorist Yasir Arafat:

In the back of the room we can see...Read More

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