יום שלישי, 20 בספטמבר 2011

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

Palestinian Arab rally for Syria FAIL

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 07:41 PM PDT

On Monday, there was a series of tweets from Joseph Dana, an anti-Zionist journalist who traveled to Ramallah to cover an important news story:

Demonstration in support of Syrian protesters about to start in Ramallah's Manara sqaure.

Protest in solidarity with the Syrian people slowly getting started in Ramallah

Palestinians are wearing shirts saying 'your blood (syrians) is our blood. You struggle is our struggle'

'Yalla, Leave Bashir' chants now in Ramallah

solidarity with syrian people rally is now marching through ramallah

More and more PA police are showing up. March has about 50 people but growing

Unfortunately, his breathless tweets of social action in Ramallah ended there.

So was there really a major demonstration against the murderous Assad regime? Did the rally grow into a major event? Did Palestinian Arabs actually show some selflessness and caring for people who are in worse shape than they are - for once?

I found a video of this giant rally that proves that Palestinian Arabs care deeply about other people besides themselves:


That's right - maybe a couple of dozen people, tops, showed up.

Compare this to, say, this rally put together by Islamic Jihad in October 2009 (a similar sized one was held last year):

If it was a Hamas rally, you could explain - they forced employees to go, they shut down schools, and so forth.

But this rally was for Islamic Jhad, a pure terrorist group with no political representation. And still they get tens of thousands to show up at any rally they set up.

I don't really expect the anti-Zionist left to make the observation that getting Palestinian Arabs to celebrate violence is much, much easier than getting them to condemn it. They will continue to cover non-events like what happened today and they will continue to ignore the massive support for terrorism that exists in the territories.

The sad fact is that the photo above represents far more Palestinian Arabs than the video taken on Monday. And there is nothing on the horizon that will change that.

Photo of an anti-semite on Wall Street

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 04:18 PM PDT

Today I happened to be on Wall Street, where there was some leftover anti-capitalist protesters from Saturday's fizzled out "Day of Rage." 

Here was one of the demonstrators:

I will declare that (for today at least) I was a Wall Street Jew. However I am not a Jewish billionaire (yet) and I believe that 3 out of the 5 Federal Reserve Board governors are Jewish. 

To help raise the SEO of this post, I will write the word "Jewish" a few more times, because, after all, this guy wants you to Google the word "Jewish" to find out our nefarious plots. 

It is a shame I was in a hurry to get somewhere when I saw him, or else I would have interviewed him. I would love to know what was the point of his sign, what he has against Jews, and what kind of job he holds that allows him to take a day off and rail against the Jews who supposedly have all money. 

Like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or the Walton family, who I imagine he thinks are hidden Jews. 

Those Sabbath-breaking settlers again

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 01:23 PM PDT

From the official Palestinian Arab WAFA "news" agency:
Extremist Jewish settlers Saturday set fire to Palestinian farms adjacent to the evacuated Homesh settlement, south of Jenin, said security sources.

They said 15 settlers broke into the area under Israeli army protection, verbally assaulting local residents and setting fire to fields near the settlement.
So not only are these fanatically religious extremist jewish settlers setting fires on their Sabbath - but the IDF is protecting them while they do it! (The same army that is fighting against the "price tag" attacks by some of these settlers!) And it must be true! Because "security sources" said so! And, of course, so did Mondoweiss!

(h/t Sylvia)

Photo essay of PRC terrorist training

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 11:58 AM PDT

Normally, Hamas media only focus on Hamas terror training. But they seem to be chummy with the Popular Resistance Committees, so Palestine Times has a photo essay of their training in Gaza:

You never know when you will need to stop blowing up Jews and  start praying.
Like now, for instance.

A "work accident" just waiting to happen.
What playground did they steal this from?
Allah hu akbar! We blew something up!

Nothing happens in Gaza without Hamas approval, and certainly no one can just start training in open space without Hamas allowing it. 

So when Hamas claims to not be engaging in terror lately, it is pretty much to allow idiots like richard Falk to believe them - but in reality, the PRC is just about a branch of Hamas. 

Hamas paper publishes anti-UNRWA editorial

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 10:40 AM PDT

The Hamas mouthpiece Palestine Times published an article this weekend accuding UNRWA of "killing religion" by not spending more time teaching the Koran and for hiring teachers of Islam who are not as fanatic as Hamas would like.

The author complains that UNRWA's Islamic education is being treated with the same seriousness as gym and far less than math or science. The teachers, he claims, are not experts in Islam and they teach it like just another subject, in ways that would not give the youngsters an adequate desire to grow up and kill Jews (a paraphrase, but that is what he is saying.)

In a followup article the author says that some teachers were not happy with what he had written, and he calls on them to - as much as they can without getting fired - disregard the official UNRWA curriculum and instill Islamist concepts into the students.

Notice that no one is saying that UNRWA schools - bankrolled by secular Western nations - are not teaching Islam. They are. The complaint is that they aren't doing it to the exacting standards of Hamas, as a springboard into teaching more hate.

Match of the century! Abbas vs. Zionist Pigs! (poster)

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 08:59 AM PDT

Last week, Mahmoud Abbas accused Jewish settlers of unleashing wild pigs against Palestinian Arabs.

While major news outlets may have ignored this perfect example of insane Palestinian Arab conspiracy theories wholeheartedly believed by their leaders, we here at EoZ know when there is a golden opportunity.

A major loss - Just Journalism is closing

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 08:19 AM PDT

Just Journalism is a fantastic, professional organization that exposes anti-Israel bias in the British media. They also managed to get op-eds published in a number of places. 

Perhaps even better, the anti-Israel crowd really, really hates them.

