Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest |
- A popular resistance brick harmlessly hurled at evil Zionist woman
- Eeeek! A Zionist! Beirut billboard bothers bozos
- Crossing the Line: The Intifada Comes to Campus (Video)
- Fistfight between opponents, supporters of Assad - in Ramallah
- Now the Gaza bakeries are going to shut down
- Fisking Leila Hilal in The Atlantic (David G)
- Egyptian cleric: Jews use soccer to distract Muslims
- PA accuses Hamas of politicizing Gaza fuel crisis
- Iranian scientist's goal was "the annihilation of Israel": wife
- Azerbaijan terrorists were targeting Israeli ambassador (UPDATED)
- Meanwhile, Pakistanis have a US-Israeli-Indian conspiracy theory...
- PLO celebrates the wedding of a murderer
A popular resistance brick harmlessly hurled at evil Zionist woman Posted: 22 Feb 2012 08:46 PM PST From YNet: A teacher was on her way home to the West Bank settlement of Karmei Tzur on Tuesday when she found herself the target of a rock salvo that smashed her windshield.This is what Mahmoud Abbas calls "non-violent, popular resistance." Here's my guess at the ways that the usual gang of anti-Israel idiots will use to justify or deflect from this attempted murder, if forced to comment on it at all:
Eeeek! A Zionist! Beirut billboard bothers bozos Posted: 22 Feb 2012 06:34 PM PST From The Algemeiner:
See how ugly her face becomes once you know that she is one of those - *spit* - Zionists? The original blog post at Now Lebanon has been taken down. Pity. |
Crossing the Line: The Intifada Comes to Campus (Video) Posted: 22 Feb 2012 03:15 PM PST |
Fistfight between opponents, supporters of Assad - in Ramallah Posted: 22 Feb 2012 01:55 PM PST ![]() A pro-Assad demonstration, with dozens of participants, went through Ramallah with the theme of supporting him in the face of "arrogance." The demo was interrupted by youths who were upset at the participants carrying posters and banners praising Bashir Assad. |
Now the Gaza bakeries are going to shut down Posted: 22 Feb 2012 12:35 PM PST Even though some fuel somehow managed to make its way into Gaza, the problem is not over - and now the bakers are warning that they may shut down. Abdel Nasser, president of an association of bakery owners in Gaza, says that the severe shortage of fuel may result in some of the bakeries in the sector closing in the next few days. He said the crisis began almost two months ago since Egypt started cracking down on smuggled fuel. The quantities of diesel fuel going through the tunnels are limited and not sufficient, and bakery owners have been forced to use their own fuel which is now running out. He added that some bakeries were forced to purchase diesel fuel on the black market. Or, as GazaBYO tweeted, Gaza bakeries may stop working due to the fuel crisis. So #NoElectricity #NoFuel #NoWater and Now #NoBread. #WelcomeToGaza |
Fisking Leila Hilal in The Atlantic (David G) Posted: 22 Feb 2012 11:22 AM PST This was part of David G.'s daily Middle East Media Sampler: The Atlantic once was a highly thought of publication. Now seemingly anyone can write for it with no requirement of being truthful. Leila Hilal wrote Israeli Leader Wrongly Blames UN and Arab States for Palestinian Refugees and claims: Ayalon is a former Israeli ambassador to the United States and currently a Knesset member representing Yisrael Beitenieu, an ultra-nationalist party that advocates the transfer of Palestinian citizens of Israel as part of a political settlement. An avid user of social media -- recognized by Foreign Policy in their who's who of 100 Tweeters in 2011 -- he maintains a personal website in Hebrew and English, including links to his widely viewed and frequently reposted Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts. The refugee video alone garnered 37,000 hits within the first two weeks of its release, and currently has over 140,000 views. Ayalon reportedly plans to promote the clips, available in eight languages, globally for use in regular school curricula. The deputy foreign minister has particularly strong appeal among some Christian evangelicals and conservative members of U.S. Congress, with whom he and his party have long cultivated ties and to whom much of his communications appears geared. In short, his effort to influence the narrative on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can have consequences.To call Yisrael Beiteinu an ultra-nationalist party "that advocates transfer of Palestinian citizens of Israel," is deceptive. In its own website, the party describes its policy like this: The responsibility for primarily Arab areas such as Umm Al-Fahm and the "triangle" will be transferred to the Palestinian Authority. In parallel, Israel will officially annex Jewish areas in Judea and Samaria. Israel is our home; Palestine is theirs.That is unclear, however the Jewish Virtual Library explains further: Yisrael Beiteinu is in favor of a peace settlement with the Palestinians