יום שני, 8 באוגוסט 2011

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

PA rep in Tehran says Israel behind all evil; Hamas urges more terrorism

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 11:38 PM PDT

From FARS News:
Palestinian Ambassador to Tehran Salah al-Zawawi took the Zionist regime responsible for the miseries and damages inflicted on the Muslim world, and called on all Muslims to double their efforts to reinvigorate their unity and solidarity.

"Israel is the root cause of whatever (problem) is happening in the Muslim world and the problems of Muslims will not be solved, but through unity based on the holy Quran and (Prophet Mohammad's) tradition," Zawawi said in a meeting with Iranian Islamic Culture and Guidance Minister Seyed Mohammad Hosseini in Tehran on Saturday night.
 Or, as the NYT's Ethan Bronner would interpret it, "two state solution."

Meanwhile, another Iranian news agency quotes a Hamas leader:
Senior Hamas official Mushir al-Masri said that unleashing the West Bank resistance forces and ending security coordination is the best response against Israeli settlement.
I think that peace is right around the corner. If only Israel would make a few more concessions, these guys will be happy!

The mysterious "Yehud Chebr" Jews of Arabia, 1850

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:12 PM PDT

From Baptist Reporter and Missionary Intelligencer, Volume 29, 1855:
The Jewish Chronicle has an article descriptive of a singular tribe of the Jews, called "Yehud Chebr," said to be the descendants of the father-in-law of Moses. They live isolated, and avoid any intercourse whatever with the rest of the Jews. They are only to be found in Arabia, mostly on the eastern shore of the Red Sea, and are solely occupied with rearing cattle. In the environs of Tunbua, a sea-port on the eastern shore of the Red Sea, they are also found to be smiths, and to stand in commercial association, by barter, with the Arabian tribes, who call them "Irab Seb'th," i. e., Arabs who celebrate the sabbath. They are esteemed and feared everywhere, "for they are a giant-like people." They speak only Arabic and Hebrew. Thoir most particular wish is not to have any intercourse with the Jews; and if any one enters into conversation with them they quickly deny their descent, and say they are of a common Arabian origin. About twenty five years ago the sheriff of Zenaa decided on going a pilgrimage to Mecca. While going through the great sandy desert they missed their road. They found themselves destitute of provisions, and famine stared them in the face. At length they come upon a whole town with tents, and hastened up to it, hoping to be among their Arabian brethren. They approached a large and magnificent tent, and the ont-posts of their caravan cried out, "Water! water! ye brethren, or we die." An Arab stepped forth from the tent with an angry air, and called out, "Kelb (dog), who dares to call out thus in the hour of devotion?" But the Mahometan related the great distress of the party, and suppliantly asked for water. "Knowest thou," the Arab replied, "where thou so unseemly didst call out? This is the tent of our worthy Melek (king); we perform here the evening prayer, and we have been disturbed." The other looked into the tent, and saw a great assembly of Arabs, who were "gently whispering their prayers." The whole party were supplied with necessaries for their journey, and informed of the shortest road to Mecca. When they asked who their benefactors were, they received the abrupt answer, "Yehud Chebr." Since that time the sheriff of Zenaa has become a great friend to the Jews, and " treats our co-religionists with the greatest respect."
The source for this account seems to be an appendix in Joseph Schwarz's 1850 work "Descriptive Geography and Brief Historical Sketch of Palestine" which we have quoted before. Here is his entire description of this unknown tribe of Jews in what is now Saudi Arabia, a description I cannot find anywhere else in the Internet:

Under the name of Yehud Chebr are generally understood the descendants of Heber the Kenite 'חבר הקני , the father-in-law of Moses, or Jethro. " Now Heber the Kenite, who was of the children of Chobab, the father-in law of Moses, had severed himself from the Kenites" (Jud. iv. 1); they are also called בני רכב Bne' Rechab, " the Rechabites"—" These are the Kenites that came of Chemath, the father of the house of Rechab" (1 Chron. ii. 55). They abstain from wine, and only dwell in tents (Jer. xxxv. 8, 9). In Pesiktah Rabbethi xxxi., it is said ארץ הסינים בני יונדב בן רכב "The land of Sinim (of Isaiah xlix. 11), is the land of Jonadab the son of Rechab." From Bereshith Rabbah lii., it appears clearly that Sinim is the land of תימן Theman (the south), or Yemen in Arabia, which is verified to this day. There are many traces of them at present; but they live entirely isolated, will not be recognised, and shun, or rather hate, all intercourse and every connexion with the other Jews. They have nevertheless not escaped the searching look of our brothers.

