יום חמישי, 11 באוקטובר 2012

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Pepsi: The choice of a terrorist generation (poster)

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 07:19 PM PDT

Background story with more photos here.

Pepsi has been quickly deleting any Facebook entries that mention their partnering with Hamas on Gaza football tournaments and sports leagues.

Hamas politician says "Jews behind every catastrophe on Earth"

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 03:10 PM PDT


Following are excerpts from an interview with Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras, member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on September 12, 2012.

Marwan Abu Ras: The Jews are behind each and every catastrophe on the face of the Earth. This is not open to debate. This is not a temporal thing, but goes back to days of yore. They concocted so many conspiracies and betrayed rulers and nations so many times that the people harbor hatred towards them.

Throughout history – from Nebuchadnezzar until modern times... They slayed the prophets, and so on.

Any catastrophe on the face of this Earth – the Jews must be behind it.
Is it time to riot yet?

New T-shirt- "Behead those who insult Western civilization"

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 01:30 PM PDT

Based on a comment, I thought this would make a nice T-shirt (or, most appropriately, a cutting board):

Items with this logo can be purchased here.

(For those who don't get the joke, see here.)

(h/t Bill)

Wednesday links

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 12:10 PM PDT

From Ian:

Nazi Propaganda Makes a Comeback on Twitter By Jeffrey Goldberg
"What does this all mean? I've been asking for months why the international left hasn't shown solidarity with the Syrian people -- an estimated 30,000 of whom have been killed by the fascist Baath party -- by launching a flotilla to Syria's Mediterranean coastline. Gazans have a miserable life, but their suffering today pales in comparison to that of Syrians. So why don't the people behind the Gaza flotillas organize a relief effort? The answer is simple: If the Syrians were being slaughtered by Israelis, they would.
I've always suspected that many of those on the far left who express solidarity with Palestinians are less interested in helping the Palestinians than in scapegoating their Jewish adversaries. [Free Gaza's Greta] Berlin might have inadvertently helped the world understand that the extreme left has something in common with the extreme right: an obsessive interest in demonizing the Jews. "

Free Gaza Tweets for Terror and a World Without Zionism
"The still ongoing controversy about Free Gaza's propagation of antisemitic material has revealed for me the somewhat surprising fact that apparently quite a few of the group's supporters seem to believe that Free Gaza is somehow dedicated to promoting peace and coexistence between Israel and the Palestinians."

Abbas's Plan to Steal Local Elections by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Fatah's decision to hold local elections only in the West Bank is an admission that the Palestinians have two separate entities: the West Bank and Gaza. Abbas's critics say that by insisting on going ahead with the vote, he has "solidified" the split between the Fatah-controlled West Bank and the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.
This is something that the UN General Assembly will have to take into consideration when it is scheduled next month to vote on Abbas's application to upgrade the status of a Palestinian state to "non-member." The UN members should ask Abbas which state he is talking about -- the one in the West Bank or the one in the Gaza Strip?"

A storm of massive proportions is brewing in the MidEast
The region is splitting apart and ready to explode out of its largely artificial boundaries along two major fault lines, ethnic and religious, writes a former senior editor of the Jerusalem Post
"Europe's political and media classes are missing the point. Lazy, ignorant or both, they persist in reading from a clapped-out, 30-year-old script – if it was accurate even then – when they declaim on Middle East affairs. As if the "occupation", the "settlements", the "tunnel", the "wall" and other "crisis issues" are the cause of the all world's ills; as if the birth of Palestine holds the key to tranquillity and peace, perhaps even utopia."

Clifton, New Jersey: Honoring an Anti-Semite? By Alan Dershowitz
For decades, Grabowski published a newspaper in Clifton called The Post Eagle. In that newspaper, Grabowski repeatedly referred to Jews as "vermin," "animals" and "Christ killers."

