Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest |
- Another Israeli TV show being retooled for the US
- UC Davis Jewish Studies Dept. hosts an academic fraud
- PLO admits it will lose the UN vote
- Syrian Mufti threatens West - but says it nicely
- The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions is released
- Iran: "Western 'soft war' uses media, narcotics, sex"
- Apparently, the US does not accept the Green Line
- Anti-semitic Iranian film is a hit
- Miniature Christian prayer box found in Jerusalem
- Journalists agree to not embarrass Sarkozy, Obama over Netanyahu quotes
- Guardian travel writer says Zionists colluded with Hitler
Another Israeli TV show being retooled for the US Posted: 08 Nov 2011 10:30 PM PST From Deadline Hollywood: The CW has bought Danny Hollywood, an hourlong project based on the successful Israeli half-hour series of the same name. Easy A writer Bert V Royal is writing the adaptation and is executive producing with Mark Harmon, Eric & Kim Tannenbaum and Martha Haight for CBS TV Studios. In the time travel fantasy-musical, a young documentary filmmaker travels back in time in order to prevent the death of her '90s musical idol Danny Hollywood, and finds that the story is even more complicated than she thought. In the original, created and produced by Tmira Yardeni and Ori Gross, the 21st century documentary filmmaker travels back to 1968. The series aired 200 episodes on Yes Stars channel, more than tripping the channel's average viewership over its run and garnering a 12% market share — six times the channel average — for its finale. Here's a trailer created after season 1 in Israel. It looks like a fun show. Wow, the Zionists really are taking over Hollywood. (Although the American adaptation of Traffic Light [Ramzor] was pretty bad and was mercifully canceled very quickly.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UC Davis Jewish Studies Dept. hosts an academic fraud Posted: 08 Nov 2011 07:19 PM PST A very disturbing article by Gail Rubin at BlueTruth: Some UC Jewish Studies programs seem to be part of the growing problem of anti-Israel and anti-Zionist bias on UC campuses. Consider the lecture sponsored by the UC Davis [UCD] Jewish Studies Program on October 21st.She has more about the more general issue of problems at UC Davis' Jewish Studies that is worth reading, but I would like to concentrate on Achcar. In July 2010, I looked a little at Achcar's book. Immediately I saw that his claim that Arab anti-semitism was a reaction to alleged Zionist expulsion of Palestinian Arab farmers, or as Rubin describes him at UCD saying that it only started after 1920, is laughable. The first Arab attack on Jews in Palestine was in 1886 in Petah Tikva, a community built on swampland that did not displace any Arab. A quote from an 1874 travelogue says ""Men in Palestine call their fellows 'Jew,' as the very lowest of all possible words of abuse." From the Saturday Magazine, 1840: The most distressed position in which the Algerine Jews have been placed, was when the country was under the military despotism of the Janissaries. Often when the Janissaries met them in the streets, they would beat and otherwise ill-treat them, without their daring to offer the least resistance; and their only resource was, to run away if they could. If any one among them dared to complain, the Cadi would ask the offending Turk why he had struck the Jew. "Because he spoke ill of our holy religion," would be the reply. This sealed the poor Jew's doom; he was immediately put to death, and his property confiscated to the State. When a Jew went to a fountain, he was obliged to wait until every Mahometan had left it, before he presumed to take a drop of water. A Jew passing before a mosque was often butchered by the populace, if he chanced to turn his head towards the sacred building. The Jews were excluded from all public places frequented by the Mahometans, with the occasional exception of the bazaars. When a Jew met a Turk in the street, he was obliged to salute him by bowing his head almost to the ground. The Turk would enter a Jew's house, eat, drink, insult the family, and take away anything he had a fancy to, without the master of the house daring to offer any remonstrance. Another book from 1857, talking about Jews in Sanaa: These poor people are awfully oppressed. The Jew is the object of continued insult and oppression. If he passes through the streets, the very beggars may knock him down, and he dare not venture to resent the insult. He is even not allowed to call a Mohammedan by his true name, but in addressing him must give him the title, "My Lord." While Arab anti-semitism was and still is far different from Christian anti-semitism, it was real and obvious to many observers who came through Arab areas in the 19th century. It is also worth noting, however, that Palestinian Christians imbibed in traditional Christian anti-semitism and in no small part influenced their Muslim neighbors in the decades that followed. But Achcar is far worse than just being selective in his history. As I proved in my earlier post, he actually frequents anti-semitic websites and used at least one quote in this book that was directly lifted from neo-Nazi literature - the proof being that he misspelled the name of the source in the same way that countless neo-Nazi sites do. And his interest in insulting anyone who asks hard questions did not start at UC Davis; he acted in a similar way at a talk he gave with another fraud of a historian, Shlomo Sand, at SOAS. Why would UC Davis Jewish Studies Department give any respect for a quasi-historian who gives no respect to his adversaries or even to the truth itself? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PLO admits it will lose the UN vote Posted: 08 Nov 2011 04:58 PM PST From AP: The Palestinian foreign minister admits for the first time there is not enough support in the U.N. Security Council for recognition of a Palestinian state,According to the current thinking, here is how the voting would go:
