Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest |
- Nicely edited video of Bibi's Congress speech
- Links!
- News flash: Muslim nations still hate Jews!
- Stuff you can buy in impoverished Gaza
- Jokes during the 1973 Middle East crisis
- Bibi on Al Arabiya (video)
- Details from poll of Palestinian Arabs are not encouraging
- Thanks to PLO stunt, terror groups in Gaza readying for next war
- Jordanian flotilla contingent blames Turkey for stopping them
- Latest Zionist weapon: Fenugreek seed slander
- Hamas militant dies; Ma'an downplays circumstances
- Palestinian Arabs get FAR more aid per capita than anyone else
Nicely edited video of Bibi's Congress speech Posted: 21 Jul 2011 07:12 PM PDT |
Posted: 21 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT Sultan Knish offers Outraged Protest Tours of Israel! CiFWatch observes their favorite reporter trying her damnedest to spin Israeli actions in Gaza to her tastes. Raed Salah is putting more fake gravestones in Jerusalem, in their ongoing attempt to grab land. Al Qaeda is working on a cartoon to recruit kids to terror. Is Assad now trying to inflame sectarian tensions to keep in power? Israelis aren't happy that a McDonald's opened at Masada. (I made a point to eat at a kosher Israeli McDonalds once, and it was perhaps the worst burger I ever ate.) A former pro-Palestinian Arab activist starts to see the light. Malaysia's Utustan newspaper gets called out for its anti-semitism. Walter Russell Mead gives a good definition of anti-semitism. Victor Shikhman has two excellent pieces about BDS and Israel. The ridiculous "Mossad spy" story from New Zealand. 60,000 tourists expected in Israel this year who are Arabs from the territories! Muslim taxi driver in England shouts "All Jewish children must die." Outside a Jewish school. Marty Peretz on the fashionable hostility towards Israel. Challah Hu Akbar notes that Israel is the worst genocidal state ever! Heavy metal and belly dancers - as improbable a pair as Israelis and Arabs. Here's an IDF video (in French!) that seems designed to make heads of Israel haters explode into tiny little fragments, much like the suicide bombers they support: Worth sending to everyone who was pro-flotilla. (h.t DWM, deegee, Israel Muse, Yoel, Firouz, Serious Black, jzaik, JW, Silke, DG) |
News flash: Muslim nations still hate Jews! Posted: 21 Jul 2011 02:30 PM PDT ![]() Ratings of Jews are dismal in the seven predominantly Muslim nations surveyed. About one-in-ten (9%) Muslims in Indonesia, and even fewer in Turkey (4%), the Palestinian territories (4%), Lebanon (3%), Jordan (2%), Egypt (2%) and Pakistan (2%) express favorable opinions of Jews. Arab nations also overwhelmingly believe that Judaism is a violent religion: In the Arab countries surveyed, large majorities of Muslims who say some religions are more prone to violence consider Judaism to be the most violent religion; 97% in Jordan, 93% in Egypt, 88% in the Palestinian territories and 77% in Lebanon share this view. And, as time passes, fewer and fewer Muslims believe that 9/11 was done by Arabs! (h/t CHA, Zach N) |
Stuff you can buy in impoverished Gaza Posted: 21 Jul 2011 12:50 PM PDT Yesterday we looked at the opening of the new Andalusia Mall in Gaza City. But we didn't get a good idea of the kinds of goods one could buy there. So, thanks to Palestine Times and Demotix, here are some of the goods that you can pick up the next time you are in Gaza: I am always astonished at how Gaza businessmen can invest so much in products that everyone knows nobody can afford. And somehow they not only stay in business - they keep opening up more stores! |
Jokes during the 1973 Middle East crisis Posted: 21 Jul 2011 11:50 AM PDT The State Department just released a 1278-page document of meetings and memos relating to the Middle East from 1969-1976, many of which center on events leading up to, during and following the Yom Kippur War. It is a really fascinating historical record. To whet your appetite, here are some of the jokes mentioned in the archive. May 7, 1973 - meeting between Brezhnev, Gromyko and Kissinger in Zavidovo, Russia. Brezhnev: Let us turn to an easy question now, the Middle East. Let us send Dr. Kissinger to the Middle East for two weeks. San Clemente, June 23, 1973 (minutes of meeting) Dr. Kissinger noted that paragraphs 5 and 6 were agreed. At this point, he called attention to the fact that a paragraph from the May 1972 principles had been dropped. It was the one which read, "The agreements should lead to an end of a state of belligerency and to the establishment Damascus, December 15, 1973 - Kissinger and Assad Assad: If we are to suppose there are such secure borders, history shows we are in the need of secure borders if anyone. Why should secure borders be at the expense of Syria. Let secure borders be at Galilee if anywhere. Under what logic should secure borders be at the expense of the population of Golan. Why should the line of danger be closer to Damascus than Tel Aviv? The distance from the '67 border to Damascus is 80 kilometers; the distance from the '67 border to Tel Aviv is 135 kilometers. Jerusalem, December 16, 1973: Kissinger, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and others: Dr. Kissinger: Asad I thought would be difficult.2 We were reviewing the text of the draft letter to Waldheim