יום רביעי, 20 במרץ 2013

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

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Maccabeats' Passover version of Les Misérables (video)

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 10:30 PM PDT

(h/t Yerushalimey, of course)

Which embassy's "Obama in Israel" video is more bizarre?

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 07:30 PM PDT

From the US Embassy in Israel:

From the Israeli Embassy in the US:

Do you get the impression that everyone is trying too hard?

Now you can buy land in Palestine on-line! (Except for you Jews.)

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 03:15 PM PDT

A new website being promoted in Arab media allows Arabs to buy land in "Palestine." Just pick the plot you want, pay 20% with your credit card, fill out some paperwork, and voilà!

The Canadian-born son of Palestinian refugees is successfully running a business which allows Palestinians to buy land in the area, reported the Guardian on Monday.

Khaled Sabawi launched his company, Tabo (the Ottoman term for "title deed"), three years ago. It is based on his father's wish to help Palestinians buy Palestinian land, a dream that most of the estimated five million Palestinian refugees would deem impossible.

The Tabo webpage invites potential buyers in Jerusalem , West Bank and from abroad to embark upon a virtual tour of every plot of registered land in the area. Plots are sold for prices ranging from $13,000 to $80,000 and can be paid off over a period of three years.
When you go to the Tabo webpage you can learn:
For the first time, you have the opportunity to make your connection to the holy land a reality. Since time immemorial, the ancient and historic lands of Palestine have been among the most coveted in the world. For thousands of years, kings and paupers, emperors and peasants, Popes and pilgrims alike have come to Palestine for salvation, for redemption, for fulfillment, and for riches. Palestine's unprecedented historical significance is a testament to its value as a land.

To Palestinians worldwide, owning land in Palestine is priceless. Land represents a Palestinian's identity, his roots, and his proof of existence. It is his ancestry, his forefather's legacy and children's birthright. It is the place from which he came, and to which he shall return. Now UCI makes it possible for Palestinians to reclaim their legacy, reconnect with the land of their ancestors, and own a piece of the homeland, for them, for their children, and for generations to come.
When you start reading the fine print, something interesting appears:
Once you receive your UCI Land Purchase LPOA, the following steps must be followed:

  • You must print and sign your LPOA.

Once signed you are required to:

  • Scan and save a clear electronic copy of your signed LPOA.
  • Scan and save a clear electronic copy of your valid passport. If you are West Bank/Gaza/Jerusalem ID holder, or a Palestinian with an Israeli ID, please scan a clear electronic copy of your ID.
When they say a "Palestinian with an Israeli ID," they are excluding all Palestinian Jews.

In other words, an Israeli Arab can buy land in the West Bank - but an Israeli Jew cannot.

Israeli Jews legally buying land are evil "settlers" and merit being boycotted, stoned, firebombed and shot., and their homes must be dismantled and their hard work and investment on the land they bought must be forfeited. Even if their families had lived in the area for centuries, the land is simply not available for them. Because they are Jews wishing to return to their ancestral lands.

Israeli Arabs buying land there, on the other hand, are welcome! Because they are - not Jews!

Sounds like apartheid, doesn't it?

I think we need to call a UNHRC session. We must inform Amnesty about this blatant discrimination. Human Rights Watch will be most interested. No doubt they will jump right on it. If the PA is found to be involved in this project, they should be boycotted.

Because such blatant discrimination is ugly, and cannot be accepted. Right?

UPDATE: I wonder what would happen if an Israeli Jew with an Arabic name would buy some land. Might be worth the money just to find out!

The "Jewish" Daily Forward now promotes the Hamas Haggadah

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 01:30 PM PDT

Last year, I noted that the "Jewish Voice for Peace" came out with a "Haggadah" that Hamas would love. Excerpt:

It is time to look at the overcrowded Seder plate, which includes:
Olive – Symbolizing the self-determination of the Palestinian people and an invitation to Jewish communities to become allies to Palestinian liberation struggles.

When breaking the middle matzah, we must of course say that Israel should be overrun with Arabs.

