Arab Israelis saving the world Posted: 26 Oct 2012 12:30 PM PDT Arabs aren't stupid - their politics are. Here are three examples of what smart Arabs worldwide could be doing if they would just decide to make peace with Israel and work together with the Jewish state instead of against it. From Israel21c: Arab-Israeli scientist Amal Ayoub is going for the gold –not aiming for a medal in an Olympic sport, but to help cure cancer. Ayoub's startup, Metallo Therapy, is premised on her earlier research showing that metal nanoparticles – especially gold – introduced into malignant tumors can enhance the effects of radiation therapy while reducing damage to neighboring healthy cells. "Gold is a big atom containing a lot of electrons," she explains to ISRAEL21c. "Under radiation it can absorb the rays better than smaller atoms can, and its electrons can emit secondary radiation efficient in destroying the cancer cells." Working with two Arab-Israeli employees – a male chemical engineer with a degree from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, and a female biologist – Ayoub is perfecting a method to produce the gold nanoparticles efficiently on an industrial scale, and has developed a molecule to coat them so that they do not cause toxic interactions with body tissues. Isn't gold a very expensive material to work with? "Yes, but since we are talking about very small amounts — a couple of milligrams — the price is not an issue," she explains. "It's the same cost as developing any other drug." So far, she's done all this with three years' worth of funding provided by the Israeli Chief Scientist's Office through the NGT Technology Incubator in Nazareth, the only applied sciences company devoted specifically to the Arab-Israeli community's scientific, technological and entrepreneurial potential. In addition, Metallo Therapy recently received $300,000 from the pharmaceutical division of Arkin Holdings, a fund established by Israeli healthcare entrepreneur Mori Arkin, to begin advanced animal trials using mice. Also from Israel21c: In the unrelenting Middle East sun, one thing is very clear when you build a new home: it must work with the elements. Standing the test of time are traditional Arabic buildings that kept families and worshippers cool for centuries, long before air conditioning was invented. A new "green" teaching and research center in the Israeli-Arab town of Sakhnin showcases some of the best traditional approaches to construction in the hope that it will inspire modern building practices. And on a less concrete level, the building is seen as a "green bridge" between the Arab and Jewish communities. The Union of the Mediterranean recently awarded it first prize in a competition on energy conservation. Architects anywhere can pick up on traditional Arab building techniques as a means to improve building efficiency, says Hussein Tarabeih, director of the Towns Association for Environmental Quality (TAEQ) for the six Arab-Israeli towns in the Beit Natufa Valley in the Lower Galilee. This is the association that commissioned the building. "We have a lot of energy-saving elements built into the building," Tarabeih tells ISRAEL21c. "And it was important for us that we use the community. We conducted a survey asking them what they wanted and involved the older people quite a bit. The truth is that much of the knowledge on the traditional elements has been lost so we had to learn from the beginning. But this is one of the purposes for creating this building. We wanted to preserve the old traditional techniques." From NoCamels: Arab-Israeli company Yafa has developed a unique way of harvesting the sun's energy for clean energy purposes. The company's founder, Salih Manasra, has recently won a prestigious European Union EUREKA (Exceptional, Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge Acceleration) grant for this innovation. Yafa Energy, a four-person company, is the first Arab-Israeli firm to win the EU grant, which was awarded to Mansara by Israel's Prime Minister's Office, and he hopes it will be the first Arab-run company to put energy into the hands of people who need it most. After two decades of work with such automotive giants as Opel and GM, developing innovative efficient car engines, Yafa engineers, alongside a German partner, have developed a kind of solar trough, which collects energy from the sun. The solar thermal energy is converted directly to steam to drive turbines in factories, or cool industrial processes, while additional energy derived from the system is turned into electric power that can be used by the factory or sold back to the grid. The hybrid system aims to make a solar thermal system cost-effective, smart and capable of radically changing energy usage by manufacturers of traditional commodities like cement, textiles and edibles. These industries tend to be based in poorer countries, operate in hot climates, and consume more energy than high-tech industries. Manasra says that Yafa Energy hopes to use its Arab-Israeli team to crack into the Middle Eastern market, approaching countries like Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Jordan. The company has already obtained the attention of the World Bank's International Financing Committee, which recognized the technology as a "product of major interest." The World Bank is involved in negotiations toward a commercial deal in Jordan, where solar thermal energy is recognized as a renewable energy priority. Three stories, all from this past month, all about brainpower of less than 1.5 million Arabs in Israel using the state's educational and research infrastructure. Imagine what hundreds of millions of Arabs across the Middle East could accomplish if they got rid of their hate and decided to work together with their neighbors in Israel.  
