Zionists are EVERYWHERE! Posted: 26 May 2011 08:51 PM PDT From MEMRI: The Iranian daily Jomhouri-e Eslami said that Turkish President Abdullah Gul's call to Hamas to recognize Israel, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, attests that he is partner to the Zionist-Western plot aimed at toppling Hamas, and warned Gul that recognizing Israel would only encourage it to continue its aggression. When the Turkish president has turned Zionist, then we really have reached world domination! Bwahahahaha!  
Muslims forcing marriages on non-Muslim women Posted: 26 May 2011 03:22 PM PDT From The Australian: AMID the upheavals in Egypt since January, reports have begun to emerge of a surge in disappearances of Coptic girls. One priest in Cairo estimates that at least 21 young girls, many as young as 14, have disappeared from his parish alone. In most cases, when a Christian girl who disappears is found by her family, she has been converted to Islam and married. The Coptic authorities, have even set up a series of refuges in monasteries to handle the growing numbers of girls who wish to return to their families, many of whom are not accepted by their family of origin. But a worse problem for these women is that their conversion to Islam is irreversible. Religion is stated on Egyptian ID documents and even though secular law provides for reversions, under the growth of sharia they are very difficult, except for those affording legal advocacy. This situation is not unique to Egypt. There have been consistent reports of girls being coerced into Islamic conversion and marriage in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. That many of these girls are initially runaways is not in doubt. However, there is also evidence that a huge number are converted and married against their will. The situation was documented in a controversial report published in 2009 on conversion and forced marriage of Coptic women by Washington DC-based Christian Solidarity International. The authors are Washington academic Michele Clark and Egyptian Coptic broadcast journalist Nadia Ghaly, based in Melbourne. Between 2005 and 2008 they interviewed and documented 50 Egyptian women, mostly aged between 14 and 25, who had decided to return to their families. All claim to have been tricked, coerced or raped, converted to Islam and married. Most of the interviewees were trying to reconvert to their Christian identity, with limited or no success. The report's conclusions were printed in several major publications, including Forbes magazine. Since the so-called Arab Spring, and the ensuing riots at Christian churches, the authors are trying to bring the subject of forced conversion and marriage to greater prominence. Both groups live extremely closed, highly traditional separate lives and the norms surrounding marriage and sex are almost medieval, says Ghaly. So, for example, it is not unheard of for a young Christian girl from a poor family to run away from an arranged marriage. Yet a high proportion of these women claim coercion, even rape, despite the shame that such a claim will cause if the girl wishes to return. Many claim they were kept as virtual slaves. Others who were able to leave could not bring their children. Ghaly claims this is more than overt religious oppression, and amounts to "a form of cultural genocide". She cites a document published by Human Rights Watch in November 2007, which says that even if Coptic women can obtain a divorce from their Muslim husband, those who wish to return to Christianity "meet with refusal and harassment from the Civil Status Department of the Ministry of Interior". Under sharia law, reconversion is considered apostasy punishable by death. (h/t Mike)  
Afternoon links - part 2 - plus videos Posted: 26 May 2011 12:48 PM PDT |
Jordanian man beaten to death by Saudi religious police - for long hair Posted: 26 May 2011 11:57 AM PDT Al Watan.sa and Firas Press report on the death of Nabil Hassan Hamid, 28, from Jordan. Last week he was arrested by the Saudi religious police for the crime of having long hair. A member of the Muttawa chased him, beat him, and apparently shaved off his hair. He was hospitalized for a week before succumbing to his injuries, apparently a brain hemorrhage. Here he is before his death: The Saudi authorities say that he died from a 4-meter fall while fleeing, and added that "it is well known that people running fast in a panic might get a stroke." Later they claimed he died from an asthma attack. Some Facebook pages have popped up to protest his murder.  
