Egyptian newspaper covers "spy" story differently in Arabic and English Posted: 13 Jun 2011 10:19 PM PDT From Al Masry al Youm, English: The announcement of the arrest of an Israeli man, Ilan Grapel, on charges of spying in Egypt has been met with skepticism in some quarters, especially as accounts emerge of a man who, if he were a spy, could only be described as "bumbling". According to a Reuters report, Grapel was posting openly on his Facebook page about his presence and activities in Egypt – hardly the remit of a super spy. Meanwhile, the evidence presented by Egypt's own spooks seems less than convincing. Again according to Reuters, photographs of Gapel offered by the prosecution as incriminating evidence were in fact taken from the Facebook page of a pro-Israeli group. And for some analysts, the notion of sending such a spy – bumbling or otherwise – to Egypt right now makes no sense anyway. Mohamed al-Gawady, a historian from the Arab Social Science Council, said that there seemed to be no tangible benefit to Israel from Grapel's presence in Egypt, especially in the post-uprising era, when an exposé like this could severely harm the relationship between the two countries. Activist and blogger Hossam al-Hamalawy also cast doubt on the story, writing on his blog that protesters in Egypt have been accused of being directed by Israel since the student riots of 1968. "Seriously, what a soap opera," he wrote. However, in Arabic, the same newspaper is pushing the ridiculous spy narrative for all it is worth. In a long article it claims: * Grapel entered Egypt on January 28, the "Day of Anger" * The Mossad asked him to investigate the Muslim Brotherhood, Coptic Christians, the army and the protesters * He held Egyptian flags during protests to gain the confidence of the Egyptians * He pretended to be a freelance journalist, or a freelance photographer, or a reporter for a wire service. * He asked questions about the presidential candidates. * He spoke with journalists and intellectuals in cafes. * He visited mosques and churches. * He met with Salafis the day before the slaughter at a Coptic church and they told him that what they planned to do. So he came back the next day to video the riot. * He tried to drive a wedge between the youth and the army. * He had emails on his laptop to the Mossad. Most of these are absurd - or normal. Why wouldn't a visiting aspiring Arabist meet with intellectuals in Cairo cafes, or visit mosques, or speak to Copts and Salafis? Anyway, it is instructive that the English edition of Al Masry al Youm pretends to be sophisticated and skeptical while the Arabic edition is conspiracy-minded and accusatory.  
Just a little old fashioned Jew-hatred from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Posted: 13 Jun 2011 07:15 PM PDT From The Investigative Project on Terrorism: Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism go hand-in-hand in the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology, as demonstrated in a recent speech by the group's leader Mohamed Badie. To Badie, the current problems in the Middle East have historical roots in a Jewish conspiracy, coupled with Masonic and American/Western elements. "Allah has warned us the tricks of the Jews, and their role in igniting the fire of wars," Badie said in a speech posted to the Brotherhood's Arabic-language website on June 2 and translated by the Investigative Project on Terrorism. "The Almighty said: 'Every time they light the fires of war, Allah extinguishes them; and they labor hard to spread corruption on earth: and Allah does not love the spreaders of corruption." According to Badie, "such was their [the Jewish] plot by night and by day to divide the Muslims, old and new." Their intentions could be traced from Napoleon to the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, and on to the strife in Arab nations like Sudan. "We will only gain their land by feeding the fire of animosity between them, to facilitate their destruction by our hands," Badie claimed that Herzl said at a 1903 Masonic Conference. As a part of this conspiracy, Badie argues that the West is in collaboration with the Jews. "O Muslims: I do not think that the West wants well for Muslims good," Badie said. "I do not imagine the Americo-Zionist alliance wants our blessed revolution to reach its objectives, in the forefront of which are: that we enjoy freedom in our land, that we be independent in our decision and that we have sovereignty over our homelands." The speech underlines assertions that the Brotherhood has not reformed its ideology, despite public pronouncements on their website and in English-language comments to the media. The organization recently generated controversy by condemning the killing of Osama bin Laden, and for its support for terrorism and a shaky commitment to democratic principles.
