יום רביעי, 30 בנובמבר 2011

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

The Forward reveals that Stand With Us is - gasp! - right of center!

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 08:47 PM PST

Here's another Forward expose, this one written by Nathan Guttman, where they find out that a pro-Israel organization is somewhat to the right of the Forward!

Shocking, I know:
[I]n a time characterized by burning debate among Jews regarding what it means to be pro-Israel, SWU's stance has provoked some strong criticism. Those who claim to be Zionists and supporters of Israel while publicly criticizing its government's policies towards the Palestinians, says Rothstein, are not supporters at all. For SWU, said [SWU founder Roz] Rothstein, supporting Israel means "respect[ing] the elected government of Israel."

Rothstein rejects the claims of critics who say this constitutes a right-wing agenda. But a close look at SWU's learning material and talking points reveals a right of center narrative on issues relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Rothstein said that SWU welcomes any pro-Israel view. But in an interview with the Forward she explained that she does not consider the dovish lobby J Street as pro-Israel because "they are lobbying this country to pressure the government of Israel to change its policy."
StandWithUs has also been active in opposing West Coast communities hosting a speaking tour of Israeli soldiers who speak out against the occupation.
So in The Forward's view of the world, a rightist pro-Israel organization must accept the leftist narrative as equally valid - but where are the Forward articles demanding that J-Street allow Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to speak at their events, or that left-wing Jewish groups not protest Israeli speakers on campus?

Apparently, The Forward's indignation goes only one way.

One of the oldest tricks in the media book is to hide the reporter's opinions behind a supposed "expert." We saw it in the last hit piece against Zionists we looked at from the Forward, and Guttman doesn't fail us here:

"I think their attitude does harm to Israel," said Steven M. Cohen, Research Professor of Jewish Social Policy at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. "If we adopt a view that we support anything official Israel says then we'll deprive Israel of the benefit of our good advice and discourage Jewish Americans from being involved in the discourse over Israel."

Cohen, who has conducted extensive research into the opinions of American Jews on Israel, said that to win the PR war, "we need outspoken Zionists from all camps." Cohen believes this discussion should include even representatives from the far left, as well as the right-wing Hilltop Youth settlers.

So Roz Rothstein has an opinion. Steven Cohen has his. The Forward makes clear which side they are on.

The only problem is that Steven Cohen's, and The Forward's, opinions are meant specifically to weaken Israeli democracy. The entire purpose of J-Street is to circumvent Israeli democracy by using outside money and outside pressure to, frankly, change the government to one that they find more palatable. Israeli electorate be damned.

I do not recall StandWithUs protesting against Israeli policy under Kadima, so StandWithUs is consistent in its support of the democratically elected Israeli government's decisions, no matter what its orientation.

Not to say that Jews outside Israel cannot make their opinions known, or that they cannot criticize Israel. But lobbying against the Israeli government is not merely expressing an opinion; it is an attempt to interfere with and undermine a democratically elected government.

Sorry, but that cannot be considered "pro-Israel" by any definition.

If Steven Cohen or any American Jewish leftist doesn't want Israel to be deprived of their "good advice" (as if they can advise anything that Israel's Left hasn't thought of)  there is a simple solution that every Zionist, left or right, would wholeheartedly support: They can make Aliyah.

The rest of the article is just smarmy, as the Forward brings facts about SWU that are perfectly ethical and above-board and paints them as vaguely underhanded:
SWU supporters also keep an eye on pro-Palestinian campus activists. In the case involving 11 students at University of California, Irvine, who interrupted a speech of Israeli ambassador Michael Oren, it was an SWU videotape of the protestors that led to their arrest.
Pro-Israel organizations usually take special care not be seen as operating on behalf of the Israeli government, since that would require their registration as foreign agents under the Foreign Agent Registration Act. StandWithUs stressed it did not receive any payment from the Israeli government for the Ayalon video or for any of its other activities. And Craig Holeman, an expert on U.S. lobbying laws, said it was unlikely federal law would require a group like SWU to register as a foreign agent. Holeman, a government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen, a citizen rights advocacy organization, said that a group focused on public education, as SWU is, and which does not receive funds from a foreign government, does not need to register as a foreign agent.
And who even intimated that SWU should register as a foreign agent to begin with? Why, Nathan Guttman of The Forward!

Stand With Us is probably the single best proponent for Israel in the US today. Unlike The Forward, SWU is unapologetically Zionist.

Which is the real reason the Forward writes such pieces of drivel to begin with. They are simply uncomfortable that some people love Israel without reservation.

