Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest |
- Muslims upset at BBC saying "Zam Zam" is poisonous
- Egyptian university lecture: Jews intent on destroying Egypt
- Syrians kill Syrians, and they blame - Israel
- Afternoon links
- Obsession, the movie, available for a limited time
- Muslim Brotherhood leader running for Egyptian presidency
- A 12-meter "Naqba key" in Rafah
- The Palestine pound: A little revisionist history
- A twitter thread with an anti-Zionist who hated my posters
- PA soldiers at Joseph's Tomb were asleep; fired wildly when they awoke
- The Muslim world's inferiority complex
- Anecdotal but convincing: Pakistan knew where Bin Laden was
- Gaza man run over by bulldozer.
Muslims upset at BBC saying "Zam Zam" is poisonous Posted: 12 May 2011 12:01 AM PDT From the BBC last week: Holy drinking water contaminated with arsenic is being sold illegally to Muslims by UK shops, the BBC has found.The reaction was as one would expect: A BBC report that claimed Zamzam water from Makkah is polluted and that it contains high levels of nitrate, potentially harmful bacteria and traces of arsenic three times the permitted level has met with angry reactions from pilgrims and residents. And: King Fahd University for Petroleum and Mineral Resources (KFUPM) has conducted tests on Zamzam water using the latest laser spectrum disintegration technology and concluded that it contains no harmful substances, including arsenic.To be fair, it is entirely possible that the Muslim pilgrim that the BBC hired to grab the real Zam Zam might have just grabbed some fake Zam Zam from a shop in the UK. The BBC really needs to follow up. If its methods are at odds with the scientists saying that Zam Zam is safe, the one who is wrong needs to do some explaining. |
Egyptian university lecture: Jews intent on destroying Egypt Posted: 11 May 2011 08:53 PM PDT On Wednesday afternoon, a lecture given at Fayoum University by Sheikh Hazem Shoman. While the Egyptian media reported on one part of his speech - denying that Salafists were involved in the attacks on the Coptic church - most of them didn't mention another part of the speech. Al Wafd reported his remarks this way: Sheikh Hazem Shoman says that Egypt is a country of Muslims and Copts, and the Jews who occupy Palestine are their enemy. The most important thing to [the Jews] is simply the destruction of Egypt because Egypt is the leader of the Islamic nation and 46 [Islamic} countries. |
Syrians kill Syrians, and they blame - Israel Posted: 11 May 2011 05:04 PM PDT From Now Lebanon: Syrian tycoon Rami Makhlouf warned Israel of instability if the regime of his cousin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad falls, vowing to "fight to the end," according to The New York Times.So Assad's cousin is telling Israel to stop the Zionist protests if it knows what's good for it. However, some Arabs are interpreting his statements differently. From the comments there, Sami writes: A great proof of who is protecting Israel! Yeah, Makhlouf really cares about Israel. As is inevitably the case, both sides accuse the other of being Zionist. Meanwhile, whose side are Israelis on? Well, a popular Israeli singer is recording Arabic protest songs, and getting them smuggled into Syria to the protesters. One such song can be heard here. (h/t Joel) |
Posted: 11 May 2011 01:36 PM PDT Harry's Place on another wonderful organization that Amnesty International supports whose philosophy would seem, in a sane world, to be at odds with those of a human rights organization. Noah Pollak's Commentary article on B'Tselem is now available in full. NGO Monitor surveys NGO reaction to the Hamas/Fatah unity agreement to see if any of them demand that Hamas abandon violence and recognize Israel. Results pretty much as expected. Martin Peretz: Why should Israel make peace with failed states? CAMERA details how Hamas is using doubletalk that the Western media is eating up - and points out that nothing that Hamas is saying today is inconsistent with an interview last year where Hamas says it intends to destroy Israel in stages. PMW: 64% of Palarabs wouldn't object to Bin Laden being buried in "Palestine." |
Obsession, the movie, available for a limited time Posted: 11 May 2011 11:35 AM PDT For a limited time, you can watch the entire move Obsession about the dangers of radical Islam online for free: Obsession: Radical Islam Against the West - Full Version from Clarion Fund on Vimeo. (h/t Wayne Kopping via Twitter) |
Muslim Brotherhood leader running for Egyptian presidency Posted: 11 May 2011 10:59 AM PDT Remember those wonderful days of the Egyptian revolt, last February, when the Muslim Brotherhood sought to allay Western fears about themselves by writing an op-ed in the New York Times? We aim to achieve reform and rights for all: not just for the Muslim Brotherhood, not just for Muslims, but for all Egyptians. We do not intend to take a dominant role in the forthcoming political transition. We are not putting forward a candidate for the presidential elections scheduled for September. Never mind: A leader of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood movement will run for the post of Egyptian president as an independent candidate, the al-Masry al-Youm newspaper said on Wednesday.A loophole: since a MB leader is not running as a member of the MB's "Freedom and Justice" party but as an independent, the Brotherhood can have its cake and eat it, too.. |