And it is all there on the Muslim Brotherhood website.  
Proof that Syria staged "Nakba Day" protests Posted: 13 Jun 2011 02:11 PM PDT Nice reporting from The Telegraph's Michael Weiss: I have just been forward what appear to be Syrian state documents leaked by the governor of al-Qunaitera, in south-west Syria, which suggest that the regime fully orchestrated the "Nakba Day" raids of Palestinian refugees into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on May 15. The document (below) which bears the Syrian Republic emblem, is dated May 14, 2011 and describes an "urgent meeting" of Major General Asef Shawkat, the Deputy Chief of Staff for the Armed Forces, and the chiefs of security and military intelligence branches in the province in Al-Qunaitera, which is located at the Syrian-Israeli border. The memorandum outlines how the regime ordered the dispatching of 20 buses, each one with a passenger capacity of 47, to cross the border into Majdal-Shamms in the Golan Heights in order to precipitate a confrontation between Palestinian refugees and Israeli soldiers and UN peacekeeping forces, thereby distracting international attention from the Syrian revolution. I quote the entire document, attributed to the "Office of the Mayor" in Al-Qunaitera province: After an urgent meeting convened by the security committee on Saturday in the presence of the Mayor of al-Qunaitera, Major General Asef Shawkat -Deputy Chief of Staff for the Armed Forces-, and chiefs of security and military (intelligence) branches in the province, the following was decided: All security, military, and contingent units in the province, Ain-el-Tina and the old al-Qunaitera are hereby ordered to grant permission of passage to all twenty vehicles (47 passenger capacity) with the attached plate numbers that are scheduled to arrive at ten in the morning on Sunday May 15, 2011 without being questioned or stopped until it reaches or frontier defense locations. Permission is hereby granted allowing approaching crowds to cross the cease fire line (with Israel) towards the occupied Majdal-Shamms, and to further allow them to engage physically with each other in front of United Nations agents and offices. Furthermore, there is no objection if a few shots are fired in the air. Captain Samer Shahin from the military intelligence division is hereby appointed to the leadership of the group assigned to break-in and infiltrate deep into the occupied Syrian Golan Heights with a specified pathway to avoid land mines. It is essential to ensure that no one carries military identification or a weapon as they enter with a strict emphasis on the peaceful and spontaneous nature of the protest. The provincial security committee meeting is considered in constant deliberation in coordination with the Center. May you be the source of prosperity for the nation and the party (signature) Dr. Khalil Mash-hadiya Mayor of Al-Qunaitera ...This document – which I have good reason to believe is absolutely genuine – appears to represent the first piece of regime-created evidence that Assad has cynically tried to manipulate Western and Arabic media during three-month Syrian uprising. Cynical, indeed. Yet how many Western media outlets uncritically referred to all the rioters as "Palestinian refugees"? (h/t Folderol)  
Arab countries haven't paid the PA a dime this year Posted: 13 Jun 2011 01:30 PM PDT From MEMRI: Palestinian Authority Accountant General Yousef Al-Zumor said that the PA is having difficulties paying its employees because Arab countries are not transferring the financial aid they promised. He claimed that in 2011, no aid had been received, and in 2010, the PA had received $280 million out of the promised $960 million that had been promised. In 2010, he said, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar all transferred much smaller sums than they had in previous years, and added that Qatar had transferred no aid at all in 2008-2009. Source: Wafa (Palestinian Authority), June 12, 2011 I don't know how to jive this with Fayyad's recent statement that the PA was receivingsome $52 million a month from Arab countries. At the time, I thought it might have been a mistranslation - and this article seems to bear that out. So when the Arabs don't come through for their Palestinian brethren, who is left holding the bag? The West always pays up whenever these "emergencies" come up!  
