Latest Arab rumor: JNF bought island in Bahrain so Jews can escape in case of war (UPDATE) (Unknown), 17 Feb 05:45 AM Arabic medi | Arabic media are claiming that Israel purchased an island from Bahrain. Middle East Monitor has all the details: Israel has reportedly "bought an island" from Bahrain, prompting criticism from activists opposed to the on-going normalisation between the two countries. News of the purchase was initially announced by TV7 Israel News, before being removed after it was broadcasted, according to Al-Mayadeen. However, several social media users managed to screenshot the report before it was erased. According to the report, Israeli firm Himnota, which is owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), a "charitable" organisation that has long been used by the apartheid state for expropriating Palestinian lands and obfuscating Israel's war crimes, acquired the private island for $21.5 million in an auction. The island, which measures 9,554 square metres, will be used for investment projects and could be used to evacuate Israelis in case of the outbreak of war. Avery Schneier, who is on the board of directors of the company, said talks will be held with the "friendly" Bahraini government to transfer sovereignty over the island to Israel. It is strange to have a story with such details made up from scratch. One grain of truth in the story is that Bahrain indeed intends to sell an island and other properties at auction - but the auction hasn't happened yet. It is...Read More |
From Ian: Top Left-Wing Network Blocked From Credit Card Processor Over Ties to Palestinian Terror Group One of the nation's most prominent left-wing dark money groups announced Tuesday that it was unable to process credit card payments, following reports of its ties to a Palestinian terrorist group. The Alliance for Global Justice said in a statement that Salsa Labs, which handles its credit card contributions, locked the "anti-capitalist" group and its network of 140 left-wing initiatives out of its online fundraising platform. The Alliance claims the freeze-out is the result of a January Washington Examiner report that the group was illegally fundraising for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a U.S.-designated terror organization. The move could prove financially calamitous for the Arizona-based group, which in 2021 helped raise over $56 million for the initiatives it sponsors. Discover Card blocked the Alliance from accessing its network in September 2021 over its financial ties to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an Israel-designated terror group that works to free Palestinians from the Israeli prison system. Few fundraising tools remain on the table for Alliance as of Tuesday. The group asked supporters to "donate via paper checks" to buoy the group "as the enemies of the people gloat about our trouble." The Zachor Legal Institute, a pro-Israel think tank that filed...Read More |
* * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Jerusalem, February 16 - A local feline met its grisly demise today on a stretch of wet roadway where drivers often fail to spot the traffic signal in either direction, witnesses reported, causing the animal to regret at once the profligate use of one of its previous remaining incarnations in a fatal effort to reach a part of the neighborhood with more or less the same trash in and around the dumpsters as anywhere else in the country. The intersection of Bezalel and Nissim Bachar Streets saw ramming death of a feral cat late Thursday morning when the driver of a car barreling westward down Betzalel disregarded or failed to discern a red light and did not spot the animal on its way across the busy road; its mangled carcass adorned the side of the rainy road for some hours afterwards, pending action by the municipality's sanitation department. While awaiting its third-to-last embodiment in a new corporeal entity of fur, claws, and at least one soon-to-be-missing eye, the creature's lifeforce acknowledged the stupidity of trying to cross the Nachlaot neighborhood's hazardous major central artery at its most hazardous transition spot, all for the dubious purpose of finding better scavenging in the trash piles of the north side than of the south. "OK, that was dumb," the anima admitted. "Really...Read More |
From Ian: The "Two-State Solution" and the Arab Palestinians: Partition or Politicide? "Justice for Palestine" and the Strategy of Phases At present, the main advocates of the idea of "territorial compromise" are Israel's enemies, along with well-meaning outsiders and "progressive" Israelis. For the Arab Palestinians, the basic objective is to achieve "justice" by means of "armed struggle." One need only consult Article 21 of the Palestinian Covenant: The Arab Palestinian people, expressing themselves by the armed Palestinian revolution, reject all solutions which are substituting for the total liberation of Palestine and reject all proposals aiming at the liquidation of the Palestinian problem, or its internationalization.4 Further, one cannot overlook the PLO's "authentic genocide message." For example, Daniel Pipes published a reader's comment in the Middle East Forum stating that the PLO's first chairman, Ahmad al-Shukeiri (Shuqayrī) (1908–80), coined the phrase "Driving the Jews into the sea,"/"Throwing the Jews into the sea." The contributor [who most likely was Prof. Barry Rubin of the IDC, Herzliya] observed: "After the Six-Day War, realizing the great damage it has done to Arabs, Arab propagandists, including Shukairy himself, tried somehow to 'transform' his statement from the meaning of annihilation to the meaning of 'transfer' of Jews (or 'ethnic cleansing...Read More |
Lately, Palestinian social media has been including the hashtag "Cubs of Revenge" (#أشبال_الثأر) on social media. (Palestinians refer to child militants as lion "cubs.") They are celebrating and encouraging children to attack Israelis. The poster above is not a memorial to children tragically killed - it is a tribute to how wonderful these children are, both dead and alive, for attacking Israelis. Al Resalah gushes, "In the squares of Al-Aqsa and Damascus Gate, and in every neighborhood and alley of the towns and camps of Jerusalem, a new generation is growing that sees in Israel nothing but an enemy that will only be defeated through resistance and jihad." Other articles in Palestinian media are also...Read More |
From Times of Israel: The Knesset approved a law on Wednesday to strip convicted terrorists with Israeli nationality of their citizenship — provided they receive funding from the Palestinian Authority or an associated organization. The law, an amendment to Israel's 1952 Citizenship Law, applies to both Israeli citizens and permanent residents incarcerated following a conviction for terror, aiding terror, harming Israeli sovereignty, inciting war, or aiding an enemy during wartime, and enables the interior minister to revoke their status after a hearing. The law enables citizenship to be revoked even if the person lacks a second citizenship, provided they have a permanent residence status outside of Israel. Once citizenship is revoked, the person would be denied entry back into Israel. The Palestinian prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh reacted angrily, claiming the law is "racist" and illegal: Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh said in a statement that this decision is a racist practice and a flagrant violation of international law and international humanitarian law. calling on the United Nations, the United States, and the European Union to denounce the resolution, and to put pressure on Israel to force it to cancel it . Is it illegal to revoke citizenship of terrorists? Of course not. Western...Read More |
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