יום שלישי, 19 ביולי 2011

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest

The provocative political yacht is headed towards Gaza

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 01:35 PM PDT

From Reuters/JPost:
A French yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists sailed for the Gaza Strip on Monday after other ships in a flotilla that had planned to challenge Israel's blockade were prevented from leaving Greece, organizers said.

The 17-passenger "Dignite-Al Karama", having declared an Egyptian port as its official destination, left Greek waters on Sunday and was on course to reach the Palestinian enclave by Tuesday, according to a statement issued by French campaigners aligned with the umbrella Free Gaza Movement.

"It is now the voice of the whole Freedom Flotilla, as all its (other) ships were forbidden to sail by the Greek government thereby fulfilling a clear demand by the Israeli government," the statement said.

Passenger Dror Feiler said the yacht planned to dock in Gaza at around noon on Tuesday. "We don't want to sail at night," he told Reuters via satellite telephone.

"If this boat is on its way to Gaza, which is a breach of international maritime law, and it is trying a provocative act, we will intercept it," Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told foreign journalists in Jerusalem.

"But I assure you that we will try our best to make all those on board very comfortable."
I think it is very possible that they will try to dock tonight, not tomorrow.

For one thing, they already established themselves as liars. They declared to the Greek authorities that they were going to Alexandria and not Gaza - so why should anyone believe their reported schedule of arriving in mid-day tomorrow?

Moreover, they want to make and post YouTube videos that look as chaotic and violent as possible as the Israeli navy intercepts them, and night time adds that extra dimension of perceived danger - spotlights, flares, disembodied voices on loudspeakers, shaky hand-held shots. They'll probably add some screams and other nice acting for effect.

Also, the Free Gaza posting says "In a few hours, the Dignite - Al Karama will approach Gazan waters."

It will be a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Remember the "Irene" boat that approached Gaza last year and was peacefully intercepted? Neither does anyone else.

EoZ Survey: What kind of posts do you like? (Results)

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 12:42 PM PDT

Every once in a while people comment that they love a post of mine and would love to see more of that type of post. I was wondering how many people agree, so here is a survey to help me understand what you like best about EoZ. (Not that I am promising anything...)

The survey is over, because I didn't realize that the free survey software I was using was limited to 100 responses.

Assuming that the sample size is representative of the entire EoZ readership, the answers don't help me a whole lot, but it was fun seeing the details:

Type Rating (1-4)
Stories that didn't get wide play 3.57
Original Analysis 3.48
Fisking 3.45
Scoops from Arab media 3.44
History 3.43
Breaking news 3.33
Sarcastic (Gaza deprivation) 3.08
Legal 3.06
Posters/Comics 3.05
Videos 2.89
Linkdumps 2.86

Sky News blog notices the NGO problem in the PalArab territories

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 12:30 PM PDT

From Tim Marshall in Sky News:
An African UN worker in the West Bank recently remarked to a mutual friend 'When people see me coming they see a walking ATM machine'.

Driving through Ramallah, and then Jericho, the other day I was reminded of that quip as I looked at the smart restaurants, sparkling new hotels, and the scale of building work.

The Palestinian Authority likes to boast about the West Bank' s 8% economic growth, so does the Israeli government, which uses it to suggest that a prosperous Palestine would make an easier negotiating partner. They also know the Palestinians have more lose if a 3rd Intifada breaks out.

What they fail to remind us is that there are well over 200 NGOs in the West Bank and Gaza, and 30% of the GDP here comes from international aid. Palestinians are among the most foreign aid funded people in the world and the place is awash with money.

... Palestine is addicted to aid and as long as you are addicted you are in thrall to your supplier.

The billions that pour in here mean the Palestinian Authority does not need to try very hard to deliver the services expected by voters, it also stifles the private sector, inflates wages and causes an internal 'brain drain'.