Good news: Israel exhibit starts today in Milan despite threats Posted: 13 Jun 2011 12:37 PM PDT Last week I posted a YNet article: Italian police have refused to handle security for an Israeli exhibit at a central Milan square next week due to threats of violence by Palestinian activists, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. The exhibit, set to take place at Piazza Duomo, has been planned in honor of 'Israel Week' in the city. It includes 15 towers showcasing Israeli culture, technology, agriculture, economics, and art "to present the unfamiliar Israel". But pro-Palestinian organizations are threatening to target the exhibit. Over the past few days the groups have been urging internet users to sign a petition to cancel the exhibit. Web posters issued by the groups threaten to "ignite the city" and say, "No to Israeli occupation of Milano". It seems that the problems have been solved, and the ten day festival is staring today. From Time, translating an article at La Stampa: "Unexpected Israel," an exhibition celebrating Israel, will go ahead as planned in Milan's central Duomo piazza, despite protests from pro-Palestinian activists. Milan authorities have confirmed the location of the biggest Israeli cultural event ever organized abroad, set to take place June 13-23. Pro-Palestinian activists have posted an online plea against the event, and have threatened to organize a rally against it on June 18. "We do not want Milan to become the stage for Zionist imperialism's propaganda," they wrote. Renzo Gattegna, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, and Roberto Jarach, president of the Milan Jewish community, responded in a joint statement: "Giving up under threat would be a political victory for those who bring prejudice and hate." After meeting a representative of the mayor, the pro-Palestinian activists said in a statement that they claim their right "to peacefully question and expose this whitewashing operation of Israeli politics."
Opening next Monday, Unexpected Israel will exhibit an installation consisting of 15 columns and 15 monitors, which will be placed in Duomo's vast square to illustrate Israel's diverse realities. On June 14, there will be an Italo-Israeli business-forum. On June 15, writer Davis Grossman will talk in the Teatro Nuovo, while the singer Noa will perform in concert. The main exhibitions will be hosted in a 900-square-meter pavilion. [Mayor] Pisapia, who just came into office as the city's first center-left mayor in 20 years, had the last word. "Milan is an open and hospital city for everyone. It cannot be the place to reproduce a fight that for too long has not been solved peacefully," he said. "Milan is a sister city of Tel Aviv and Bethlehem, and it must continue being a meeting point for cultures and peoples."  
Israel's story in maps Posted: 13 Jun 2011 11:31 AM PDT |
Video of Iranians caught fighting against Syrian opposition Posted: 13 Jun 2011 10:41 AM PDT Al Arabiya reports that two men from Iran, who speak Arabic, were caught in the Syrian city of Hama by the Syrian opposition. They seem to have admitted working for the Syrian dictatorship.. There have been a number of reports of both Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria acting on behalf of the Assad regime, but this seems to be the first confirmation. Here is a video of the two:  
Galloway finally says it explicitly: He wants Israel to be destroyed Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:50 AM PDT As far as I can tell, up until now, George Galloway has, to Western audiences, made a pretense of saying he supports peace between Arabs and Israel - as long as there is a "right to return." Listen, for example, to his radio show aired in late 2008 where he disingenuously claims that Hamas supports the Arab peace plan. Now, he is explicit that his idea of "peace" means that Israel no longer exists and that "Palestine" takes over all the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan: Transcript from MEMRI: Following are excerpts from an interview with former British MP George Galloway, which aired on Palestine Today TV on May 24, 2011: George Galloway: When President Obama is talking about a smaller and smaller Palestine, we have to insist that Palestine is one, from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea. […] Our next land convoy, which will arrive, God willing, in Gaza on the 27th of December this year, will be called "The Return Convoy," because we insist that Palestine is not only Gaza, the West Bank, and what they call "East Jerusalem." Palestine is the whole country and the whole people. […] Interviewer: The largest insurance company in the world, Lloyd's, refused to insure the ships of the second Freedom Flotilla. How will you deal with this matter, which may hinder your progress? George Galloway: Well, we will have no insurance, but God is great and we are doing God's work. We are not afraid of Israel. We are afraid only of God.
(h/t Challah Hu Akbar)  
Report: PA breaks up prisoner demo, attacked journalists Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:10 AM PDT Palestine Today reports that there was a demonstration in Nablus today to protest the PA's holding of prisoners, presumably members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups. According to the story, Palestinian Authority police broke up the demonstration, beat up PA MP Mona Mansour who led the rally and attacked journalists covering the rally. The PA confiscated cameras and videotape. Just another unreported story from the Palestinian Arab territories that we will not be seeing in the media...  