Saudi woman driver/activist arrested, apologizes (updated) Posted: 26 May 2011 11:06 AM PDT From France 24 earlier this week: In a tough setback for aspiring Saudi female drivers, Saudi police have arrested female activist Manal al-Sharif, who boldly posted a video of herself behind the wheel online on Friday. Our Observer was with her for the symbolic drive. More than 600,000 people watched the video of al-Sharif chatting with a friend as she drives around the eastern Saudi city of Khobar. The seemingly mundane scene is in fact anything but. Deeply conservative Saudi Arabia is the last country in the world to ban women from driving. Al-Sharif was reportedly arrested on May 22 while driving, released for a few hours then taken back into custody. A Saudi security official said she is being accused of "violating public order", and will be held for five days while the case is investigated. The video she made was removed from YouTube following her arrest, as was the Facebook page she created calling on Saudi women to collectively defy the driving ban on June 17. Nevertheless, a new Facebook page was created almost immediately, and the video survived on video sharing site YouTube, re-posted by Al-Sharif's supporters. Apparently, al-Sharif could not handle the pressure being brought to bear on her by the Saudi authorities. She is said to have released an abject apology that sounds very, very strange for someone who a week ago was such a pioneer: Manal Al-Sharief admits she made a mistake by driving a car in the Kingdom and promises never to do it again. This is according to Dr. Ghazi Al-Shammari, Chairman of the Family Solidarity Committee in the Eastern Province Emirate, who told Okaz/Saudi Gazette that this is what Al-Sharief told him when he visited her at the Women's Prison in Dammam. Al-Sharief is the 32-year-old Saudi woman who was detained Saturday for driving a car in Al-Khobar. Al-Shammari had visited her accompanied by Brig. Gen. Abdullah Al-Boushi, Director of the Eastern Province Prisons. He said he spoke to her and quoted her as saying, "I made a mistake and I'm a daughter of this nation. I have nobody but my family and the sons and daughters of my nation. I advise girls of my generation to rally behind our leadership and Ulema. They know better than us about our condition. I'm confident about what I'm saying after sitting alone and contemplating." She added that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is special because it has the Two Holy Mosques, is a refuge for Muslim hearts and is quite different from other countries in the world. Al-Sharief said she was well cared for and only wanted to return to her family and her work. She had repeated she made a mistake and confirmed she would not repeat the action again, according to Al-Shammari, who was quoting a conversation Al-Boushi had with her about her needs in prison. Okaz/Saudi Gazette reported earlier that Al-Sharief also plans to withdraw from the campaign for women to drive, according to a source at the National Society for Human Rights (NSHR). "Manal wants to be released," the source said. "She said the investigation had been carried out and she will withdraw from the campaign calling for women to drive cars." Saudi Arabia is once again safe from the scourge of woman drivers. UPDATE: A popular Facebook page is calling on Saudi men to beat women who dare drive at a planned protest next month. (h/t Folderol)  
Afternoon links - part 1 Posted: 26 May 2011 10:21 AM PDT |
Rare footage of Operation Solomon, 1991 Posted: 26 May 2011 09:40 AM PDT You don't need to understand Hebrew to be moved by this footage of Ethiopian Jews being saved anf flown to Israel in 1991's Operation Solomon. Here's a frame showing a family on the plane: Doesn't Zionism look like racism here? (h/t Joel)  
Operation Embarrass: British bombed Jewish refugee ships Posted: 26 May 2011 08:59 AM PDT From The Daily Beast: As Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, the pitiful remnants of History's greatest crime, tried to make their way across an often hostile Europe at the end of the Second World War, toward at least a semblance of safety in the Holy Land, they had no shortage of problems with which to contend, including disease and malnutrition, Polish anti-Semitism, Soviet indifference, Allied bureaucracy, and Arab nationalism. Now we discover that they faced yet another peril in the shape of bombs planted on their transport ships by Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, better known as MI6. A new book to be published next week entitled MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949, by the distinguished British historian Keith Jeffery, reveals the existence of Operation Embarrass, a plan to try to prevent Jews getting into Palestine in 1946-'48 using disinformation and propaganda but also explosive devices placed on ships. Nor is this some speculative spy story that can be denied by the authorities: Dr. Jeffrey's book is actually, in their own words: "Published with the permission of The Secret Intelligence Service and the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office." When on June 1 this year the British government denounced as "completely unacceptable" the way that the Israelis landed troops on the Turkish flotilla to Gaza we did not know that its predecessor had done much the same, actually blowing