יום שישי, 30 באפריל 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

One more illustration of @HRW's propaganda methodsnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Apr 04:45 AM I made another alternate version of a Human Rights

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One more illustration of @HRW's propaganda methods
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Apr 04:45 AM

I made another alternate version of a Human Rights Watch graphic. It is worth comparing the two.


First of all, HRW regards a great portion of Jerusalem to be "east Jerusalem." Neighborhoods with tens of thousands of Jews are all around the city, and many ignore the artificial armistice line that HRW wants to make into a border dividing a great city in two.
Calling the Jews who live in Ramat Shlomo or Pisgat Ze'ev "settlers" is absurd. In no universe would those neighborhoods end up in an Arab Palestine. HRW, by using the word "settlement," is saying that many parts of Jerusalem should be Judenrein.
How liberal!
Regarding their first point: As long as an Arab doesn't commit a terrorist attack or move away for years, he or she will remain a permanent resident of the city. The exact same laws apply for any non-Jew who isn't a citizen.
But Arabs can become citizens if they know Hebrew, renounce foreign citizenship, and take an oath of loyalty to Israel - the same conditions most nations use to become citizens.
Those "Maybe nots" have a lot of caveats, but in the end, it is the difference between being a citizen of a state or not. Zeid can apply and if he is loyal to Israel, he almost certainly would become a citizen - and there would be no difference between him and "Noa."
Actually, that's not true. There would be some differences, which I demonstrate in my version of this infographic:

Zeid can visit...Read More

04/29 Links Pt2: The HRW Apartheid Report: Does It Matter?; No Justice for Jews in France; Ramadan reminds me how lucky I am to be a Jew living in the Gulf
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 29 Apr 05:00 PM

From Ian:

The HRW Apartheid Report: Does It Matter?

It's a drill Israel knows all too well. A well-known NGO writes a report blasting Israel. The Foreign Ministry slams it as agenda-driven, anti-Israel drivel. The media runs a few stories. And the issue fades - until next time. How important is a report accusing Israel of apartheid by a veteran anti-Israel activist who was deported from Israel because of his BDS activities, even if that report is put out by one of the world's better known, but wildly imbalanced, human-rights organizations?

It doesn't matter that much anymore in the corridors of power in Western democracies. One Israeli official said the halo of the human-rights organizations has come off over the years and they don't command the same respect or influence among leading governments as they once did.

Where it does matter is among young people who do not have a good grip on the history of the conflict. It will provide ammunition for anti-Israel activists, primarily on campuses and the streets, but also in parliaments. A two-state solution won't be enough for those who view Israel as an apartheid state. For them, it will be necessary to cancel apartheid, which - in their view - means Israel...Read More

EU parliament condemns @UNRWA teaching hate and violence, UNRWA denies it all despite materials with their own logo
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 03:00 PM

From i24News:

The European Parliament on Wednesday adopted a resolution condemning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for teaching hate and violence in Palestinian Authority (PA) schools.

The resolution expresses concern "about the hate speech and violence taught in Palestinian school textbooks and used in schools by UNRWA" and insists that financial aid be conditioned on the removal of educational materials that promote hatred and incitement to violence.

The facts are incontrovertible. UNRWA teaching materials, with UNWRA's logo, praised violence and "martyrdom" and erased Israel from the map, time and time again, like this one encouraging the "sword" to "free the motherland."

Or this exercise encouraging violent jihad:

Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise.
The Palestinians have become an example of sacrifice.
(Find the verb) in the sentence "The resistance fighter attacked the Enemy's position"
The Palestinian died as a martyr to defend his motherland.
We shall defend the motherland with blood.
The scent of musk emanates from the martyr.
To redeem their motherland with their...Read More

Foes OK With US Aid To Israel If 'Israel' Means 'Palestinians' And 'Aid' Means 'Paying Terrorists' (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 01:29 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Washington, April 29 - Congressional opponents of the Jewish State clarified today that they do not seek to eliminate American funding to advance that country's defense capabilities, but merely to tweak the provisions of that defense package to the minimal degree necessary for the funding to instead reach the violent criminals who want to cleanse Jews from the region between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea.

