יום ראשון, 2 בדצמבר 2012

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

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Juan's ProtoColes

Posted: 01 Dec 2012 10:00 PM PST

Anti-Israel pseudo-intellectual Juan Cole wrote a typically stupid article for Arab American News last week, with some howling lies like "In fact, Israel has refused to cease colonizing and stealing Palestinian land long enough to engage in fruitful negotiations with them" (besides the absurd language, Israel did cease building for ten months, and the PLO refused to negotiate until month 10, and then only under tremendous pressure and only cosmetically. Oh, and the PLO only added this precondition around 2007.)

One of his points, however, seem to place the professor in the same company as anti-semites:
Israeli hawks represent their war of aggression as in 'self-defense.' But the UK Israeli chief rabbi admitted on camera that that the Gaza attack actually 'had something to do with Iran.'
First of all, let's get the pesky facts out of the way. The Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, thought he was off the air on BBC Radio - not televised - when the presenter asked him about his opinion of the fighting in Gaza, and he answered "'I think it's got to do with Iran, actually" before he was told he was still on live.

Sacks is not Israeli. He was born in London. He is not a member of the Israeli government, and as far as I know he doesn't advise them nor is he privy to their own discussions.

But let us put aside Cole's lack of basic knowledge, and see what he is really trying to say.

Juan Cole apparently believes that a Chief Rabbi must be a member of the Elders of Zion, and his offhand statement - almost certainly regarding the arming of Hamas and Islamic Jihad with medium-range Iranian rockets - was not merely conjecture from thousands of miles away from Israel, but an admission of how the other Elders of the Jewish people are really thinking in our super-secret discussions.

Cole cannot distinguish between Israeli politicians - and a British Jewish religious figure.

What kind of twisted, bigoted thinking would cause someone to make such an assumption that all worldwide Jewry is speaking with the same ("hawkish") voice?

The rest of Cole's essay also betrays a bizarre, paranoid, conspiracy-theorist way of thinking. For example, he says "the military action against the people of Gaza is a diversion tactic; the real goal is Greater Israel, an assertion of Israeli sovereignty over all the territory once held by the British Mandate of Palestine." Really? Israel started a mini-war to divert the world's attention from settlements? I would have thought that Syria was doing a better job at that.

I guess those scheming Jews were bombing Gaza just to divert attention from the West Bank, and they also have secret meetings with chief rabbis who stupidly reveal their plans, which have something to do with Iran and not the settlements.

I know it is all very confusing. You need a third-rate academic like Juan Cole, who believes in conspiracy theories where Jews control everything, to explain it all.

Saturday night links

Posted: 01 Dec 2012 07:30 PM PST

From Ian:

UN Legitimizes Palestinian Terror Regimes in Judea/Samaria/Gaza
"Abbas insisted, citing UNGA's 1949 resolution 194 (rejected by all Arab states at the time), on the legally baseless so-called 'right of return' of Palestinian refugees of the 1948-9 war and their millions of descendants to Israel, which would end Israel as a Jewish state.
The horrid irony is that Abbas' cause fits the lurid description he applied to Israel. His Fatah party still calls in its Constitution for the destruction of Israel (Article 13) and the use of terrorism as an essential element in the struggle to achieve that goal (Article 19). Indeed, Fatah's emblem depicts the whole of Israel re-labelled 'Palestine,' flanked by images of a Kalashnikov rifle and arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat. Hamas, which controls Gaza, a portion of the territory Abbas is claiming or statehood, calls in its Charter for the destruction of Israel (Article 15) and the murder of Jews (Article 7)."

Dore Gold: The United Nations Does Not Create States
"... Abbas has not created a state. He has not yet changed the legal status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. If he actually declared a state and sought to place the entire West Bank under Palestinian jurisdiction, then Israel would have to respond forcefully and immediately annex vital areas like IDF security zones, settlement blocs, and points of national-religious significance to the Jewish people. For now, Israel will have to take measured steps to deter Abbas from going further down the path of unilateralism."

European Nations 'Capitulated' in Approving PA Bid at UN
ADL: European nations acted "without courage" and "capitulat[ed] to Arab intimidation" during PA's bid for upgraded UN status.

CNN Ron Prosor: I heard a speech 'full of hate' VIDEO (warning Piers Morgan also appears.)

John Bolton says Obama failed to take Palestinian UN vote seriously, also Israel making big mistakes too VIDEO

What U.N. Recognition of Palestine Really Means By Anne Bayefsky
"No wonder the outcome was met by the loud applause of a room full of the representatives of dictators and thugs (the majority of U.N. members are not full democracies), and NGO/"civil society" hacks who had been brought in by the U.N. Division for Palestinian Rights. (A letter of Division Director Wolfgang Grieger states that he had personally reserved at least 100 spots in the gallery.) Sitting in the gallery myself, I noticed that during Abbas's lengthy speech the outbursts of clapping across the gallery would commence before the translation of Arabic sentences into other languages had finished. It was an exercise in what one might call Benghazi-style spontaneity.
The only question that remains, therefore, is this. Now that decades of Palestinian intransigence and belligerence have been richly rewarded by the U.N. majority, how soon will Palestinians start targeting and harming Israeli Jews with impunity again?"