So they must spare no effort in trying to rid the world of such proud Zionists, to assuage their own discomfort.

(Disclaimer: StandWithUs has used some of my posters/graphics in their materials and they have compensated me. And I can tell you Roz Rothstein has personally rejected quite a few of my posters for being too far to the right.)

Why would anyone think this is a hate crime?

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 06:36 PM PST

From The Gothamist:

More details have emerged about the man who was stabbed on a Park Slope subway yesterday—while initial reports said that the incident occurred on the G train, the Daily News says it was an F train, and the spat began over some anti-Semitic comments.

Emil Benjamin, a loan broker from Bensonhurst, was on a southbound F train approaching the 4th Avenue/9th Street station around 10 p.m. Monday night when two men reportedly started taunting him, saying "You're nobody, you Jewish bastard." The men attacked, and Benjamin fought back, even as the doors opened and the fight carried over the platform. "They were on my from both sides," said Benjamin, who didn't even realize that he had been stabbed in the back and the thigh until his jeans were soaked with blood. He was taken to Lutheran Medical Center and has since been released.

Cops busted Rafael Padin, 22, and Jose Santos, 18, shortly after the attack, and charged them with assault. Padin, who left his knife on the platform after the attack, was also charged with criminal possession of a weapon. Police said they are not investigating the incident as a hate crime. Benjamin, for one, knows his verdict: "They are punks," he said of the attackers. "A real tough guy only needs his fists."
Other New York media didn't mention the "Jewish bastard" part.

(h/t Vandoren)

It's Buy Israel Week!

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 02:39 PM PST

This is an interesting initiative to buy Israeli goods this week. It seems to be more like a Groupon-type site, along with some local deals (at least in the US.)

Nicely done, check it out!

Secularists, Salafists clash at Tunisia university

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 01:08 PM PST

From AFP:
Hundreds of demonstrators calling for women to be allowed to wear the Muslim veil in class clashed with students at a university outside Tunis on Tuesday for the second day running.

Protesters wearing the veil and bearded men wearing the Muslim tunic shouted "God Is Great", facing other students responding "Islamists, Go Home."

The demonstration at the University of Manouba, west of Tunis, came a day after a group of Salafists disrupted classes there, demanding a stop to mixed-sex classes and for female students to wear full-face veils.

"A group of Salafists, dressed like Afghans, have been camped in front of my office since early afternoon," Habib Kazdaghli, the dean of faculty at the University of Manuba, told AFP on Monday.

Tutors and union representatives voted at a general assembly on Tuesday to go on strike Thursday in protest at the incidents.

Several students and teaching staff said demonstrators were not enrolled at the university, and many were allegedly "agitators" from working-class neighbourhoods near the Manouba campus.

"This is not what the revolution was about," one student said.

Two officials of the Islamist Ennahda party which swept to power in October 23 elections were involved in attempts to resolve the crisis.

Pro-headscarf demonstrators denied they were Salafists, a fundamentalist branch of Islam, and said they had not asked for mixed-sex classes to be stopped.

"We want two things: a prayer room inside the faculty and the right for girls wearing the headscarf to sit exams and attend classes," said Anis Rezgui, a first-year student.
The article mixes up veils and headscarves. From an earlier Reuters article, I believe that it is only the veil that is banned at Tunisian universities.

Jordanian op-ed sets record for amount of anti-semitism in one article

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 12:09 PM PST

This columnist in Jordan's Al Arab al Yawm, Asad al-Azzouni, manages to hit every major anti-semitic stereotype about Jews - and create a couple of new ones - in a pretty short op-ed.

MEMRI gives us the translation:

Israel is a peace rejectionist. That much is obvious. But what people don't know is the reason for this – namely, that Jews and peace are generally incompatible.

[The Jews] are the epitome of corruption, and this is what caused the Christian West to commit inhuman acts [against them] and to violate international laws. I am referring to the [West's] scheme to expel the Palestinians from their land and hand it over to the Jews as their national homeland...

The Christian West was repulsed by the Jews, their plots, their licentiousness and their [practice of exacting] usury, and decided to get rid of them, not knowing that they would encircle the whole West in a Christian-Zionist noose, bind everyone in shackles of humiliation and control, and pass freedom-limiting laws, such as the law [against] antisemitism.

