03/30 Links Pt2: David Collier: The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism – harmful to Jews; Are Educated People More Anti-Semitic?; Oldest surviving ‘Righteous Among Nations,’ dies age 101 Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:00 PM PDT From Ian: Are Educated People More Anti-Semitic?A foundational principle of the fight against hate in America is the belief that intolerance in general, and anti-Semitism in particular, are functions of ignorance that can be solved with education. We see evidence of this whenever concerns about intolerance or anti-Semitism become more salient. Proposed solutions frequently feature improved Holocaust education or expanded diversity, equity, and inclusion training. Profiles of anti-Semites tend to feature rural whites or urban minorities from low-educational backgrounds. Well-educated people tend to feel secure in their higher-class status and imagine that the dangers of intergroup hatred are concentrated elsewhere.
Indeed, widely cited studies of anti-Semitism support the conviction that it is associated with low levels of education. For example, the Anti-Defamation League's Global 100 survey of anti-Semitism worldwide found that "among Christians and the non-observant, higher education levels lead to fewer anti-Semitic attitudes." The survey, which included Iran and Turkey, found "the opposite is true among Muslim respondents …" Yet excluding school systems that may explicitly teach hatred toward Jews, education does appear to reduce anti-Semitism. After reviewing several studies, the sociologist Frederick Weil concluded that "the better educated are much less anti-Semitic than the worse educated in the U.S., and no other measure of social status (e.g., income, occupation) can account for this relationship."
A large problem with this widely held belief—which has dominated the American Jewish community's approach to combatting hatred since the days of Louis Brandeis—is that it depends on survey questions that probably fail to capture anti-Semitism among the well-educated. For the most part, these studies measure anti-Semitism simply by asking respondents how they feel about Jews, or by asking whether they agree with blatantly anti-Semitic stereotypes. But educated people, being experienced test takers, know these to be "wrong" answers.
For instance, a recent survey designed to gauge anti-Semitism on college campuses was based on respondents' level of agreement with statements like "Jews have too much power in international financial markets" or "Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind." Sophisticated respondents may be more likely to detect what they are being asked and give socially desirable answers that might fail to reveal a more nuanced degree of anti-Semitism. The belief that anti-Semitism is associated with lower levels of education may therefore be a function of who gets caught by surveys, rather than based on an accurate relationship between education and antipathy toward Jews.
To test this hypothesis, we developed a new survey measure based on what the human rights activist and former Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky identifies as a defining feature of anti-Semitism: the double standard. We drafted two versions of the same question, one asking respondents to apply a principle to a Jewish example, and another to apply the same principle to a non-Jewish example. Subjects were randomly assigned to see one version or another so that no respondent would see both versions of the question. Since no one would see both versions of the question, sophisticated respondents would have no way of knowing that we were measuring their sentiment toward Jews, and no cue to game their answers. Can a college student back Israel?: Jewish students face widespread hostility Ever since I co-founded the social-media-based organization Jewish on Campus, I have been constantly asked why the stories of anti-Semitism we post are done so anonymously. While I would love to be leading a movement with the names and images of those whose stories I tell at the forefront, we face an unfair reality where I must ask myself: "If this platform were not anonymous, would anyone come forward?"
With a scroll of our Instagram page, the answer is clear. At Columbia University, Jewish students were spat on and called murderers on their way to class, and professors have told their students anti-Semitism is no longer an issue. At Cornell, a student assembly member was threatened to be outed to his family if he did not vote for BDS (boycotting, divesting from, and sanctioning Israel). At USC, the student body vice president resigned from her position after being the victim of bullying and harassment for her identity as a Zionist. At Tufts, a student judiciary member was silenced when discussing an unquestionably anti-Semitic referendum because his Jewish identity allegedly made him biased.
There is no question about what will happen if a student is open about supporting Israel's right to exist, or even open about their Jewish identity; the precedent has been set. Those who choose to remain silent out of fear and pressure are constantly reminded that their views are not welcome. When we try to protect our communities from this blatant discrimination, our efforts are smeared as attempts at censorship, and infringements on academic freedom and freedom of speech. Faculty biases and student body bigotry are not addressed. At the end of February, hundreds of scholars defended David Miller, a lecturer at University of Bristol, on that premise after he called Jewish students "pawns" of the Israeli government.