The restaurant I went to in Ramallah had a line of expensive cars outside and ranks of NGO workers picking their way through an expensive menu inside. The NGOs do fine work alleviating suffering, helping projects with expertise etc, but they also recruit the best of the local talent and take advantage of their charitable status to get tax breaks.

No Palestinian business can compete with NGOs which routinely triple what a local firm would pay. Many NGOs fork out 'danger money' and even 'hardship payments' to both local and international staff which further undermines the local private businesses. So the NGOs get the brightest and the highest paid, and the private firms get the rest but without the tax exemptions.

"Palestine is the best-kept secret in the aid industry," a medical NGO worker recently told This Week In Palestine, "People need field experience and Palestine sounds cool and dangerous because it can be described as a war zone, but in reality it's quite safe and has all the comforts that internationals want.'

...Palestine remains a friendly place, welcoming, hospitable, full of air con, hi-fi, wi-fi and wine. Journalists also take advantage of this state of affairs, writing of the poverty and suffering of Gaza for example, before retiring to very expensive sea front hotels after an excellent dinner in one of the expensive fish restaurants.

(h/t Serious Black)

Malaysian newspaper warns of Jews taking over

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 11:22 AM PDT

From Utustan Online:
Do not let hidden hand colonialize the country

The reminder by former Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Rahim Noor that there exist certain element which ensures any countries that go against the Jews and Israel, will fall, and Malaysia is one of the countries, should not be taken lightly.

This is because at a time when the drumbeats in the name of human rights are getting boisterous, it will give the best opportunity for the pro-Jews group to interfere in any Muslims countries.

In this case, Malaysia is no exception especially when there are too many non-government organisations (NGOs) exist for the so-called struggle of human rights.

[Some] leaders will care for nothing as long as his political aspiration is achieved at whatever cost.

We have seen this happens in our country where a political leader is said to be very close with the Jew leaders and NGOs.

All this should make the people aware especially Muslims on the danger that awaits them.

Muslims and Malaysians should not allow any party especially the Jews to discreetly interfere in the country's administration.

...The success and prosperity of Malaysia as a model Islamic nation has created jealousy to certain country and this is made worst by Malaysia's firm stand in fighting against violence by the Jew in Palestine.

The Jews will find ways to destroy our prosperity and well-being.

We probably think that this is a misplace concern but we must not forget the fate of certain countries which have been victims of the hidden hands.
Utustan is the number one Malay-language newspaper in Malaysia.

(h/t JTA)

David Mamet describes anti-Israel behavior as theatre

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 10:15 AM PDT

A fascinating article in Jewish World Review:
David Mamet's understanding of drama unlocked secrets unrelated to the theater.

During a lifetime of creative achievement, the acclaimed playwright, screenwriter, and film director had seen how an audience could surrender part of its rationality for two hours in order to enjoy an illusion. But as he began reading and thinking about politics, he was horrified to learn how people also could surrender themselves into a mob. This epiphany was one factor in moving him from the political left to conservatism, a transition he expounds upon in his new book, "The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture."

Mamet's insights as a dramatist illuminate another puzzle. Why have Israel's efforts at public diplomacy been so ineffective?

Mamet explains how mob psychology nullifies any presentation of the facts in Israel's endeavors to defend itself in the court of public opinion.

"Love of the Victim is an attempt at a non-deist recreation of religious feeling," Mamet writes. News organizations sell the Middle East conflict as entertainment, and "there is something of the sadomasochistic" in the Left's love of the Palestinians, whom audiences are conditioned to see in the role of Woman in Jeopardy (e.g., "The Rape of Jenin").

The price of admission to the extravaganza is indictment of the State of Israel, which is condemned and scorned regardless of the facts of history, the exercise of reason, or the recognition of cultural affinity. In the West's abandonment of Israel, Mamet charges, the audience does not care that Palestinian claims are insoluble, exaggerated, unjust, or skewed. To care would require audience members to do something, which would end their enjoyable position as viewers.