CAMERA At Maan, Gaza Training Camps are Just 'Homes'
Wall Street Journal's Creative Cartographers
Where's the Coverage? PA Accuses Israel of Trying to Destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque to Rebuild "Alleged Temple"
Maan's Mysterious Eye Witnesses to Olive Vandalism

French police find material linked to synagogue bombing in Torcy parking lot
Weapons, cash and a list of Paris-area Israeli associations among items discovered; suspects arrested in connection to attack to remain in custody
"The weekend arrests — during which one suspect was killed by police who returned fire after he shot at them — were put in motion by evidence gathered following the firebombing of a kosher grocery story in suburban Paris in September."

If Malala survives, we will target her again: Taliban
The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which attacked National Award Peace winner Malala Yousafzai on Tuesday have said that they will target her again if she survives because she was a "secular-minded lady".

'Major parts of Syria have effectively been bombed back to Ottoman times'

Newly re-elected Hugo Chavez says Venezuela will keep supporting Syria's leader and government

The Attacks on Israelis You Won't Read About Anywhere Else, September 20 – October 5

Taking aim at cancer: Israeli-Danish team finds a new way to zap malignant cells
An innovative method of using radiation to treat lung cancer could change the way tumors are treated
"With all the research to find a cure for cancer, radiation therapy is still considered by experts to be one of the most reliable forms of treatment in counteracting the disease. In fact, groups like the American Cancer Society list radiation therapy as one of the top treatments for many forms of cancer, along with surgery, chemotherapy, and other common forms of treatment."


New website BBC Watch

Jewish refugees and the fallacy of Daniel Haboucha

Tunisian al-Qaeda children praising 9/11

Economic consequences of Iranian nukes

Reason #11 Time's Karl Vick is an idiot

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 10:35 AM PDT

We have shown pretty conclusively that Time magazine's Karl Vick is an idiot when it comes to reporting about Israel. No matter how many times he is proven wrong, he keeps barreling on with his rose-colored view of Arab intransigence and his continuous blaming of everything on Israel.

Here's reason #11 Karl Vick is an idiot.

Last week he wrote:
Earlier this year, however, Meshaal endorsed the Abu Mazen approach. While reserving the right to violent resistance and not renouncing the Hamas Charter, which calls for the destruction of Israel, Meshaal said the time has come for negotiations with Israel and nonviolent protest in the spirit of the Arab Spring. "Now we have a common ground that we can work on--the popular resistance, which represents the power of the people," Meshaal said.
And here is what Meshal said just last week at the same time that Time was publishing Vick's drivel:
Reiterating his support for the Arab Spring, Mash'al said: "Hamas recognizes the value of Arab peoples, and it has no other way than to support the rights of the peoples and their aspiration for freedom and honor... Hamas has memory, values, and morality, and therefore it does not forget those who assisted it and who continue to do so. The movement will not strike a bargain over the blood of the ummah and of Arab peoples... The best defense, and the strength of [our] foreign policy, which is based on conflict (with Israel), is manifested in our support for the resistance and by granting rights to the people. Today is the day of the Arab Spring. There is no turning back. Democracy is our right, and resistance is our duty."

Mash'al went on to warn that Israel intends to create a new reality in Jerusalem, and that therefore, "following the [Arab] Spring, we [Arabs] must prepare for the project of liberating Jerusalem – and the Palestinian role [in this] is no substitute for the Arab role." He called for ending negotiations with Israel: "The time has come to overturn the negotiating table on those who wished to enslave us."

He then called on the Palestinian leadership and all its factions to begin the major step of ending division and completing the national reconciliation, adding: "Resistance, not negotiation, is the path to the restoration of rights. Nothing will restore the homeland but jihad, the rifle, and self-sacrifice.
Vick never reports on Hamas' warmongering statements, except to downplay them. And his bending over backwards to make Meshal into some kind of peacemaker at the exact same time Meshal is pushing a terror war is simply the latest example of his willful blindness - and, by extension, the willful blindness of Time magazine.

Other reasons Vick is an anti-Israel idiot who will tilt every fact towards how he wants it to be rather than what it actually is:

And these are just the articles I happen to have noticed in the past couple of years.