Friday links (including Latma) Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:00 AM PDT From Ian:
LATMA: A love song to Obama and Aryeh Deri is back Analysis: The Goldstone Report's positive effects "Israel's counter-terrorism efforts have been strengthened since Operation Cast Lead. While there may still be some UN officials criticizing Israel regarding the current escalation with Hamas, there just isn't the same incentive to push for condemnations when the state has won every major recent legal battle, from beating Goldstone, to getting a UN stamp of approval for its blockade of the Gaza Strip from the UN-sponsored Palmer Report in September 2011.Even more impressive from Israel's standpoint than having won these battles, is why it won. Those parties trying to bring the country down using lawfare thought that they would garner advantages and expose new vulnerabilities by fighting about Israel's compliance with the law of armed conflict. The opposite happened." Canada joins Israel, US in calling for UN rapporteur's removal Canadian foreign affairs minister says Richard Falk's report on settlements is 'offensive and unhelpful'; Egyptian, Iranian diplomats call assessment fair and balanced ADL calls on Ban to condemn Falk report UN leader urged to distance organization from document criticizing companies doing business in Israel Israeli Writer says Deir Yassin Was a Blood Libel "Dr. Uri Milstein has never failed to rankle feathers, especially those attached to the status quo. His most recent book to be translated into English, Blood Libel: The True Story Of The Massacre At Deir Yassin, stays on script, refuting one of the most pivotal narratives of the civil war between Jews and Arabs in what was then British Mandated Palestine." CIF Watch: Fact-checking Julian Borger on Ahmadinejad's incitement to genocide SuperPAC Billboard: Friends Don't let Friends get Nuked "The American Principles SuperPAC has posted a new billboard in Florida that's getting plenty of attention. It says, "FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS GET NUKED," and then underneath is written, "STOP OBAMA." To the right is an illustration of an Iranian bomb heading towards an Israeli flag in the shape of Israel." Iran's Khamenei says U.S. and Israel conspire to divide Muslims, turn 'jihad against Zionism into blind terrorism' "Iran has aligned itself with its regional ally Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Lebanon's Shi'ite Hezbollah movement in what it calls an "axis of resistance" against Israel. At the same time it denies accusations from Sunni-ruled Gulf monarchies that it is encouraging Shi'ite uprisings in their countries." Burgas Bomber Had up to Five Accomplices, Bulgaria Interior Minister Says "The terrorist who killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver in July in Burgas, Bulgaria had up to five accomplices, all foreign, according to Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov." Italian PM: Europe's security tied up with Israel's Mario Monti on diplomatic visit to Israel says "any threat to Israel is unacceptable," in reference to Iran's nuclear program. European Parliament member denies Holocaust on Romanian TV Official says genocide didn't affect country's Jews, 280,000 of whom were killed 60 California Student Leaders Slam Anti-Israel Resolution for 'Lack of Transparency' A group of 60 elected student officials signed a letter slamming what they called the "lack of transparency" as well as the "marginalization" and "misrepresentation" of students associated with the recent passage of a resolution condemning a measure to combat anti-Semitism on California state campuses. IDF Blog 3 Amazing IDF Gadgets James Bond Wishes He Had "With the newest James Bond movie premiering in theaters today, the legendary agent once again makes headlines. But despite his infamous high-tech gadgets, Agent 007 is still no match for the Israel Defense Forces. Here are three brilliant gadgets Agent Bond only wishes the Q Branch could give him."  
