Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Leftist repeatedly assaults pro-Israel activist in Oakland (video)
- Arabs continue to freak out over Peres serving falafel to Obama
- Thursday Links Part 2
- Be a mensch. Donate to EoZ!
- Unbelievable pro-Israel article in Arab newspaper
- The new Malmo: Jews fleeing Brussels because of antisemitic Islamists
- Egyptian papers publish names of Hamas members behind massacre (UPDATE)
- Thursday Links Part 1
- Haters stop concert in SA - because pianist was born in Israel (UPDATED)
Leftist repeatedly assaults pro-Israel activist in Oakland (video) Posted: 14 Mar 2013 08:00 PM PDT A leftist anti-Israel group that is trying to act like an "occupy" group set up a sparsely-attended anti-Israel rally in Oakland. A couple of pro-Israel activists came to write chalk slogans on the same sidewalk that the other group had written their screeds. You can see what happens afterwards. The young woman being assaulted has a lot more patience than I would. More details from Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers. |
Arabs continue to freak out over Peres serving falafel to Obama Posted: 14 Mar 2013 04:15 PM PDT I reported a couple of days ago about how some Palestinian Arabs are upset over the meal that president Obama will be served upon visiting the residence of Israel's President Shimon Peres next week - because it includes falafel and hummous. ![]() Now I see an additional four articles about the same topic in Arabic media. Palestine Today says "Falafel is one of the oldest foods of the Palestinian people, but Jewish groups struggled since the dawn of history and the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories to prove and counterfeit that falafel and popular dishes of Palestine are part of Jewish food heritage, in a desperate attempt to sway world public opinion. When Israel occupied Palestine it stole the Palestinian cuisine heritage, and they boast and brag and claim that the hummus and falafel is a Jewish meal of Jewish heritage. After that they claimed that the holy sites in Jerusalem and the land of Palestine is part of Jewish history and Muslims are outsiders on the land and those sanctuaries..." Al Quds says this is an "additional episode in the series of attempts to strip Palestinians of their identity and heritage, down to their falafel and hummus. This is similar to their changing the names of Palestinian cities and geography, through history, which is still the field of intense struggle, mixing allegations with facts, using food and clothes and handicrafts which are made in Israel and promoted globally as part of its heritage." It reluctantly admits that some Jews come from Arab lands and do eat chickpeas with tehina, but claims that the Israeli government is purposefully trying to steal Arab heritage. Ramzi Shaheen Sadiq. writing at Balagh, has a full op-ed on this topic. He not only laments that Israelis are "stealing" falafel, but that Palestinian Arabs are starting to eat foods like pizza and sushi. Sadiq declares that Palestinian Arabs eating falafel is part of their "resistance." Al Watan Voice laments that by Obama eating falafel in Israel is proves that the US is no longer interested in working with Arabs to achieve a solution. |
Posted: 14 Mar 2013 02:55 PM PDT From Ian: New pope has history of good relations with Jewish community Jorge Mario Bergoglio was first to sign petition demanding justice in AMIA bombing; rabbi calls him a 'warm and sweet and modest man' Rabbi David Rosen, the director of interfaith affairs for the American Jewish Committee, told JTA that the new pope is a "warm and sweet and modest man" known in Buenos Aires for doing his own cooking and personally answering his phone.Jewish Leaders Praise New Pope Jewish leaders praised the new Pope Francis, Argentinean Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and expressed optimism for an improvement of Vatican-Jewish relations after he was elected Wednesday night to replace Pope Benedict XVI.The Palestinians: Ten Points The U.S. Needs To Considerby Khaled Abu Toameh Even if a Palestinian state were established in the West Bank, Hamas and other groups would work to take control of it and, with the help of Iran and Al-Qaeda, turn it into a launching pad for attacking Israel and other neighbors. The Palestinian Authority is in power thanks to the presence of the Israel Defense Force in the West Bank. Ironically, ending Israeli "occupation" would also bring an end to Abbas's rule.Thomas Friedman Labels Obama's Visit a 'Tourist Trip' Thomas Friedman is ho-hum about Obama's visit to Israel, calls him a "tourist" and calls the Palestinian Authority issue a "hobby" for US diplomats. But does anyone care what Thomas Friedman says?British MP blames jail term on Jewish 'conspiracy' Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of Britain's first Muslim peers, was jailed after causing deadly crash while texting and driving at high speed. A British politician jailed for causing a deadly road accident while texting behind the wheel, has reportedly blamed his prison sentence on a Jewish conspiracy.Fake bomb found near Jewish center in France Those responsible 'did everything they could' to make device look real, official says A store owner told police on Tuesday morning that while walking past the city's Hillel Center, he found a contraption made of three metal cylinders connected with metal wires to what looked like a cellular phone, according to a report on the incident by the SPCJ security unit of France's Jewish communities.French mayor defends honoring minister's assassin Head of Bezons says outcry over honorary citizenship for