As we break the middle matzah we acknowledge the break that occurred in Palestinian life and culture with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 when hundreds of villages were destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people displaced. This damage cannot be undone — but repair and return are possible.

A new set of four questions must be asked, including this one:

How will we, as Jews, bear witness to the unjust actions committed in our name?
The actual Passover story is long and noring, so we will skip over that, except for the Ten Plagues, because we want to remember the suffering of the Egyptians:
Our freedom was bought with the suffering of others. As we packed our bags that last night in Egypt, the darkness was pierced with screams. May the next sea-opening not also be a drowning; may our singing never again be their wailing. We shall all be free, or none of us shall be free because our liberations are intertwined.

However, we would be remiss if we didn't talk about the ten plagues that Jews are inflicting on Palestinian Arabs today, including:

  1. Poverty
  2. Restrictions on movement
  3. Water shortage
  4. Destruction of Olive Trees
  5. Home demolitions
  6. Settlements
  7. Political prisoners
  8. Profiteering
  9. Denial of the Right of Return
  10. Erasing histories

Then comes the Palestinian Freedom Riders Song.

Now, the Forward has published an article by a JVP member encouraging this same self-hating mentality!
Passover has become a complicated holiday for me. I am still moved and inspired by the recounting of the Exodus. But the irony of celebrating Jewish freedom and deliverance into Israel, especially when, in today's Israel, it is the Palestinians who face oppression at the hands of the Israelis, makes it painful. Yet it also renews my commitment to pursue the kind of justice that the story of Exodus teaches us is part of our legacy.

I bring this commitment to the Seder by including an olive on my Seder plate. The olive tree is a universal and ancient symbol of hope and peace. And sadly, the destruction of Palestinian olive trees by Israeli settlers and the Israeli army is just one example of the way that Israeli policies systematically deny Palestinians of even their most basic rights.
Yisrael Medad of My Right Word published a cogent comment at the Forward:
First of all, regards from Shiloh, a community I think you know well.

Second, an olive is not a bad idea. It reminds me of the annointing of the High Priest when we had a Temple. It reminds me of the moral ethical measurement standard (kezayit) which people of JVP blur all the time.

Third, it reminds me of all the olive trees the Arabs have destroyed here in Shiloh Bloc.

Fourth, it reminds me of the supreme value of the Land of Israel, "a land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig-trees and pomegranates; a land of olive-trees and honey;", the Land conquered and occupied by Arabs in 638 CE.

I would be remiss if I didn't point to the hilarious spoof of the JVP Haggadah made by Divest This! last year. It is a shame that the Forward wouldn't get the jokes.

Tuesday Links Part 2

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 12:15 PM PDT

From Ian:

LATMA: An Israeli Soldier's song to the world for Passover

Alan Baker: Biased, Prejudiced, and Unprofessional: The UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission Report on Israeli Settlements
Issuing such a slanted and biased report implants within the international community an incorrect and inaccurate view of a complex reality, in a manner that inevitably steers the debate away from practical or fruitful directions and in fact assists in entrenching the beliefs of the more extreme elements on all sides. It serves to mobilize the international community in a manner prejudicial to any future prospect of agreement and settlement of the dispute.
In short, this report is nothing more than an insult to the UN as a whole and to its Human Rights Council, as well as an insult to the intellect of all those who read it in the false expectation that it is authoritative and credible.
Lord David Trimble Nobel Peace Laureate addressed UN debate on settlements
Nobel Peace Laureate David Trimble, member of the British House of Lords, took the floor in this morning's UN Human Rights Council debate on a new report by a fact-finding mission on Israeli settlements, to deliver the following statement on behalf of the Geneva non-governmental organization UN Watch.
Pakistan arrests suspect in Daniel Pearl murder
Pakistan arrested a suspect in connection with the 2002 kidnapping and brutal murder of Daniel Pearl, a journalist for The Wall Street Journal.
The paramilitary unit Pakistani Rangers captured Qari Abdul Hayee in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, on Sunday. CNN cited a senior Pakistani official as saying that Hayee is suspected of having facilitated Pearl's kidnapping on January 23, 2002, in Karachi.
George Galloway Banned from University of Chester
An invitation for George Galloway MP to speak at an event organised by the University of Chester's Debating Society has been revoked by the Student Union, after it upheld the National Union of Students' no-platform order against Galloway — a consequence of Galloway's recent bigoted behaviour.
Don't be surprised by Lord Ahmed's anti-Semitic rant
Lord Ahmed's comments did not appear in a vacuum. They reflect a dangerous indulgence for conspiracy theory and Jew baiting in significant sections of the Islamic world
Obama and Netanyahu: Reboot
In their second act, will Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama find happiness, and cooperate on policies that will best serve both Israeli and American interests?
The answer does not depend on psychology or individual personalities. Serious leaders leave their private likes and dislikes behind when it comes to serious issues – Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin did what they had to, despite the deep animosities. And Sadat and Begin did not need to play golf in order to negotiate peace.
Barry Rubin: The Region: Note to Obama
Current US strategy is to support anti-American, anti-Semitic radicals, with even arms and money, believing that "it pays off in the end."
The nonsense here should be obvious: Why put into power people who hate you, lie about you and want to destroy you? What is the payoff? That if you help your ideologically motivated enemies into power they will then like you? That being in power will make them moderates, an idea that notably failed in the Israel-Palestinian "peace process" and on many other occasions? More accurately, today you give them guns, tomorrow they use those weapons to murder the US ambassador in Benghazi.
Poll: Most Israeli Jews don't trust Obama to safeguard country's interests
Ahead of visit, 62% of Israelis say US president is incapable of bringing about a breakthrough in peace talks
Israelis give video welcome to Obama
US Embassy in Tel Aviv hits the streets with cardboard cutout of the President so that locals can say a big 'hello'
In addition to personal video clips that people made at home, embassy staff also patrolled the streets armed with a life-size cardboard cutout of the president so that locals could get up close and personal while giving a big "welcome" in a multitude of languages.
Netanyahu's tiny gift to Obama: A marvel of Israeli nanotech VIDEO
Prime minister to present the US president with a minuscule version of both countries' declarations of independence

'Our Christmas dinners with the pope'
Argentina's Jewish leaders describe an extraordinary relationship with Francis I, who comes to synagogue for 'selichot' and loaned out a cathedral for a Shoah event
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina made history last week by becoming the first pope from Latin America and the first from the Jesuit order. This week, Argentine Jewish leaders, attending a World Jewish Congress meeting in Greece, predicted a new era for Catholic-Jewish relations and described a man who is very close to the Jewish community, who regularly visits synagogues and has invited Jewish friends to Christmas dinner.
Israel's iOnRoad wins top new mobile app prize
Qualcomm grants Israeli-created safety road app a total of $250,000 in venture capital, after it beat out apps from around the world
As far as international telecom giant Qualcomm is concerned, Israeli-created road safety app iOnRoad is the best new mobile app in the world. That's why Qualcomm awarded iOnRoad a total of $250,000 in funding and assistance, as the winner of its third annual QPrize international venture investment competition.
Surgery without scars or scalpels
Israel's InSightec is transforming the operating room with a new ultrasound technology that enables surgeons to destroy tumors and cysts without incisions.
Surgery without scalpels and scars? It's not science fiction. Israel's InSightec is in the midst of transforming the operating room with its ExAblate MRI-guided high-intensity ultrasound technology.
The ExAblate O.R. system uses interchangeable "cradles" set on a regular MRI treatment table. The tool allows doctors to destroy targets, such as tumors and uterine fibroid cysts, deep inside the body without incisions. The alert patient is monitored in real time, and changes in treatment parameters can be made instantly.

Gaza strawberry farmers must be traitors, according to anti-Israel Left

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 10:30 AM PDT

Here is yet another story showing that Gaza farmers are happily cooperating with Israel - which, to anti-Israel idiots and boycotters, must mean that they are traitors to the cause.