The next question is - what is their Plan B? Dismantling the PA? Another threat by Abbas to quit? Swallowing their pride and going to the General Assembly? Because one thing is for sure. They have no plans to return to serious negotiations that would necessitate their compromising in order to get a state that even Israel would vote for. No, their need for independence is not that pressing. They prefer stunts to peace. Speaking of....what's going to happen to that symbolic chair that went on a world tour? Or, for that matter, that giant UN chair shown off in Ramallah? I hope they end up on eBay. (h/t CHA) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Syrian Mufti threatens West - but says it nicely Posted: 08 Nov 2011 01:45 PM PST From Gulf News: The influential Grand Mufti of Syria, Shaikh Ahmad Hassoun, was quoted as saying on Monday that President Bashar Al Assad may return to practising ophthalmology after he implements promised reforms.Why, he sounds so moderate! But then... The Grand Mufti also warned against NATO intervention in Syria saying it "could lead to disaster and suicide bombings in western countries".Hmmm. And who would be responsible for such a terror spree? For that, we must go back an entire month: Syria's top Sunni Muslim cleric has warned Western countries against military intervention, threatening to retaliate with suicide bombings in the United States and Europe if his country comes under attack.To the Western media, he uses a passive voice ("could lead to...") but to Muslim women he makes it clear who would make the decision to fight with terrorism ("we will prepare suicide bombers....") If I didn't know that Islam was the religion of peace, I would have thought that this Grand Mufti was threatening the West with terrorism against innocent civilians. Notice also that Hassoun clearly considers Lebanon to be just a part of Syria. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions is released Posted: 08 Nov 2011 11:08 AM PST The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program has been released. It details evidence, both direct and indirect, that Iran is actively working on all stages of a nuclear weapons program. The summary: 52. While the Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material at the nuclear facilities and LOFs declared by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement, as Iran is not providing the necessary cooperation, including by not implementing its Additional Protocol, the Agency is unable to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities. The specifics are found in the annexes, which go through much detail on what is necessary to create nuclear weapons and specific evidence of how Iran is shown to be engaged in every one of those activities:
Intriguingly, the report alludes to some information that seems to have been obtained via espionage: A Member State provided the Agency experts with access to a collection of electronic files from seized computers belonging to key members of the network at different locations. That collection included documents seen in Libya, along with more recent versions of those documents, including an up-dated electronic version of the uranium metal document.Altogether, the IAEA has pieced together a very convincing - if sometimes irritatingly circumstantial - argument that Iran has been, and still is, actively working to develop nuclear weapons. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iran: "Western 'soft war' uses media, narcotics, sex" Posted: 08 Nov 2011 10:29 AM PST From Iran's PressTV via MEMRI. No translation needed! So if I am reading this correctly, Iran's leaders consider their own message so weak that a TV show can counter decades of propaganda. And who is behind Hollywood and the media again? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apparently, the US does not accept the Green Line Posted: 08 Nov 2011 09:10 AM PST From AP yesterday: The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a Jerusalem-born boy's challenge to U.S. State Department policy that prevents him from having his passport show he was born in Israel.While the case is very interesting on a number of legal and political levels, there is one important aspect that is being downplayed. Menachem Zivotofsky was born on the western side of the Green Line. Whenever you hear anyone claim that the Green Line represents "internationally recognized boundaries" - which it never did - ask yourself why exactly the world does not recognize the parts of Jerusalem under Israeli control since 1948 to be officially part of Israel. Whenever you hear that American leaders follow their "Zionist masters," ask yourself why both the current and previous administrations were so dead-set against recognizing any part of Jerusalem as being in Israel. People who insist that Israel withdraw to "pre-1967 lines" seem to be selective in recognizing Israel's claim to the western side of that same line. Either the Green Line is a fiction or it isn't. Saying that even the western part of Jerusalem is not part of Israel - the official White House position for the past two administrations - is a fundamentally inconsistent position with stated US policy, and it makes one wonder how much Israel should trust its best friend. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anti-semitic Iranian film is a hit Posted: 08 Nov 2011 08:00 AM PST From Walla: An Iranian film with anti-Semitic insinuations is recently gaining much publicity in Iran. "Saturday's Hunter", a film originally screened at a film festival in Tehran, is featured in many publications, local television networks and social networks.
