Forget Ukraine. @Amnesty is back to slandering Israel (Unknown), 11 Mar 05:45 AM Amnesty International spent too much time | Amnesty International spent too much time and money on their "apartheid" report to let a little thing like a genuine humanitarian crisis in Ukraine distract them for too long: The Australia Israel/Jewish Affairs Council just destroyed this argument this week. They show the history of the law was specifically to stop terror attacks, as a number of them were perpetrated by Arabs who obtained Israeli citizenship or residency through marriage or from their parents getting married. One of the bloodiest of these was perpetrated by Shadi Tubasi who lived in Jenin and who had acquired Israeli citizenship through his mother. In March 2002, at a busy Haifa restaurant during the Passover holiday, Tubasi blew himself up together with 16 Israelis, including children, and wounded another 40. Tubasi's Israeli identity card was seen as helping to enable the attack and this rapidly led to calls for the suspension of the family reunion process. The temporary Citizenship Law came a year later. Tubasi was not the first to exploit Israeli citizenship gained through family reunification with such violent effect, nor the last. Others have included Mohammad Abdel Jafari Nasser, who in 2012 wounded 26 Israelis in an attack on a Tel Aviv bus; Mohand al-Uqabi, son of an Israeli father and mother...Read More |
From Ian: From Ukraine to UNRWA: Russia foments war in Arab refugee camps Under the guidance of the KGB, the idea of the Arab refugees as a distinct people took hold. The KGB generated a storyline that nowadays is often taken as factual. These are its basic points, none of them true: 1. The PLO, from its start, expressed the will of the Arabs living the geographic region Palestine, rather than the will of Moscow to create divisions and overthrow democracy. 2. Palestine is not just the name for a geographic region, but the home for a distinct and indigenous people, the Palestinian Arabs. Its Jewish citizens are colonizers from some unidentified foreign country.. 3. Israel practices apartheid in which the Arab citizens of Israel are prevented from advancing. 4. Arab poverty in the territories controlled by Arabs is due to Israel, rather than to the Arab rulers Hamas and the PLO Why is the Russian PLO embrace relevant today? Since February 24, 2022, the day when the Russian attack on the Ukraine commenced, the top brass of PLO counter intelligence has been sitting in the Kremlin, egging on Moscow. By no coincidence, the League of Arab Nations, which spawned the Palestine Liberation Organization with Russian support back in in 1964, has supported the war launched by Russia. In that context, the time has come to pay attention to the overlooked Russian role in Middle East]UN Watch: Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Calling Facts We Don't Like 'Hasbara' Isn't Workingby Abier Khatib, keyboard warrior and pro-Palestinian activist New York, March 10 - Folks, we have a problem: all that online engagement on Twitter and Instagram, promoting our narrative and debating against Zios has yet to produce the desired effect. We haven't moved the needle in any noticeable way regarding American public opinion on Palestine. People aren't buying our side of the story, even when we dismiss points we dislike as mere propaganda. I love to dogpile Zionists as much as the next activist. Don't get me wrong. "Cathartic" doesn't begin to describe the thrill of harassing those devils into blocking or muting us - all the more when we can glory in a Palestinian operation that kills Jews. Unfortunately, that doesn't change the basic calculus: when we call the "facts" that Zios cite, and we call those points "hasbara" instead of addressing the points themselves, we appear to lose credibility. I don't like it any more than you do! It's just a - there's no better word for it - a fact. I know we like to avoid "facts" that contradict our narrative of virtuous victimhood - when we're not doing the opposite by calling the violent targeting of Israeli children virtuous - but we might have to change...Read More |
From Ian: Amb. Alan Baker: The Russia-Ukraine War and Its Legal and Political Implications The bitter hostilities between Russia and Ukraine are accompanied by widely reported instances of indiscriminate targeting by the Russian military forces of civilians and civilian centers as well as nuclear power plants, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and the use of weapons outlawed by international law. In a statement issued on February 28, 2022, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, acknowledged that "there is a reasonable basis to proceed with opening an investigation by the Court." On March 1, 2022, the Prosecutor informed the Court of his intention to open an investigation. He subsequently announced on March 2, 2022, that the Court had received referrals by no less than 39 state parties to the ICC Statute calling upon the Court to open such an investigation against the Russian political and military leadership. Palestinian spokespeople are expressing considerable concern and indignation that the international community, including those same international judicial bodies in which they actively engage, are immersed in the legal proceedings regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, rather than pursuing Israel. Such Palestinian lamentations are misplaced, misleading, and manipulative. Compared to the massive, urgent, and severe humanitarian issues arising...Read More |
Sometimes, the only place to find stories that completely contradict the narrative of a racist Israel hell-bent on subjugating and destroying Palestinians is in Palestinian media itself. Ma'an reported this week that there has been a 55% in exports of textile products manufactured in the Gaza Strip. They quote the Israeli liaison to Gaza saying that it is working to implement an expanded civil policy towards Gaza by facilitating and improving operations at the Kerem Shalom goods crossing. Beyond that, Israel is introducing additional measures to support and strengthen the textile industry in the Strip. Israel recently agreed to introduce a large machine for manufacturing fabrics into the Gaza Strip. Usually when Israel haters are confronted with facts like this that contradict their narratives, they say something like "but Israel is only doing this for its own benefit." Indeed, Israel has every reason to improve the Gaza economy and to give Gazans a way to live dignified lives and jobs. But Gazans benefit as well. What is wrong with a win-win scenario? Palestinians and anti-Israel activists think with a zero-sum mentality where if something is good for Israel it must be by definition bad for them. They cannot conceive that Jews don't think the same way. * * * * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book...Read More |
Masarat, the The Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies, is a think-tank "specialized in formulating the strategic policies and studies." A recent article about the war in Ukraine shows how warped Palestinian thinking is and how self-centered they are, and everything in the world revolves around them. Written by Ghania Malhis, it is titled, "Which is more dangerous to humanity: Russia and China or the United States of America?" Of course, she says it is the US. Her first example is that the US is the only nation to use an atom bomb. Her second example of how terrible the US is is a doozy: The United States of America - which defends human rights - along with a number of Western European democracies, closed its borders in the face of Eastern European Jews fleeing the Nazi massacres. To push them to the only outlet that was opened for them in Palestine, and the British Mandate supervised its preparation to receive them, and then recruit them into a functional state, needed by the colonial West to carry out the mission of an advanced military base at the center of the region...Read More |
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