None of the wars and conflicts in the world would have started if it weren't for the Jews, who scheme in the darkness to start fires in [various] countries and instigate conflict among people. What is written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is perhaps [the best] proof that they [work to] prevent peace from prevailing between the ruler and his subjects. They form groups that establish ties with both sides and incite each against the other, warning the ruler against his citizens and [at the same time] urging the citizens: 'rise up against your oppressive ruler.'

It was the Jews who invented the position of secretary – in order to create a buffer between bosses and their subordinates… [They also invented] the legal profession in order to exonerate oppressors and oppress the innocent. They are behind all [forms of] corruption, and they are not happy unless they are [instigating] wars.

The Jews cannot live with others, regardless of their identity, and that is why they invented [their] ghettos and fortresses. During their heyday in Europe, they lived in special neighborhoods of their own, and in the Arabian Peninsula, before the advent of Islam, they lived in fortified compounds, which explains why [today] they choose to build their West Bank settlements on the tops of the hills and the mountains.

Their tanks and [fighter] jets also [serve them as] fortresses. The way they arm and equip themselves indicates the extent of their cowardice...

But in confrontations without tanks and jets, they are transformed from ferocious lions into helpless rabbits. This was clearly evident in the [1968] Battle of Karama [in Jordan], in the battles in South [Lebanon] and during the siege on Beirut. May God curse those who strengthened [the Jews] while weakening themselves.

For Israel, war is an opportunity to gain sympathy by any means. During the 1960s, there was a German film which showed 22 men dressed as Arabs, armed with swords and [other] weapons, surrounding a beautiful half-naked girl who was crying for help. At the end of the film, a caption appeared saying 'Save Israel'! [When] the lights came on in the theatre, pretty half-naked girls would pass [through the audience] with collection boxes labeled 'Donate to Israel!'

They twist every situation to their own advantage, [including] statements by Arab and Muslim leaders... They market [these statements] to the West as threats against Israel, and the West – which fears that the Arabs might defeat Israel, forcing [the Jews] to return to their [countries] of origin – is thus forced to support Israel, materially, morally and politically.

Israel understands very well that if it allows the Arabs' feebleness to be understood as peace, the West – including even the Jews that refuse to emigrate [to Israel] but [nevertheless] support it – will withdraw [its support]… That is why [Israel] fights every effort to make peace, and deals daily blows to the Arabs who call for peace and aspire to it... That is why it has decided to keep the flame of threat and tension burning in the region.

We have seen how Israel continues its aggression in the Gaza Strip, though Hamas is calling for a tahdiah and wants a long-term ceasefire with the enemy, and is [even] keeping other factions from carrying out armed operations against Israeli targets. [In fact,] if nobody [threatens] it, it will instruct its own agents to carry out deliberate terrorism against civilian Israeli targets, so that it can scream bloody murder [and tell] the West that the Arabs are not interested in peace with it, and that it needs urgent help in order to defend its citizens. For it knows that the West, terrified of the possibility that the Jews might come back, will meet its demands.

One of the commenters actually took the author to task for promoting racism, saying there were some good Jews. Like Mordechai Vanunu.

Two more data points for the clueless Karl Vicks of the world

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 11:00 AM PST

Yesterday I wrote about how Time magazine's Karl Vick was wedded to the idea of a moderating Hamas despite all evidence to the contrary.

Since then, Hamas' "political wing" member Sheikh Salah Aruri has emphasized that terrorism is a "right":
Our agreement with Fatah has nothing to do with the rest of our choices and our visions. We remain with our previous position, that all forms of resistance are a right and duty, with no restrictions on the resistance.
And Khaled Abu Toameh, the Arab that the liberals love to ignore even though his track record is orders of magnitude better than theirs, writes:
Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal have twice lied to the Palestinians in the past six months.

The first time was in May, when the two men announced in Cairo that they had reached a "historic" reconciliation agreement to end their differences and form a unity government. The second time was last week, when they met once again in the Egyptian capital and declared that they had agreed to open a new page in their relations and work as partners.
Palestinian Arab leaders lying? That concept is way too foreign for the intelligentsia who know that what they say in English must be the absolute truth.

(h/t Silke)

November 1947: Arab "students" attack Western offices

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 09:55 AM PST

In the wake of the Iranian "students" attacking the British embassy in Iran today, here is what was happening in the Middle East on November 30, 1947:

Wow, who knew students were so violent?

Then again....

Religious quasi-police group organizes in Tunisia

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 08:55 AM PST

A self-declared "Association of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" is being organized in Tunisia, in what appears to be patterned after the religious police in Saudi Arabia.

The organizers hope to create an Islamic legal authority that stands on its own and does not depend on rulings from imams in other countries.