Former anti-semitic EU parliament member now fights for Israel Posted: 26 Oct 2012 09:30 AM PDT Last August, there was a sensational story in Hungary: A leading member of a Hungarian anti-Semitic party, notorious for his provocative comments about Jews has discovered that he is a Jew himself. Ultra nationalist Csanad Szegedi of the far-right Jobbik Party had accused Jews of 'buying up' the country, railed about the 'Jewishness' of the political elite and claimed Jews were desecrating national symbols. That was until it was revealed that his grandmother was a survivor of Auschwitz death camp and his grandfather was a forced labour camp veteran. After weeks of internet rumours, Szegedi acknowledged in June that his grandparents on his mother's side were Jews, making him one too under Jewish law even though he does not practice the faith. Since then, the 30-year-old has been politically exiled from Jobbik with his political career on the brink of collapse. Under pressure, Szegedi resigned last month from all party positions and gave up his Jobbik membership and last week the party asked him to give up his seat in the European Parliament as well. Since 2009, he has served in the European Parliament in Brussels as one of the party's three EU lawmakers, a position he says he wants to keep. After discovering he was Jewish, Szegedi met with Rabbi Slomo Koves, of Hungary's Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch community in early August, whose own parents were in their teens when they discovered they were Jewish. Koves said: 'As a rabbi ... it is my duty to receive every person who is in a situation of crisis and especially a Jew who has just now faced his heritage.' During the meeting, Szegedi apologised for any statements which may have offended the Jewish community and vowed to visit Auschwitz to pay his respects. Koves described the conversation as 'difficult and spiritually stressful', but said he is hopeful for a successful outcome. He said: 'Csanad Szegedi is in the middle of a difficult process of reparation, self-knowledge, re-evaluation and learning, which according to our hopes and interests, should conclude in a positive manner. 'Whether this will occur or not is first and foremost up to him.' This week, during the debate in the EU Parliament on allowing the European market to have free access to Israeli pharamaceuticals, the Szegedi - who did not relinquish his post there - had only warm words for the Jewish state: For decades, Israel has been inside one of the most politically unstable regions of the Earth. Despite all the difficulties on how to build a modern democracy, the Jewish state has demonstrated that there can be freedom and peace for the people, where there are normally dictatorships and hatred. The European Parliament has the strong ethical and moral obligation to support any moves to bring together Israel and the European Union, as part of Europe's cultural sense of Israel. Israel is a state that continually demonstrates the maturity of respect for human rights, and therefore the EU should beware of whether they interfere in Israel's internal affairs. We would also like to take this opportunity to wish peace as soon as possible to the people of the Middle East. The parliament passed the law, whch was another huge setback for the "boycott Israel" crowd. But they also lost a former champion.  
With injured jihadists succumbing, IDF record is now 8 out of 8 Posted: 26 Oct 2012 08:00 AM PDT  Another jihadist who was targeted by Israel earlier this week has died. Hamas' Al Qassam site now lists the names of each of the eight people who were killed by Israeli airstrikes. And each one of them is called a "mujahid," or jihadist. Which means that the IDF managed an amazing record of killing 8 terrorists - and zero innocent civilians - even though some of them were in the middle of crowded neighborhoods. All of the terrorists seem to have been either members of Hamas or of their partners, the Nasser Brigades of the PRC. Here is another video of a rocket fired by the PRC towards Israel on Wednesday.  