Palestinians Still Embrace Spirit of 1947
"So long as Palestinian nationalism is based on the negation of Israel rather than a positive vision for themselves, peace is impossible. While the UN vote won't change much of anything on the ground, there should be no mistake about the basic continuity between the Arab positions of 1947 and today."

Abbas Wastes No Time Humiliating His Western Supporters
"...Abbas is threatening not to come back to the negotiating table, which would debunk these supporters' claims that the UN move would be good for the peace process. They may be tempted to push Netanyahu to accept Abbas's preconditions–but that is the reason for the impasse in the first place. And they shouldn't forget the can of worms they opened when they supported preconditions last time: every time Netanyahu appeared willing to consider preconditions, Abbas added to them, because the preconditions are designed to disrupt and prevent negotiations, not enable them."

Abbas says Palestine now 'a country under occupation'
PA president says he's not ready to turn to the ICC yet
"He told Ramallah-based media outlet Al-Ayyam that Palestinian rights to the land on pre-1967 borders was proven at the UN General Assembly on Thursday, and that nobody can build on that land at will."

In Ramallah, UN vote brings little jubilation
'We don't want '67,' says a young university graduate. 'We want all of Palestine'

'Canada will not let the Jews or Israel stand alone'
Canadian foreign minister says Abbas should have used the support he received to reach out to Israel for peace talks.

On Why the Czechs Voted With Israel Examining the unlikely alliance
"That the Czechs sided with Israel and the United States demonstrates the importance that Prague attaches to the transatlantic alliance, as it was willing to buck its fellow EU members and side with Washington on a controversial issue. The vote also shows the affinity that the Czech Republic has long felt for Israel, an affinity that dates at least from the visit that Tomas Masaryk, the first President of independent Czechoslovakia, made to Palestine in 1927, "

Sarah Honig: Another Tack: Murdoch's cogent question
Murdoch essentially wasn't far off the mark, even if he didn't word his Tweet carefully enough.
"Of course they care. Passionately. They are, if anything, political creatures. Did they not kick a god-awful fuss over news magnate Rupert Murdoch's stirring defense of Israel during the latest Gazan round?
Did they not let him have it? Is that apathy? Did they not rush to pillory Murdoch for asking on Twitter: "Why is Jewish owned press so consistently anti-Israel in every crisis?"
Wow, they came out punching! It wasn't the actual negligible matter of Israel's ongoing struggle which stirred them. Siding with Israel or welcoming Murdoch's warm support of Israel wasn't what aroused their emotions. Nor were they moved by the issue of anti-Israeli media bias. Far from it. This is just the sort of preoccupation that leaves them cold and consistently condescending."

CAMERA: Memo to the Media: Check Those Civilian Casualty Claims
"This time around, the media has been more circumspect about civilian casualty claims. Nevertheless there are still examples where the figures provided by PCHR and others are simply reported without qualification. Just like in 2009, it will take time for the terrorist connections to emerge of some of those described as civilians or not labeled. And similar to what happened in the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead, when an accurate picture of the fatalities finally does emerge, the media will mostly have moved on. Still, it is important to establish accurate casualty figures for the historical record to rebut future accusations."

West Bank and Gaza Residents Experience Among the Longest Life Spans in the Middle East
"Palestinians in the West Bank have greater longevity (and other favorable health metrics) than the majority of the world's population and yet have been among the largest recipients of humanitarian aid in the world for two decades."

Hanan Ashrawi lies at 'Comment is Free' about homes for 'Jews only' in Jerusalem
"In fact, the Muslim population of Jerusalem increased roughly 5 fold from 1967 (when Israel unified the city) to 2009, from 58,000 to over 278,000, while the Jewish population increased by a factor of only 2.8, from 196,000 to 480,000."

Denmark: Pro-Hamas demonstration erupts in violence
"Pro-palestinian "Allah-u-Akbar" Christmas choir, Leftists demonstrating for "Global intifada", t-shirts promoting sharia 'Only God can judge me', flags with machine guns and hand grenade and red socialist flags -- and stoning of secular law's representatives. As usual: No arrests..."

New Islamist Constitution Brings Back Slavery to Egypt
"Omissions of certain articles, such as bans on slavery or promises to adhere to international rights treaties, were equally worrying to critics of the new draft, who pulled out from the panel before the vote.
Isn't it ironic, that the first black man in the Oval Office has helped bring to an end the ban on trading African slaves in Egypt?"

