יום ראשון, 4 בדצמבר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Some statistics on violence against Palestinian womennoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 04 Dec 05:45 AM A report in Amad says that, somehow, the "Israel

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Some statistics on violence against Palestinian women
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 04 Dec 05:45 AM

A report in Amad says that, somehow, the "Israeli occupation" has the biggest violent effects on Palestinian women.
But then, in a distant second place, it mentions real statistics on violence against Palestinian women - from Palestinian men.

In 2015, 15 killings of Palestinian women and girls were monitored and documented, while 18 other killings were documented during 2016, and in 2017, the Women's Center recorded 30 killings. In 2018, 24 Palestinian women were murdered.

In 2019, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey showing that about 59.3% of married or ever-married Palestinian women / girls in the age group (15-64 years) have been subjected to violence (including psychological and economic) by their husbands: 70.4% in Gaza compared to 52.3% in the West Bank. The highest percentage, 66.9%, were in the 20-24 age group. More than half of ever married girls and young women aged between 15 to 19-years-old have been exposed to violence...Read More

12/03 Links: Happy Nakba Day; Bibi Could Upend Biden's Weak Foreign Policy; More media excuses for Palestinians and terror; US Jews battle 'mainstreaming' and normalization of antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 03 Dec 07:30 PM

From Ian:

Happy Nakba Day

The Jewish/Arab conflict in the Middle East is not about the relative merits of Jew or Arab to live on the Land; there is enough land in what was formerly known as "Palestine" for all without Israel giving up any of the area it now possesses. The ongoing war in Israel is the fulcrum of the intellectual/spiritual conflict between the worldviews that oppose G-d's rule on earth, and its manifestation through the return of the Jews to the Land.

They say: "Come, let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel will be remembered no more. The consult together with a united purpose; against Hashem do they make a covenant. The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites. Gival, Ammon and Amalek; Philistine and the residents of Tyre. Assyria is also joined with them; they have become an appendage of the children of Lot, selah. (Psalm 83)

A sovereign Israel is an existential threat to the adherents of Christian & Moslem replacement theologies; it shakes their worldviews to the foundations. A thriving Jewish Commonwealth puts the lie to their system of beliefs. The destruction of the State of Israel and the re-expulsion of the Jews are critical to Christian and Moslem worldviews, in order to correct the "aberration" of the Ingathering of the Exiles, kibutz galuyot. All efforts to hobble and constrict the State of Israel, to push her back to indefensible borders, to murder...Read More

12/02 Links Pt2: Melanie Phillips: Diaspora Jews keep making the same mistake; Trivializing antisemitism based on politics; Not just Kanye – it's an online coalition of hate
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 02 Dec 04:00 PM

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Diaspora Jews keep making the same mistake

A perverse feature of the Jewish people is that they make one particular mistake over and over again. They are persecuted. They frantically try to assimilate into their host community in the belief that this will avert future persecution. They are persecuted again. They frantically assimilate again.

This week saw the publication of the first collected works of Theodor Herzl, the founding father of modern Zionism. The set initiated the Library of the Jewish People, a new series of works by classic Jewish writers issued by the Koren publishing house.

Publishing this now is particularly fitting because of striking similarities between Herzl's time and today.

Gil Troy's masterful introduction to the collection draws attention to the complexities of Herzl's tortured life. This rings a loud contemporary bell, not just about the persistence of antisemitism but about the current attitudes of Diaspora Jews.

Assimilated and sophisticated, Herzl had an ambivalent attitude towards his Jewishness. Infatuated with the German high culture that was dominant in Europe, he refused to circumcise his son and lit Christmas tree candles for his children.

Jews had risen to the highest levels of German and Austrian political, professional and cultural society. Yet at the same time, Germany and Austria were becoming more and more pathologically...Read More

Eldertoons - Dueling icons
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Dec 02:14 PM

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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12/02 Links Pt1: R.I.P., UN Two-state Solution; Welcome, Bibi: Blinken To Headline Anti-Israel J Street Conference; Palestinian teens order Haredi man to kiss their feet, post on TikTok, are arrested
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 02 Dec 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Welcome, Bibi: Blinken To Headline Anti-Israel J Street Conference

A State Department spokesman told the Free Beacon that Blinken's engagement with anti-Israel groups like J Street is an "important part" of the agency's mission.

"It is routine for the secretary of state to engage with different civil society groups representing a broad array of foreign policy interests, this is an important part of the State Department's domestic outreach," the spokesman said.

While Blinken is not the first secretary of state to address a J Street conference—then-secretary John Kerry and then-vice president Joe Biden both spoke in 2016—the timing of his address is being viewed as highly symbolic. The Biden administration in December took the extraordinary step of launching a Justice Department investigation into the shooting of a Palestinian-American reporter by the Israel Defense Forces.

Israel in September conducted its own independent review in cooperation with the U.S. State Department, and U.S. lawmakers are accusing the administration—given the president's support for an additional FBI investigation—of kowtowing to radical elements in the Democratic Party who seek to transform Israel into a pariah state.

One senior State Department official told the Free Beacon that "attending this J Street event is like a blatant and obvious attempt to stick Bibi [Netanyahu...Read More

Amnesty, HRW, the UN or David Duke? You decide
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Dec 10:00 AM

This text is from white supremacist David Duke's 2003 book, "Jewish Supremacy."

This looks virtually the same as reports from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the UN over the past year.
Same evidence, same methodology, same reference to international conventions.
So is David Duke suddenly a human rights expert? Or does the fact that all of them will cherry pick facts that make Israel (and Jews) look like criminals, and ignore all counterevidence, indicate that all of them are really antisemites?

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

...Read More

A small Syrian antidote to all the stories about antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Dec 08:00 AM

Some nice news for a change.

JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, published a video of a portion of a Jewish wedding ceremony celebrating the bridegroom according to Syrian Jewish tradition that occurred in New York City.

I'm not familiar with this responsive chant, but apparently this part is nearly identical to a traditional Syrian Muslim wedding ceremony (with mentions of "Mohammed" replaced with "Moses").

According to STEP News, Syrians have been sharing this video, amazed that Syrian Jews have kept these traditions: "The video sparked a wide interaction among the Syrians, who expressed their admiration for them and their preservation of the heritage, as one...Read More

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