A cadre of progressive legislators explained the reporters today that their continued, vociferous criticism of US defense aid to Israel - currently averaging more than three billion dollars per year - rests not on unequivocal disqualification of such allocations, but on the specifics of the aid package, and that with some minor adjustments, such as replacing "Israel" with "Palestine" and "defense" with "terrorism," their opposition to such funding will all but disappear.

"It's the particulars of the aid to Israel that pose the problem," explained Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN). "It's not the aid per se that I find objectionable. I'm sure that with enough good-faith dialogue among Congressional representatives on both sides of the aisle, we can arrive at some rephrasing of the aid terms that will satisfy the conscience...Read More

04/29 Links Pt1: Israel reels from rockets, riots and arm-wrestlng; Congress Needs to Review UN Agency's Terror Finance Problem; 'There's no such thing as occupied Palestinian land,' legalist says
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 29 Apr 11:00 AM

From Ian:

David Singer: Israel reels from rockets, riots and arm-wrestlng

Rockets from Gaza indiscriminately targeting Israel's civilian population and Arab riots targeting Israel's Jewish population in the streets of Jerusalem seem to have not moved Israel's politicians to stop engaging in arm-wrestlng in pursuit of their own personal political power.

It is hard to know who is to blame for this current sorry state of affairs: the electors who have brought about - what appears on the face of it - four indecisive elections in two years – or the seemingly-intelligent politicians they have elected who have been unable to reach a compromise on setting up a Government with at least 61 of the Knesset's 120 currently-elected representatives.

A vendetta continues to be pursued to remove Israel's longest serving Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu - despite the overwhelming vote of confidence he and his party received from Israeli voters on 23 March 2021 - 1,066,892 votes.

The following leaders and their respective parties are seeking to replace Netanyahu as Prime Minister or deny him the right to head a right of centre Government:

Naftali Bennett – 273836 votes
Avigdor Liberman – 248370 votes
Gideon Sa'ar – 209161 votes

All three and their respective parties have similar policies and political ideologies as Netanyahu and his allies. Collectively - as Likud, Shas, Yemina, United Torah Judaism, Yisrael Beytenu, Religious...Read More

Israel has given HUGE amounts of aid to Palestinians during COVID-19
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 09:18 AM

As the Palestinian Authority and the anti-Israel Left say that Israel has not been helping Palestinians during the COVID-19 crisis, the actual statistics of what Israel has provided the PA from last March through the end of 2020 shows that these are all lies.

According to data provided by the Civil Administration to the organization Im Tirtzu, during 2020 Israel transferred:

110 respirators,
170 monitors,
109 oxygen generators,
87 intensive care beds,
86 hospital beds,
2,313,050 surgical masks,
312,724 N95 masks,
6,967,823 surgical gloves,
248,544 PCR kits
Another 244,500 test kits.

Some of the equipment was transferred by Israel and some by international organizations.

In addition, Israel treated about 20 Palestinian COVID patients in Israeli hospitals, one of whom came from the Gaza Strip.

We don't know what the numbers have been since January.

(h/t iTiIL972)

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Human Rights Watch racist propaganda, illustrated
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 07:00 AM

The antisemitic Human Rights Watch report that says that Israeli Jews are guilty of apartheid features three graphics that purport to show how unequal the lives of Palestinians and Jews are between the Mediterranean and the Jordan.

Here's one:

This is propaganda. HRW chooses specific facts, ignores counter-examples, and even lies about the ones it lists.

For example, pre-COVID, tens of thousands of Palestinians visited Jerusalem and even all of Israel for Ramadan. Scroll through Palestinian Facebook pages to see that a large percentage feature photos of them smiling in front of the Dome of the Rock.

Jews have received administrative detention.

Peaceful protesters in the West Bank do not get arrested - only people who encourage or participate in violence.

Jews have to jump through a great deal of hoops to build homes in Judea and Samaria, and there are often freezes - hardly ever publicized.

I made a similar poster to show how this propaganda works - by using the exact same methods to prove the opposite:

If anything, my cherry picked facts are more accurate than HRW's.