Majdi Rimawi, jailed for killing Rehavam Zeevi in 2001, only strengthens resolve Mayor Dominique Lesparre of the Paris suburb of Bezons said in a statement released Wednesday that his municipality's vote last month to name Majdi Al-Rimawi an honorary resident was part of a "tradition of peace, solidarity and cooperation with the Palestinian people."Norway Admits It May be Funding PA Terrorists Norway's Foreign Minister tells MPs they were misled when they asked for assurances about funding to the PA. In a new reply to the Parliament, Eide writes:30 million fans of Israeli site builder can't be wrong Wix.com is one of the biggest Israeli Internet platforms in the world, thanks in part to its innovative App Market Thirty-two new Israeli-made applications were born last weekend, as over 100 app developers participated in a 72-hour hackathon dedicated to developing new apps for the Wix.com platform. The apps will be included in the Wix App Store, and the winners will go on to fame, and a little bit of fortune.Eye-Tracking Tech Will Be Open to iPhones and Other Devices Samsung Electronics won't be the only company that gets a fancy eye-tracking feature. A start-up company called uMoove, which has been developing this type of technology for three years, says it will offer eye- and head-tracking to anyone, including device makers like Apple and software developers who make mobile apps. |
Posted: 14 Mar 2013 12:45 PM PDT It has been another eventful quarter here at International Zionist Central. The biggest thing to happen over the past three months has undoubtedly been the huge coverage earlier this week as a result of my scoop finding that the UNHRC exonerated Israel in the death of baby Omar Mishrawi, an event I had questioned already last November (and predicted a few days before that.) While most media outlets didn't link back to me, there is little doubt that they would have missed the story without me, as the UN report did not name the victims of the rocket; I lined it up with the correct incident. For the Zionist online crowd, this was a huge victory, as it re-opened the issue and gave publicity to the pro-Israel viewpoint that it rarely gets. That was only one post in a busy three months, though. I went to Israel for two weeks, mostly to create original video content for the blog. So for, some 13 videos have been produced and more are coming (when I find the time to edit them) Besides exclusive interviews with the mayor of Jerusalem, government officials and some pro-Israel watchdog organizations, I also reported exclusively on the Bedouin problem in the Negev, the Temple Mount, and (most popularly) the huge Belz Chassidic synagogue. Also in Israel, I gave a talk about how Israel can win the information war. Feedback from people who listened to the online version has been very positive. Back in the US, I gave a lecture at Yeshiva University on how to answer the top twenty anti-Israel arguments, which also received good reviews. (If you want me to speak to your group, contact me.) Another popular post that made a difference were my dismantling of Ha'aretz' claim that Israeli doctors were forcing contraceptives on Ethopian women (a claim that Ha'aretz later corrected). My "Apartheid?" poster series grew, and grew in popularity; thousands more viewed it this year already. This is besides my original cartoons, posters and one infographic that a number of commenters considered "brilliant." (I was pretty proud of it, too...) More traditional media has been taking notice of my work. I was featured in an article in The Jerusalem Report. My blog was quoted in The Jewish Press, The Jerusalem Post, JNS, and many times in The Algemeiner, and one of my cartoons was even published in Forbes. EoZ had visits from an almost unbelievable 193 countries! The message is getting out! I'm not aware of any primarily single-person blog, on any topic, that includes the variety of original articles, original research, news scoops, digging up obscure news items, original graphics and videos as this one. Since this takes a great deal of time - and, especially this quarter, money - I am asking again for donations. You can click on one of the two PayPal buttons on the upper right of the blog page, or just click here. For those who don't like PayPal, I am always happy to accept Amazon(US) gift cards which can be emailed to me. Thanks as always for your support, for being there and for publicizing my posts via Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and elsewhere. I really appreciate it! |
Unbelievable pro-Israel article in Arab newspaper Posted: 14 Mar 2013 11:00 AM PDT This is fairly astounding. Elaph, a pan-Arab newspaper that seems to be based in the UK and Saudi Arabia, has an article by Mahdi Majid Abdullah with the title "Arabs and Muslims must learn from Israeli morality." Here is my attempt to translate it, and this is most of the article: I have suffered psychologically from the thinking of Arab Islamic society in which I lived quite a long period of time....It is obvious in our community that Jews are the most despicable people, they are hypocrites, they love only themselves, they are seeking to disrupt nations and peoples, they are people despised them by God, an envious people that does not like the goodness of humanity ... And so forth of all the bad qualities.Needless to say, the comments are not very supportive. |
The new Malmo: Jews fleeing Brussels because of antisemitic Islamists Posted: 14 Mar 2013 09:00 AM PDT Malmo, Sweden, isn't the only place in Europe where Jews feel unsafe and are moving out. A report this week in De Telegraaf includes a (Dutch language) video about the problem.