on the convening of the Conference. I told him we wanted the date changed; he said, "Fine." I said the Israelis had problems with the phrase about "the timing of the participation of others." We discussed it a while, and then he agreed. I said, "Mr. President, I had been told you would be difficult to deal with. But you're not." Then he said there was one sentence in the letter he objected to—the sentence that said Syria agreed to come. [Laughter] Jerusalem, December 17, 1973: Kissinger, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan, Abbas Eban and more Dayan: Have you got a concept about the U.N. forces? Because now it's something provisional. When you go seriously into a permanent arrangement, the questions of guarantees and security zones come up. Who stands behind the Poles and the Finns? You can't really rely on them. It is one thing if we have observers. Right now there is no difference between U.N. forces and U.N. observers. If one side violates it, they observe and send a note. It is very useful, but not quite enough. Geneva, December 22, 1973, Kissinger and Gromyko Secretary Kissinger: The Arab world is very new to me, Mr. Foreign Minister. I've no experience with it. |
Posted: 21 Jul 2011 10:50 AM PDT The full interview is to be broadcast today, but here are some excerpts: In an exclusive interview with Al Arabiya in Jerusalem on July 19, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel would not intervene with the Syrian revolution. (h/t Yoel) |
Details from poll of Palestinian Arabs are not encouraging Posted: 21 Jul 2011 09:50 AM PDT The full results from the TIP poll reported on last week have been released. For a lot of the questions, Palestinian Arabs show little enthusiasm. For example, while most support a unilateral declaration of statehood at the UN, most only "somewhat" support it. They generally tend to be against sharia law as the main source for legislation, but feel Turkey is too secular. They are not thrilled with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Bashar Assad, and Hamas support is tepid at best. But their nostalgia for terrorists of the past is very high, saying they have very warm feelings towards Yasir Arafat, Abu Jihad and Dalal Mughrabi. The lowest marks in that question went to Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel, Jews, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton and Shimon Peres. Only19% felt good about a two state solution with a Jewish state and Arab state living side by side, while 59% liked the idea of one Arab state instead. They support unity between Hamas and Fatah, even with the opinion that it would make peace less likely. They tend to believe that the "nakba day" incidents in the Golan were not staged by Assad, but legitimately showed Palestinian Arab desire to "return." While they say that peace with Israel is possible, most do not believe that Israel will exist in 25 years with a Jewish majority. As previously reported, 67% of those who expressed an opinion stated that "The real goal should be to start with two states but then move to it all being one Palestinian state." Given the choice of these pairs of statements: Israel has a permanent right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people - 7% Over time Palestinians must work to get back all the land for a Palestinian state - 84% I can accept permanently a two-state solution with one a homeland for the Palestinian people living side-by-side with Israel, a homeland for the Jewish people. - 30% The real goal should to start with a two state solution but then move to it all being one Palestinian state - 66% Homosexuality should be punished by law - 82% Homosexuality should not be punished by law - 14% A plurality, but not a majority, thought the massacre in Itamar was wrong. A majority agree with naming streets after suicide bombers. A majority support teaching songs in school about hating the Jews. 79% of those who expressed an opinion say it is right to deny that Jews have a long history in Jerusalem going back thousands of years, while 90% thought it was wrong to deny that "Palestinians" have an equally long history in Jerusalem. 89% oppose a Palestinian Arab state being demilitarized. A majority oppose releasing Gilad Shalit, and a majority support his kidnapping. "President Obama said there should be two states: Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people and Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. Do you accept or reject that concept?" 61% rejected it. 92% say Jerusalem should be capital of "Palestine" only;only3% say it should be capital for both states. A plurality thought that a third intifada (which most oppose) would be violent. 73% believe this statement from the Hamas Covenant:: "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." 