They only sojourn in Arabia, and for the most part on the western shore of the Red Sea, and are engaged solely in the raising of cattle. In the vicinity of Junbua, a seaport on the eastern shore of the Red Sea, they are found at times labouring as smiths, and have commercial connexions with other Arabic tribes, that is, they barter with them. They are called "Arab Sebth," i. e. Arabs who keep the seventh day Sabbath, and are generally esteemed and feared; so that they form, so to say, a gigantic people, whose power and greatness excites fear. They only speak Hebrew and Arabic, and will form no connexion or acquaintance with the Jews; and should they be recognised as Jews, or if one should enter into conversation with them on the subject, they will quickly deny their origin, and assert that they are but of the common Arabic descent. They will not touch another Arab, much less will they eat anything with him, even those things which are permitted to Jews; and they always stand at some distance from the other Arabs, should their barter trade at times bring them together, so as not to come into any mediate or immediate contact. They always appear on horseback and armed, and people assert that they have noticed the fringes, ציצית commanded in Scripture on their covering and clothing.

In the time of Abraim Pacha, when the country was everywhere secure, and men were able to travel in all direcions without being molested, two Jewish mechanics, the one a tinsmith and the other a silversmith, left Zafed with their tools, in the hope of finding employment among the distant Arabs. They in consequence crossed the Jordan, and went in a southeastern direction towards the mountains of Hauran. They actually obtained there much work among Arab tribes, and stayed some time among them. They could eat only bread, butter, honey, oil, and similar permitted things, and they thus sat one evening apart from the Arabs who were eating, to take their supper by themselves. Several Arabs on horseback had come from the south, in order to barter with the tribes of the district. They remarked those who sat eating isolated from the others, and asked, why they sat apart, and why they had a different meal from the others, and who they were ? They were told that these men were Yehud (Jews). " But," asked the strangers in return, "do you believe that we have never seen any Yehud before, that you wish to impose on us these dwarfs as Yehud ? We often barter with the Yehud Chebr; but they are a giant race, and it is impossible that these little creatures can belong to the same family. Besides, no Yehud would ever eat anything with another Arab, or come in so close a connexion and contact with you as these." The Arabs of the district had then to explain to the strangers that there are actually many other Jews besides the Yehud Chebr, although they differ from them.

They are occasionally seen in Palestine, but very seldom, and then, as it were, in secrecy and unrecognised. Some even say that several have been met with in Jerusalem, but they never make themselves known; although the reason of this singular silence, and this anxious desire to escape detection, has remained hitherto a profound secret; at the same time it is clearly ascertained that they are Jews in every sense of the word, live according to our laws, and are also somewhat acquainted with our learned men. It is now some years ago that two Ashkenazim of Tiberias went into the cave where the worthy martyr, Rabbi Akiba, lies buried. Just as they were coming out of the cave, there passed by two Arab horsemen, who observed them. The Arabs addressed them in Hebrew, and asked them what Zaddik (pious, righteous man,— this being the name by which the Arabs and Bedouins designate our ancient and modern learned men) lies buried there; and when ansewred, Rabbi Akiba, they descended from their horses and went into the cave. The two Ashkenazim without heard them utter a touching and mournful prayer in the Hebrew language; and they asked them, on coming out, who they were; to which they answered, "We are Yehud Chebr; but we adjure you, by the name of the Holy God of Israel, that you tell not soon after your return home in Tiberias that you have seen us, and only speak of it after some time, when we are away from your district and distant from your environs." With these words they hastened away and soon were out of sight. It seems, therefore, that they were afraid, in case the account of their appearance had been divulged in the city, of being perhaps overtaken, and thereby probably compelled to make themselves fully known.

They have also a chief among themselves, who is almost regarded as a regent.