but advocates replacing the land-for-peace approach with a mutual exchange of territories and populations under the principle of peace for peace, land for land. The party's manifesto states that "The end result [of a peace settlement with the Palestinians] must not be a state and a half for Palestinians and half a state for the Jews… It would be unjustifiable to create a Palestinian state that would exclude Jews while Israel became a bi-national state with an Arab minority of more than 20 percent of its citizens." The party states that Jerusalem must remain the undivided capital of Israel.In other words, both Jews and Arabs who find themselves on the wrong side of the border will be transferred. Only half of that equation is objectionable to Hilal. Of course as we saw at Yamit and Gaza, Israel has transferred Jews in the name of peace. I suppose there's a little truth in this argument: In criticizing UNRWA, Ayalon ignores the fact that the agency is not mandated to find solutions for Palestinian refugees. UNRWA's authority, given to it by the UN General Assembly, is limited to providing humanitarian and development assistance. It is true that UNRWA has delivered this assistance for multiple decades, but it is precisely because of UNRWA's role that the refugees have been able to achieve varied degrees of normalization pending a political resolution of their rights. It is for this reason that the Israeli government annually supports the renewal of the agency's mandate at the UN and has opposed the cutting of aid to its general fund.No UNRWA is not mandated to find solutions for Palestinian refugees, it is, however, designed to perpetuate them. As Asaf Romirowsky and Jonathan Spyer observed in 2007: Instead, UNRWA finds a hundred and one ways to perpetuate Palestinian dependency. The interests of the refugees and UNRWA are fatally intertwined; UNRWA is staffed mainly by local Palestinians — more than 23,000 of them — with only about 100 international United Nations professionals. Tellingly, while the U.N. High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) avoid employing locals who are also recipients of agency services, UNRWA does not make this distinction. Terrorism does not exclude one from being a part of UNRWA. In fact, quite the opposite is true: UNRWA-overseen hospitals and clinics routinely employ members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Employing Palestinians for decade after decade and providing them with subsistence-level food aid and rudimentary education are a far cry from giving them usable skills and a positive attitude about creating their own independent economy and viable civic institutions.More recently, Daniel Pipes added: These changes had dramatic results. In contrast to all other refugee populations, which diminish in number as people settle down or die, the Palestine refugee population has grown over time. UNRWA acknowledges this bizarre phenomenon: "When the Agency started working in 1950, it was responding to the needs of about 750,000 Palestine refugees. Today, 5 million Palestine refugees are eligible for UNRWA services." Further, according to James G. Lindsay, a former UNRWA general counsel, under UNRWA's definition, that 5 million figure represents only half of those potentially eligible for Palestine refugee status.Hilal also writes: Ayalon's claim that Arab states deny refugees basic rights as demographic warfare against the Jewish state is also out of context. All Arab refugee-hosting countries endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative (API) in 2002 and again in 2007. The API contains an implicit compromise proposal to implement the right of return in a manner sensitive to Israel's demographic interests following Israeli recognition of international principles. As political landscapes shift in the Middle East, so may Arab foreign policies. Ayalon, however, relies on archaic public statements from former pan-Arabist Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser and long-passed UNRWA commissioners. Rather than quoting Arab leaders in 1969 or UN officials from the 1950s, Israeli officials should be honest about where the political conflict on the refugee question lies today.Hilal apparently realizes the weakness of her argument when she writes that the Arab Peace Initiative contains "an implicit compromise" with Israel. There is nothing explicit about the API except for Israel's obligations. In short it is a recipe for the Arab League to keep changing its demands of Israel in return for ill defined promises. Furthermore, anyone who reads MEMRI knows that the official anti-Israel vitriol of the Arab world is not a thing of the past. Finally we get to the most offensive part of Hilal's argument: This leads to the other major assertion advanced in the clip equating Jewish and Palestinian refugees. In 2008, American historian Michael Fischbach published a ground-breaking study on Jewish Property Claims