While Tunisian law does not allow for the creation of political parties on a purely religious basis, this is not a political party.

Secularists in Tunisia are fearful that the group will start intimidating or forcing people to go to prayer services, or to stop eating during Ramadan.

The leader of the movement denies any intent to be like the Saudi religious police.

Praise for Bin Laden, threats to Jews in Tahrir Square

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 07:45 AM PST

MEMRI translated the video showing cleric Tawfik al-Afni in Tahrir Square on November 18:

Tawfiq Al-Afni (in interview): First of all, Islamic law is the only source for legislation. 
In addition, I would like to say to the whole world that the Prophet Muhammad prophesized that the return of Islam was inevitable. Why do they fear Islam? When Islam rules, justice, compassion, and goodness will prevail. So why do people fear Islam? 
I say to the people who fear Islam: Are you thieves that should fear the chopping off of hands? Are you alcohol-drinkers that you should fear being flogged? 
On stage:
Sheik Osama Bin Laden is a man who waged Jihad for the sake of Allah, and we pray that Allah will unite us with him and the martyrs in Paradise. My brothers, in Islam, we say with great pride that we adhere to the Jihad for the sake of Allah… 
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Allah Akbar.
Tawfiq Al-Afni: We are not waging Jihad for worldly benefits or for positions. By Allah, we have only come to pledge our allegiance to Islam. We wage Jihad for the sake of Allah and the Koran. 
We respond to Your call. Please turn our skulls into a ladder for your glory. 
Crowd: We respond to Your call. Please turn our skulls into a ladder for your glory.
Tawfiq Al-Afni: We say to infidel America: By Allah, if you contemplate coming to Egypt, you will encounter men who love death more than you Americans love life… 
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Allah Akbar.
Tawfiq Al-Afni: I say to the Jews: if you contemplate harming Egypt or its Muslim people, you will encounter men who seek death more than you seek life…
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Allah Akbar.
Man in crowd: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is here. 
Crowd: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is here.
Man in crowd: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is here. 
Crowd: Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is here. 
Tawfiq Al-Afni: Oh Allah, grant us martyrdom for your sake.
Crowd: Amen.
Tawfiq Al-Afni: Say with me: [The revolution] is Islamic, Islamic…
Crowd: Islamic, Islamic… 
Tawfiq Al-Afni: It is Islamic, Islamic…
Crowd: Islamic, Islamic… 
Tawfiq Al-Afni: It is neither Eastern nor Western…
Crowd: Neither Eastern nor Western…
Tawfiq Al-Afni: It is neither Jewish nor American…
Crowd: Neither Jewish nor American… 
Tawfiq Al-Afni: You return, oh Islam…
Crowd: You return, oh Islam… 
Tawfiq Al-Afni: You will rule, oh Koran…
Crowd: You will rule, oh Koran… 

Iranian "students" storm British embassy in Tehran

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 06:34 AM PST

From NYT:

In the latest sign of deteriorating relations with the West, a group of Iranian protesters stormed the British Embassy compound in Tehran on Tuesday, chanting "death to England," tearing down a British flag and ransacking offices, according to British officials and images broadcast live on state-run Iranian television.

One Iranian news agency said six embassy workers had been taken hostage , but withdrew the report from its Web site minutes later with no explanation, Reuters reported. The semi-official Mehr news agency initially said: "Students from universities in Tehran took hostage six people working for the British embassy in Qolhak garden," referring to the compound that protesters stormed earlier on Tuesday.

The episode came a day after Iran enacted legislation to downgrade relations with Britain in retaliation for intensified sanctions imposed by Western nations last week to punish the Iranians for their suspected nuclear development program. Britain promised to respond "robustly."

The British Foreign Office in London said in a statement Tuesday that there had been an "incursion by a significant number of demonstrators into our embassy premises, including vandalism to our property."
Iran's Mehr News says:
Iranian students stormed the British Embassy compound in Tehran on Tuesday, smashing windows and setting the British flag on fire during a protest against new sanctions imposed on Iran by Britain.

Protesters threw petrol bombs and one waved a framed picture of Queen Elizabeth apparently found inside the compound, the Iranian TV showed.

The incident followed London's imposition of new sanctions on the Islamic Republic last week over its nuclear program.
In 1979, during the Islamic revolution in Iran, the protesters were usually referred to as "students."

