יום שלישי, 28 ביוני 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Iran calls Israeli involvement in US Centcom a "threat"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Jun 04:45 AM As we've been reporting, the Trump decision we

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Iran calls Israeli involvement in US Centcom a "threat"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Jun 04:45 AM

As we've been reporting, the Trump decision weeks before his term ended to include Israel in Centcom has been paying dividends, as military cooperation between Israel and Arab states that it is not officially at peace with has been increasing dramatically. Israeli military leaders secretly met with their counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt and Jordan in March under the aegis of Cencom.

Iran has now officially responded to the news, and they seem unhappy.

The chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces denounced the Zionist regime's participation in the US Central Command's military activities and war games as a source of threat to the region, which he said would definitely trigger a reaction from Iran.

[Monday,] Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri slammed the Zionist regime as the root cause of interventions and instability in the region.

The Israeli regime has hatched plots in order to establish contacts with regional countries and achieve its interventionist objectives, the top Iranian commander warned.

He also cautioned that the Zionist regime's membership in the CENTCOM (US Central Command) and its move to deploy equipment and participate in the war games would present threats to the region, adding, "We do not tolerate such...Read More

06/27 Links Pt2: David Collier: The truth behind the anti-Israel 'Apartheid' smear; Hamas claims health of Israeli captive 'deteriorating,'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Jun 05:00 PM

From Ian:

David Collier: The truth behind the anti-Israel 'Apartheid' smear

Choreography in the twilight zone
What followed proves that everything you know about truth and justice can be set aside. What we are witnessing is a choreographed attempt by extremists to undermine the very foundations of Israel. The ICC despite having no jurisdiction in Israel suddenly claimed that it does. The ICC also decided to go to bat for the Palestinians – even though it breaks their own rule book. Just like we see with the NGOs, the ICC has been corrupted from within.

The ICC decision created a snowball effect and the NGOs needed to play their part. It became important to add the charge of Apartheid to the Israel crime sheet. So B'tselem, HRW and Amnesty produced their reports.

There is no doubt at all, this was an organised and choreographed assault on the truth.

Understanding the Apartheid smear
There is nothing logical or honest about the Apartheid smear at all. It is a deliberate and vindictive lie. Make no mistake. Amnesty and HRW know they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

It started by demonising Israel's attempts to defend its own citizens against terrorist attacks. From there – in order to replicate the successful boycott of South Africa – the anti-Israel propaganda machine started building a pyramid of lies. To blur the boundaries until Israel's very existence was brought into question.

These people break every...Read More

Elder Comix: Abortion meets intersectionality
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Jun 03:00 PM

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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Palestinian TV says all despicable ideas come from Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Jun 01:00 PM

Palestinian Media Watch monitors the things that Palestinians say on TV and in their media, and the sheer amount of things they find is almost numbing. But it is important to see that their hate and antisemitism is a constant stream, day in and day out, that rarely hits the mainstream media.
Today, they found this:

Official PA TV "Israeli affairs expert" Fayez Abbas: "We know that the Jewish mind always invents things. The more despicable a thing is, it is an invention of the Jewish mind."

[Official PA TV, Israel in the News, June 8, 2022]

Garden variety Jew-hatred, in prime time. And the world supports this.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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06/27 Links Pt1: Saudi Arabia to UN: No State between Israel & Jordan; The UN Commission of Inquiry Is an Inquisition; Let UNRWA die already; The sheer audacity of Mahmoud Abbas
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Jun 11:00 AM

From Ian:

David Singer: Saudi Arabia tells Biden & UN: No State between Israel & Jordan

Saudi Arabia has sent US President Joe Biden and the United Nations (UN) a clear message to abandon the idea of creating a new Arab State between Israel and Jordan in an article published in Al-Arabiya News on 8 June headlined: The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine.

Its author – Ali Shihabi – is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill journalist. He supports and has the ear of Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (MBS) – the controversial next successor to the Saudi throne.

MBS is the driving force behind NEOM – a brand new US$500 billion megacity to be built on 26500km² in northern Saudi Arabia – an area larger than Israel – powered by 100% renewable energy. The project includes a bridge spanning the Red Sea – connecting NEOM to Africa. NEOM will be close to the borders of Jordan, Egypt and Israel.

Shihabi has been a member of NEOM's Advisory Board since 2020.

MBS has not sought to publically distance himself from Shihabi's article.

Shihabi dismisses Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Jordan claims to be separate entities:
"Jordanians and Palestinians are as similar as any people can be. They are Sunni Arabs from the same neighbourhood. Merging them will not create any long-term ethnic or sectarian fault lines."

Significantly Shihabi's proposal does not call for Saudi Arabia to replace Jordan...Read More

Anti-Jewish crimes still dominate NYC bias crimes
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Jun 09:00 AM

New York City has a word cloud to indicate the relative amounts of the types of bias crimes the city is seeing.

Here are the results for January:


See a pattern?

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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The number of Palestinians working in Israel and settlements skyrocketed in the first quarter
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Jun 07:00 AM

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reported that the number of Palestinian workers in Israel and working in Israeli settlements increased by a huge amount in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter.

The increase was so large that it more than made up for the decrease of people employed in Palestinian-controlled areas.

The number of Palestinian workers in Israel and the settlements skyrocketed from 153,000 to 204,000, an increase of 33% in a single quarter. Of those the number of workers in settlements - which the PA officially tries to ban - went up from 22,400 0to 31,000 people, an increase of 38%.

At the same time, the number of workers within the Arab areas of the West Bank and Gaza decreased from 939,000 to 904,000 in the first quarter.

The survey didn't mention the average wages of the workers in the West Bank and Gaza. Over the past few years, the daily wage was far less than half that of workers in Israel, which was NIS 268 ($78.80) a day in this report. In 2020, the average Palestinian wage was NIS 104 a day.

If we assume that this number has increased to NIS 112, that means that fully 35% of the total income for Palestinians comes from Israeli employers.

The PCBS didn't mention workers from Gaza. Today it was announced that Israel would increase the number of...Read More

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