Here are two Farsi-language trailers: (h/t Yoel) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Miniature Christian prayer box found in Jerusalem Posted: 08 Nov 2011 06:50 AM PST From Ha'aretz:
Of course, this object - from the 6th century CE - predates Islam. And isn't it interesting that it was found in the City of David archaeological dig? Anti-Zionists like to charge that Israel's archaeology, and City of David in particular, is politically-motivated and meant only to find Jewish objects. Yet these hateful Zionists seem quite proud to have discovered a Christian relic. And those Zionist archaeologists find and publicize Islamic-era finds all the time as well. (h/t Dan) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Journalists agree to not embarrass Sarkozy, Obama over Netanyahu quotes Posted: 08 Nov 2011 05:25 AM PST From YNet: French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that he could not "stand" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that he thinks the Israeli premier "is a liar."This is a big story, and others are all over it. But there is another troubling aspect to the story that is being overlooked. The conversation happened on November 3rd. The story was only reported yesterday, November 7th, and then only because a French media watchdog website broke the story. Which means that none of the journalists who were there reported about this explosive story. Why not? The surprising lack of coverage may be explained by a report alleging that journalists present at the event were requested to sign an agreement to keep mum on the embarrassing comments. A Reuters reporter was among the journalists present and can confirm the veracity of the comments.Ah, so it was an ethical thing. Because of "sensitivity." While I cannot find anything in the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics to preclude reporting on a story like this, I guess we should trust their judgment that some open mic stories are fair game and others are way over the line. (There was another time that Obama kept his mic open and journalists reported on what he said, but he didn't say anything embarrassing.) Under the same circumstances, these ethical journalists would no doubt have kept quiet about similarly indiscreet comments from, say, George W. Bush or Dick Cheney, and they would have happily signed an agreement muzzling them from reporting them. And there would have been no news reports about how outrageous it is for world leaders to demand that something embarrassing to them be kept quiet. (h/t amiyena for Bush link) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guardian travel writer says Zionists colluded with Hitler Posted: 08 Nov 2011 02:25 AM PST CiFWatch uncovers a tweet from Guardian travel writer Gail Simmons that explains a lot about the world view - and journalistic standards - of the anti-Israel Left. The link takes you to the Neturei Karta "Jews Against Zionism" website. It seems curious that a writer for a major British publication would uncritically link to a heavily-footnoted article by a set of seemingly ultra-religious Jews who have generally never stepped foot in a library in their lives. In fact, the article is clearly filled with bogus quotes that were liberally taken from neo-Nazi websites, quotes we have seen before (one example here where the source is badly misspelled so we can trace its origins back to a book by a notorious Holocaust-denier.) Now, why would a journalist - even a travel writer - uncritically believe an article on a fringe website? Is she so bereft of critical thinking skills that she cannot distinguish between scholarship and hate propaganda? Does she really think that the existence of footnotes automatically proves the worthiness of an article written by a madman? Is she that stupid? No, the answer is that Gail Simmons already had made up her mind that Zionism and Nazism are equivalent. Her seething hate precedes her interest in the truth. So since she already "knew" the truth, all she has to do is do a quick web search for "Nazi Zionism" and choose the very first hit that confirms her preconceived bigotry! The Israel-haters have no real facts to back themselves up, but there are plenty of similarly heavily-footnoted pieces they can find at anti-semitic, ultra-right and ultra-left websites written by crazed haters. Why use critical thought when someone else already seems to have done the job for you? (h/t jzaik) |
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