"Just as in the movies we would resent the fellow in the next seat explaining the effects," Mamet writes, "so actual information about the Middle East conflict is considered an intrusion and a distraction from the spectacle. One has made one's choice (bought one's tickets) and would like to be left in peace to enjoy the show."

So it doesn't matter if Israel factually proves that Jenin wasn't "raped" in 2002 and that Israel allowed its young soldiers to be killed in the twisted alleyways of that Samarian town rather than level the terror nests with artillery or airpower. The insights of Mamet the master entertainer, the communicator par excellence, reinforces this reviewer's belief that in the end it's not about facts, or even about right or wrong, but rather about emotional engagement. It's about who you love and who you don't. It's about whose side you're on.

"The Liberal West would like the citizens of Israel to take the only course which would bring about the end of the disturbing 'cycle of violence' which they hear of in the Liberal press. That course is abandoning their homes and country, leaving, with their lives, if possible, but leaving in any case.

"Is this desire anti-Semitism?" Mamet asks rhetorically.

"You bet your life it is."

(h/t GS)

Gaza again faces blackouts - not because of Israel

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:28 AM PDT

From Ma'an:
The sole operating power plant in the Gaza Strip is having a difficult time collecting revenue as the finance ministry in Ramallah is refusing to transfer funds, an official in Gaza said Sunday.

Head of the energy authority Kanan Ubeid said "we have a deficit of 50 percent from the total procurement [of funds] via various sources, either through loss or failure of residents to pay."

The crisis stems from collecting electricity revenues from the salaries of government employees because the finance ministry in Ramallah is refusing to transfer the revenues to the electricity company, he said.

The authority has managed to collect about 30 million shekels but is owed 60 million, he said.
There will be blackouts every couple of days in Gaza this summer - because no one is paying the bills.

Has Syria recognized Israel?

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:30 AM PDT

From the Syrian SANA news agency:

Foreign Ministry: Syria Recognizes State of Palestine on July 4th 1967 Lines with East Jerusalem as Its Capital

Jul 18, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – An official source at the Foreign Ministry on Monday issued the following statement: The Syrian Arab Republic recognizes the state of Palestine on the lines of July 4th 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital on the basis of preserving the legitimate Palestinian rights.

The statement also says that Syria will view the office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in Damascus as an embassy as of the date of issuing this statement.
The Six Day War was in June, 1967, not July.

So there were no July 4, 1967 lines, and hence - no "Palestine!"

OK, it was a mistake. In Arabic, they do say June 4, 1967, not July. But this brings up another question:

By recognizing that "Palestine" does not extend "from the river to the sea," does this mean that they are acknowledging Israel's existence?

The Western press is keen on interpreting Hamas' comments as accepting a Palestinian Arab state in those lines as meaning that they accept a two-state solution. Of course that is nonsense, but Hamas makes it clear that it is meant to be a temporary land grab until all of Israel would be destroyed. Here, Syria is explicitly recognizing  "Palestine" within borders that have nothing to do with British Mandate Palestine. Was this a gaffe?

It is also sloppy for Syria to make such a statement - people like Noam Chomsky would interpret it as meaning that the Golan Heights is part of "Palestine'!

One other point: Syria has historically considered "Palestine" to be part of Southern Syria. They certainly believed that as of 1948. When did this change, and is this significant from that perspective?

It will be interesting to see if Assad gets any criticism from the supposedly non-existent people who want to see Israel destroyed for this recognition of a "Palestine" on only about a quarter the area of what they claim is "Historic Palestine."

(h/t YMedad, EG)

Palestinian Arab unions warn of a strike if they don't get paid

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:49 AM PDT

Earlier this month, the PA announced that it could only pay its employees half their salaries because of a budget shortfall, especially since Arab countries refused to pay their pledges to the welfare statelet.