Palestinian Arabs claim Israel is stealing their natural gas Posted: 13 Jun 2011 08:35 AM PDT From Globes: Minister of National infrastructures Dr. Uzi Landau has instructed Noble Energy to develop the Noa North gas reserve in the Noa license. Sources inform "Globes" that the final decision to develop the field came after operator Noble Energy convinced Ministry of National Infrastructures experts that he field did not spill over into other parts of the reserve, which is partly under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority in the economic zone of the Gaza Strip. Up to now, Landau has refrained from ordering development of the Noa field, fearing that this would lead to diplomatic problems vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority. "Globes" reported in the past that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the matter with President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Of course, Palestinian Arabs are saying that the field is all definitely theirs. Palestine Press Agency headlined the story this way: "Israeli Infrastructure Ministry issued a license to steal gas from Gaza." A Fatah member was quoted as saying this is"an act of aggression, added to the new attacks on the capabilities of our people and their rights." Needless to say, they do not report that Israel's infrastructures ministry has been working hard to avoid any possible legal issues in the field. I could not find a map of the Noa gas field. Here are the maps I was able to find of Israel's offshore gas reserves. If Noa is the same as Mari-B, then Israel seems to have the bulk of that field.  
Fisking Hamas' spokesman to the West Posted: 13 Jun 2011 07:30 AM PDT The Globe and Mail has a Q&A with Ahmed Yousef, Hamas spokesman for the West. Question: Do you believe that there exists a Jewish people with roots in the Holy Land? Shouldn't they be allowed a state? -- Mark Surchin of Toronto, Eric Beckerman, Jon Kerner Answer: Historically speaking, the Holy Land has been inhabited by members of the three Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism). However, the Zionist project usurped this land in order to establish a Jewish state. The indigenous people who were living on the land were forcibly removed from their homes in 1948 and they remain as refugees waiting to return as set out by UN resolution 194. We as Palestinians cannot comprehend why Israel insists that there must be a Jewish state when the land has been home to all three religions over the long course of history. Yousef is saying here that there is no such thing as a Jewish people, and that they are merely members of a religious group. As such they don't have the right to have a state, and by implication "Palestine" should not be exclusive to one religion. Yet the Hamas charter states the exact opposite in the relationship between Islam and nationalism: Hamas regards Nationalism (Wataniyya) as part and parcel of the religious faith. Nothing is loftier or deeper in Nationalism than waging Jihad against the enemy and confronting him when he sets foot on the land of the Muslims. And this becomes an individual duty binding on every Muslim man and woman; a woman must go out and fight the enemy even without her husband's authorization, and a slave without his masters' permission. This [principle] does not exist under any other regime, and it is a truth not to be questioned. While other nationalisms consist of material, human and territorial considerations, the nationality of Hamas also carries, in addition to all those, the all important divine factors which lend to it its spirit and life; so much so that it connects with the origin of the spirit and the source of life and raises in the skies of the Homeland the Banner of the Lord, thus inexorably connecting earth with Heaven. Of course, he is also lying when he says that all Palestinian Arabs were forcibly removed, and that UNGC 194 offers the unlimited right to return. So Yousef is a liar. Q: Why doesn't Hamas reject violence? Do you really think you can win by fighting? -- Yves Crepeaum, Sackville, N.B., Laurence Knight A: The Palestinians have been forced into engaging with a legitimate struggle due to the current occupation. The Palestinians must continue in their struggle to liberate their land from the occupying force. The UN resolutions have protected the right for those who lose their homes and land to defend their rights. Palestinian Arab violence against Israel pre-dates "occupation." It even pre-dates Israel. The Hamas military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, is named after an Arab terrorist from the 1930s who fought against Jews living in Palestine. Yousef has nothign bad to say about him - if he did, he would probably not live out the week. So Yousef is a liar. Q: Why does your Covenant advocate killing Jews, and your text books teach children to hate? -- Jillian York, Ran Ukashi of Winnipeg, Christopher Slatter, Jonathan Lampert A: The Covenant does not advocate the murder of Jews, but for the Palestinians to defend themselves against the continuing occupation. This is a direct reaction to the aggressive, expansionist Zionist project and the growing displacement of Palestinians from their homes. Children are not taught to hate. If anything teaches our children to hate, it is the daily events of the occupation. Sanctions, occupation and the siege have impacted on our children's thinking. Here is every mention of the word "Jew" in the Hamas Charter: For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails. The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim). [Peace] conferences are no more than a means to appoint the nonbelievers as arbitrators in the lands of Islam. Since when did the Unbelievers do justice to the Believers? "And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou follow their creed. Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah [himself] is the Guidance. And if you should follow their desires after the knowledge which has come unto thee, then you would have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper." Sura 2 (the Cow), verse 120. There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. The Nazism of the Jews does not skip women and children, it scares everyone. They make war against people's livelihood, plunder their moneys and threaten their honor. In their horrible actions they mistreat people like the most horrendous war criminals. Exiling people from their country is another way of killing them. We cannot fail to remind every Muslim that when the Jews occupied Holy Jerusalem in 1967 and stood at the doorstep of the Blessed Aqsa Mosque, they shouted with joy: "Muhammad is dead, he left daughters behind." Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims. Within the circle of the conflict with world Zionism, the Hamas regards itself the spearhead and the avant-garde. It joins its efforts to all those who are active on the Palestinian scene, but more steps need to be taken by the Arab and Islamic peoples and Islamic associations throughout the Arab and Islamic world in order to make possible the next round with the Jews, the merchants of war. "We have cast among them enmity and hatred till the day of Resurrection. As often as they light a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it. Their effort is for corruption in the land, and Allah loves not corrupters." Sura V (Al-Ma'idah—the Table spread), verse 64. Of course, Hamas TV has encouraged children to murder Jews on many occasions. Here's just one. So Yousef is a liar. Tomorrow they will print more of Hamas' lies in the form of answers to readers' questions. But why bother - we already know that his answers are lies.  
Lebanese university protests planned speech by a man of peace (David G) Posted: 13 Jun 2011 06:40 AM PDT From David G via email: Donating $500,000 to the Palestinians isn't enough James Wolfensohn,the former President of the World Bank, raised $14 million - including his own $500,000 - from American Jews to buy the greenhouses left by Israelis leaving Gaza in 2005. In short order after the disengagement from Gaza, Palestinians looted the greenhouses. Apparently though, his efforts at helping the Palestinians isn't much appreciated in the Arab world. What has been coined the "Arab Spring" has gained momentum, this time in the region's most well-reputed and prestigious university, the American University of Beirut. The campus has been a scene of protests ever since the university decided to grant Sir John Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank and member of the advisory council for the Israeli Democracy Institute, an honorary degree during this year's graduation ceremony. Ninety-five faculty members and hundreds of students have signed a petition in opposition to the university's plans to ask Wolfensohn to deliver the keynote speech to the graduating class of 2011 later this month. The signatories stated that honoring Wolfensohn "symbolically undermines AUB's legacy in the struggle for social justice and its historical connection to Beirut, to Palestine and beyond." In response to the petition, Wolfenson informed the AUB community on Saturday of his intention to skip the ceremony "out of concern that his presence would distract from the celebratory nature of the event." Wolfensohn's crimes? The petition tied its objections to Wolfensohn's work as president of the World Bank from 1995 to 2005, his membership in the International Advisory Council of the Israel Democracy Institute, which according to its website, "acts to promote the values and norms appropriate for Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," and his investment in Better Place, a company that according to the petition, "intends to build infrastructure to serve Israeli settlers in the West Bank." Moshe Kaplinsky, chief executive of Better Place Israel, previously served as commander of the Sayeret Golani, Golani and Galilee Brigades in the Israel Defense Force. During his tenure, he was promoted to the prestigious rank of major general and appointed military secretary to the prime minister in 2001. In 2005 Kaplinsky served as deputy chief of the general staff. Lebanon technically remains in a state of war with Israel. So an institution in decreasingly democratic Lebanon gets to pass judgment on the nature of Israeli democracy. What's astonishing is that Wolfensohn also used his position at the as an envoy to the Middle East to pressure Israel to ease up on restrictions on the Palestinians. But neither the money not the hectoring of Israel has protected Wolfensohn from the hatred of Israel. We shouldn't surprised but this disinvitation hasn't evoked any outrage.  
