יום שישי, 30 בדצמבר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

"Herzog thanking Morocco for saving Jews during the Holocaust is part of a grand plan to plunder the country"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Dec 05

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"Herzog thanking Morocco for saving Jews during the Holocaust is part of a grand plan to plunder the country"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Dec 05:45 AM

The Jerusalem Post reports:

During the Second World War, when Morocco was more or less under French rule, King Mohammed V defied the Vichy government and refused to deport the country's 250,000 Jews to Nazi concentration camps.

Moroccan Jews therefore credit him with being their protector and their benefactor.

In a letter that President Isaac Herzog sent to King Mohammed VI last week on the second anniversary of Morocco's accession to the Abraham Accords, he noted this fact and wrote: "During some of the darkest hours of Jewish history, Morocco has served as a beacon of light and hope for the Jews. When expelled from Spain in the fifteenth century, many Jews found safe haven on the other side of the Mediterranean. And when millions of Jews faced the horrors of the Holocaust in the twentieth century, King Mohammed V provided a safe haven for his Jewish subjects."

Who can object to an Israeli president complimenting an Arab leader?

Meet Moroccan writer Abdul Salam Benaisi, writing in Rai Al Youm.
He says that if Isaac Herzog has the audacity to compliment Morocco on how they treat their Jews, then he is also giving himself the right to insult Morocco some other time if...Read More

12/29 Links Pt2: Understanding the upsurge in black attacks on Jews;
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 29 Dec 06:00 PM

From Ian:

Understanding the upsurge in black attacks on Jews

The path of promoting Jew-hatred as a strategy for popularizing withdrawal into racial authenticity and ethnic isolationism is today still represented by Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam and their myriad followers, including in the political, entertainment and professional athletic realms. It is also represented by significant segments of the Black Lives Matter leadership, elements of the black Hebrew Israelite movement, black college and university groups that have advocated segregation on campuses and others.

Black Americans who seek common cause with others and have spoken out against black antisemitism include academics and intellectuals like the Hoover Institute's Thomas Sowell and Brown University's Glenn Loury, various political figures on both sides of the aisle and numerous religious leaders, as well as prominent cultural and sports personalities.

Gates' insight has implications beyond the issue of recent black antisemitism. For centuries, Jew-hatred has been used as a tool in political struggles between competing elites, with one or both sides attacking the other for being associated with or too tolerant of Jews.

In today's America, this phenomenon is not confined to the black community. White advocates of the balkanization of America along racial and ethnic lines—whether on the far-left or the far-right—target...Read More

Some over-the-top articles about the new government in Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Dec 04:00 PM

Here are some excerpts of articles about the new Netanyahu-led government, showing how over-the-top and hysterical some analysis is:

The alarm clock rang long ago already. It rang at fascist speeches by ministers. It appears that we turned it off and slept on. Now it is ringing again . . . One feels like weeping in view of the darkness that is slowly descending on our lives; in view of the takeover of extremist and racist opinions and worldviews, sometimes in such flagrant fashion as in this instance, and sometimes without our even being aware that it is happening. (1)

The new, anti-liberal Israeli Right and Religious Zionism have joined forces, following the logic that guides totalitarian regimes, [aiming] to capture the souls of the pupils and to transform them from lovers of people into stuck-up nationalists. This is the way to turn Israel from a Jewish and democratic state into a religious-nationalist state with a thin veneer of democracy. (2)

It looks like Weimar, it smells like Weimar; it's malignant like Weimar. We aren't the Weimar Republic, but a lot of what is happening here is reminiscent of what happened there'. (3)

'Think of the media as a giant keyboard that the government can play on,' famously declared Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, who certainly knew a thing or two about communications and cinema, and about the psychology of the masses. On this point, at least, the present Israeli government is acting as though in agreement with...Read More

Mayor Apologizes for Enforcement of Handicapped Parking (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Dec 02:25 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Tel Aviv, December 29 - Following an embarrassing episode in which city contractors painted a handicapped-only parking spot around an already-parked car and then had the car towed, Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai apologized for the incident, saying that actual enforcement of handicap-only parking should not happen at all, let alone incompetently.

"The types of people who park in handicap spots are exactly the kind of people we want to attract to Tel Aviv," said Huldai at a press conference. "Those are the real go-getters, the ones who know which rules need breaking in the quest to reach ever higher. I have ordered an investigation into this incident."

Huldai asserted that his office would question the contractor charged with ignoring parking enforcement. "It is simply unacceptable that in this twenty-first century city, a paradise on the Mediterranean, success-oriented people are made to worry about making space available for society's leeches. If you have a wheelchair, just stay out of the way," he said. "People need those bike lanes for their exercise."