November 29, 1947: Arab nations continue to plan division of Palestine

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 06:15 AM PST

As a follow-up to this post from Sunday:

From the Palestine Post, November 30, 1947:

Again, no Arab nation is talking about accepting a Palestinian Arab state! It's as if they didn't think that Palestinian Arabs were a nation.

You can almost imagine them saying words to the effect that there were no such thing as a "Palestinian people" in 1947.

So when the UN declared in 1977  that November 29 should be considered an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, they must have had in mind the previous thirty years of cynical use of the Palestinian Arab cause by the Arab nations who never had any interest in their Palestinian brethren except as pawns to hurt Israel.

Foreign Policy praises a lying conspiracy theorist as a "global thinker"

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 04:50 AM PST

Foreign Policy magazine put out their annual list of Top 100 Global Thinkers, and coming in at #28 are Mahmoud Abbas and Salam Fayyad, "for forging a path between violence and surrender."
"Enough, enough, enough." With those words at the U.N. General Assembly, Mahmoud Abbas finally stepped out of Yasir Arafat's shadow and began to build his own legacy as a Palestinian nationalist. Abbas, who has guided the Palestinian Authority through nearly seven post-Arafat years, took the bold step in 2011 of giving voice to Palestinians' widespread exasperation with a 20-year "peace process" by taking their cause directly to the United Nations, where he appealed to the world's preeminent international body for recognition. The U.N. statehood gambit, conceived last winter after negotiations with Israel ground to a halt, may have been greeted with cries of dismay in Washington and Tel Aviv, but it galvanized the world's attention in a way that dozens of suicide bombers never could.

I never knew that repeatedly saying "no" to negotiations and adding condition after condition to peace talks makes someone a great thinker, but then again, I must not be as smart as the rocket scientists at Foreign Policy, who define "making serious compromises for peace" as "surrender."

After all, Abbas' speech at the UN was brilliant, just brilliant. It takes real skill to write a speech with dozens of lies and still be considered a serious statesman.  It takes brains to brag about intransigence in Arabic and pretend to be a peacemaker in English. And it takes a very high IQ to calculate that you can blatantly lie about what the leader of the free world said only a year before - and get a pass from place like Foreign Policy magazine.

The world needs to know that one of Foreign Policy's top global thinkers believes that Israelis raise and train wild dogs and boars to attack Palestinian Arabs.

One thing is for sure:

Abbas is a lot smarter than the folks at Foreign Policy.

Useless UNIFIL contradicts itself after Lebanon rocket fire into Israel

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 02:38 AM PST

From YNet:

One of the Katyushas
The IDF confirmed Tuesday that two Katyusha rockets were fired at the western Galilee from Lebanon on Monday night. No injuries were reported, but several structures sustained damage.

The IDF's Northern Command has been placed on high alert following the fire. The military stressed that Israel holds the Lebanese government responsible for the indicent.

Hezbollah sources denied any connection to the rocket fire. UNIFIL, which has a peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon, has launched an investigation into the incident, but a spokesman for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon was quoted by Beirut's radio as saying that "UNIFIL rejects reports suggesting any violation of UN Resolution 1701 and is working to restore normalcy."
Really? Rockets are fired into Israel and UNIFIL rejects the idea that there was a violation of 1701?

The UNIFIL website says the exact opposite:

UNIFIL radars detected firing of at least one rocket into Israel shortly after midnight last night from the general area of Rumaysh in south Lebanon. Israeli authorities indicated to UNIFIL that a number of rockets impacted in northern Israel.

The IDF returned artillery fire directed at the location from where the rocket fire originated.

At this time, no casualties have been reported from either side. There has been no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

UNIFIL, in cooperation with the parties, is currently investigating on the ground to determine the facts and circumstances of the incident as well as to locate the launching site of the rocket fire.

UNIFIL Force Commander Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas is maintaining close contact with the parties and has called for maximum restraint in order to prevent any escalation of the situation.

The Force Commander said: "This is a serious incident in violation of UN Security Council resolution 1701 and is clearly directed at undermining stability in the area. It is imperative to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of this attack and we will spare no efforts to this end working in cooperation with the LAF. Additional troops have been deployed on the ground and patrols have been intensified across our area of operations to prevent any further incidents."
So either UNIFIL has no clue what it is saying, or Beirut radio lies.

From all accounts, Hezbollah has an iron grip on southern Lebanon. The idea that some tiny armed group can get a hold of Katyushas and fire them without Hezbollah's knowledge is possible but seems unlikely.

Of course, the idea that the LAF or UNIFIL will be able to investigate this and find anything out is a lot more far-fetched.