Hamas and the PA accuse each other of torturing prisoners. (They're both right.)noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 14 Jun 04:45 AM A family in Gaza has | A family in Gaza has accused Hamas of torturing their son to death in prison. The Al-Hasanat family wrote a letter to various authorities claiming that Nawaf Al-Hasanat, who had a wife and six children, was arrested in November over a land dispute and was in Hamas prison until he died last week. Meanwhile, the PA was accused of torturing Hamas members in a Jericho prison. The "Lawyers for Justice" NGO says that 15 Hamas members who were recently arrested by the Palestinian security services in Ramallah "are subjected to very, very severe torture." One prisoner, Ahmed Al-Khasib, appeared in court yesterday, unable to speak due to the severity of torture. Another detainee, Ahmed Harish, could not control himself in front of the Jericho Court today and started crying during his court appearance. As usual, when Israel cannot be blamed, people show no interest in the fate of Palestinian prisoners. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424...Read More |
From Ian: 22 nations oppose UNHRC probe, Pillay calls for arms embargo against Israel Israel secure the opposition of 22 nations to the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) against it, as the prob's chair blamed it for the conflict with the Palestinians and called for an arms embargo against the Jewish state. "The occupation must end," said Navanethem ("Navi") Pillay who heads the UN Human Rights Council's three-member COI. Third-state parties also have a responsibility here and can be culpable when it comes to breaking international law, Pillay said. "This includes, but is not limited to, the transfer of arms when there is a clear risk that they might be used to commit or facilitate serious violations or abuses of international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian law," Pillay said. She delivered the first of what is expected to be an annual report against Israel to the 47-member UNHRC on the opening day of its 50th session in Geneva. An updated version of the report is expected to be given to the UN General Assembly late this year. The UN's probe into Israel The probe is set to investigate alleged Israeli human rights abuses within sovereign Israel and against the Palestinian living over the pre-1967 lines in Gaza and the West Bank. No vote was required with respect to this first annual report, but Israel together with the United States garnered a list of 22 UN nations including...Read More |
This is almost all conjecture - I'm hoping that people with more knowledge than me can help out. Ali al-Samoudi was shot at the same time as Shireen Abu Akleh. He made a selfie video of his drive to the hospital and his initial treatment there. He told interviewers he was shot in the lower back, but the only wound I see doctors actively working on appears to be a graze on his left shoulder. (The selfie video is mirrored.) The wound caused serious bleeding to both the front and back of his shirt. I couldn't find obvious damage to the flak jacket in the brief period before it was removed, outside of one errant thread. If he was shot from the IDF position, roughly level but slightly elevated, could the bullet have grazed him in a way that at least part of the wound is visible on the front half of his body? It seems to me that the bullet grazed him from an angle that was higher than ground level to leave a wound there. I could easily be wrong here - maybe there was a deflection from his flak jacket or maybe the flak jacket stopped the bullet and this is only a secondary wound from the impact on his shoulder, although the amount of blood doesn't seem consistent with that. To me, this doesn't look like an indent - it looks like he lost some skin. If I am right and he was not hit in his lower back at all, it is more proof that Ali Samoudi is a liar who will say anything for self-promotion and to make Israel look bad. Notice how he switches his video view from the front camera to...Read More |
On May 10, the World Bank issued a report on the economy of the Palestinian territories, with suggestions and ideas to help it make ends meet. This follows a similar report by the International Monetary Fund at the end of April. Both of them mention, as an issue, that Israel is withholding some tax revenue corresponding to the PA's payments to terrorist prisoners, their families, and families of "martyrs" - the so-called "Pay for Slay" program. For example, the IMF notes: A significant part of the fiscal problem is structural. The PA raises virtually no revenue from Gaza and East Jerusalem, while in 2021 it spent about a third of its budget in these two areas— particularly in Gaza—mainly comprising civil servant salaries and pensions, and net lending. Neither does it raise any significant revenue from Area C in the West Bank. Furthermore, the PA and Israel disagree on the amounts that the Government of Israel should transfer to the PA under the Paris Protocol, the so-called "fiscal leakages" (estimated at about 2 percent of GDP annually). In addition, the PA disagrees with unilateral Israeli deductions from clearance revenue for so-called "prisoner payments" (which amounted to 1.3 percent of GDP in 2021).So while both groups mention the prisoner payments, neither...Read More |
From Ian: Alex Ryvchin (The Australian): Cheerleaders for Palestine Ignore Dysfunctional Society With the Palestinian Authority's payment of life pensions to the families of terrorists, Palestinian society operates under a system of inducement and reward that has turned the killing of Jews into an industry. Any visitor to a Palestinian village in the West Bank will have seen the banners and posters dedicated to their "martyrs," with photoshopped photos of smiling terrorists to convince the youth that there is glory in death. The violent purging of suspected "collaborators" is another feature of this system. To make them worthy of the adulation, the marches, and the pledges to recognize a Palestinian state, the Palestinians have been reconstructed as a mythical version of themselves, cleansed of all sin and stripped of all responsibility. The consequence is that there is absolutely no incentive for Palestinians to self-examine, let alone reform, let alone develop a society that is functional, just and worthy of a state. Should our new government wish to revisit Australia's position on aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it ought to see the Palestinian leadership not as it wishes it to be but as it is, and to hold Palestinian leaders to the same standards as in every other society. The writer is the co-CEO of...Read More |
Anton Alexander writes in Malaria World Journal about the remarkable achievement of Zionists, specifically Dr. I. Kligler, in eliminating malaria from Palestine - the first time such an accomplishment was achieved on a national scale, anywhere. The methods that were successful then are not being copied now in areas that are still rife with the disease, and Alexander believes that this is largely because so many do not want to accept the scope of this Zionist achievement and instead pretend that a Palestinian state could have arisen on its own had Jews not moved to the region and created such solutions. After the defeat by the British Army of the Turkish Army in 1918, in the final year of World War I, Palestine was administered by the British Mandate, in effect a colony-like structure. It is little appreciated today that Palestine was then thinly populated or even uninhabitable in many areas. Indeed, Palestine was then almost empty. It is also usually not appreciated that if malaria had not been eliminated in Palestine, it is doubtful the State of Israel could ever have come into existence. The following brief extract from a previous paper may assist in appreciating the severity of the malaria that existed in Palestine 100 years ago. In 1919, Dr. Manson-Bahr, a future director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, described Palestine as one of the most highly malarious countries in the...Read More |
In an interview with Palestine TV, PA prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh discussed how the world has drastically reduced aid to the regime which is widely viewed as corrupt. He said that the entire Arab world has stopped funding the PA, with the sole exception of Algeria. When virtually the entire Arab world has decided that the Palestinian Authority is not worth investing in, the rest of the world should listen. One major reason the Arab world has lost interest in the Palestinian cause is because of the ongoing split between the West Bank and Gaza. Today is the 15th anniversary of Hamas' Gaza coup, and the PA half-heartedly demanded that they should be in control of the sector. They claimed that Hamas' takeover was part of a Zionist plot against them. Saying absurd things like that doesn't help endear the PA to the Arab world, either. Shtayyeh also complained that the US has not resumed its aid to the PA that ended under Donald Trump. The Biden administration has resumed funding UNRWA and USAID programs in the territories, but not the PA itself. Part of the reason is because of the Palestinian Authority...Read More |
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