Huldai's administration has faced allegations of insufficiently corrupt selection of the contractors engaged by the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality. Opponents on the city council have charged that the selection process is too transparent, and...Read More

12/29 Links Pt1: Why Does the EU Disproportionately Fixate on Israel?; The forgotten speech of Yasser Arafat; Why Israel Cannot Send Its Iron Dome to Ukraine
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 29 Dec 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Amb. Alan Baker: Why Does the EU Disproportionately Fixate on Israel?

As part of its "Joint Strategy in support of Palestine," the European Union recently circulated a confidential document that proposes various measures to finance and advance monitoring, undercutting and undermining Israel's policies in Area C of the West Bank, including providing support and legal assistance to Palestinian residents prosecuting land claims in Israeli courts.

Under the 1993-1995 Oslo Accords, signed and witnessed by the EU, Israel and the Palestinian leadership (PLO) agreed to divide the West Bank areas of Judea and Samaria into three distinct areas of control and administration, pending the completion of negotiation on the permanent status of the territories. It was agreed that Area C would remain under Israel's full control, jurisdiction and administration.

In attempting to undermine and to intervene in Israel's legitimate and agreed-upon jurisdiction and governance in Area C, and in supporting Palestinian attempts to violate the Oslo Accords, the EU is in fact violating the terms of the very agreement to which it attached its signature as witness.

The EU claim that Area C is "to be preserved as part of a future Palestinian state in line with the Oslo Accords" is simply a mistaken and misleading interpretation of the Oslo Accords. They made no reference whatsoever to any "future Palestinian state" or "two-state solution...Read More

Saudi news still publishing pure Jew-hatred
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Dec 10:30 AM

Despite the clear liberalization of Saudi Arabia over the past few years, antisemitism is still a major part of the mindset.
An op-ed in the popular Okaz newspaper site doesn't leave much doubt:
The title of the piece by Jasser Abdullah Al-Harbish says it all: "Neither good people nor cousins.. Rather, the Ashkenazi Khazars are racists."

The well-known fact in the history of nations and religions, and obscured by the influence of financial and media power, is that Western Jews are not Semites, but rather white European Ashkenazi Khazars who suckled ethnic racism from the European peoples among whom they were divided and lived as religious minorities....

The respected human rights advocate Gideon Levy (which is rare in his society) concludes that the entity of the State of Israel is fascist and racist and will not reach the two-state solution nor recognize the least rights of the Arab and Druze Palestinians.

...[Saudi intellectuals are] well aware of what was being taught to the Israelis in occupied Palestine from Talmudic jurisprudence about good people and non-believers. The Torah for the Jews is a devotional text in the first place, and the Talmud for them is the legislative and political jurisprudence that defines their relations with other creatures of God. The Jewish Talmudic jurisprudence says what it means that every land you step on, son of Israel, belongs to you.

It bothered me that some of the attendees...Read More

Health journal article: Antisemitism is a necessary therapy for Palestinians' mental health
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Dec 08:06 AM

The Health and Human Rights Journal has a special section this month: "Settler Colonialism, Structural Racism, and the Palestinian Right to Health." It was organized and curated by the Community and Public Health at Birzeit University and the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University.

Its seven articles are predicated on malicious, antisemitic lies about Israel. The lies - that Israel is a racist, apartheid, settler-colonialist state bent on eradicating Palestinian Arabs and their culture - are accepted as unvarnished truth, without any debate.
The introduction of an article purported to be about amputations begins with this antisemitic framework:

Since 1948 and with the establishment of the state of Israel, Israel has been deploying physical and structural violence against Palestinians in multiple well-documented ways, all aimed at the erasure, subjugation, and oppression of the Palestinians, in line with what Patrick Wolfe has called the "logic of elimination" in settler-colonial states.[1]

Israel's colonial ideology is manifested in the "daily assault on Palestinian life as a result of settler-colonial ideology that renders them killable as a part of and a furthering of their removal from their land."[2...Read More

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יום חמישי, 29 בדצמבר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

UNESCO teaching how to stop antisemitism? I have questions.noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Dec 05:45 AM UNESCO announced that it has launched a US

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UNESCO teaching how to stop antisemitism? I have questions.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Dec 05:45 AM

UNESCO announced that it has launched a US-wide online professional training programme for school teachers, superintendents and principals to address antisemitism.
Their partners are the University of Southern California's Shoah Foundation, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Jewish Committee.