About twenty-five years ago, the serif of Zanaa (see above, Uzal) resolved to make a pilgrimage to Mekka. It is usual to make this pilgrimage by sea: they sail up the Red Sea as far as Djida, and proceed thence by land to Mekka. But this serif resolved to make the whole journey by land. He supplied himself, therefore, and all his large retinue and escort, with everything requisite for this long journey; as, however, their road lay necessarily in part through the great sandy desert, they soon got into the greatest difficulties, for they lost their way, and roamed about, and could not find any egress. They were already in the greatest distress and danger, all their provisions, especially water, were consumed, and they saw clearly that they must perish, since they were constantly wandering in the desert, without the means of extricating themselves : when they had at length the happiness to come to a somewhat more fertile district, which convinced them that they had traversed the greater part of the desert. They now pushed eagerly forward, though nearly famished, without strength and longing for water; but they could find
no vestige of inhabitants. But towards sunset they observed at a distance, so to say, a whole town of tents. This revived them, and they hastened on with the last remains of their strength, since they now hoped to be among their brothers, the Arabic tribes. They soon came near a very large and beautiful tent, and the leader of the advance of the caravan called out with a very loud voice : "For God's sake, water! water! we are all famishing this moment." Thereupon, a very tall Arab came out from the tent and exclaimed in an angry tone : "Kelb (dog), who dares to cry so loudly in the hour of devotion?" The Mahomedan then told him of the great danger of the company, and begged him to give them a little water. But the other asked: " Dost thou know where thou art now, and where thou hast lifted up thy voice so loudly ? Here is the tent of our worthy Melek (king), and we are even now engaged in our afternoon prayer (מנחה), and thou hast disturbed both him and us with thy outcry in our devotions." The stranger looked into the tent, and saw a whole assembly of venerable gigantic Arabs, who all were standing still, and praying in a low tone of voice (probably the silent prayer of the eighteen benedictions שמונה עשרה). Very soon after, water was offered to the whole assembly, though without touching any of them, and they were then furnished with everything requisite for the pursuit of their journey, and a guide was sent along with them, who showed and described to them the best and shortest route by which they could reach Mekka, where they arrived after some weeks' farther journeying. Upon inquiring who their benefactors were, they were answered quite briefly, " Yehud Chebr."

I learned the above from a trustworthy person of Zafed, who was soon after this occurrence in Zanaa, and obtained the whole account of it from the above-mentioned Serif, who had himself experienced it. He has become, moreover,since then an exceedingly great friend of the Jews, and treats them with the greatest respect.

Of late, much pains have been taken to obtain more reliable particulars of the Yehud Chebr. I, myself, employed all available means to obtain success. At length, myself and some honourable Israelites, who felt the deepest in the matter, agreed to seek out a suitable person who should be able to travel through Arabia as a pretended Mahomedan Arab pilgrim, and to employ every available effort to obtain a correct account of the Yehud Chebr, and to enter into friendly intercourse with them. We at length obtained a man suited to our purposes, an African Jew, named Rabbi Amram, who was then sojourning in Zafed, and who had friendly relations with several Arab tribes, and knew their manners and habits quite accurately, and was thus enabled to enact well the part of a pilgrim. We supplied him with everything requisite, and with documents signed by the principal Rabbis of Jerusalem and Zafed. I wrote him out his line of travel, pointed out to him which road he was chiefly to follow, indicating to him, with all possible accuracy, the places where they have their principal connexions; and supplied him with two copies of my Geography of Palestine תבואות הארץ; upon which he commenced his journey from Jerusalem in the month of Elul, 5606 (Sept. 1846). About a year from that time, I received a letter from him via Cairo, dated at Zanaa, in South Arabia, in which he informed me that whilst journeying by land between Aden and Mocha, he was plundered by a hostile tribe of Arabs, but that his documents were all safe; that at present the northern Arab tribes were engaged in mutual strife and warfare, wherefore he was at that moment unable to pursue his journey in the desired direction, and he was compelled to tarry some time at Aden, till quiet should be restored. But that he had learned from a sure and reliable source, that in an eastern direction there is a very uncommonly numerous and extensive tribe of Jewish Arabs, universally called the tribe of Benjamin שבט בנימין, which he would visit after peace should be restored; and that it might be a long time before he would write again, since he would report nothing which is not strictly correct, and found perfectly reliable by his own personal conviction.
Schwarz then goes on to discuss his research into the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

52 more killed in Syria, Saudis withdraw ambassador

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:13 PM PDT

When Saudi Arabia acts tougher towards Syria than the US, you know we have a problem.