On Monday (March 11th, 2013), the Israeli Coordination and Liaison Administration (ICLA) for the Gaza Strip hosted twenty-nine farmers from Gaza to attend the annual Strawberry Fair in Qalansuwa, Israel.

The event (organized by the Israeli Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development's Agricultural Extension Service), is held annually in order for professionals to become acquainted with a large variety of strawberries as well as new and approved materials used within the industry. The fair was also attended by representatives of the Coordination and Liaison Administration for Gaza (CLA), Mr. Uri Madar and Mr. Eli Sadeh.

The farmers arrived early Monday morning through the Erez Crossing and were greeted by Mr. Eli Sadeh and other representatives of the ICLA. For some, it was their first time participating but many were veterans of ICLA sponsored trips. The ICLA coordinated the transportation for the Gazan farmers who arrived in Qalansuwa around 10 a.m. When the farmers arrived, they were able to participate in the fair's activities such as meeting with growers presenting different types of strawberries as well as learning about new products such as pesticides that are used within the industry.Towards the end of the fair, the Gazan farmers were shown strawberry fields and were able to learn about the different methods used for growing the fruit and were able to ask any questions they had.

The ICLA organizes events such as these for the Gazan farmers because it assists them greatly to keep up with the ever changing industry standards and development within the strawberry fruit itself. Through sampling and presentations, the farmers were able to learn more about different growing methods and how that affects how long a strawberry can remain edible or when it needs to be planted.

This event was made possible due to the stable security climate following Operation Pillar of Defense. The Israeli Coordination and Liaison Administration for the Gaza Strip hopes for more cooperation in the field of agriculture and plans to coordinate more events such as these which provide professional training and business opportunities for Gazan farmers and merchants.

Tuesday Links Part 1

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 09:30 AM PDT

From Ian:

Rashid Khalidi and Palestinian Rejectionism
While Shavit, as an Israeli, tries to assess the situation both critically and self-critically, seeking a realistic way forward, Khalidi, blinded by hatred of Israel, places the entire onus for the conflict at its doorstep, refusing to engage in any introspection.
That's hardly a formula to advance the peace process, and Obama would be well-served to ignore Khalidi's counter-productive advice to America's leader. In fact, the professor is so caught up in mining the English language for ever uglier ways of describing Israeli policy that he blithely skips over one inconvenient truth after another, presumably hoping the reader won't pay attention.
Honest Reporting: Doctors Respond to Lancet Article on Israeli Doctors and Torture
The absence of any comment or reference to medical literature or non-biased expertise as relating to trauma induced during CPR, immediately places Ms. Devi's article outside the realm of objective, medical/scientific publication standards. Responsibility for accepting the article for publication rests on The Lancet editor.
Why Let An Inconvenient Truth Spoil a Great Mood?
What were the circumstances of their eviction? Did the family really own the property in question? What was the basis for the Jewish claims? Had they failed to pay rent? Were they in fact squatters? Was Israeli bureaucracy running amok?
The Guardian has a disproportionate fixation on Israeli evictions and home demolitions in eastern Jerusalem. So finding background info on the Al-Kurds wasn't hard. Indeed, The Guardian's Rory McCarthy covered the 2008 eviction. And after hashing through the legal he-said-she-said, McCarthy wrote in black on white:
Rabbi Arik Ascherman, of the Israeli group Rabbis for Human Rights, acknowledged that the al-Kurd land may have belonged to Jews before 1948 . . .
Jonathan Freedland promotes the myth of 'non-violent' Palestinian protests in Bil'in
Over the past several years more than 200 Israeli security personnel have been injured by Palestinian rioters in Bil'in.
Like so many symbols of the Palestinian "resistance", the weekly protests at the security fence near Bil'in are not spontaneous, grassroots acts of civil disobedience but, rather, choreographed, media-friendly acts of violence.
IDF Blog: Rocks Can Kill
Rock throwing is common in Judea and Samaria, and along with Molotov Cocktail and booby-trapped tire throwing, is a terror act that comes under the definition of 'popular terror'. These incidents happen daily, and are easily ignored by the mainstream media, because they don't seem that serious. But did you know that a simple rock can kill?
2 Jerusalem Arabs Charged in Foiled Terror Plot
Two Jerusalem Arab men were indicted Monday morning on charges of plotting to carry out a terrorist attack on Jews in the holy city.
Gaza terrorist to serve 18 years for firing rockets
Man involved in firing rockets at Sderot; arrested in 2011, when he crossed into Israel from Gaza for reconnaissance.
Lawyer sues Mubarak for failing to 'reclaim' Eilat
An Egyptian lawyer has filed a lawsuit against former president Hosni Mubarak and other state officials for neglecting to "reclaim" Um Rashrash — the Israeli city of Eilat — and demanded that Egypt take the southern resort from Israel. The town, which had been occupied by the British and was claimed by Jordan, was captured by Israel during the War of Independence in March 1949.
UN report reveals Iranian violence against Bahais
Research discloses extreme state-sponsored discrimination against minority community, says Bahais "systematically deprived."
German university fires Holocaust-denying professor
The University of Aachen in Germany has fired historian Vladimir Iliescu for claiming the Holocaust never happened in Romania.
The institution "cancelled the teaching contract" of Iliescu "immediately after statements he made to the Romanian Academy became known," a spokesperson for RWTH Aachen said, adding that the university was "appalled" by his words.
87-year-old Vladimir Iliescu claimed on video that claims of genocide in his native Romania are a 'huge lie'
Greek player banned for life for Nazi salute
Giorgos Katidis booted from Greek national soccer team after making gesture to celebrate goal
Greek soccer player Giorgos Katidis has been banned from his national team for life after giving a Nazi salute while celebrating a goal in the top-flight league.
Report: Vidal Sassoon Center Lecture
Funding PA terrorists is only the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Gerstenfeld spells out the details of Norwegian anti-Semitism.
During his lecture at the Vidal Sassoon Center at Hebrew University, anti-Semitism expert Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld said that Norway serves as a most useful example to expose anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hate-mongering in the Western world. He listed a number of events in this Labor party-dominated Scandinavian country which would have been admired by Nazis.

