Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- "Moderate" Fayyad calls to break agreements with Israel
- "The #1 growth economy among all the countries of the developed Western world"
- Israeli hospital flatly denies report of stopping care to Gaza cancer patient
- IDF video shows 17 year old attacking officer last week (updated)
- PA minister says the Western Wall has no holiness to Jews
- US company resumes unlawfully protecting Hamas terror website
- Monday linkdump
- Abbas' Christmas message of hate and hypocrisy
- EU pretends to be relevant, considers returning observers to Rafah
"Moderate" Fayyad calls to break agreements with Israel Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:00 PM PST From Times of Israel: The Palestinian premier called on his people Sunday to boycott Israeli products, the latest step in an economic battle between Palestinians and Israelis spurred by the Palestinians' status upgrade last month at the United Nations.So it is fine for the PLO to abrogate Oslo by going to the UN and for Fayyad to violate the agreements by calling for a boycott, but it is not OK for Israel to try to recoup the huge amounts owed to it? Here's the funny part: In the past, Fayyad called for a boycott of goods made in Israeli settlements, but that boycott appears to have had no impact.If Fayyad cannot get Palestinian Arabs to boycott the evil "settlements," - indeed, tens of thousands of them work in them - then he only practical result from his call to boycott Israeli goods altogether is to expose him as a hypocrite, calling to violate accords while blaming Israel. (h/t Ian) |
"The #1 growth economy among all the countries of the developed Western world" Posted: 17 Dec 2012 03:10 PM PST From Globes: Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz estimates that the Israeli economy will grow faster in 2013 and 2014 than his ministry has forecast up to now.You mean, a few haters screaming outside a cosmetics store in London don't negatively affect Israel's economy? Here's a condolence card you can send your favorite Israel-hater. (h/t @LizH1974 for the condolence card idea) |
Israeli hospital flatly denies report of stopping care to Gaza cancer patient Posted: 17 Dec 2012 01:30 PM PST Yesterday, I reported about a very suspicious article that originated in Iran's ABNA "news" agency that charged that an Israeli hospital "expelled" a sick Palestinian Arab girl and denied treating her for cancer. Palestine Today later claimed to interview the mother of the girl and the story was gloatingly tweeted by Hamas, where many people retweeted it as well. As I suspected, the story is a complete fabrication. An EoZ reader contacted American Friends of Kaplan Medical Center and received this reply: Your inquiry about the Kaplan Medical Center's refusal to treat a Palestinian girl because of a non-reimbursement of funds by the Palestinian Authority lacks not only facts but also is not based on the facts. Iran is not known to "love" Israel....Iranian media making up a story? Say it ain't so! Here is one story about Kaplan treating a Gaza child who had been injured in an explosion that world media falsely blamed on Israel. |
IDF video shows 17 year old attacking officer last week (updated) Posted: 17 Dec 2012 11:35 AM PST Last week, a Hebron teenager was killed at a security checkpoint by the IDF. The IDF said that the teen attacked an officer and he was shot when he refused to put his weapon down. (The weapon turned out to be a cigarette lighter shaped like a realistic gun.) The anti-Israel went crazy, saying that the teen - who had just turned 17 - would never have attacked an IDF officer, he was looking forward to celebrating his birthday, he just bought his own birthday cake, and this was a cold-blooded murder. Well, the video was just released. It sure looks like the teen was looking for 72 virgins for his birthday. Will he haters admit they were wrong, ignore the video, or try to twist the facts? My vote is that they will find some seeming inconsistency between what the IDF officer reported and what is seen here - the entire attack, from beginning to his being fatally shot, is only about 20 seconds - and emphasize that, ignoring the obvious fact that he attacked the officer. PCHR, on the other hand, will ignore this completely. UPDATE: Looking at it again, there are a series of flashes in the teen's right hand while he is attacking the soldier. I think it is the gun-lighter reflecting the lights, or maybe he is even starting the lighter. But there is clearly something in his right hand throughout, even after he is shot. |
PA minister says the Western Wall has no holiness to Jews Posted: 17 Dec 2012 10:00 AM PST The PA's Minister of Waqf and Religious Affairs has declared that the Western Wall is an Islamic holy site and that no Jews worshipped there before 1917. Speaking in reaction to Binyamin Netanyahu's statement that the Kotel "will be ours forever," the minister, Mahmoud Habash, said that Israel's claims were "worthless." Habash said that Israel's claim on Jerusalem and the "Wailing Wall" lacks the most basic historical foundations. He said that the Wall was not a non-Muslim place of worship at any time in history, until after the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917. That will come as a surprise to these Jews worshipping there in this photograph from 1865: Habash went on to call for UNESCO to uphold Palestinian Arab "rights" in Jerusalem, presumably to confirm his bizarre interpretation of history. Given that UNESCO hasn't the foggiest idea what the Wall is to begin with, Habash might be successful. The PA had previously made the same claims, notable the Ministry of Information in 2010. |