up one ship and damaging two more vessels of a genuinely humanitarian flotilla that was trying to bring Jewish survivors of the Nazi death camps to their people's ancient homeland. It now emerges that in late 1946 the Labour government of Clement Attlee asked MI6 for "proposals for action to deter ships masters and crews from engaging in illegal Jewish immigration and traffic," adding, "Action of the nature contemplated is, in fact, a form of intimidation and intimidation is only likely to be effective if some members of the group of people to be intimidated actually suffer unpleasant consequences." Among the options contemplated were "the discovery of some sabotage device, which had 'failed' to function after the sailing of a ship," "tampering with a ship's fresh water supplies or the crew's food," and "fire on board ship in port." Sir Stewart Menzies, the chief of the SIS, suggested these could be blamed on an invented Arab terrorist group called The Defenders of Arab Palestine. Operation Embarrass was launched after a meeting held on February 14, 1947 between officials from MI6, the armed services, the Colonial Office and the Foreign Office, the last represented by William Hayter, the head of Foreign Office Services Liaison Department, a high-flier who later became ambassador to Moscow. I knew Sir William Hayter in later life, but needless to say he never breathed a word about this operation. In his defense, it must be said that Hayter did order MI6 to ensure that arson "must be arranged, if at all, when the ship is empty." The Operation Embarrass team was told that "the primary consideration was to be that no proof could ever be established between positive action against this traffic and His Majesty's Government [HMG]." A special communications network, codenamed Ocean, was set up with a budget of £30,000 ($47,000), a great deal of money in 1947. The operation had three aspects: direct action against refugee ships, a "black" propaganda campaign, and a deception scheme to disrupt immigration from Black Sea ports. A team of former Special Operations Executive agents—with the cover story of a yachting trip—was sent to France and Italy with limpet bombs and timers. If captured, "they were under no circumstances to admit their connection with HMG" but instead claim to have been recruited in New York "by an anti-Communist organization formed by a group of international industrialists, mainly in the oil and aircraft industries," i.e. to lay the blame on rich, right-wing, unnamed Americans. They were told that this cover "was their final line of defense and, even in the event of a prison sentence, no help could be expected from HMG." During the summer of 1947 and early 1948, five attacks were undertaken on ships in Italian ports, of which one was rendered "a total loss" and two others were damaged. Two other British-made limpet mines were discovered before they went off, but the Italian authorities did not find their country of origin suspicious, "as the Arabs would of course be using British stores." Operation Embarrass even considered blowing up the Baltimore steamship President Warfield when in harbor in France, which later became famous in Israeli history as the "Exodus" ship that "launched a nation." The country that ought to be embarrassed by Operation Embarrass—indeed shamed—is Great Britain, which used explosives to try to stop truly humanitarian flotillas after the Holocaust, but now condemns embattled Israel for halting entirely politically inspired flotillas to Gaza despite her rights of legitimate self-defense. The depth of the animosity that Establishment Britain, especially the Foreign Office, felt toward the Jews of Palestine clearly went even further than we had ever imagined, and even 70 years later is by no means extinguished.
(h/t Joel)  
The "new" neighborhood in Maale Zeitim Posted: 26 May 2011 08:11 AM PDT From Getty Images: A Jewish settler girl in her living room during the inauguration ceremony of new settler homes on May 25, 2011 in the Jewish enclave of Maaleh Zeitim in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Ras al-Amud in east Jerusalem, Israel. Maaleh Zeitim was financed by American millionaire Irving Moskowitz who has bankrolled other settlement projects in the occupied West Bank, and east Jerusalem. Interesting which "facts" Getty choose to highlight in the caption. In fact, the land was purchased by Jews in 1928 and Israel has upheld that purchase, and allowed Moskowitz to buy it legally. But there is something else that is interesting about the Ras al-Amud: Settlement remains dating to different phases of the Middle Canaanite period (2200-1900 BCE) and the last years of the First Temple period (eighth-seventh centuries BCE), including an inscription in ancient Hebrew script that mentions the name "Menachem", were recently exposed in an archaeological excavation the Israel Antiquities Authority is conducting in the Ras el-'Amud neighborhood, prior to the construction of a girls' school by the Jerusalem municipality. Among the remains from the First Temple period is a handle on which the Hebrew name (ל)מנחם meaning (to) Menachem, is engraved. According to archaeologist Dr. Ron Beeri, the excavation director on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, I have a feeling that the area was not always known with the Arabic name of "Ras al-Amud."  