Syrian troops fired on mourners at a funeral and raided an eastern city, killing at least 50 people as Arab and international pressure against the intensifying government crackdown grew.

The king of Saudi Arabia harshly criticised the Syrian government and said he was recalling his ambassador in Damascus for consultations.

"What is happening in Syria is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia," King Abdullah said in a written statement on Monday.

"Syria should think wisely before it's too late and issue and enact reforms that are not merely promises but actual reforms," he said. "Either it chooses wisdom on its own or it will be pulled down into the depths of turmoil and loss."

The Saudi king's statement came the day after the Gulf Cooperation Council urged Syria to "end the bloodshed" as the international pressure mounts.

The 22-member Arab League, which had been silent since the uprising began, said Sunday it is "alarmed" by the situation in Syria and called for the immediate halt of all violence.

The US envoy to Damascus, Robert Ford, who returned to Syria on Thursday, also said in a US television interview on Sunday that Washington will "try to ratchet up the pressure" on President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
You think the US might ratchet up the pressure from "condemn" to "deplore"?

AFP gives details on Sunday's deaths:
Activists said security forces backed by tanks killed 42 civilians in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor and at least 10 more in the central town of Hula.

"Forty-two civilians have been killed and more than 100 wounded in Deir Ezzor by gunfire from the armed forces and security agents," Syrian League for the Defense of Human Rights head Abdel Karim Rihawi told AFP.

Rihawi said that 28 people were killed in Al-Jura neighborhood of Deir Ezzor while 14 died in Huweika district, adding that "thousands of people have fled the city heading further north."

In Hula in Homs district, at least 10 people were killed in an army assault with tanks, Rihawi said.
If you believe the Syrian SANA news agency, Syria is getting support from Arabs in the "occupied Golan":
People of the occupied Syrian Golan on Sunday held a national celebration in Beit al-Shaab in Buq'ata village to express support for the comprehensive reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad, rejecting all forms of foreign interference in Syria's affairs.

Speeches of the participating religious and social figures stressed the Golan people's loyalty to the homeland, reiterating support for Syria's stance in support of the resistance.

The participants began the celebration by observing a minute of silence for the martyrs who sacrificed themselves to preserve Syria's security then they chanted the Syrian national anthem and national slogans.

They also expressed gratitude to the Syrian army and its role in defending the homeland's stability and dignity.

The people of Golan expressed confidence that Syria would come out of the crisis stronger and enhance its prominent presence in regional and international arenas.
SANA's record for truthfulness is a bit suspect, however.

Honest Reporting's Mission to Israel [Advertorial]

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 11:10 AM PDT

The following is an advertorial, written by EoZ, for Honest Reporting:

Readers of this blog are familiar with Honest Reporting, the indispensable watchdog group that keeps track of news articles that misrepresent Israel or, worse, make up their own "facts."

Honest Reporting does more than just keep the media honest, though. It also sponsors a Mission to Israel where you can gain a real understanding of the challenges Israel faces every day.

The mission is a specialized, intense week-long tour of Israel where the participants get to meet with and listen to an impressive array of political experts, military leaders and other well-known Zionist figures. It is far more than a tour – it is an immersive program that is fun and educational, if a bit intense.