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director General, said, "Antisemitism is an attack on our shared humanity. It must be confronted head-on, without naivety and with perseverance. This is the commitment of UNESCO, the UN agency mandated to promote education on the Holocaust and the prevention of genocide. We are proud to support American teachers to raise young people's awareness of the nature and impact of this toxic hate speech and ideology that drive discrimination."

The name of the course is "Shine a Light." It does not mention too many details, just a general description: "Participants will develop their knowledge, skills and confidence to teach about antisemitism and to dismantle antisemitic stereotypes. They will also learn strategies to address antisemitic incidents in schools, and to respond effectively to conspiracy theories including Holocaust denial and distortion."

I am all for training teachers about how to combat antisemitism, but I fear that this is only addressing a...Read More

12/28 Links Pt2: The Democrats must have a 'Sister Souljah moment' on antisemitism; War of Independence veterans protest 'defamatory' Netflix movie; Prominent Israeli firms vow to boycott bigots
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 28 Dec 09:00 PM

From Ian:

The Democrats must have a 'Sister Souljah moment' on antisemitism

The recent rise in American antisemitism is the result of a lack of consequences for those engaging in it.

For example, Americans Against Antisemitism studied 194 anti-Jewish assaults and 135 attacks on Jewish property in New York that have taken place since 2018. According to their July 2022 report, only two of the perpetrators actually went to prison.

A similar situation is occurring on college campuses. Students who harass Jews are rarely if ever suspended or expelled, and almost never face any consequences at all. This has emboldened antisemites on campus, with a chilling effect on Jewish and pro-Israel voices.

Colleges have codes of conduct according to which harassment of other students can result in serious ramifications. These codes have not been enforced against antisemites.

In the realm of politics, when Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar engaged in anti-Jewish and anti-Israel comments, and expressed support for BDS, their fellow Democrats were initially prepared to take action against them. A resolution passed by the House of Representatives (H.R.183) sought to "ensure safety" for Jews. It stated, "Accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel or to the Jewish community than to the U.S. constitutes antisemitism."

The resolution was a response to Omar's comments, with Tlaib by her side...Read More

.@WashingtonPost article minimizes antisemitism of author Roald Dahl. Do we have a pattern of insensitivity to Jews at WaPo?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Dec 06:00 PM

The Washington Post was harshly criticized - justly - for illustrating an article about a measles outbreak in the Somali community of Columbus, Ohio with a photo of Chassidic Jews in Brooklyn on Tuesday.

What makes this worse is that the Somali community is known for its low vaccination rates. They had a breakout of measles in 2017 and also this year in Minnesota. The Hill wrote about the Ohio breakout without mentioning them at all, and NPR's 2017 article tried to explain why the Somali community was reluctant to immunize.
The contrast with how the media treated the Orthodox Jewish community during COVID could not be starker. The Somali angle is minimized and contextualized; the Jewish angle was trumpeted.
The Washington Post has another problematic article, on a completely different topic: a review of a biography of famed children's book author Roald Dahl, the review written by Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael Dirda.
Near the end, it mentions:
Yet to adult eyes, Dahl frequently goes uncomfortably too far in depicting an anarchic Hobbesian world of savagery...Read More

Jewish Media Summit 2022: Keeping Us Away from the Winning Team (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 28 Dec 04:00 PM

An invitation to the Jewish Media Summit is both an honor and an opportunity. The honor part became even more apparent after the fact, when some attendees of the last summit complained at having been left off the guest list this time around. As for opportunity, where else would you meet some 100 Jewish journalists from all over the world, representing Milan, Rome, Paris, Istanbul, Zagreb, Buenos Aires, and so many other faraway places where Jewish journalists are hard at work? Perhaps they were invited to bring home a rosy picture of the state of things in the State of Israel. Instead, the visiting foreign journalists were to hear an oft-repeated refrain: the incoming Israeli government is extremist, nay even corrupt.

The idea that the new government is far right and extremist was first voiced by outgoing Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman Shai, the first speaker at the opening gala. Shai had a brief period of fame as the voice on the radio that soothed Israelis in their safe rooms during the 1991 Gulf War. "Drink water" he would say to us calmly as the world crashed and burned outside our windows and our babies drank milk from bottles through a weird plastic tent.

Outgoing Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman Shai

But that was a long time ago. Today Shai is an outgoing MK. And in his speech, as in the speeches of the other outgoing ministers who spoke to us during the four-day summit, one can detect the taste of sour grapes: "Some of the elected officials lack sufficient...Read More

Who actually cares about Jerusalem? Not the NGOs that pretend to
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Dec 02:15 PM

Terrestrial Jerusalem and Ir Amim, two Jewish NGOs that spend all of their energy to oppose any Jewish rights in Jerusalem, are alarmed:

On December 27, 2022, the Elad settlers of Silwan accompanied by a heavily armed detail of Israeli police, took over a large plot of land immediately adjacent to the Pool of Siloam in Silwan (from which the name Silwan derives).

