Newspapers publish Muslim prayers for Allah's revenge on Jews - who wrote them? (Unknown), 20 Jun 04:45 AM We have just begun the | We have just begun the Muslim month of Dhul Hijjah, considered the holiest month of all, the month where Muslims go on Hajj to visit Mecca. The first ten days of the month are considered especially auspicious, and one tradition is to ask for specific requests in prayers, known as dua. Egyptian newspaper El Balad News helpfully prints a number of duas for each day of Dhul Hijjah, and the first one is interesting: O Allah, we ask You for all good in this year, and do not deprive us of doing acts of worship, and help us to remember You, thank You, and worship You well, O Most Generous. O God, we ask that this year be a year of goodness and peace, and that the Holy Land be purified from the hateful Jews, for they do not fail you. O children of the Jews, we have a great God. Take revenge on them, O Subjugator, O God, O God, O God. Not "Zionists" - Jews. The newspaper includes the exact same text in its otherwise completely different set of duas for the second day of the month aa well. It will probably publish the prayer for all ten days this years, as it did last year. Jordan's Khaberni...Read More |
From Ian: Will Anthropology Faculty Group Become a Political Tool to Boycott and Attack Israel? A network of scholars (Anthropologists for Academic Freedom) has released several statements noting that the resolution is "misguided, is aimed at the wrong target, and will have absolutely no impact upon the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Several of its members recently participated in a webinar, where they passionately implored colleagues to come to their senses. The problem is that most of the thousands of eligible voters in the referendum probably are not aware of these materials or resources that cogently present counter-arguments. To its credit, the AAA leadership created a Resources page so that members could become better informed about the issues at stake. But this page is buried in the recently revamped AAA website, and is difficult to find. Furthermore, the page is top-heavy in materials curated and prepared by a pro-boycott group. A letter organized by the AMCHA Initiative, signed by more than 100 organizations and submitted to over 250 university presidents, doesn't feature on the page, nor does a warning letter issued by The Deborah Project's legal team. In the weeks leading up to the vote, AAA leaders have made no effort to restore balance in the debate. They ignored a reasonable suggestion to organize at least one virtual discussion...Read More |
This is a good batch. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Herzl postcard to his daughter from Jerusalem, October 30, 1898
Al Jazeera, which is still respected as a real news source in much of the Western world, published an article entitled, "This is how Israel plunders the antiquities of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem." The article starts with a quote, supposedly from Theodor Herzl: "If we ever get Jerusalem and I am still alive and able to do anything, I will remove everything that is not sacred to the Jews in it, and I will burn the centuries-old monuments." Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement The rest of the article goes on to falsely claim that Israeli archaeologists ignore anything non-Jewish in their digs and research, an absurd lie. What about this supposed Herzl quote? Here is what Herzl really wrote in his journal on October 31, 1898, during his visit to Palestine: If I remember you in the future, Jerusalem, not with pleasure will I remember you. The moldy residues of two thousand years of cruelty, intolerance, and filth lie in the stinking streets. If we ever get Jerusalem...Read More |
From Ian: U.S. Keeps Funding Palestinian Terror - in Defiance of Congress US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield rightly condemned in a recent speech Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' antisemitic statements that equated Israelis to the Nazis. With no sense of the irony, she then called for foreign aid to the very same PA he continues to lead, 18 years into his four-year term. An even more distressing irony: President Joe Biden recently launched a first-ever National Strategy To Counter Antisemitism amid a spike in Jew-hatred, yet at the same time — in defiance of Congress' intent — his team continues to provide material support for the PA, even as it not only spouts antisemitic speech but funds anti-Jewish terrorism through its "pay-for-slay" program. Congress clearly determined that PA terror payments encourage violence, which is why it passed the Taylor Force Act, barring economic assistance that "directly benefits the Palestinian Authority" until it "stops all payments incentivizing terror." In recent months, the West Bank has seen a spate of fatal Palestinian terror attacks, with each of the perpetrators and their families then eligible for PA payments. In 2018, the authority's refusal to end systematic terror funding led to bipartisan passage of the Taylor Force Act, named for a US citizen and West Point grad murdered by...Read More |
By Daled Amos Boy, was I wrong! Writing last year about the Muslim world ignoring the mistreatment of Uyghers under Chinese rule, I suggested that critics are eager to attack Israel with use damning parallels between Uyghurs and Palestinian Arabs: We see how there are attempts to draw parallels between Palestinian Arabs and Ukrainians on the one hand and Israel and Russia on the other. How long before we see similar parallels of Palestinian Arabs with Uyghurs and Israel with China? Now it seems that such a comparison is unlikely to be made -- considering that Mahmoud Abbas has joined the chorus defending China's detention centers. The Associated Press reported Palestinian leader Abbas ends China trip after backing Beijing's crackdown on Muslim minorities: Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas wrapped up a trip to China Friday after seeking economic aid and voicing support for Beijing's repressive policies toward Muslim minorities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. ...In the statement, the Palestinian Authority said issues regarding China's policy toward Muslims in Xinjiang have "nothing to do with human rights and are aimed at excising extremism and opposing terrorism and separatism." "Palestine resolutely opposes using the Xinjiang problem as a way of interfering in...Read More |
Amnesty-UK tweeted: Amnesty-UK is saying that thirsty Palestinians are upset by the massive amounts of water that are clearly available for their Jewish neighbors, as they stare longingly at the waste that the Jewish pools symbolize. Clearly they should be angry at the contrast between their own inability to drink a refreshing glass of water to avoid dying of thirst while the Jews frolic in wasteful swimming pools. So Amnesty must really be upset when those thirsty Palestinians are mocked by extravagant displays of frivolous swimming pools that they see in, for example, Hebron, decorated with a Palestinian flag to twist the knife of their poverty: .Certainly Amnesty is condemning the huge waste of water there, right? Other pools in the West Bank also include very patriotic flags: And this one in Birzeit looks like it holds a great deal of water, too. According to Amnesty-UK, even the smaller pools are a giant waste of water that hurts thirsty Palestinians' feelings and must be condemned: How dare these heartless people enjoy the water when their neighbors have none! Obviously a human rights group cannot be accused of antisemitism for treating pools owned by Jews differently from those owned by Palestinians. Perhaps Amnesty-UK is upset over Jews owning private pools while Palestinians next door are deprived of their...Read More |
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