יום ראשון, 25 באפריל 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

The difference between excuses and reasons for Jew-hatrednoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 07:00 AM Since the Jews were in Egypt, there has been

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The difference between excuses and reasons for Jew-hatred
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 07:00 AM

Since the Jews were in Egypt, there has been Jew-hatred. The entire time, the Jew-haters justified their hate with reasons that sounded reasonable to that generation.
Pharaoh said Jews would be a fifth column. Haman said Jews didn't respect the King's laws. Antiochus said the Jews refused to assimilate. Christians said Jews killed their god. Jews were accused of killing Gentiles, especially their children. Jews charged interest on loans. Jews lived apart. Jews tried to assimilate and take over nations. Jews represented capitalism. Jews represented communism. Jews were a subhuman race.
Practically no one said that they just hated Jews for no reason. They always had a reason. But later generations could easily see that each reason wasn't a reason at all - it was an excuse to justify the hate.
In each case, the hate came first - and then the excuse.
At the time these things were happening, some Jews would believe the reasons were valid, and they would try to distance themselves from the "bad" Jews to ingratiate themselves with their oppressors. Hellenists, early Jewish Christians, the medieval apikorsim and minim, the German Reform movement, all sought to some extent to escape persecution as Jews by identifying with the antisemites of each era. To a large extent, they accepted as fact the criticisms of Jews and felt that they can escape that hatred by identifying with each era's antisemites.
In this sense, the new antisemitism is indistinguishable from the many old versions...Read More

UN testimony on antisemitism in the Arab world, 1947
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Apr 04:45 AM

UNSCOP committee meeting at the Jerusalem YMCA

Here is testimony from Eliahu Eliachar, the founder of the World Sephardi Foundation and a co-founder and vice president of the World Sephardi Federation, speaking before the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), held at the YMCA in Jerusalem, July 15, 1947.
It is a good summary of the situation of Jews in Arab countries at the time.
Notably, Eliachar was a peacenik, wanting dialogue with Palestinians and a Palestinian state in the West Bank in the 1970s. He was also deputy mayor of Jerusalem
The meeting was held in private, as Eliachar explains, so as not to endanger the Jews in Arab countries further.

Mr. ELIACHAR: Mr. Chairman and honourable Members of the Committee:

We thank you for granting us this hearing in camera. Not that we have anything to say that we would not like everybody to know, but for fear that this may endanger the position of our brethren in the Arab countries, as we shall explain further.

The Sepharadi and the Oriental Jews are an integral part of the Jewish People. The differences are those created by different environments, habits and the use of slightly different Prayer Books and rituals,

"Sepharadi" means a descendant of Jews from Spain and Portugal, as against Ashkenazi, a descendant from Jews of Germany and Central Europe. The denomination Sepharadi includes all Jews using the same Prayer Books and following the same rituals;...Read More

04/24 Links: To combat Holocaust denial, call out Arab antisemitism; Biden SBA Pick Serves on the Board of Anti-Israel Group; Rocket sirens sound in Gaza border area as attacks launched into Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 24 Apr 08:00 PM

From Ian:

Lyn Julius: To combat Holocaust denial, call out Arab antisemitism

As a result of Palestinians' failure to defeat Israel militarily or through terrorism, their intention to commit genocide has morphed into politicide, through the demand of the "right of return" of Palestinian "refugees" to Israel proper, "lawfare"' to delegitimize Israel in international fora and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

Satloff's strategy has been to create empathy among Arabs by attempting to find Muslims who saved Jews. But this approach has its pitfalls: Holocaust education has been manipulated to confirm Palestinians in their victimhood. Spurious, morally equivalent comparisons are made between the Nazi victimization of the Jews and the "Nazi-like" behavior of Israelis towards Palestinians.

A Holocaust museum set up in Nazareth by Khaled Mahamed, an Arab Israeli, was initially praised by Yad Vashem until he displayed a Palestinian flag, photos and posters of the so-called nakba, the "catastrophe" of the exodus of Palestinian refugees from Israel in 1948. Yad Vashem condemned Mahamed for "conflating the Holocaust with other events and contributing to the misappropriation of the Holocaust as a tool against Israel."

The Anti-Defamation League spokesman in Israel pronounced himself "troubled" that Palestinians were said to be paying the price for European guilt over the...Read More

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