A 12-meter "Naqba key" in Rafah Posted: 11 May 2011 09:52 AM PDT Palestinian Arabs in Rafah have unveiled what they say is the world's longest key, to symbolize when they fled Palestine in 1947-48. At the two hour ceremony, the organizers pleaded with Arab countries to continue to push their Palestinian Arab guests to "return" to a country most of them have never entered. Which means that they asked Arab countries to continue their apartheid-like practices of discrimination against their Palestinian Arab populations and never allow them to become naturalized citizens, even if they want to. The person behind the stunt said The goal is to consolidate this key in the minds of young people, women and children, to tell them that they they were expelled and deported from their land. In fact, most of their ancestors simply fled their homes out of fear, after their own leaders fled before them. They thought that their neighboring Arab nations would welcome them and allow them to start afresh, but they didn't count on their own leaders and the Arab leaders to create a myth of Palestinian Arab nationalism meant to ensure that they remain in misery forever. If they would have known how their Arab "brethren" were going to treat them for the next six decades, most of them probably would have stayed put. The organizer continued: The fight with the Jews is ideological, and therefore it is imperative for young people and children in particular to be aware of this through awareness by the community, through the organization of such events, and the work of innovative ideas as this key of return.He added a message to Israel, "There will be no security for you," and he called for the Arab and Islamic nation and the Palestinian factions to unite in Jihad and resistance until the restoration of "usurped Palestinian land." This is the two-state solution that we've been hearing so much about from the New York Times. |
The Palestine pound: A little revisionist history Posted: 11 May 2011 08:48 AM PDT From the Los Angeles Times' blog Babylon and Beyond: As part of a statehood bid they plan to bring before the U.N. this September, Palestinians are pushing for the creation of a new Palestine Central Bank and the introduction of new currency. Well, there was indeed currency called the Palestine pound. Here's what it looked like in 1939: Yikes - look at all that Hebrew! And that Jewish shrine on the front - in Bethlehem! But wait, there's more! Here's what the Palestine Pound looked like in 1948: In fact, these were the last Palestine Pound notes made, as Israel migrated to the Lira (Israeli pound). The last place that the Palestine pound was legal tender was in - Israel. Do you think this is the pound note Al Wazir wants to "re-introduce"? Al-Wazir, by pretending that he might bring the Palestine pound back, is implying that there was once an entity called "Palestine" that issued its own currency, rather than using British currency (equal to one pound sterling) of Mandate Palestine. Incidentally, before 1948, the Palestine pound was also legal tender in Transjordan. Perhaps it should be re-introduced there as well. (h/t David G) |
A twitter thread with an anti-Zionist who hated my posters Posted: 11 May 2011 07:53 AM PDT It is fun to watch how Israel haters react to my series of posters celebrating Zionism. One such hater is someone named Ben White, who apparently is one of the leaders of the anti-Israel crowd. He wrote a book called "Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide" and has been praised by the usual crowd of anti-Zionists like Ali Abunimah and Ilan Pappe. His reaction to my posters was to put up his own spoof poster on Twitter, replacing "Zionism" with "Hasbara" and tweeting "Israel at 63: This is Hasbara!": Not having ever heard of him, I thought this was a compliment, because I thinkit is a very good example of what hasbara should be. Only when MargieInTelAviv responded ah can't stand the truth can you? Why not check it out? did I realize it was meant to be an insult. I responded: Of course it is #Hasbara. And it is true. Hasbara is no more an insult than #Zionism! Ben: #hasbara in 2011 = treating kids in Haiti, evicting kids in #PalestineHe then included a link to "Hasbara Buster" who claims that Israel's good deeds aren't good in themselves, but an insidious plot to redirect the world from talking about Israeli crimes. Me: You are a sad man to get so upset over Zionists doing good things. Ben: you are a not-so-bright man if u think its the "doing good things" bit that's objectionable Me: Ah. One sided propaganda against Israel=good, telling the other side=evil. Got it. Ben: No, its called using acts of charity in strategy 2 defend apartheid. But nice #projection though Me: Even your example disproves your thesis. Org is private. But your hate overrides all. Sad. He then tried to change the subject, with a photo that I suppose is