Now the unions are getting restless, setting a deadline of July 26th for the PA government to explain what is going on and when they can expect to get paid. If not, they are threatening an "open-ended strike."

The PA's debt is now at about $2 billion.

Palestinian Authority prime minister Salam Fayyad says that the government had been borrowing from local banks to pay salaries, but the monthly deficit of $30 million is too much and the banks are no longer lending.

If the PA workers want better jobs, more of them should seek work in the industrial zones and the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. The salaries are higher and the jobs are more stable!

Scandal: Media hides damning poll that proves PalArab intransigence

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 04:55 AM PDT

As I predicted, the mainstream media has all but ignored the poll that the Jerusalem Post reported on last week that shows that most Palestinian Arabs want to destroy Israel - using the "two state solution" as a first stage towards that goal. The poll also denies Jewish history and shows that 92% are against even sharing Jerusalem as the capital of two states.

The intransigence is hard to miss in this survey - but the few times that the non-Zionist media mentions the poll, it downplayed or ignored the major results altogether.

Ha'aretz, while it mentioned the results briefly, buried the poll in the end of a story about how the Palestinian Arabs do not want a new intifada.

The Guardian's Harriet Sherwood, also at the very end of a longer article, purposefully ignored the parts of the poll that show that everything she reports is wrong, and instead reported it this way:
A recent opinion survey carried out in Gaza and the West Bank by the respected US pollster Stanley Greenberg found that at the top of the priority list for Palestinians were jobs, healthcare, water shortages and education. Mass protests against Israel, and even pursuing peace negotiations, came way down. Asked to choose, two-thirds favoured diplomatic engagement with Israel over violence.

Time magazine's Karl Vick, in a blog entry, mentioned one of the unpalatable results but did all he could to minimize it:
But by the same 2 to 1 margin they also oppose the two-state solution that's been the stated goal of negotiations. Most prefer ending up with a single state, in which Palestinians presumably would outnumber Jewish Israelis. The poll numbers shift some (to 44 percent positive) when the question becomes whether they "will accept a two-state solution."
Which is of course still a majority against a two state solution. But that is not his focus:
The most striking finding, though, was Palestinians' focus on daily life. Job creation was cited by 83 percent of West Bank residents asked what Abbas should make his top two priorities, followed (at 36 percent) by expansion of health care services and ending chronic water shortages.
AFP also reported on the poll, although practically no news outlets reproduced their article. Their version is equally guilty of hiding the truth, however, completely ignoring the parts about destroying Israel and highlighting the economic issues.

Outside of right-wing and explicitly Zionist news media (Commentary, a New York Post blog, Hot Air) these were the only mentions of this survey I could find.

The mentions by Time and The Guardian show that the mainstream media is quite aware that the poll exists and what it says. They read the  Jerusalem Post. But it proves that years of their lazy assumptions, their self-righteous op-eds, and their insufferable smugness at pretending to be Middle East experts are all completely wrong - and they cannot abide reporting any facts that contradict their cherished beliefs.

This is more than media bias. This is a scandal.

The Israel Project should release the raw poll results tomorrow, from what I hear. It will be most interesting to see how the media reacts to, or ignores, the full findings.

(h/t Kramerica, CAMERA)

Morning links

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 03:18 AM PDT

Does the anti-boycott law harm free speech?

500 Arabs studying in Ariel University, insist there is no racism there.

Benny Morris effectively responds to Efraim Karsh's latest criticisms of him.

CNN looks at what might be a Jewish city from King David's time.

Spain's former PM: "The unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, and its international recognition, would be a huge mistake."

A Norwegian historian says in an interviews that Americans and Jews have a "demonic restlessness which once drove the Europeans...It is the Jews who pick up the crusader's sword and point it towards the east." The reporter doesn't challenge him.

Anti-Israel MK Zoabi is banned from Knesset debates because of her participation on the floptilla.

(h/t Zach N., sophie, Kramerica)

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