"Chuetas" exploring their Jewish roots Posted: 26 Oct 2012 06:30 AM PDT From Ha'aretz: The Jews of Palma de Mallorca were forced to convert to Catholicism about 600 years ago, but now several hundred of their descendants, known as the Chuetas, are trying to reconnect to their Jewish roots. Members of the Chueta community and Israeli scholars recently participated in a conference in Netanya on the anusim, or forced converts, of the Balearic Islands. The Balearic Islands, best known for the international party destination ofIbiza, are situated off the eastern coast of Spain. Palma is the main port city in Mallorca, the capital of this archipelago under Spanish rule. A group of 15 Chueta families have, over the centuries, maintained their Jewish lineage by marrying only among themselves, one of the distinctions of this particular community of anusim. Last year, after visiting the island and examining the family trees of these families, Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, chairman of the Beit Din Tzedek, ruled that their descendents, who number about 25,000 today, are indeed part of the Jewish people. Miguel Segura, a journalist and author who himself is a Chueta and has written a book about their history, told Haaretz that he and two other members of the community, both women, have recently "returned" to Judaism – a term used by the anusim to refer to the symbolic conversion process they undergo to be considered full-fledged Jews. Segura said that over the centuries, the Chuetas, which is considered a pejorative term – one translation is "swine" – were persecuted and ostracized in Spain. So while he isn't looking to trade homelands, the ruling has validated his identity and beliefs. "I am 67 years old, so that is too old to make aliyah, but I now make a point of coming to Israel every year," said Segura, who attended the Netanya conference. Efforts to educate the community have been enhanced by the establishment of a new Beit Midrash. Rabbi Nissan Ben-Avraham, a Chueta who converted many years ago and moved to Israel, has been traveling to Palma de Mallorca every month in recent years to teach classes there. Michael Freund wrote about Rabi ben-Avraham and the Chueta community in 2006: Born in 1957 into a religious Catholic family, his given name at birth was Nicolau Aguilo. "My father was a shopkeeper, in a shop that has been in our family's hands since 1700, at least," he recalls. "Religion was a very important matter for my family. We went to church every week and fulfilled all the religious duties of Catholicism". But one day, young Nicolau made an off-handed comment that would end up changing his life forever. Sitting in the car with his mother, they drove down Jafuda (Yehuda) Cresques Street, which was named after a well-known Jewish cartographer who lived in Palma centuries ago. Nicolau pointed to the street sign and giggled, telling his mother, "He was a Xueta!" (a derogatory word in Catalan, pronounced 'shweta', which is used to refer to the descendants of Mallorcan Jews forcibly converted to Catholicism over five centuries ago). Nicolau's mother then turned to him and said, "Why are you laughing? You, too, are a Xueta." The disclosure caught Nicolau completely by surprise. "I was stunned. I remember clearly that for several weeks, all I could think about was: 'Me? I am a Xueta?' You have to understand that this was considered a terrible word, a slur." The more Nicolau thought about the fact that his family had Jewish roots, the more difficult it was for him to grapple with his entirely new sense of identity. "It was very hard for me. In the Mallorcan Christian mentality, Jews and Xuetas are considered such a terrible thing, so I suddenly had to confront the fact that I came from what was viewed as being the lowest and dirtiest of places in the universe." Those negative attitudes towards Mallorca's Jews and Xuetas were a product of the centuries of anguish and torment that Nicolau's newly-discovered ancestors had been forced to endure from their unforgiving Catholic neighbors. No one knows precisely when the first Jews arrived in Mallorca, but the Jewish presence on the island is said to date back possibly as far as the 5th century CE. At the turn of the 14th century, the Jews' situation deteriorated sharply. In 1305, anti-Jewish rioting erupted, and the island's first blood-libel occurred in 1309, when several Jews were falsely accused of murdering a Catholic child. In 1311, Palma de Majorca's synagogue was confiscated and turned into a church, and Jewish property was seized. The turning point, however, came in 1391, when violent anti-Jewish pogroms swept across Spain. On August 2, the riots reached Mallorca. Many Jews were massacred and entire communities wiped out, while others were forcibly converted, possibly including Nicolau's forefathers. Subsequently, the Inquisition became particularly active in the area, and there were numerous cases involving converted Jews who had returned to Judaism being burnt alive at the stake. The Church's harsh tactics led additional Jews, who had arrived in Mallorca after the 1391 massacre, to adopt Christianity under compulsion. Nonetheless, the native Mallorcans never accepted the Jewish converts, and began referring to them as Xuetas, which historians believe is related to the Catalan word for