meant to illustrate Zionist evil. Which is the usual modus operandi of people like him - they need to change the playing field in order to pretend to win. But think about his main argument: he believes that when Israel - or in this case, ordinary Israelis - do good things, they have an ulterior motive: to cover up crimes. And when people like me publicize how great Israel is, we also have an evil motive: to cover up Israel's crimes. In other words, to these mental midgets, Israel is inherently evil. Everything it does is evil. This is the premise that informs all of their activities. No shades of grey, no nuance, not even the possibility of admitting that things are more complex than they pretend. When Israel does something seemingly bad, it proves it is evil, when it does something good, it's just more proof that it is evil. Logical people, who make up their minds based on evidence, can look at both sides of a story and decide. Haters, however, already know the answer, and any evidence to the contrary they use to "prove" their own point! Let's once again look at the oppressed Palestinian Arab cancer patients who enjoyed a day in the snow courtesy of the IDF, the subject of my first poster: Looking at these photos drives the haters crazy, as we have seen. They cannot reconcile the idea of Israelis - especially Israeli soldiers - actually doing something nice for the people they supposedly despise and who are, they believe, being ethnically cleansed by the very same soldiers. The cognitive dissonance must be painful. They must therefore invent their own elaborate frameworks of bizarre conspiracy theories to reconcile the obvious truth about Israel with their own, twisted, hate. How can oppressed Palestinian Arab kids allow themselves to be used as pawns by the evil IDF? How dare they laugh and smile and have fun with the symbols of Zionist atrocities? Better that they refuse to go sleddign in Mount Hermon, and stay in their hospitals, than go and have fun when there is a slight chance that someone might photograph them and use them in such a terrible evil hasbaristic way! Don't they see that they are exactly like the Jews in Theresienstadt before the Red Cross visited it in 1944? Their smiles are lies! Their fun is a lie! The pictures are probably Photoshopped! The IDF was probably mowing them down with machine guns! There is an entire industry out there, with people who are emotionally - and, in this case, financially - invested in demonizing Israel. Showing the truth is a direct threat to their worldview, and for them, this cannot be allowed. To them, Israel is a uniquely evil entity that must be destroyed, and tons of solid evidence showing that they are completely, irrevocably wrong is simply something else that they must do battle with their only weapon: lies. |
PA soldiers at Joseph's Tomb were asleep; fired wildly when they awoke Posted: 11 May 2011 06:52 AM PDT From Arutz-7: Palestinian Authority soldiers last month woke up from a slumber and shot wildly at Jews who had been praying at Joseph's Tomb, killing Ben Yosef Livnat, according to the private Israel Defense website, which is not associated with the IDF. An Israeli investigation showed that one of the PA soldiers was a former terrorist. It also found that the PA soldiers wildly fired 44 rounds during the incident - when they were not threatened at all. (h/t Yerushalimey, Joel) |
The Muslim world's inferiority complex Posted: 11 May 2011 05:54 AM PDT From Hudson-NY, translating an op-ed by Khaled Montaser in Al Masry al Youm late last year: We Muslims have an inferiority complex and are terribly sensitive to the world, feeling that our Islamic religion needs constant, practically daily, confirmation by way of Europeans and Americans converting to Islam. What rapturous joy takes us when a European or American announces [their conversion to] Islam—proof that we are in a constant state of fear, alarm, and chronic anticipation for Western validation or American confirmation that our religion is "okay." We are hostages of this anticipation, as if our victory hinges on it—forgetting that true victory is for us to create or to accomplish something, such as those [civilizations] that these converts to our faith abandon.I have discussed the Arab and Muslim inferiority complex in the past, and some of the stuff is worth revisiting. May 2005: Why Israel's creation is a "naqba" July 2005: The flip-sides to Arab "honor" December 2008: Mixing up importance and impotence US Defense Dept. analysis of the Muslim world, 1946 |
Anecdotal but convincing: Pakistan knew where Bin Laden was Posted: 11 May 2011 04:26 AM PDT A fascinating article in Hudson-NY by Anna Mahjar-Barducci: Abbottabad, Pakistan, where Usama bin Laden was killed last week, is the same town I lived in for five years – in a house 800 meters away from his villa. |
Gaza man run over by bulldozer. Posted: 11 May 2011 03:20 AM PDT Arab media is reporting that a man near the Rafah tunnels was killed accidentally when he was run over by a bulldozer. I wonder why in this case they assume it is accidental, while in other cases they assume murder? |
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