Meanwhile, the Netherlands has become one of the major exporers of jihadists. Nearly 100 Dutch Islamists are now fighting in Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan. (h/t Robert, and an unregistered user) |
Egyptian papers publish names of Hamas members behind massacre (UPDATE) Posted: 14 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PDT Al Ahram published the names of three Hamas members that, it says, are behind the massacre of 16 Egyptian soldiers last August in the Sinai. The terrorists then stole an APC and a truck filled with explosives, and they entered Israel where the IDF stopped them. Egyptian security blamed Gaza terrorists at the time, but more recently the news out of Egypt has been that the terrorists were specifically Hamas members. Al Ahram identifies three of them as: 1. Ayman Nofal, "a leading Qassam Brigades member and fugitive from Marg prison during the revolution of January 25" 2. Mohamed Ibrahim Salah Abu Shamala known as "Abu Khalil" and a high ranking Hamas member 3. Raed Al-Attar, nicknamed "the Hamas head of the snake" and supposedly a planner of the Gilad Shalit kidnapping Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri condemned the article saying it was a "pure fabrication." Whatever the truth is, Egyptians are not happy with Hamas. In related news, the Egyptian operations to destroy Hamas smuggling tunnels continue. The impression I am getting is that while one reason is to crack down on jihadists who are using the tunnels to smuggle weapons and hide out, another factor is that Egypt itself is short of fuel and construction materials, and the subsidized fuel that gets smuggled to Gaza causes Egypt increases social unrest (not to mention it costs Egypt a lot of money.) UPDATE: The Al Qassam Brigades held a press conference to denounce the accusations, saying that Al Ahram is only serving the Zionists and that the Hamas resistance is a good thing for Egypt. Here they are at the press conference: Don't they look trustworthy? |
Posted: 14 Mar 2013 05:45 AM PDT From Ian: Of course Hamas killed the baby by Alan M. Dershowitz Of course these Hamas leaders don't desire their own death. They build shelters for themselves and for the terrorists who fire the rockets at Israeli civilians. As soon as these rockets are fired from crowded civilian areas, the terrorist scurry into below-ground shelters, leaving babies, women and other civilians in the path of Israeli rockets that target the rocket launchers. This isn't martyrdom by the leaders and terrorists. It is cowardice. That too is part of the dead baby strategy: make martyrs of babies, while the leaders and terrorists hide in shelters. In Israel, it is precisely the opposite; shelters are for civilians; soldiers put themselves in harm's way.Douglas Murray: Is that a 'no' then, Owen? If Owen does not wish to correct his mistake then that is his prerogative. But I think people might rightly wonder in future why he should be listened to on such matters. Journalism and propaganda are different things. Owen appears to have demonstrated that his devotion to the latter trumps his aspirations to the former.CIF Watch: How the British media have covered news regarding Omar Misharawi's death Whilst you can of course find out how the BBC covered the news at our sister site, BBC Watch, here's a quick round-up of how others in the British media performed:Gaza child death: BBC's pitiful response In any case, this incident can be added to a very long list of stories where the international media reported in a knee jerk manner to portray Israel as the responsible party without even bothering to ask any questions that might conflict with this view.BBC's Jonathan Marcus and the Iron Dome BBC Watch, however, did speak to the Ministry of Defence and was told that not only does the 84% success rate stand, but that post-event analysis by the Israel Missile Defence Association and the American Missile Defence Agency – carried out by scientists with access to the full range of data, of course – suggests an even higher success rate.Fatwa issued against Muslim travel to Aksa Mosque By Khaled Abu Toameh The Palestine Scholars Association, a radical Islamic body in the Palestinian territories, issued a fatwa on Wednesday banning foreign Muslims from visiting the Temple Mount as long as Jerusalem is under Israeli control.'Hamas interior minister sowing West Bank terror' Shin Bet security service accuses Fathi Hammad of running a West Bank terrorist cell that sought to kill and capture Israelis The Shin Bet reported that recent