This year, the Honest Reporting Mission to Israel takes place from November 15-21. I am told that the itinerary isn't yet set, but from looking at the last trip you can see that they get some very high-powered speakers and topics. For example, last time the trip included:

  • · Mark Regev, the spokesperson for the Prime Minster, spoke on "Israel's Message."
  • ·Professor Asa Kasher, the author of the IDF Code of Conduct, spoke on "Ethics in the IDF."  I blogged about him earlier this year here.
  • ·There was presentation by Itamar Marcus, founder of the invaluable Palestinian Media Watch. He was most recently in the news for presenting to US members of Congress a new report on how the Palestinian Authority pays salaries to terrorists in Israeli prison.
  • ·A meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • · A talk by Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Head of Arab Studies at Bar-Ilan University and expert on Syria. he is the man who made an impassioned defense, in Arabic, of Jerusalem's Jewishness in one of the most memorable interviews ever aired on Al Jazeera. (Even if you've seen it before, stop reading right now and watch it again. It is incredible.)
  • ·A Shabbat discussion with Khaled Abu Toameh of the Jerusalem Post and the Hudson Institute, on "What Arabs Inside Israel are Really Thinking."
And these are only a few of the people you can meet. Add to that list Ishmael Khalidi, a the first Bedouin to serve as an Israeli diplomat; Aryeh Green, the director of MediaCentral , NGO Monitor's Professor Gerald Steinberg who has exposed an untold number of abuses by anti-Israel NGOs, and the excellent Dore Gold, not to mention the members of Honest Reporting itself. Together this makes a really great lineup of high-powered thought leaders that you can listen to and engage with.

There have been a few occasions that I have gotten a chance to meet with leaders like these, and it is a really fun to discuss ideas with them - much different than email or Facebook messages. It is a great experience to meet any one of these people - to meet them all in the course of a week is an experience that everyone should have.

I wish I could go on the mission to interview every one of them for the blog.  Maybe next year…

There is another important reason for going on this mission. The casual disparagement of Israel in the media and even in everyday conversations is increasing. Too often people who support Israel are not armed with the facts to be able to respond effectively when they come across such anti-Israel opinions. Lies have become accepted as conventional wisdom and it takes knowledge as well as passion to be able to counter the false narrative. Honest Reporting, true to its origins, spends a lot of time in this mission in workshops specifically to teach participants how to answer anti-Israel arguments and articles with real facts and real history. People who attend will have more confidence in being able to answer critics immediately and convincingly.

And I haven't even mentioned the tours! You can get to see Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, spend Shabbat in the Old City, tour the Western Wall Tunnels, visit the IDF Navy Base (where no doubt the flotillas would no doubt be discussed) and more. You can get to see the real Israel, not the funhouse-mirror version that the media often portrays.

One other nice thing about this mission is that it ends a few days before Thanksgiving so Americans can stay in Israel a little longer and enjoy the holiday weekend there. After this whirlwind of a week, you would probably want to unwind and enjoy Israel at your own pace for a few days.

Previous attendees raved about the trip; you can read some of their comments here.

If you want a behind-the-scenes look at Israel that goes way beyond normal tour groups, this is the way to go.  Check out the Honest Reporting Mission site to see more details. 

PLO reiterates "right of return" has nothing to do with statehood

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 09:49 AM PDT

Zakaria Agha, member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, again stated what the PLO has stated clearly for years and what the West pretends is inconsequential: that even after the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state the PLO will not relinquish its demand that Israel be overrun with millions of so-called "refugees."

He bases this on UNGA resolution 194, which the Arabs love to misinterpret as saying that any Arab whose ancestors came from Palestine has the right to move into Israel, forever.

Notwithstanding the fact that General Assembly resolutions have no legal force, the constant reference to that resolution by the Palestinian Arabs is the height of hypocrisy.

If they believe to strongly that UNGA 194 must be adhered to by Israel, then they must also believe:

  1. Jerusalem will never be the capital of "Palestine" because UNGA 194 says it is part of a separate territory that must be under UN control - including much more of "Palestine." than of Israel. Many Arab towns, and even all of Bethlehem, would not be part of "Palestine."
  2. Mount Scopus would be part of Israel proper.
  3. Descendants of Jews who were expelled from Gush Etzion. the Old City and other areas would be allowed to live in their ancestral homes. UNGA 194 just refers to "refugees," not "Arab refugees."
  4.  Free access to Jewish holy places in Judea and Samaria would have to be enforced.
For some reason, the PLO doesn't like to refer to those parts of UNGA 194. And, of course, they steadfastly refuse to remember that the resolution only refers to refugees who are willing to "live at peace with their neighbours."