(h/t Ian)

Pepsi sponsors Hamas football? (UPDATES)

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 08:40 AM PDT

The Hamas mouthpiece Palestine Times has a photo essay of a rebuilt soccer stadium that was built in Beit Lahiya, Gaza, with Qatari aid.

As is usual with these kinds of things, Hamas prime minister and avid soccer player Ismail Haniyeh couldn't resist kicking the ball around together with the team.

But look at the logos of the players with Haniyeh:

Is Pepsi sponsoring a soccer team or league that is backed by terrorist group Hamas? How much do they spend on advertising in Gaza? 

Go and ask at the Pepsi Facebook page or ask @Pepsi on Twitter!

UPDATE: Pepsi removes any mention on their Facebook page as soon as it is posted.

UPDATE 2: According to this Aqsa Sports page, the official Pepsi bottling company in Gaza - Yazji - is the official sponsor of the Hamas-supported ceremony. Based on the uniforms, it appears that the sponsorship goes beyond that. Is Pepsi officially supporting this? (h/t Ian)

UPDATE 3: Pepsi apparently sponsored the Ramadan football championship in Gaza in August:

UPDATE 4: Here is Yazegi's Facebook page, with the Pepsi logo - and Hamas terrorist in chief Ismail Haniyeh - both featured prominently.

UPDATE 5: Judge Dan reminds me that Hamas (as well as Iran and others) used to say that Pepsi is an acronym for "Pay Every Penny to Save Israel."

Abbas' latest game: Will he fool he world again?

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 06:50 AM PDT

From Maan:
President Abbas told European diplomats on Tuesday that he will resume peace talks with Israel after a UN vote on the Palestinian request for non-member status in the world body, The Associated Press reported.

Abbas believes that a freeze on illegal settlement building may not be necessary to engage in talks if the UN recognizes a Palestinian state which includes all of the West Bank, AP reported.
Only one problem: Non-state membership status at the UN says nothing about borders. As CFR writes:
How would a UN vote affirming non-member state status affect life inside Palestine?
Very little, in terms of tangible changes resulting directly from the UN decision. Statehood would be a symbolic victory for the PA, but it would lack any formal recognition of sovereignty, borders, and other such considerations normally attendant with state status. Acquiring these things from Israel would require direct negotiations even if the General Assembly endorsed non-member statehood.
So what game is Abbas playing? Is he going to pretend that the UN would confer borders? Is he going to try to sneak border information in the resolution?

This AFP article may shed some light:
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas told EU envoys on Tuesday he accepts European declarations on the peace process as the basis for renewing talks with Israel and plans to incorporate them into his UN statehood campaign.

"The statements of the European Union on our cause serve as the basis for a return to negotiations," a statement from official news agency WAFA quoted Abbas as telling the EU diplomats at a meeting in Ramallah.

"We hope that you will convey to your governments our appreciation for these statements," he added.

"We will use them in the drafting of a Palestinian resolution which will be presented to the General Assembly of the United Nations in order to obtain the status of a non-member state.

"We are open to dialogue with all international parties in the formulation of the Palestinian request," Abbas said, adding it would be submitted to the UN in November.

"When we have obtained the status of non-member state at the General Assembly, we will be ready to return to the negotiating table with the Israeli side to discuss all final status issues outstanding."
It appears that Abbas does intend to put language about the "pre-1967 borders" in the resolution - even though it would have no legal validity - and then he would consider the issue of negotiations over borders to be closed, only willing to negotiate on still "outstanding" issues - not borders.

I don't know the nature of the EU statements that Abbas is referring to, and whether they are new or not.

This is consistent with statements Abbas has said in Arabic .He said to Arab media that after the UN vote, "Palestine" would be a "state under occupation" and
We have no objection [to being a sttae under occupation] because it would be state and not land in dispute, this land is for us, first and foremost, a land occupied no matter how many settlements there are .. Settlement from beginning to end are illegal, and we will not accept them, and they have to leave . This land is for us and Jerusalem is ours.
This seems to be Abbas' game: to bulldoze the non-member state bid into somehow being a legal ruling by the UN on the legality of the 1949 armistice lines as borders of a state, without negotiating those borders with Israel.