pig. A particularly brutal incident occurred on the island in 1667, when a boatload of Jews on the way to Leghorn anchored off Mallorca on a brief stopover to purchase supplies. The Inquisitorial authorities seized a 16-year old boy from the ship named Jacobo Lopez after receiving information that his parents had been practicing Judaism in secret. After allowing the rest of the ship's passengers to set sail, they tortured Lopez until he confessed. But the young hero refused to renounce his Jewish beliefs, despite the great danger that he faced. Church authorities subsequently burned him alive in January 1675 in front of some 30,000 spectators and onlookers. As late as 1691, some three hundred years after the forcible conversions, large numbers of Xuetas were tried and executed by the Inquisition for "relapsing" to Judaism. Despite the passage of so many years, many of them had continued to practice Judaism in secret, marrying only among themselves in an effort to keep alive the faith and heritage of their ancestors. But discrimination against the Xuetas continued well into the 19th century, and legal restrictions against them were formally lifted only in 1931. An 1876 book (and also this book from 1719) describes the pretext for the forcible conversion of the Jews of the island: Towards the end of the fourteenth century, when cruelty and fanaticism in the Peninsula were engaged in active persecution of the Jewish race, the unhappy Jews of Majorca came in for a full share of ill-treatment and suffering. To the cry of "Death to the Jews," they were assaulted by the populace in their quarter of the town of Palma; they were made to kiss a cross of wood, with which they were afterwards beaten, and the death of a boy, killed in the affray, was the pretext for a general sack of their houses and homes. The Majorcan Jews were not, however, finally converted until the year 1435, when it was brought about in this wise. Don Vicente Mut relates that, during Passion Week, some of the Jews conceived the horrible and blasphemous idea of naming one of their slaves after our Lord, and making him suffer what our Saviour had suffered during the Holy Week. The wretched man did not die on the cross to which he was finally attached, but four of the principal Jews were condemned to be burned alive for their crime. The offer of being hanged instead was however made on the condition of their being converted and Christianised. These four criminals were ultimately declared to be converted, and their example was followed by the rest of the prisoners, and in two days more than two hundred were baptized. The result of this rapid conversion was, that the very people who had clamoured for the lives of the criminals now prayed for their pardon, which was finally granted, even to the four who had been condemned to be burned. The descendants of these people, to whom the name of Chueta is now applied, form the fifth class of the inhabitants of these islands. Although professing to be Christians—for there are no Jews now in the islands—they live as much apart from the people as if they still professed the religion of their forefathers; they occupy a separate quarter of the town of Palma, and they intermarry, with very rare exceptions, only amongst themselves. They are chiefly engaged as silversmiths, but in whatever trade they are occupied they are reputed to do well and make money. And more from a 19th century magazine: [W]e must now cross to the island of Majorca, in the Mediterranean. Here, in the fifteenth century, we find mention of some persecuted Jewish refugees who had fled to Majorca for protection, and who had, at least to all appearance, embraced the Catholic faith. They were called Chuetas, a diminutive of the Majorcan word ' chuya'—bacon, in polite allusion to the faith they had abjured. They settled in the town of Palma, where they carried on various trades so successfully that the Holy Inquisition soon cast a covetous eye on their money-bags, which it thought were too plump for orthodoxy. It is difficult to read calmly of the doings of the priests, who between 1435 and 1780 burned and tortured hundreds of these unfortunate wretches, always under the pretence of unsoundness of faith, confiscating, of course, all their goods to Holy Mother Church. In 1687 the Chuetas attempted to escape in an English vessel, hoping to find a safer refuge in another island, but an unrelenting fate cast them back in a tempest to their old dwelling-place, where they were seized and severely punished for this additional crime. To commemorate the event, the Inquisition ordered a series of paintings to be executed in the cloister of the Dominicans at Palma. Each picture represented one of the martyrs who had perished in the flames, his name, age, and the date of his punishment being written at the bottom. Several of these pictures were decorated with cross-bones, to distinguish the portraits of those whose ashes had been exhumed and cast to the winds. These works of art were to be seen at the beginning of this century. In 1782 there were more than three hundred families of Chuetas in Majorca, who still lived under a ban, and who, although they had to pay taxes, were excluded from all the privileges and rights of the other citizens. There are other horror stories of how these crypto-Jews were treated.  