The other HRW graphics are equally deceptive. For example, they compare a Jew in an Israeli community to a Bedouin Israeli in an illegal Negev village. If Jews would build haphazard villages in the middle of state land, their homes would be uprooted far faster than the Bedouin structures have been. Even in Judea and Samaria, Israel has demolished Jewish communities built illegally. Israel has built new...Read More

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יום חמישי, 29 באפריל 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Who is trying to erase history?noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 04:45 AM Fakhri Abu Diab, an anti-Israel activist from east Jerusalem who gets

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Who is trying to erase history?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 29 Apr 04:45 AM

Fakhri Abu Diab, an anti-Israel activist from east Jerusalem who gets lots of interviews with fellow Israel-haters, is accusing Israel of erasing Palestinian history.
Naturally, he is doing it by trying to erase Jewish history.
In an article in Safa, also published in a Jordanian news site, Abu Diab complains about a new tourist center Israel is building near the Western Wall.

The researcher in Jerusalem affairs, Fakhri Abu Diab, says occupation authorities have taken advantage of the "Corona" period and the decrease in tourism movement in the city of Jerusalem to accelerate the establishment of a Judaic tourist center at the bottom of Al-Buraq Square [the Western Wall plaza.]

He explains that the occupation continued its excavations under the Al-Buraq Wall to establish huge religious and tourist Jewish halls and centers to serve Israelis and extremist settlers, and to establish their Talmudic rituals and prayers.

According to Abu Diab, the tourist center includes several halls and small rooms for displaying films, video clips and theatrical plays that explain false Talmudic narratives, and simulate an alleged Jewish civilization and history, at the...Read More

A couple of @HRW memes
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 09:56 PM

I often never get to post the memes I post on Twitter.

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04/28 Links Pt2: Human Rights Watch's long war against Israel; News Fit and Unfit to Print; Jewish Groups Mark Two-Year Anniversary of Deadly Passover Shooting at Poway Chabad
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 28 Apr 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Human Rights Watch's long war against Israel

HRW also refers to 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians living between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, maliciously blurring the distinctions between Arab-Israeli citizens, and Palestinians living under autonomous self-rule in the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority, and in Gaza, under Hamas's brutal dictatorship.

HRW further erases the distinct identity of Israel's Arab citizens by lumping them under the blanket term "Palestinian," although only 7 percent identify as such, and many belong to minority religious or cultural communities, such as Druze, Bedouin, Christian Aramean and Circassian.

In HRW's fantasy world, Palestinian terror is practically non-existent. According to HRW, most Israeli security measures "have no legitimate security justifications." HRW's dismissal of Israeli security concerns entirely ignores or whitewashes the thousands of Israelis brutally murdered or maimed by ongoing Palestinian terror.

Finally, HRW dishonestly claims that Gaza is under Israeli occupation and blames the humanitarian crisis there solely on Israel, despite Egypt's blockade of its borders and the fact that Israel withdrew from it completely in 2005. The Hamas terror organization has exclusively ruled Gaza since 2007, and is solely responsible for its failed rule and resulting humanitarian catastrophe.

It is...Read More

Life Under Rocket Fire: "From Zero to Two Hundred in a Nanosecond" (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 28 Apr 03:00 PM

Thirty-six rockets were fired at Israel on Friday night, disturbing the Sabbath peace of Israeli civilians living in the south of Israel. Three more rockets were shot into Southern Israel on Saturday night, with a further three rockets launched at Israel on Sunday night. Where I live, in Efrat, rockets are so rare as to be almost nonexistent. But where my grandchildren live, in the South, rockets are the norm. What does it feel like to be targeted, to live with sirens and explosions, ruined homes and death?

I put the same five questions to each of three women in Southern Israel, all of them native English speakers, and all of them teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL), to see how they cope under fire.

First, a bit about the women:

Adele Raemer

Born in the United States, Adele Raemer has lived on Nirim, a kibbutz on the border with Gaza, since 1975. A mother and grandmother, Raemer is affiliated with "The Movement for the Future of the Western Negev," and "Achdut Im Hadarom" (Unity with the South). A teacher of EFL, Raemer is also an EFL teacher trainer and counselor for the Israeli Ministry of Education and a Tech Integration Coach.