And when he says he will negotiate afterwards, he means he'll negotiate whether he will allow Israel to exist at all.

Hopefully the EU will be aware that Abbas is trying to use this latest UN stunt to short-circuit real negotiations with Israel, not to facilitate them.

Iran only 2-4 months away from enough fuel for A-bomb

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 05:01 AM PDT

From WSJ:
Iran has advanced its nuclear program to where it will be able to produce weapons-grade fuel in two to four months, nuclear experts and former United Nations inspectors said.

The new assessments feed growing alarm in the U.S., Europe and Israel that efforts to deny Tehran a nuclear-weapons capability could be rendered futile by as early as next summer.

The Institute for Science and International Security, an independent research institute in Washington with former U.N. inspectors on its staff, concluded in a report this week that Iran could produce enough highly enriched uranium for one atomic bomb, about 25 kilograms, in two to four months using its largest uranium-enrichment facility near the city of Natanz.

The ISIS report offered a faster timeline than Mr. Netanyahu presented to the U.N. on Sept. 27 because of Tehran's growing stockpile of higher-enriched uranium and its expanding numbers of centrifuge machines. The Israeli leader said Iran is expected to have acquired enough higher-enriched uranium by spring or summer to begin conversion to weapons grade. He said Iran then could construct its first nuclear bomb within several weeks or months.

ISIS bases its conclusions almost solely on information released by the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. The IAEA said in its most recent report in August that Tehran had doubled its capacity to produce 20% enriched uranium at its underground facility near the holy city of Qom. But the IAEA didn't offer a timeline for when Iran might be able to produce weapons-grade fuel.

The think tank said Tehran could combine its stockpiles of low-enriched and higher-enriched uranium to make a dash for weapons-grade fuel, which is around 90% purity. The Iranians could do that by synchronizing the enrichment of these two grades of uranium and cutting out some intermediary steps that slow the process, ISIS said.

"Growth in the stock of near 20% [purity] reduces the time to break out," ISIS said in its report.

Iran has a stockpile 91.4 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20% purity, according to the IAEA. An additional 25 kilograms of the material is committed for conversion into fuel rods for Tehran's research reactor.

ISIS said its faster estimates for Iran acquiring the highly enriched uranium would require Tehran to use its total stockpile of 20% enriched uranium.

The institute played down Mr. Netanyahu's assertion that Iran could quickly convert the weapons-grade fuel into a usable atomic bomb. "Iran would need many additional months to manufacture a nuclear device suitable for underground testing and even longer to make a reliable warhead for a ballistic missile," the report said.
The ISIS report can be read here.

More Palestinian Arab kids are overweight than underweight

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 03:04 AM PDT

The Lancet is reporting that there is a "Double burden of undernutrition and obesity in Palestinian schoolchildren."

Data were obtained from 1484 (99%) of 1500 students. Prevalence of stunting was 97 (7%) of 1446 and underweight 94 (7%) of 1444 students. 180 (12%) of 1444 students were overweight and 86 (6%) obese. ...Obesity was more prevalent in UNRWA schools than in government schools (56 [7%] vs 30 [4%]; 1·63, 1·06–2·51; p=0·0246).

The data indicate that 18% of PalArab schoolchildren are overweight or obese, vs. 14% who are underweight or stunted.

This means that roughly the same percentage of PalArab children are overweight or obese as in the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.

Surprisingly, the abstract doesn't blame Israel for force-feeding fat Palestinian Arab kids the way that anti-Israel activists have blamed Israel for starving them in the past.

But I'm sure it is only a matter of time until the Lancet notices that the kids who throw rocks at Israelis are in better physical condition than those who watch TV all day - so the obvious recommendation will be to encourage more rock throwing.

While this study does not seem to blame Israel, The Lancet has a history of pushing junk science for the anti-Israel cause.

Previous studies have shown that there are lots of overweight Palestinian Arab adults as well.

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