UNRWA falsifies a retraction by Channel 2 Posted: 26 Oct 2012 05:20 AM PDT From UNRWA: Israel's highest-rating news programme, Channel Two News, has published a statement correcting false claims that rockets were fired from schools operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) during the Gaza war in 2008-2009. The statement makes clear that Israeli officials themselves acknowledged that such claims were false and that there was no evidence to support them. "We heard this misinformation during the war when there was shelling on and around the Agency's schools and our main warehouse in Gaza", said UNRWA Spokesperson Chris Gunness, "but Israeli officials made it clear to the UN during the war itself that they knew claims about militants in UNRWA installations were completely false. Constant, unchecked repetition of this misinformation has been very damaging to the Agency and has produced some very poor and biased journalism, which I will continue to confront. This is the third time in just a few months that a major news organisation has issued a public retraction because of false information about UNRWA." However, Channel 2 says that it never issued a correction. Yesterday UNRWA issued a wrong message in a UN press release, stating that "News 2 published an correction denying the accuracy of the claims made by it in the past - whereby, from 2008 to 2009 Qassam rockets were shot at Israel from UNRWA of the United Nations' facilities in Gaza Strip . " This press release was out to the media after News 2 agreed to the request of UNRWA to publish its response to the story Ohad Hemo aired last Saturday and where he engaged in left-wing activists in the territories. In the program a foreign activist hurled an accusation that Israel bombed hospitals and schools of the United Nations. In response the reporter said to her that Hamas members operated from these UN facilities and attempts were made to shoot Qassam rockets from there to Israel. UNRWA appealed to News 2 and asked to post a comment on these allegations and the response was posted alongside the story online, but it claimed that the claims raised by the reporter are not true. The fact that News 2 agreed to the request of UNRWA to comment to the article was deceptively presented by UNRWA statement as if News 2 retracted this statement, which is not true at all. UNRWA lying? Perish the thought! While no one seriously claims that UNRWA consciously allowed rocket fire from inside its facilities during the Gaza war, it is clear that such rocket fire certainly did occur nearby. (h/t O)  
Another Sudan theory: Real targets are Sinai jihadists Posted: 26 Oct 2012 03:23 AM PDT Egypt Independent quotes a Reuters article that claims that the real reason for the presumed Israeli attack against the Yarmouk arms factory in the Sudan was Sinai jihadists: If Israel bombed a Sudanese munitions factory, as Khartoum alleges, the raid was part of its widening proxy war against Islamist militants in neighbouring Egypt which the Jewish state is reluctant to confront directly. A huge explosion ripped through the factory near the Sudanese capital Khartoum on Tuesday, killing two people, with Sudan swiftly accusing Israel of sending four military planes to take out the complex. With Sinai itself becoming a seedbed of al Qaeda-inspired cadres during Cairo's political upheaval, the Israelis now fear such arms could be used against them from within Egyptian territory. That puts Israel in a strategic bind, laid bare by the half-dozen guerrilla attacks it absorbed over the Egyptian border in recent months. The countries' landmark 1979 peace accord precludes Israeli military action, whether preventive or retaliatory, in the Sinai, and Israel is highly unlikely to risk even a one-off breach given Egypt's unsympathetic new Islamist-led government. Israel's response, government and military sources said, has been to hit first against those on Egypt's periphery suspected of links to the Sinai militants. That has meant stepped-up up air strikes on Gazans accused of plotting operations in Sinai, and - to judge by reports from Khartoum - similar escalation in Sudan, to Egypt's south. Israel has never confirmed or denied carrying out attacks on Sudanese targets. But Israeli defence officials admit placing a high priority on tracking arms trafficking through the country. Commenting tersely on Israel's strategy, the ex-official said it aimed to "stem the flow of arms (to Sinai and Gaza) without triggering major confrontations". "This is all the more relevant today," the ex-official said, referring to instability in Egypt and surging Sinai militancy. Amos Gilad, a senior Israeli defence official, made clear that Sudan should be considered fair game - an enemy like Hamas and Iran - and that Cairo's interests were also at stake. "It is clear that it (Sudan) supports the smuggling of munitions, or it helps Gaza. In actuality, these munitions pass through Egypt, so it is endangering its major neighbour, Egypt. It harms national security because tomorrow these arms could also be used against the Egyptians," Gilad told Army Radio. It's as good a theory as any. (slight correction h/t CHA)  
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