Details on Egypt opening Rafah Posted: 26 May 2011 07:18 AM PDT The news that Egypt is opening up the Rafah crossing permanently starting on Saturday is being widely reported, but the details are not. According to the Hamas Palestine Times newspaper, there are still restrictions on who could cross the border. - Women and children under 18 are allowed to cross without prior coordination with Egypt.
- Men over 40 can as long as they meet certain conditions.
- Students with valid papers and medical cases will be allowed as well, along with Gazans with investments in Egypt who have the proper paperwork.
There will still not be any facilities for large shipments of materials through the crossing, but families can go shopping in Egypt and bring back their own needs. The opening is expected to be a bonanza for taxi drivers who will be ferrying people to and from both sides of the border. And lately the number of taxis in Gaza has mushroomed as lots of cars are entering the area, both from Israel and smuggled in from Libya.  
Justin Bieber's "mysterious" Hebrew tattoo Posted: 26 May 2011 06:25 AM PDT This is for all the people who read EoZ for my deep and penetrating knowledge of pop culture. From the Daily Mail: After winning six gongs at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night, it looks like Justin Bieber has decided he deserves a holiday. The 17-year-old pop star was pictured heading to the beach yesterday after flying to Hawaii with girlfriend Selena Gomez. Stripped to the waist, the Canadian star showed off his rock-hard stomach in a pair of bathing shorts teamed with flip flops and white sunglasses. Is there no one in Great Britain who recognizes Hebrew? As many other sites noted, it is the Hebrew spelling of Jesus. (h/t Joel)  
Anti-Hezbollah Shi'ite cleric arrested in Lebanon as an "Israeli spy" Posted: 26 May 2011 05:35 AM PDT From The Daily Star (Lebanon): Lebanese authorities have arrested a Shiite sheikh in southern Lebanon on suspicion of spying for Israel, a security source told The Daily Star Tuesday. The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Lebanese intelligence personnel arrested Sheikh Mohammad Ali Husseini, leader of the obscure Arab-Islamic Resistance group, late Saturday in his apartment in the Riz complex just east of the southern port city of Tyre and took him to the Defense Ministry in Yarze, east Beirut, for questioning. The source said information gathered about Husseini over the past 10 days led to his arrest. The Lebanese intelligence unit also confiscated computer sets, communication equipment and documents from Husseini's home. Reporters based in south Lebanon said Husseini, who is critical of both Hezbollah and the Amal Movement of Speaker Nabih Berri, has been funded by Saudi Arabia since 2008. Michael Totten interviewed Husseini and described him in his book, The Road to Fatima Gate. Husseini is not just a Shi'ite cleric. He is a direct descendant of Mohammed himself, a "sayyed," and Totten described him as being "untouchable" in Lebanon. While reporters are severely restricted from taking photographs in the Hezbollah controlled sections of the country, when they are with Husseini they can do whatever they want because no one would dare challenge him. He outranks Nasrallah as a cleric, according to Totten. Husseini is against war and terrorism, writing an entire book about nonviolence based on Quranic sources. Unfortunately, he has little political power. His "resistance movement" was a publicity stunt to try to co-opt Hezbollah's message of resistance, and it failed badly. This is not merely another spy case. This is Hezbollah showing exactly how powerful they really are.  
"Aida" to be performed at Masada, Arabs upset Posted: 26 May 2011 03:39 AM PDT The Islamic Jihad newspaper Palestine Today says that the staging of Verdi's opera Aida next month in front of Masada is showing how Israel is taking advantage of Egypt's turmoil. The props for the opera include a reproduction of the Sphinx as well as statues of other Pharaohs. The opera tells the love story of an Ethiopian princess and an Egyptian army officer. The article says that Israel is "stealing" the opera. Not quite sure how. If you want to go, the website is here.  
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