80% believe this statement from the Hamas Covenant: "For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails. " 62% believe in this Hamas statement as well: "When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among the (Islamic) Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the Jihad fighters." Some of their other answers seem to indicate an aversion to armed attacks and a desire for peace, but this desire is only when they think that there is no choice. The answers indicate that in their ideal world, there would never be compromise and Jews should have no political rights in the Middle East. The corollary is that as long as they believe that Israel is strong, they are more likely to seek peace (or, more accurately, detente); if they believe that Israel will not exist for long, they are more likely to keep waiting for it to weaken rather than make peace now. While they do not come off as supporting terrorism as much as in other previous polls, they also are shown to have very little desire to accommodate living alongside Israel if they believe that there is any other option. Which means that the best kind of peace possible is one where Israel is unquestioningly strong and understood that it will not collapse. The belief that terror, or politics, might weaken Israel is the very formula to ensure that peace will never happen. Every Israeli concession that is perceived as a defeat pushes peace that much further away. This is an extraordinarily important poll, one that goes way beyond others in ferreting out the true feelings that Palestinian Arabs have. It should be required reading by every politician, pundit and journalist who want to know the truth about how Palestinian Arabs think, rather than believing the pre-digested lies that are presented by those with an agenda. |
Thanks to PLO stunt, terror groups in Gaza readying for next war Posted: 21 Jul 2011 08:48 AM PDT From Al Masry al-Youm (h/t Just Journalism): Leading Islamic Jihad figure Khaled al-Batch is over fifty and has been a part of the Palestinian struggle for years. ...He helped orchestrate a series of bombings in Israel that ravaged the country during the outbreak of the Second Intifada.The world's complicity for the PLO's September stunt is laying the groundwork for an almost inevitable breakout of terrorism and war. No one will win, and everyone will be worse off than they are today. Yet, outside the US, no one is seriously trying to stop this train wreck. |
Jordanian flotilla contingent blames Turkey for stopping them Posted: 21 Jul 2011 07:50 AM PDT One of the unanswered questions about the flop flotilla is - what happened to the Jordanian ship, the Noor, that was supposed to participate? While no one seriously was worried about violence from the Europeans and Americans trying to reach Gaza, the Jordanian ship - which was to represent many Arab countries - was another matter. So what happened to it? A new article in Palestine Today has the organizers of the Jordanian "Lifeline" group that was behind the initiative blaming Turkey for foiling their plans to sail to Gaza. Apparently, their plan was to sail to Gaza from Turkey instead of Greece. This plan was meant to be a surprise. But the Turks would not allow them into port, instead forcing them to drop anchor three miles out to sea. (While they were there, a Jordanian passenger ship did go to Turkey to dock.) The ship considered going to Gaza anyway, but now the Bulgarian crew's contract is up, and they want to get a Syrian crew now and perform some repairs. So the story is not completely over yet. |
Latest Zionist weapon: Fenugreek seed slander Posted: 21 Jul 2011 06:46 AM PDT From The Media Line/Jerusalem Post: When a European laboratory announced two weeks ago that an infected shipment of Egyptian fenugreek seeds was the source of an E. coli epidemic that killed 48 Germans and a Swede, the Egyptian agriculture minister didn't apologize, nor did he call for an investigation into the matter.I need to find out which division of Elders International is responsible for fenugreek seed rumors, so I can send them all Amazon gift cards. (That's how we roll here at the world headquarters of EoZ.) (h/t IsraelMuse) |
Hamas militant dies; Ma'an downplays circumstances Posted: 21 Jul 2011 05:45 AM PDT From Ma'an: The military wing of Hamas, the Al-Qassam brigades, announced the death of one of their members Thursday in a tunnel collapse in the Gaza Strip.Did a Hamas terrorist die in a tunnel that was importing candy bars and car parts? Let's see how the Al Qassam Brigades described the death. In English: The brigades confirmed that the Mujahed was martyred during a special Jihad mission in Jabaliya refugee camp, adding that he was martyred after a long bright path of Jihad, hard work, struggle and sacrifice.They might have made a mistake saying he was killed in Jabaliya rather than that he was from Jabaliya, but they make it clear it was a "jihad mission." The Al Qassam website in Arabic puts it together: Junaid was killed in the collapse of a "resistance tunnel" - meaning a tunnel to smuggle in weapons from Egypt. Or, perhaps, he was killed in a tunnel in Jabaliya that is meant as a hideout for Hamas weapons and a means to travel underground between houses during the next war. Either way, Ma'an is downplaying what happened. |
Palestinian Arabs get FAR more aid per capita than anyone else Posted: 21 Jul 2011 03:23 AM PDT Based on data from the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2011 that I linked to earlier, and their country population data, here is a chart showing - of the top 20 countries/entities that receive humanitarian aid - how much they get on a per-capita basis: Are the Palestinian Arabs really an order of magnitude needier than those of practically every other country on the planet? |
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