Report says Egypt denied Iranian official entry to Gaza
Ali Larijani, Iran's speaker of parliament wasn't allowed through the Rafah crossing; country's FM also awaiting permission from Cairo

Pat Condell: Ha Ha Islamophobia

With 'a heavy heart,' Stevie Wonder pulls out of Friends of the IDF concert
Singer says UN recommended he cancel because he is an official 'Messenger for Peace'; he received online petitions from pro-Palestinian groups

Boycotters target Alanis Morissette over Israel show
"The singer, who is touring to promote her new album "Havoc and Bright Lights," is also being targeted by followers on Facebook and Twitter. One fan, responding to the comments about her Israel performance, wrote: "Please don't be bullied by the anti Israel sentiment. Go to Israel and see for yourself."

Poles release first film admitting responsibility for infamous anti-Jewish massacre
'Aftermath,' a drama inspired by the mass killings at Jedwabne, elicits praise and anger by examining Poles' role in the bloodshed
"KRAKOW — The first Polish film to portray the country's gentiles committing crimes against their Jewish neighbors has hit movie theaters, generating both enthusiastic praise and threats of violence against one of the stars."

'Shoah' Director to be Honored at International Berlin Film Fest
French filmmaker, known for 1985 documentary "Shoah", will be honored with lifetime achievement award at Berlin International Film Festival.

Israel Daily Picture: A Collection of 150-Year-Old Pictures of Jerusalem
"Many of the photos were taken from the British Ordinance Survey of Jerusalem of 1865 led by Captain Charles W. Wilson. He and Captain Charles Warren led extensive archaeological excavations near the Temple Mount ("Wilson's Arch" and "Warren's Shaft" are well-known to visitors to Jerusalem)."

Today's fake PCHR "civilians"

Posted: 01 Dec 2012 05:32 PM PST

From PCHR:
At approximately 08:00 (November 17th) , Israeli warplanes attacked a number of 3 young men in al-Maghazi refugee camp, killing them: Ali Abdul Halim al-Manaama, 24; Ussama Mousa Abdul Jawad, 27; and Ashraf Hassan Darwish, 22.

PCHR does not identify them as "militants," but all three were terrorists.

The obituary for Darwish explains that he joined the Qassam Brigades in 2007, after attending UNRWA schools. Here he is:

The other two have not yet been memorialized at the Qassam site, but Qassam Brigades memorial posters for them have already been published:


And another:
At approximately 19:50, Israeli warplanes attacked a number of young men who were sitting near a house belonging to Ahmed Mohammed Jaddou Abu Jalal, 43, a member of an armed group, in al-Maghazi refugee camp. He was killed together with 3 civilians, including his brother: Amjad Mohammed Jaddou Abu Jalal, 33 .
Amjad was no civilian. His obituary at the Al Qassam site notes he joined the terror group in 2005, where is is praised for firing Qassam rockets and mortars at "settlements," as well as for working on weapons tunnels and for fighting during Cast Lead.

The city of gold

Posted: 01 Dec 2012 03:27 PM PST

In Saturday's Daf Yomi, the Talmud explains various laws that center around various types of jewelry and the Sabbath. One of those items mentioned is called a "City of Gold," which is a piece of gold jewelry  that Jewish women would wear that is shaped to represent Jerusalem.

As described by Rav Adin Steinsaltz:
What is the meaning of: With a city of gold? Rabba bar bar Ĥana said that Rabbi Yoĥanan said: Jerusalem of Gold, a gold tiara engraved with a depiction of the city of Jerusalem, like the one that Rabbi Akiva made for his wife.

Rabbi Akiva, who lived just after the destruction of the Second Temple, was one of the greatest of the tannaim [Mishnaic rabbis.] Unlettered until the age of 40, Akiva was encouraged by his wife Rachel to devote himself to the study of Torah. After years of study under the tutelage of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, Yehoshua ben Hanania and others, he returned with thousands of students and established his own academy in Bene Brak.

The "city of gold" ornament that Rabbi Akiva made for his wife is mentioned several times throughout the Talmud. The Gemara relates that when they lived in abject poverty they resided in a hayloft. When he saw that the hay got into his wife's hair, Rabbi Akiva told her that if he ever became wealthy he would make her a "city of gold" ornament. Eventually, he kept his promise. In the Jerusalem Talmud, it is told that the wife of the Nasi, Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, complained to him that she does not have so expensive an ornament. He asked her: Would you have done for me what Rabbi Akiva's wife did for him? Rabbi Akiva's wife sold the braids of her hair so that he could study Torah and she earned that ornament.

According to the descriptions of the Sages, the "city of gold" was a tiara on which the form of a city and its walls were depicted in gold. The Jerusalem of Gold specifically depicted the walls of Jerusalem. Apparently, this ornament was quite expensive and only a very limited number of aristocratic women wore it.
Jewish women were adorning themselves with jewelry depicting their love for Jerusalem some six centuries before Islam was born (and probably earlier than that.)

Just something to keep in mind as people show anger at Jews building houses in the suburbs of that same city today.

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