Followup on NYT magazine piece romanticizing riots

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 08:15 AM PDT

Lots of people have written about the New York Times Sunday magazine front-page story (that I wrote about on Friday)  that effectively romanticized and justified violent riots and was an advertisement for a third intifada.

David G summarized many of them well:

The New York Times has done it again. Less then two weeks after publishing an intellectual attack against Israel, it publishes an article glorifying physical attacks on Israel. The front page story of yesterday's New York Times Magazine, Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start? by Ben Ehrenriech. (The cover has the more provocative phrase, "If there is a third intifada, we want to be the ones who started it."
Chemi Shalev of the left wing paper Ha'aretz lets us in on a little secret about Ehrenreich:
In 2009, Ehrenreich published a direct attack on Zionism in the Los Angeles Times entitled "Zionism is the Problem". In the article, Ehrenreich castigates not only the "deplorable conditions in which Palestinians live and die in Gaza and the West Bank" but "the Zionist tenets on which the state was founded "as well.
"The problem is functional", Ehrenreich writes. "Founding a modern state on a single ethnic or religious identity in a territory that is ethnically and religiously diverse leads inexorably either to politics of exclusion or to wholesale ethnic cleansing. Put simply, the problem is Zionism."
In other words, Ehrenreich is every bit the anti-Israel ideologue as Joseph Levine who recently explained why Israel could not legitimately be both a Jewish and a democratic state. The article is written in a measured, professorial tone. So the outrageous aspects of the article will be omissions that indicate that Ehrenreich is not telling the whole story.
For example, Ehrenreich writes:
But little was resolved in Oslo. A second intifada erupted in 2000, at first mostly following the model set by the earlier uprising. Palestinians blocked roads and threw stones.
But the second intifada didn't just erupt. It was orchestrated by Yasser Arafat. The available evidence is overwhelming. But Ehrenreich isn't interested.