Keep in mind that no Palestinian Arab leader is anxious for millions of Arabs now living in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and elsewhere to "return" to "Palestine." Unlike the Zionist in the 1940s and 1950s who happily took in hundreds of thousand of Jews from the Diaspora, Palestinian Arab leaders are in no rush to help out their brethren who have been rotting away in camps for decades. To them, the descendants of "refugees"  exist for only one purpose - to destroy Israel by "returning." Besides that, they couldn't care less about them.

Their hypocrisy - and their goal in erasing Israel - cannot be more transparent. And the world cannot be more blind as to their goals, even when they say it explicitly.

New Israeli cyberwar unit?

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 08:37 AM PDT

From Fox News:
Israel has set up a military cyber command to wage a computer war against Iran as senior officers become increasingly concerned that a conventional attack on Tehran's nuclear sites could end in failure, London's The Sunday Times reported.

The new cyber command will report directly to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who has placed the program at the heart of Israel's defense capability.

"Israel must turn into a global cyber superpower," he told a meeting of cyber warfare experts recently.

The center, which has been set up under the auspices of military intelligence unit 8200 has already conducted a series of "soft" espionage missions, including hacking into Iran's version of Facebook and other social networking sites.

The Stuxnet malware virus, which dramatically affected Iran's nuclear program in 2009 by sabotaging the delicate centrifuges needed to enrich uranium, is widely believed to have been developed by Israeli and American technicians.

In April, Iranian government offices came under attack from a hitherto unknown malware virus to which Tehran officials gave the name Stars. They claimed the damage had been contained but admitted it was the second mysterious virus found since the Stuxnet attack.

"Israel has two principal targets in Iran's cyberspace," said a defense source with close knowledge of the cyber war preparations. "The first is its military nuclear program and its military establishment. The second is Iran's civil infrastructure. Attacking both, we hope, will cripple the entire country's cyberspace."
The detail about hacking into Iranian social media sites, rather than supporting the story, undermines it.

It's like saying that the US has detailed plans to infiltrate into the upper reaches of the Kremlin - and has already installed spies in a Russian women's book club.

Or to put it more subtly, see this xkcd comic from last week:

I'm sure that Israel is working on real cyberwar, but I'm not sure the Sunday Times has any proof of it.

(h/t Yoel)

Hamas again delays salaries; denies financial crisis

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:39 AM PDT

Hamas, which delayed paying the June paychecks to its workers until late July, said that it will delay the July checks as well until before Eid al Fitr which is at the end of August.

However, assistant minster of finance Ismail Hafouz insisted that this does not reflect on any financial problems Hamas is having. Rather, he says, there is a shortage of "liquidity" (paper cash) that is preventing the disbursement of salaries.

It is an interesting coincidence that Hamas started having problems paying its employees at the exact same time that the PA did. Did the cash-strapped PA reduce the amount of its budget paid to Gaza in June, leading to this situation? Hamas only stays afloat because of the money the PA continues to pump into territory that its officials still cannot safely visit.

French journalists' union acts against Gilad Shalit

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 06:20 AM PDT

Paraphrased from JSSNews:

Radio France Internationale (RFI) is a well known radio station for all French speakers worldwide. It is one of the only radio station that broadcasts the voice of France across the globe.

Every day the station lists reminds its listeners not to forget about all the French hostages held around the world, and reads their names.

The problem is that Gilad Shalit never was mentioned in this list, even though he is a French-Israeli who is held hostage by a terrorist group.

To counter this omission, two Zionist activists - Jonathan Curiel and Yoann Taïeb - have been pushing that Shalit is not forgotten in France.

Initially, the media response was that Shalit was not French. This is easy to refute. Then they argued that Shalit is a prisoner of war. Even President Sarkozy noted that prisoners of war have certain privileges under international law; Shalit has none.

Gradually, the two activists have managed to include Gilad Shalit as a French hostage "like the others" in various French radio broadcasts, including at RFI.

But JSSNews obtained the minutes of a French National Union of Journalists (SNJ) meeting that took place on July 26th, only days after the RFI decision, demanding an explanation from the station's management for their decision.