Aside from all these qualifications and the rest of her busy life, Adele is a blogger and dedicated YouTuber on the subject of all things digital, and other things, too. You might, for instance, hear her talk about her side-gig as a trained medical clown. Raemer spends...Read More

Our Enemies Deploy the Cognitive Bomb (Vic Rosenthal)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 01:15 PM

Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal

The first thing you need to know about the Human Rights Watch (HRW) report that was released on 27 April accusing Israel of "apartheid" is that the accusation has nothing to do with apartheid as most people understand it, the racially-based system of oppression that was in place in South Africa before roughly 1991.

HRW is accusing Israel of "crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution," which are defined by a treaty called the "International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid," based on a UN General Assembly resolution passed in 1973, and the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

It should be noted that neither Israel nor the USA are parties to either treaty. The 1973 convention was signed by 109 countries, which do not include Israel, the USA, Canada, Australia, or any of the developed countries of Western Europe.

Here is the definition of the crime of apartheid as understood by HRW:

1. An intent to maintain domination by one...Read More

04/28 Links Pt1: EU moves to stop funding Palestinian terrorists, inciting textbooks; Abbas Unleashes Profane Rant Against Rest of the World; Where John Kerry's truth lies; Washington's Weirdest Think Tank
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 28 Apr 11:00 AM

From Ian:

EU moves to stop funding Palestinian terrorists, inciting textbooks

The European Parliament Wednesday reaffirmed its commitment to ensure EU funds do not reach anyone affiliated with terrorists. It also rapped UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, for iinciting hate and violence in their textbooks.

The legislature's annual budgetary report says the EU must "thoroughly verify" that its funds are not "allocated or linked to any cause or form of terrorism and/or religious and political radicalization." Any funds that did go to any person or organization with terror ties must be "proactively recovered, and recipients involved are excluded from future Union funding."

The article in the report came following an ongoing dispute between Palestinian NGOs and the EU over the affiliations of some of the organizations' leadership and employees. Palestinian NGOs demanded that the EU erase a stipulation that aid can only be sent to organizations without ties to EU-designated terrorist groups, claiming that groups like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is designated a terrorist group in the EU, US, Canada and Israel, and has been responsible for many terrorist attacks on Israelis, are political parties.

Last March, EU Representative to West Bank and Gaza Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff wrote in an official letter to...Read More

Religious IDF soldiers training in Yiddish (video)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 09:15 AM

This is interesting:

I don't know if this is completely legit, the video is from Arutz-7 so perhaps they were given permission by the IDF to document this, although the soldiers seem to be hamming it up a little.
One interesting comment on YouTube in both Hebrew and English (I'm combining them):
"Thank God, for 72 full months I was in such a unit over 19 year period as a Chasidic Haredi Jewish soldier. I merited to the revelation of the light of G-d's presence through so many revealed miracles daily, monthly and yearly, that were so strong that I went from simple belief in G-d to truly knowing G-d."
(h/t Yerushalimey, Yoel)

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Hypocrite @JohnBrennan bashes Israel for doing things HE supported as CIA chief for Obama
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Apr 07:00 AM

To be a good intelligence officer, one needs to be able to look at the facts dispassionately and without bias.

Based on the editorial he just wrote for the New York Times, former CIA director John Brennan is an incompetent intelligence analyst.
He starts off with describing how humiliating checkpoints are - based on a short fictional film.

I knew that Israel had legitimate security concerns in the aftermath of the 1967 and 1973 wars, worries that had been heightened by attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets by Palestinian terrorist organizations.

Half a century has passed, and the political and security landscape of the Middle East has profoundly changed.

Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. The Abraham Accords, brokered by the United States last year, have paved the way for four more Arab states — the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco — to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

There also has been significant progress in reducing violence carried out by Palestinians inside and outside the occupied territories. The exception is Hamas, which continues to launch rocket attacks into Israel from the Gaza Strip.

The implication is that checkpoints are no longer necessary because the Palestinian security forces are adequate to do the job.

In 2009...Read More

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