The settler takeover is not exclusively a settler initiative. In a press release touting the commencement of excavations on the site, this is being presented as a joint venture between the Elad settlers, the Israel National Parks Authority (INPA), and the Antiquities Authority (IAA). For all those needing proof, this is further evidence that in Silwan, the settlers and the Government of Israel are one of the same.

The land in question has been owned by the Greek Orthodox Church and leased to a Palestinian family since the 1930s. A family member was arrested last night (26 December) in a pre-emptive arrest, and three more were detained this morning.

The Government of Israel and the settlers have decided there is no better time to take over Church property, in a place of cardinal importance to Christianity, than the Christmas week. There is nothing new in this. The settlers and the Government customarily reserve Christmas week for their most problematic...Read More

12/28 Links Pt1: The European Union's deceit and the Israeli response; Israel's New Government Isn't What You've Heard; What's behind Oman's BDS push?
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 28 Dec 12:00 PM

From Ian:

The European Union's deceit and the Israeli response

The EU insists that Israel should abide by the Oslo Accords, as it still believes that within this area, a Palestinian state should be established within the framework of a comprehensive peace agreement. At the same time, according to the leaked document, it tries to strip Israel of its rights per that same agreement.

So that's where humanitarian law comes in; the very set of laws that are supposed to help the EU circumvent Israel's authority in Area C. This means that the EU has found a way to fund construction in Area C without violating the Oslo Accords, or so we are tricked to believe. The claim is that the construction is meant for humanitarian ends and is not politically motivated. Yet the EU construction takes place in locations that are highly sensitive, precisely for the sole purpose of creating new facts on the ground and preparing the area for a Palestinian takeover without any final peace agreement.

Many times the political motivation is obvious, as the construction is conducted without permits and in such places where Israel has no choice but to demolish it, for example, a school adjacent to a dangerous highway or other construction in places where there are no facilities and thus are not considered habitable environments. The political motivation becomes even more obvious when the document explicitly states the EU's plan to curb Israel's archeological...Read More

What you can learn from Fatah's anniversary slogan
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Dec 10:15 AM

Fatah's pro-violence logo

On January 1, Fatah will celebrate its 58th anniversary. Well, not really. It is the 58th anniversary "of the launch of the contemporary Palestinian revolution," meaning the anniversary of their first terror attack, That attack was meant to disrupt Israeli's access to water. It was a direct attack on civilian infrastructure, and those terror roots are an inherent part of Fatah, today.
It came up with a typically unwieldy slogan for the occasion: "Just as we dropped the deal of the century and the annexation project...we will defeat the neo-fascists."

Fatah is taking credit for Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" not being successful.
How did they accomplish this Herculean task?
By saying "no."
The same way they "defeated" every other chance for peace and an end to conflict with Israel.
Their desire to keep the conflict going is something they are very proud of!
What happened after their latest rejection of any peace plan without a counter-offer? Bahrain and the UAE said, we've had enough of the Palestinians acting like spoiled babies, so we will normalize our own relations with Israel, ignoring their long standing demand that they hold veto power over our foreign policy.
But we want something in return - so they demanded that Israel rescind a partial annexation plan. The far-right extremist Netanyahu, wanting peace, agreed.
So I guess, in a convoluted way, the Palestinians were responsible for...Read More

Journal of International and Intercultural Communication: Peer-reviewed incitement against Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Dec 08:00 AM

The Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (JIIC) is published by the National Communication Association. JIIC says it "publishes original scholarship that expands understanding of international, intercultural, and cross-cultural communication" and that "articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including screening by the editor and review by at least two anonymous referees."
Its most recent issue featured the theme, "Writing occupied Palestine: Toward a field of Palestinian communication and culture studies." Of course, the articles in the issue have little to do with Palestinian culture and everything to do with demonizing Israel under the rubric of "communications studies."
Besides the introduction and forward, there are four articles in the issue on this theme.
"Boycott eurovision singing to the song of its own tune: Global boycotts as sites of hybridity" has a classic impenetrable abstract:
Following (Kraidy, M. M., & Murphy, P. D. (2003). Media ethnography: Local, global, or translocal? In P. D. Murphy & M. M. Kraidy (Eds.), Global media studies: Ethnographic perspectives (pp. 299–307). Routledge; Kraidy, M. M., & Murphy, P. D. (2008). Shifting Geertz: Toward a theory of translocalism in global communication...Read More

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