US company resumes unlawfully protecting Hamas terror website Posted: 17 Dec 2012 08:00 AM PST Last month, I noticed that the Hamas Al Qassam Brigades website was protected from DDoS attacks by an American company, Cloudflare. After a number of my readers contacted the company and federal authorities, that service seemed to end. This morning, however, I saw that it was back. Reuters reported on Cloudflare's defense of its actions last week: Founded in 2010, CloudFlare markets itself as an Internet intermediary that shields websites from distributed denial-of-service, or DDoS, attacks, the crude but effective weapon that hackers use to bludgeon websites until they go dark. The 40-person company claims to route up to 5 percent of all Internet traffic through its global network.Claims of "free speech" are always suspect from a company that profits from it. It is not a free speech issue. It is a question of law. Nevertheless, instead of trusting Cloudflare's interpretation of the law, we should look at the law itself. 18 USC § 2339B prohibits providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations. Whoever knowingly provides material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both, and, if the death of any person results, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life. To violate this paragraph, a person must have knowledge that the organization is a designated terrorist organization (as defined in subsection (g)(6)), that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity (as defined in section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), or that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorism (as defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989).What is the definition of "material support"? That comes from 2339A: Definitions.— As used in this section—The bolded sections appear to all be clear violations by Cloudflare of federal law. Cloudflare is providing a service to Hamas (and, apparently, Islamic Jihad) where Internet communication is being routed through Cloudflare servers before going onto the website of the terror groups. Cloudflare will customize the service and help their clients implement it using their own expertise, and it clearly provides technical assistance and advice to designated terror organizations. Even Cloudflare's Prince seems to know that he is providing services to Hamas in violation of the law: "Our network can't be used to launch an attack, so it's not like we're supplying bullets to either side. But we are supplying the flak jackets to both sides, and that's been a very humbling experience to be in the middle of."That analogy is apt. Providing flak jackets would indeed be a violation of the Patriot Act, as would providing anything that allows terrorists to protect themselves. Given that Cloudflare has clearly chosen to accept Hamas money instead of following the US Patriot Act, it seems that the US government needs to explicitly say whether Cloudflare is violating the law and to follow through. US readers want to contact their local members of Congress or senators to ask them about whether they agree that Cloudflare is breaking the law, and what they will do about it. |
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:47 AM PST From Ian: Palestinians: The Third Intifada Has Begun by Khaled Abu Toameh Emboldened by the "victories," Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal recently reached a secret agreement on the need to launch a "popular intifada" against Israel in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Their goal is to drag Israel into a confrontation with Palestinian civilians — one that would embarrass the Israelis among the international community and force them to capitulate. Learn from our mistakes or face dramatic rise in antisemitism, European student union head warns If North American Jews don't learn from the mistakes of their European counterparts they will experience a dramatic increase in antisemitism and anti-Zionism, cautioned a community leader from Europe. CIA: Pollard got life sentence due to 'Post' interview Newly declassified 1987 CIA damage assessment of the Jonathan Pollard case states that he violated plea bargain terms by giving interview to Wolf Blitzer in 'The Jerusalem Post.' "Judge Aubrey Robinson sentenced Pollard to life in prison in March 1987 despite a plea agreement in which Pollard agreed to cooperate with the investigation against him, in return for a promise that he would not receive such a sentence." Disgruntled Protestants Issue Ironic Jerusalem Declaration "Protestants from three continents met in Jerusalem during November 5-8, 2012, to initiate a Protestant Consultation on Israel and the Middle East (PCIME). They subsequently issued a Jerusalem Declaration calling upon their churches to refrain from one-sided censure of Israel and to pay greater attention to the current miseries of Christians in such countries as Egypt, Syria and Iraq." Barry Rubin: Egypt Democratically Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship (Constitution Referendum) It isn't that the constitution, as many Salafists would have liked, explicitly mandates a revolutionary Sharia state. Rather, the constitution sets up a framework that will allow the Brotherhood to do so. Between the president and the constitution, the Brotherhood will now march through every institution and remake it. Judges will be appointed; school curricula rewritten; army generals appointed; and so on. As the Brotherhood shows patience in carrying out this process of gaining total, permanent control, many in the West will interpret that as moderation. The Region: Is Iron Dome anti-peace? by Barry Rubin Following the logic of the 'Washington Post' we should hope lots of Israelis are killed by terrorists as a way to pressure those obdurate Israelis to make peace. In other words, if a lot more Israelis were being killed and wounded, Israel would have more incentive to make peace with the Palestinians and Arabs. But since their lives are merely being paralyzed, Israel just isn't interested in making peace. CAMERA: NYT Corrected E1 Falsehood. Will the Economist? The Economist was yet another media outlet which falsely reported that E-1 construction between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim would bisect the West Bank. BBC Watch: Examining another BBC theme from Operation 'Pillar of Cloud' One of the main themes created by the BBC during Operation 'Pillar of Cloud' – and still being promoted long after it – is the notion that the fighting between terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip and Israel began with the targeted assassination of Ahmed Jabari on November 14th. Court Convicts Accessory to Fogel Murderers Military court finds Yazed Awad guilty of sheltering murderers and preparing them for Shin Bet interrogations. According to the charge sheet against him, Awad gave shelter to some of the people involved in the multiple murders and attempted to obstruct justice by briefing the suspects regarding Shin Bet interrogation techniques. In addition, he held two M-16 weapons that were stolen in the course of the murderous attack. Hizbullah Accuses Israel of Explosion near Border A huge explosion, apparently at a Hizbullah weapons depot, rocked Lebanon near the border Monday morning. Hizbullah blames Israel. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is responsible for maintaining security in the area, and it is investigating the blast, but Hizbullah cordoned off the area. Turkey investigating at least five local Jews it claims aided IDF in Mavi Marmara affair Representative of Turkish immigrants accuses Ankara of using Jewish community as leverage against Israel Rafael Sadi, spokesperson for the Association of Turkish Immigrants in Israel, told Maariv that the Turkish authorities "are trying to intimidate the Jews" as well as to send Israel the message that if Turkish demands are not met, the Turkish Jewish community is liable to suffer the consequences. 'First we take Damascus, then Tel Aviv' Salafist leader warns that once rebels topple Assad's regime they will set their sights on Israel; says 'We won't rest until Palestine is liberated' Non-Jews Fly The Flag For Israel In South Australia We see much of Aussie BDSers on videos of their Israel-demonising vigils targeting Max Brenner and Seacret, so it's refreshing to learn of antipodean initiatives on Israel's behalf. The following guest post by reader Shirlee tells of such a welcome development in Adelaide, and points out that the non-Jews involved deserve support from the Australian Jewish community. Ido Cohen's off-road empire In his workshop near Haifa, a 4×4 maven and desert racer designs and manufactures Israeli vehicles for extreme conditions. The Zibar took a decade to develop and was designed to withstand extremely harsh environmental conditions. The vehicles accelerate from zero to 62 miles per hour (100 km/h) in seven seconds, and last more than 435 miles (700 kilometers) on a single tank of gas. |
Abbas' Christmas message of hate and hypocrisy Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:32 AM PST Mahmoud Abbas has written a "Christmas Message from Palestine to the Christians of the World" which may be the most hypocritical thing he has ever done. And that's saying a lot. First he says that Israeli settlements are making the life of residents of Bethlehem a "living hell." He goes on to say The geographical map of Bethlehem and its social fabric are all at risk of extinction more than ever, due to Israeli policies and practices, which aim to Judaize the whole earth... Because the identity of Bethlehem is deeply tied to the birth of Christ the messenger of peace and love, it is considered a great national and religious heritage, one that all us Palestinians, Christians and Muslims, are proud of, and we will not accept any one that deprives it of that legacy or alters its identity.In 1990, when Bethlehem was under full Israeli control, it was 60% Christian. Since the PA took over control of the town, that Christian population has gone down to around 15% or less, even as its total population has increased! Who is responsible? well, it isn't the Jews. There must be another set of people there who are forcing the Christians out. And this other group has been openly stealing Christian-owned land under the watchful eye of Mahmoud Abbas' government, with no known arrests or court cases to combat the phenomenon. In an interesting historical note, in 1967, before the first Christmas after the Six Day War, Abbas' Fatah party explicitly threatened any Christian pilgrims who wanted to visit the city. The rest of the message is not a message of peace but one of rabid incitement against Israel, one that makes his recent UN speech look tame. Abbas is using his Christmas message as an excuse for brainwashing Christians to hate Israel - it simply cannot be read any other way. The real question is, how many Christian leaders will respond to this message of hate and hypocrisy with the contempt it deserves? |
EU pretends to be relevant, considers returning observers to Rafah Posted: 17 Dec 2012 03:00 AM PST From Ma'an: Egyptian authorities have pledged to end a blacklist of Gaza residents who cannot use the Rafah crossing to leave the coastal strip, an official in Gaza said on Sunday.How clueless can Ashton be? If Hamas allows EU observers at the Rafah border, it will be nothing close to what they used to do - sending a live video feed to Israel of the crossing, for example. Here is part of the mandate for EUBAM: The European Union Border Assistance Mission shall actively monitor, verify and evaluate the Palestinian Authority's performance with regard to the implementation of the Agreed Principles for Rafah Crossing and will act with authority to ensure that the Palestinian Authority complies with all applicable rules and regulations concerning the Rafah Crossing Point and the terms of the Agreed Principles for Rafah Crossing. And here are some of the Agreed Principles: • Use of the Rafah crossing will be restricted to Palestinian ID card holders and others by exception in agreed categories with prior notification to the GoI and approval of senior PA leadership.The idea that Hamas would allow Israel any input into decisions as to who or what will be transferred through Rafah is ludicrous. In fact, the beginning of the Ma'an article shows explicitly that this will not be the case. The EU, still funding EUBAM and dozens of its workers for some five years after it has done anything remotely resembling its mandate, refuses to admit that there is literally nothing it can do to restore any semblance of security at Rafah. Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt will not relinquish any real control over Rafah, although they will be more than happy to allow a toothless EUBAM to return under their terms. Apparently, the EU will jump at such an opportunity, just to pretend that they are doing something useful and to justify the continued existence of a useless mission. |
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