against Arab Governments. Fischbach mined American, Israeli, and British archives to understand the circumstances surrounding the movement of 800,000 Jews from Arab countries across the Middle East and North Africa over a 20-year period following Israel's establishment. His research revealed that Jews left Arab countries for a variety of reasons, with many leaving behind valuable assets that in some cases were seized by Arab governments. Ayalon reminds us of these claims but wrongly suggests that they fit within the rubric of Palestinian-Israeli relations. Jewish property claims should be resolved as a matter of priority, but bi-laterally with responsible Arab governments and according to the same universal norms applicable to Palestinians. Funny, earlier, when it suited her, Hilal acknowledged the "archaic public statements" of Arab leaders, but she ignores it in this case:
In a sense, then, Hilal ignores the Nakba. The Jewish one. If her misstatements and misdirections were not enough, she leaves us with one last one: Ayalon argues in his video that the Palestinian refugees were encouraged to flee by Arab countries, who refused to accept the Jewish state. Though this view is still advanced by Israeli officials, it conflicts with mainstream Israeli understandings. According to a new study from Hebrew University profiled by Israeli journalist Akiva Eldar, "virtually all newspaper articles and research studies from the end of the 1980s to 2004", as well as all history textbooks authorized by the Israel's Ministry of Education since 2000, acknowledge that Palestinian refugees were subject to forcible expulsion. As Eldar noted, "It's a rejection of the [...] narrative that 'there was no expulsion in 1948.'"This is not a mainstream view. It is the fashionable view of the anti-Israel left. In order to set the record straight, Efraim Karsh wrote Palestine Betrayed, reviewed here: Karsh sets the record straight by drawing on Western, United Nations, Israeli, and Soviet documents declassified over the last decade, providing the correct context often missing in the selective focus of the "new historians" and altogether absent in the Palestinian narrative. His detailed examination of the historical records reveals that Israel's establishment was not the main cause of the Palestinian refugee problem and the hardships that the population has faced thereafter. Instead, it was the result of actions taken by the Palestinian Arabs and their leaders. Hajj Amin, known for his pan-Arab ambitions, "viewed the Palestinians not as a distinct people deserving statehood but as an integral part of a single Arab nation"—with himself as leader, and clean of Jews. To this end, Hajj Amin, an admirer and supporter of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, launched a campaign to demolish the Jewish national revival by enraging his constituents with all the anti-Jewish rhetoric he could find, from verses in the Quran to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.Given the sloppiness of Hilal's article, one wonders what the standards of the Atlantic are now. Or if it has any. I would add that UNRWA did in fact work towards resettling refugees, not just giving them aid. The W or UNRWA stands for "Works" and UNRWA's mandate was to create works programs so that refugees could support themselves and (implicitly) eventually integrate into their host countries. While it was not explicit in its mandate, the words "resettlement" were used often in early UN resolutions and documents regarding the refugees. For example, UNGA Resolution 393 from 1950, entitled "Assistance to Palestine Refugees": The General Assembly, All this was obvious in early UN documents. Only at the end of the 1950s did UNRWA give up on the idea of re-integration and turn itself into a wholly anti-Israel organization. UNRWA teachers taught generations of Palestinian Arabs that "return" was the only acceptable option. This was documented in a monograph that noted that in Lebanon in the late 1950s: Children in the physical education classes at the UNRWA schools exercised to the chant of a-w-d-a (return) In our school, we teach the children from their first year about their country and how it was stolen from them. I tell my son of seven. You will see: one day a man of eighty and a child so high, all, all will go home with arms in their hands and take back their country by force. The difference between UNRWA in 1950 and in 1960 is astonishing, and deserves its own study. But what was once a well-meaning refugee agency that did try to solve the refugee problem - including through resettlement - turned in only a few years into a hateful, inciting and bloated bureaucracy whose only purpose was to perpetuate and increase the refugee problem in perpetuity. |