At the blog, This Ongoing War, the Roths note another omission:
That's all he writes about Ahlam Tamimi but we can tell you more. She is a Jordanian who was 21 years old and the news-reader on official Palestinian Authority television when she signed on with Hamas to become a terrorist. She engineered, planned and helped execute a massacre in the center of Jerusalem on a hot summer afternoon in 2001. She chose the target, a restaurant filled with Jewish children. And she brought the bomb. The outcome (15 killed, a sixteenth still in a vegetative state today, 130 injured) was so uplifting to her that she has gone on camera again and again to say, smiling into the camera lens, how proud she is of what she did. She is entirely free of regret. A convicted felon and a mass-murderer convicted on multiple homicide charges, she has never denied the role she embraced and justifies it fully.
Yet all the NY Times says about Nabi Saleh's favourite one-time resident is that she was an escort "who now lives in exile in Jordan". Period. This is no mere oversight. The editors at the New York Times showcased this same psychopath once before, six years ago. Then, as now, we felt someone needed to push back and we posted two blog articles: "7-Aug-07: Hot House: Cold Truths" and "28-Jun-07: About sweet-faced young women", and got a little attention for a while. But it was clear to us that those who thought they perceived greatness of spirit in the woman continued to do so.
One of the children killed at Sbarro's by Ahlam Tamimi, was the Roth's 15 year old daughter Malki.
Israelly Cool notes the Roth's story and adds another detail that was somehow omitted:
I will add the following: As I posted recently with regards to a Ha'aretz puff piece on Bassem Tamimi, his Tamimi Press Facebook page clearly indicates he is fighting for a one-state solution – a palestinian state – and supports terrorism and the terrorists who perpetrate heinous killings in support of this very goal.
Ehrenreich's goal is to portray another intifada as a justified non-violent response to Israeli "occupation." But as Elder of Ziyon notes, rock throwing isn't exactly non-violent:
Too bad Mr. Ehrenreich didn't think of pushing back on Bassem Tamimi's irritation at justifying his idea that stone throwing is supposedly "non-violent."
Because today a three year old Israeli girl is in critical condition as a result of a stone-throwing attack.
Then again, that story cannot be found in the New York Times, so it must not be very important.
It's like the reporters wants it to happen. He wants another violent intifada in which hundreds will be killed, God forbid.
Believe it or not this isn't the first time the New York Times has glamorized an intifada. The Sunday Magazine of October 29, 1989 featured Inside the Intifada by then Israel correspondent, Joel Brinkley.
In the light from the nearly full moon, the shebab, crouching behind the low boulders, watch the bus approach. Sitting in a front seat is a soldier in olive green, pointing his M-16 out the window. In the jeeps leading and following the bus, troops also sit with their weapons aimed into the dark and their plexiglass face shields lowered. As they reach the town the soldiers hear several shrill whistles – the shebab signaling to one another. From the convoy, as if in reply, comes the sound of rifle bolts snapping into place, loading bullets into chambers.
As the bus lumbers into range, the young Palestinians adjust their face masks and rise quietly in the dark. Each takes careful aim and with all his might hurls his baseball-sized stone. Even as the rocks fly, they turn and run, not waiting to see the results.

Before the crunching sound of shattering glass has stopped reverberating across the field, the soldiers are on the ground, firing volleys of rubber and steel bullets at forms they think they see moving in the dark. The driver, Itzik Meuchas, also leaps down, waving a pistol, agitated and angry.
Joel Brinkley currently teaches journalism at Stanford University. I wonder if he discusses the ethics of running with a group of vandals intent on attacking civilians.
But the bigger problem is with the New York Times. The paper runs frequent editorials castigating the Israeli government for not doing enough for peace. However the paper uses its influence not to encourage compromise, but to promote and prolong Palestinian grievances against Israel. The hypocrisy of the New York is astounding.

Jonathan Tobin at Commentary also wrote an excellent response:

Ehrenreich is a curious choice to write an in-depth piece on the Israeli-Palestinian struggle for the supposedly objective Times. If the piece seems incredibly skewed toward the point of view of the Palestinians, it's no accident. Ehrenreich has never made any secret about his view about the State of Israel: he thinks Zionism is the moral equivalent of Nazism and believes the Jewish state should not exist. He stated as much in a 2009 op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times titled "Zionism is the problem." In that piece he didn't merely repeat the canard that Israel was an apartheid state but actually said the racist South African government compared favorably to the Jewish state.