The union wrote to RFI:
Gilad Shalit is a French-Israeli soldier kidnapped 5 years ago by a Palestinian faction. He is a prisoner of war, and yet the RFI now lists him among the "French hostages" (civilian) which is noted every day at 8am in the broadcast. A pro-Israel information site jssnews.com welcomes and boasts of having sent "notice" to Alain de Pouzi. What's going on? Was the management of RFI pressured? Why this change of attitude about Gilad Shalit?

RFI responded:

Yes, RFI was contacted by a "listener who is interested in the issue." We turned to the Quai d'Orsay [French Ministry of Foreign Affairs], which aligns itself to the position of French President: "Gilad Shalit is not a prisoner of war because he does not enjoy the provisions of international conventions." He is therefore considered as a hostage.

The SNJ responded back:
If all the prisoners of war who do not benefit from provisions of international conventions were regarded as hostages, that would make the world .... (Remember Guantanamo?). The listener in question is actually an activist of jssnews.com, a site that speaks with virulently anti-Palestinian agenda.

Thus the powerful SNJ is deciding contrary to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, and in defiance of the fact that the UN, the European Union, the International Red Cross, Amnesty International, the Elysée, the Quai d'Orsay or the group "Hostages of the World" say's that Shalit is not a prisoner of war...

To add power to their point of view, they speak about "civilian" hostages... Shalit was a soldier so, he cannot be counted! But the fact is that one man, Denis Alex, a member of French Secret Service, that has been held hostage in Somalia for 2 years... And he's been counted every day!

Gilad Shalit was doing his obligatory military service, he was not in hostile terrain or on an spy mission. Denis Alex was operating in hostile terrain and was on a spy mission. However, he is recognized as a civilian French hostage without any protest by the SNJ. Gilad Shalit is unfairly and arbitrarily excluded from his status as a hostage by the union. Without paranoia: is it because he is Israeli or Jewish ?

The SNJ has poisoned its credibility of of being objective in journalism with this letter.

Arabs and leftists calling Tel Aviv protests "Sons of Dogs Revolution"

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 04:33 AM PDT

A hashtag that popped up on Twitter by anti-Israel tweeters shows their pure anti-semitism.

The tag is #ThawretWeladElKalb, which means "Sons of Dogs Revolution."

The reference of Jews as dogs is of course a popular motif in Arab history.

This hashtag is very active at the moment, with new tweets every few seconds. A very small minority are protesting the use of the hashtag, but it has been embraced by many tweeters - including  leftist cartoonist Carlos Latuff. Some are even making fun of the dissenters (one saying "Stop it - I like dogs!) or freely embracing the racism ("i love this racist hashtag #thawretweladelkalb :) )

If a racist hashtag was used by Zionists against Arabs, you can be certain that the leftists who pretend to be against all forms of racism would be the first to loudly protest against it. But with some exceptions, this one is being widely embraced and the people who use it are not in the least bit embarrassed to publicly espouse their anti-semitism.

(h/t Jonah)

Turkey intercepted arms shipment from Iran to Syria

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 02:35 AM PDT

From Today's Zaman:
Turkish diplomatic sources approached by Today's Zaman have confirmed that an arms shipment from Iran to Syria was intercepted by Turkey.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the sources said the incident took place two-and--half months ago in the southeastern province of Kilis. The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) was already aware of the transportation in a convoy of trucks.

Turkish officials said the original transport papers designated the shipment as "spare parts for guns" when Iranians declared them to custom officials upon entry. An examination of the contents revealed that it matched the declaration. Yet Turkish officials suspected the shipment may have violated the UN arms embargo imposed by the Security Council and decided to seize the contents.

As there was no explicit violation of Turkish law and the declaration matched the contents, the driver and trucks were either released or about to be released, the same official said. The contents however were stored in a safe depot.

A news report that appeared on Israeli website ynetnews.com on Thursday quoted the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, saying an arms shipment was intercepted by Turkey. The German daily reported that unnamed diplomatic sources said the weapons were meant for Hezbollah.

On another incident in April, it emerged that Turkey had seized a cache of weapons Iran was attempting to export in violation of a UN arms embargo. Turkish authorities later informed a UN Security Council committee of the interception.

(h/t Yoel)

אין תגובות:

הוסף רשומת תגובה