Unfortunately, they are shutting down.
We very much regret to inform you that Just Journalism is closing down. Despite our extremely modest budget it has become increasingly difficult to financially sustain the operation in the current economic environment.

We are extremely proud of the work we have produced since we launched and of the impact it has made all around the world. This would not have been possible without your help and support.
This is a major loss. It is a shame that anti-Israel NGOs can effortlessly gain funding from any number of foundations or nations, but the other side must beg for crumbs.

Israeli Jewish family donate daughter's lungs, heart to an Arab woman

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 07:35 AM PDT

Palestine Press Agency reports that a Jewish family has donated the lungs and heart of their brain-dead daughter to a Palestinian Arab woman from Nazareth.

The Jewish girl was killed in a traffic accident in early August. She was 18. Her family, named Ayyash, is of Moroccan origin.

The two families met in Nazareth over the weekend, and the Jewish family was overwhelmed to meet the woman within whose body their daughter's heart was beating.

An Arab doctor from the area urged more Israeli Arabs to donate organs, noting that there are far fewer Arab donors than Jewish ones. He also urged more Arab bone marrow donors.

$50 for Gazans to travel to Egypt via tunnel

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 06:42 AM PDT

Palestine Press Agency reports that due to the onerous restrictions on travel via the Rafah crossing, tunnel operators in Gaza are now competing to offer good rates for Gaza residents to visit Egypt.

The going rate is now bout $50.

Gazans are mostly limited to visiting Rafah and El Arish, because Egyptian security is carefully watching people leaving those areas.

The tunnel operators have even set up an committee to set up an informal visa-type system to ensure that the people crossing have legitimate need to visit the other side, because they don't want terrorists to use the tunnels which would get them shut down.

All of those rumors about Egypt shutting the tunnels down seem to have disappeared.

Abbas lies again - this time about Obama

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 05:17 AM PDT

From Ma'an:
President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday that he has not scheduled to meet with US President Barack Obama during the 66th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, but is open to the possibility.

"Neither I, nor Obama asked for a meeting, so I don't believe we will meet. However, if we meet, I will remind him that he promised last year that the state of Palestine would be a full member of the UN this year, and I came here on the grounds of the promise I heard," Abbas told a Ma'an delegate.
Did Obama promise a Palestinian Arab state?

Here are sections of the speech Abbas is referring to, to the UN General Assembly, on September 23, 2010:
Last year, I pledged my best efforts to support the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, as part of a comprehensive peace between Israel and all of its neighbors. We have travelled a winding road over the last 12 months, with few peaks and many valleys. But this month, I am pleased that we have pursued direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians in Washington, Sharm el Sheikh and Jerusalem.

...[W]e all have a choice to make. Each of us must choose the path of peace. Of course, that responsibility begins with the parties themselves, who must answer the call of history. Earlier this month at the White House, I was struck by the words of both the Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "I came here today to find a historic compromise that will enable both people to live in peace, security, and dignity." And President Abbas said, "We will spare no effort and we will work diligently and tirelessly to ensure these negotiations achieve their cause."

These words must now be followed by action and I believe that both leaders have the courage to do so. ...

The conflict between Israelis and Arabs is as old as this institution. And we can come back here next year, as we have for the last 60 years, and make long speeches about it. We can read familiar lists of grievances. We can table the same resolutions. We can further empower the forces of rejectionism and hate. And we can waste more time by carrying forward an argument that will not help a single Israeli or Palestinian child achieve a better life. We can do that.

Or, we can say that this time will be different -- that this time we will not let terror, or turbulence, or posturing, or petty politics stand in the way. This time, we will think not of ourselves, but of the young girl in Gaza who wants to have no ceiling on her dreams, or the young boy in Sderot who wants to sleep without the nightmare of rocket fire.

This time, we should draw upon the teachings of tolerance that lie at the heart of three great religions that see Jerusalem's soil as sacred. This time we should reach for what's best within ourselves. If we do, when we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the United Nations -- an independent, sovereign state of Palestine, living in peace with Israel.
Obama did not come close to promising anything. He said if the negotiations that just started that month would bear fruit, then by September 2011 there could be an agreement that would lead to an eventual Arab state in Palestine. And that ultimately it was up to the Palestinian Arabs and Israelis themselves to make such an agreement, not for it to be imposed externally.

Earlier this month, there have been Palestinian Arab radio ads that implied a promise from Obama, and Abbas was reported to have called it"the Obama promise."  But to have a putative head of state blatantly lie about what another head of state said publicly is a much bigger deal.

Yet again, Abbas is exposed as a liar. President Obama is being used by him. Will anyone in the media call him on it?

Turkish hackers deface PalArab websites thinking they were Israeli

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 03:10 AM PDT

From YNet:
Turkish hackers attacked dozens of Israeli websites over the weekend, only to find out that the sites belonged to Palestinians.

The confusion was caused due to the fact that the Palestinian sites, which have a .ps web suffix, use Israeli web servers.

"The hackers left anti-Israel messages on 70 Palestinian sites," said Shai Blitzblau, the head of Maglan-Computer Warfare and Network Intelligence Labs. "Most of them discovered it when it was already too late. Only after they broke in and sabotaged the websites did they found out these were Palestinian sites."

The message, which featured an image of an Israeli soldier washing blood off of his hands, read: "Because you voted on behalf of Israel on Blue (Mavi) Marmara report… We will suspend this site. You will apologize Netanyahu, you will apologize Israel."
This was not as sophisticated as the Turkish DNS attack earlier this month that redirected hundreds of sites (not all Israeli) that was seen as a "test run."

Web site defacement is sort of like spraying graffiti on the front door of a company. It looks bad but doesn't really affect anything.

 A DNS attack makes it difficult or impossible for customers to reach the company altogether.

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