The author thinks it's an injustice to say that denying to Jews the same rights that no one would think to deny to every other people on the planet is anti-Semitism. True to the beliefs of his Marxist grandparents, he thinks all nationalisms are bad, but he sees the destruction of the one Jewish nationalism as a priority. The piece is a farrago of distortions, not the least of which is the notion that a single secular state to replace Israel could guarantee the rights or the safety of Jews there. But the main takeaway from it is that he has no interest in even arguing the merits of a two-state solution or lamenting the fading chances of such a deal. That's because he agrees with Palestinians who continue to refuse to recognize the legitimacy of any Jewish state, no matter where its borders are drawn.

Catherine Ashton and the EU throw the Oslo process under the bus

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 06:45 AM PDT

Under existing agreements between Israel and the PLO, borders is one of the "final status" issues that are meant to be hammered out in negotiations.

Since at least 2009, the PA changed the rules - frustrating US government mediators -  and refused to go back to the negotiating table without Israel agreeing, against UNSC 242, that the 1949 armistice lines should be the basis of the negotiations - arbitrary, indefensible lines that were never considered national borders for any purpose.

Instead of supporting the Israeli position that negotiations should continue without preconditions, the EU has given support to the Palestinian Arab position and strengthened Abbas' intransigence.

Here is the latest example, as the EU's Catherine Ashton announces, in effect, that the negotiating framework that has given autonomy and land to the Palestinian Arabs is dead, and giving the PLO carte blanche to tear up the Oslo Accords:
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Palestinian Premier Salam Fayyad on Tuesday signed in the headquarters of the European diplomatic service, an accord with which the EU will grant 7 million euros in aid for the development of the so-called 'C area' representing roughly 60% of the West Bank. Fayyad is in Brussels to take part in a meeting of the ad hoc committee to coordinate assistance to the Palestinians.

The accord, said Ashton, aims to support the Palestinian presence and promote social and economic development in the C area, which is key to Palestine's economic sustainability.

Ashton also said she was impatient to work constructively with all partners to change the C area.

Relations between the EU and Palestinian National Authority are also being boosted. The EU Council has adopted a common action plan of neighbourhood policy. The plan provides for a shared engagement to deepen bilateral relations and boost the privileged partnership, Ashton said. She also said she had discussed with Fayyad how to better implement shared objectivesi n the plan, and in particular a full association accord between the EU and PNA.
Ashton's statement is here, where she states that the EU is "focusing our efforts on East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and Area C."

Effectively, Abbas' temper tantrum in 2009 has now become EU policy.

Amazing how much you can be rewarded by just saying "no" repeatedly.

Followup on Oakland assault of Zionist woman

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 05:30 AM PDT

Last week I posted a video showing the repeated assault of a woman in Oakland after she wrote "Am Yisrael Chai" in chalk on what appeared to be a public park.

The Jewish Press' Lori Lowenthal Marcus did some real reporting:
Ogawa Park was named for a civil rights activist who was the first Japanese member of the Oakland City Council. But Ogawa Park was "renamed" by Occupy Oakland protesters to "honor" Oscar Grant, a felon who had been imprisoned for drug dealing and weapons offenses, and who was shot by Oakland police 1n 2009, while resisting arrest.

An area in the Park is specifically designated for public expression; it has been the scene of many boisterous protests, including the long-term occupation by Occupy Oakland, last year.

Last week a perfect example of what so much of the anti-Israel movement is built on, was on display in Ogawa Park. In this "free speech" park taken over by "peaceful" protesters of all kinds of oppression, a young woman who was drawing a message of peace was physically assaulted, cursed out with the foulest possible language, and thrown out of the public park by people who claim to be, and are referred to by the mass media, as "peaceful," "non-violent," "free speech" activists. In truth, they are frequently abusive, intolerant, violent anarchists who believe the highest form of expression is provoking violence with what is usually aggressive resistance, but occasionally spills over into outright violence.