More details on Ilan Grapel, "spy" Posted: 13 Jun 2011 05:49 AM PDT Reuters fills in some pieces about Ilan Grapel, who was absurdly arrested as a spy by Egypt. An alleged Israeli spy arrested in Egypt is an American immigrant to Israel who once wrote that he hoped to promote Israeli policies in the Arab world, according to information he and others provided on websites. The man, detained on Sunday in a development that could strain Israel's relations with Egypt's new leaders, was identified by the Egyptian MENA news agency as Ilan Chaim Grabel, a misspelling of his family name, Grapel. The Israeli ambassador to Cairo said on Monday that Israel was looking into the case. The US embassy in the Egyptian capital said it was working to confirm Grapel's identity and citizenship. In his Facebook page, Grapel made no secret of his presence in Egypt, writing that he was "preaching at Al Azhar," an Islamic university in Cairo, and that he had studied at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. The reference to Al Azhar later disappeared from the page. A judiciary source in Egypt said the arrested man had been active in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the revolt against Hosni Mubarak, after the former president stepped down. A statement issued by Egypt's public prosecutor said the suspect, ordered held for 15 days, had been sent to Egypt to recruit agents "trying to gather information and data and to monitor the events of the January 25 revolution." Photographs of Grapel on the Facebook page, on the website of the Israel Project, a pro-Israel group where he trained in media relations in 2008, and in the on-line newsletter of an organization that raises funds for Israeli soldiers, matched those in a video clip of the suspect released by Egypt. Articles about Grapel's military service in Israel appeared in the New York Daily News and Israel's Haaretz newspaper in 2006. They said he had been wounded in the Lebanon war that year while serving as an Israeli paratrooper and had immigrated to Israel in 2005 from Queens, New York, at the age of 22. "He is a very special guy. He's an Arabist," Tsiki Ood, who said he was a friend of Grapel's, told Israel Radio, describing him as an American immigrant. "He's very intelligent ... He spoke Arabic. I hope he gets out of this trouble." After the war, Grapel spoke in the United States at fundraisers for wounded Israeli soldiers, according to the Internet newsletter of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces organization, which also cited his injury in Lebanon. It showed him in his paratroops uniform standing next to US fundraisers and Israeli diplomats at functions in Chicago and Houston in 2006. Two years later, Grapel took part in the Israel Project's media fellows program in Jerusalem on "educating top young leaders in how to educate the press on Israel and Iran." In a comment that appears on the Israel Project's web page about the program, Grapel said he had been impressed by an Israeli Foreign Ministry's official's briefing on conveying Israel's positions to the Arab world. "It would be very rewarding for me if I were to be able to communicate as effectively (as the official) in such anti-Israel environments," Grapel wrote. In other words, Grapel didn't hide his viewpoints in the least - pretty strange for a "spy." By the way, I originally read this in Al Arabiya, where they changed the Reuters dateline from "Jerusalem" to "occupied Jerusalem."  
Vote in the finals of the Pro-Israel Blog-Off! Posted: 13 Jun 2011 02:52 AM PDT This week is the final round of the Pro-Israel Blog-Off at Israellycool. EoZ is in the finals, up against Israel Muse. I submitted a post containing the audio of the lecture I gave a couple of weeks ago on " How to be a media-savvy advocate of Israel." There is a lot of information there, and I think it is important for people who care about Israel to hear. So now is the time to vote! Thanks again to Israellycool and Honest Reporting for sponsoring what has been a really fun competition. And be sure to check out all of the great blogs that entered - there is a lot of good stuff out there.  
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