testimonies gleaned from security detainees in the West Bank yielded information about plots led by Fathi Hammad "to carry out grave terrorist attacks" against Israel. According to the report, investigation of Hamas activists in the West Bank revealed a terrorist cell which the Shin Bet claims was run remotely by Hammad from the Gaza Strip.UN to Adopt Syrian Text Damning Israel for 'Violating Human Rights' There will be five other resolutions targeting Israel, and about the same number combined covering the rest of the world. At the UN Human Rights Council on Friday, Syria accused Israel of violating the human rights of children in the Golan, while diplomats met in another chamber on the same day to discuss a Syrian-drafted resolution, to be adopted next week, entitled "Human Rights in the Occupied Syrian Golan."Court to rule on dissolution of Brotherhood 26 March The Cairo Administrative Court, headed by Judge Farid Tanagho, said Tuesday it would rule on the possible dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood on 26 March.Michael Totten: The North is Ready to Blow Lebanon always looks and feels like it's ready to erupt into armed conflict, but today it's more ready than usual. The Syrian civil war next door weighs heavily on this place. Sunnis and Alawites are fighting round after round with no end in sight in the city of Tripoli, and now the Northern Bekaa Valley, between Mount Lebanon and the Syrian border, is likewise gearing up to explode.Iran Accused of Assisting Terrorism in Bahrain and Yemen Arab interior ministers gathered for a security meeting in Riyadh on Wednesday and accused Iran of supplying "logistic help to terrorist operations" in Bahrain and Yemen, AFP reported.Italian Foreign Minister: Israel First on Path to Secure Middle East Italy appears to be standing strong with Israel regarding Iran's nuclear program. During the Herzliya Conference on Wednesday, March 13, the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata told a packed audience that even if Iran acted rationally with nuclear weapons they would pose an unacceptable global threat. |
Haters stop concert in SA - because pianist was born in Israel (UPDATED) Posted: 14 Mar 2013 02:53 AM PDT From the Wits (Johannesburg) Vuvuzela: Israeli-born pianist Yossi Reshef was escorted off stage by Wits Campus Control last night as students protested his presence on campus during Israel Apartheid Week.Here we see the ugliness of the "progressive" Left. Reshef does not even live in Israel - he lives in Berlin and spends most of his time in Europe and the US. (The concert was partly funded by the Israel Embassy. Horrible, I know. Although according to MyShtetl, the Israel embassy was not involved.) The University apologized: The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, deeply regrets that a concert held on its campus last night was disrupted by some members of the University community and representatives of external organisations.(h/t Steven Z) UPDATE: Here is a description of the events: Eventually all the doors were closed and the concert was finally allowed to begin. However, as Mr Reshef began to play the protestors outside were blowing vuvuzelas and chanting loudly as a means of trying to disrupt the piano recital. During this time, the security remained outside to guard the main door. After some time, things became quiet. Suddenly, while Mr Reshef was in middle of playing Beethoven's "Tempest" Sonata, another door within the concert hall burst open. The protestors started streaming into the venue whilst chanting and making loud noises as they attempted to sabotage the recital. It was later discovered that the protesters had actually broken into a fire exit and come in through that door. Security swiftly arrived on the scene and managed to push the protesters out of the hall for a time. Nevertheless, the protestors became so forceful that the security officers were actually pushed backward and once again they came into the main hall screaming, jumping and blowing vuvuzelas. Yossi Reshef was ushered out of the venue very quickly as chaos began to reign within the hall. An eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous even stated he saw the Vice-President of the Wits SRC, cheer one of the protestors who began to violently hit the piano keys of a Steinway Piano that was being used by Mr Reshef. One of the music professor's, who was truly horrified by what was taking place quickly, ran over to close this very expensive piece of musical equipment. |
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