Egyptian cleric: Jews use soccer to distract Muslims Posted: 22 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST From MEMRI: Following are excerpts from a religious program featuring Egyptian cleric Mahmoud Al-Masri, which aired on Al-Nas TV on February 7, 2012: I always knew that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was a Zionist! Beyond the humor, though, is the interesting fact that some Muslims are so self-centered that even a century-old European anti-semitic forgery is considered an attack on Islam. (h/t Michal) |
PA accuses Hamas of politicizing Gaza fuel crisis Posted: 22 Feb 2012 08:43 AM PST From Ma'an: The chair of the Palestinian Authority energy authority Omar Kittana says the Hamas-run government in the Gaza Strip is politicizing the electricity crisis in an attempt to score political points.The only "official" crossings would be Kerem Shalom or a revamped commercial Rafah crossing that doesn't exist yet. I don't know how difficult it would be to transfer that amount of fuel through trucks every day at Rafah; my guess is that it would impact on civilian traffic through the crossing. A Palestine Today article says that the fuel could be transferred either through Rafah or through Kerem Shalom. Hamas had already rejected having the fuel go through Israel - something Egypt originally proposed - but there is really little choice at the moment. Reading between the lines, it looks like Hamas caved and will allow the fuel to go through Israel. A couple of hours after I wrote this, I see that Ma'an's article was revised to verify what I wrote: Currently the only terminals designated for fuel are via Israel, but the Hamas government in Gaza has been bypassing them for over a year by pumping gas through tunnels from the Sinai. The draft agreement would resume transferring fuel through the Israeli crossings, which are more stable than the tunnels. |
Iranian scientist's goal was "the annihilation of Israel": wife Posted: 22 Feb 2012 07:30 AM PST From Iran's official FARS News, all but admitting that there is a nuclear weapons program: The wife of Martyr Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast, who was assassinated by Mossad agents in Tehran in January, reiterated on Tuesday that her husband sought the annihilation of the Zionist regime wholeheartedly.Ahmadi-Roshan was officially the deputy director at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility. So an Iranian nuclear scientist had a life goal of destroying Israel. He seemed to know quite well why he was enriching uranium, and he enthusiastically shared this information with his wife. And Iran is proud enough to share this little tidbit on an official news site. (h/t Andreas and others) |
Azerbaijan terrorists were targeting Israeli ambassador (UPDATED) Posted: 22 Feb 2012 06:10 AM PST A followup on yesterday's report on Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists caught in Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan has arrested two men suspected of plotting to attack prominent foreigners in the former Soviet republic.So this was the fourth Iranian attempt to murder Israeli diplomats we know of in the past couple of weeks. For its part, Iran has ramped up its own rhetoric against Azerbaijan, claiming that it is a haven for Mossad agents. Meanwhile, new news from attempt #3 in Thailand: The Iranian terrorists targeting Israeli facilities in Bangkok planned to use $27 portable radios to hide their explosives, ABC News reported Tuesday. (h/t Yoel, Ian) UPDATE: The Azerbaijan article and video above was actually from before the other three incidents. In fact, it foreshadowed them. Yesterday's arrest was a different set of terrorists. From NZ Herald: Piece by piece, the tools for an alleged Iranian-directed murder team were smuggled into Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea. A sniper rifle with silencer. Pistols. Sixteen pieces of plastic explosives and detonators. (h/t/ CHA) |
Meanwhile, Pakistanis have a US-Israeli-Indian conspiracy theory... Posted: 22 Feb 2012 03:51 AM PST A straight news story in The Nation (Pakistan): US, Israel, India responsible for killings in BalochistanInsanity is apparently the hottest fashion in Pakistan. I don't know if the paper is government-run; the article sure reads the way that Syria's SANA "news" agency articles sound. (h/t Philtheman) |
PLO celebrates the wedding of a murderer Posted: 22 Feb 2012 01:44 AM PST Marwan Abu Rumaila, 41, is one of the murderers released during the Shalit deal. He was serving two life sentences for murder and attempted murder. Walid Aqel, 49, is another released murderer. We was serving 16 life sentences for his part in fatal terror attacks. Aqel and Rumalia, were deported to Turkey, along with a few other of the worst terrorists. Rumalia just married Aqel's niece in Ankara. Here is the wedding invitation, taken from Rumaila's Facebook page. The wedding was a must-attend event for everyone who loves terror and terrorists. Among the attendees was the PLO ambassador to Turkey, along with community leaders and officials. |
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