This is what happened.

...Channa decided, after looking around and finding no one interested in talking about why they hate Israel, to take a piece of chalk from one of the communal bags that had been placed around the Plaza for people to use to 'express themselves.' She began to draw, underneath a message in large block letters – FREEDOM TO SPEAK – and drew in large letters, "Am Yisrael Chai." Why? "I'm from Israel, I love my country, and they are attacking my people, my culture."

Channa said she was simply writing a message of peace, but before she could finish her short message, a harpy descended on her, yelling, "you can't write that here," grabbing at her chalk, screaming, cursing and shoving her. It was Gabrielle Silverman, a resident of Oakland, formerly of Brooklyn, and full-time, long-term "peace" activist. Name a major protest – one in Washington, D.C. against the International Monetary Fund in 2000, when she was only 17, Occupy Oakland, Black Bloc attacks in San Francisco, and Silverman has been involved in some way. She's been arrested for violent, destructive behavior, as recently as this past October.

The attack, shown in the video, went on for several minutes, with more and more people coming to assist Silverman in menacing and ejecting Channa. The crowd assisted Silverman in shoving Channa and her friend David out of the public square.

Freedom of speech? Nah. Freedom to assemble? Nope.

The Jewish Press reached Silverman late Saturday night, and asked her "why you felt it was justified to attack someone who was expressing a view – even one you find abhorrent – in a public place."

Silverman's response:
We had created a space at the Plaza to chalk the names of our dead friends and people who have suffered because of state or corporate violence. ("freedom to speak and assemble" was written either semi randomly or as a statement on the wittling away of constitutional rights that we are experiencing in the present time.) It was over this memorial space that they intruded. They came to pick a fight with us on the anniversary of Tristan's shooting. I want to say that I don't like or respect the right wing, but I would never disturb one of your memorial spaces, and I find their targeting of an event for Tristan Anderson to be cowardly and unethical. They are a shonda for the goyim.

She added, "I also want to add that my only regret is calling her a whore. Solidarity with whores everywhere!"

"As a former soldier, I was trained to maintain my composure in the face of that kind of provocation," Channa said.
Read the whole thing.

I saw on Twitter that the Oakland police are looking at this incident.

On eve of Obama visit, Mahmoud Abbas gives terrorist mom high honors

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:56 AM PDT

Mahmoud Abbas has gone out of his way to honor Maryam Farhat, known as Umm Nidal, the mother of three "martyrs."

Farhat is the Hamas lawmaker and mother of terrorists who justified killing Israeli civilians and enthusiastically celebrated her son's death after he killed several Jewish pre-army students.

Abbas opened a "tent of condolences" for Farhat at his headquarters in the Muqata in Ramallah.

Not only that, but he gave her a high Palestinian Authority posthumous honor, the "Order of Sacrifice."

Abbas is showering honor on Farhat on the eve of being visited by President Obama.

Yesterday I showed a  video  of Farhat which made even the Arab interviewer cringe with her naked support of terror.

Here's a video of her with her son who is about to murder Israeli civilians. She talks about her happiness at her son's forthcoming murder spree and expected death:

This sick creature is considered a hero worthy of the greatest honor by Israel's supposedly "moderate" peace partner.

Will President Obama address this issue when he meets Abbas in Ramallah? Will he even pass by the mourning tent on his way to the meeting? That would be a photograph that would haunt him.

If he has any sense of morality at all, if the tent is there Obama should turn around and nix the meeting.

This is a prime example of how the Palestinian Arab leadership supports and glorifies terror, and sweeping it under the rug is exactly the wrong approach. It is their despicable embrace of the most disgusting terrorists and their actions that is the real "obstacle to peace" and here we can see it as explicitly as possible.

Incidentally, this shows how Palestinian Arab "unity" would work - Fatah would go towards Hamas' positions, not the other way around, as here is a prominent Hamas member that Fatah and Abbas is happy to publicly embrace.

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