If academic freedom is suppressing the opinions of Jewish students like myself, in seminars, lecture rooms, and extracurricular clubs, wouldn't that be antithetical to the concept of academic freedom in and of itself? See, the truth is that academic freedom is not for me. It is not for conservatives, it's not even for liberals, and quite definitely not for Zionists. Academic freedom is the freedom to have the correct opinions. Right and wrong, good and bad, and no in-between — these have already been decided for us. Our job is to accept them without question. This "academic freedom" is not freedom at all.  David Collier: The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism – harmful to Jews The politicised definition Three of the authors, Elissa Bemporad, Alon Confino and Derek Penslar wrote an introductory article in the Forward. Written in the article are the words that expose the Jerusalem Declaration for the insidious, hard-left and dangerous document that it really is. This is the fourth paragraph in the article:
This paragraph makes the authors sound like hard-left Corbynites. They accept there may be some problem with antisemitism on the left, but they want us all to deal with the real antisemitism – the 'most dangerous threat' – which is on the right. That is undeniably a politically loaded statement that immediately exposes the true intentions and political leanings of the authors. It is also demonstrably not true.
The most dangerous threat to Jews today comes from Islamist antisemitism – which notably the authors do not even reference. And because Islamist antisemites in the west, if they do vote, tend to ally with hard-left political elements, this has created a very potent and dangerous alliance.
Beyond the threats of white supremacy, the authors clearly do not understand modern antisemitism at all – and they show themselves to be little more than political activists who have taken it upon themselves to protect their own section of the political spectrum by selling out the majority of Jews.
Two of those authors- Alon Confino has drawn parallels between the Holocaust (the industrial slaughter of the Jewish people) with the Nakba (the result of a tiny civil conflict that the Arabs sought and lost). Confino was one of the Israeli academics who tried to STOP Germany from introducing anti-BDS legislation. He also signed a letter calling on Tel Aviv University to boycott excavations in the City of David, suggesting the work was attempting to 'Judaize the area'.
Elissa Bemporad signed a letter attacking Israel for blocking prominent BDS activists from entry into the country. Why on earth should any nation let foreign nationals enter, when their only intention once inside, is to do that nation harm? Why IHRA Antisemitism Definition Does NOT Stifle Debate on Israel Oldest surviving 'Righteous Among Nations,' who saved Jewish boy, dies age 101The oldest surviving person to bear the title of Righteous Among the Nations, Anna Kozminska, died last week at the age of 101, Poland's Institute for Remembrance has said.
She was to be buried on Tuesday at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.
Kozminska was believed to be the be oldest living person recognized by Yad Vashem for rescuing Jews during the Holocaust. She would have turned 102 in May.
Last year presidents Reuven Rivlin of Israel and Andrzej Duda of Poland sent birthday greetings to Kozminska, praising her in separate letters for her courage in risking her own life to help Jews during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
Anna and her stepmother Maria Kozminska took in 8-year-old Abraham Jablonski in 1942 and sheltered him for three years. They also helped rescue three other Jews.
The Kozminskas took good care of Jablonski, whose eyesight was fading, taking him for walks and ensuring he continued with his education, according to the Institute for Remembrance. They were able to keep the boy safe from the Germans even though their home was searched at one point.
After the war ended, Jablonski moved to Israel where he told of his salvation by Anna and Maria. Nearly fifty years later he located Anna Kozminska in Warsaw and convinced her to write her memoirs. At Jablonski's initiative, both Anna and Maria Kozminska were honored in February 1991 by the Yad Vashem Institue as Righteous Among the Nations.
Grazyna Pawlak, Jablonski's niece, gave Kozminska an album with photos of the family for her birthday last year.
In addition to being honored by Israel, Kozminska was awarded Poland's Medal of the Centenary of Regained Independence in 2016 for her efforts to save Jews. Sewing for survival: The last of Auschwitz's 'dressmakers' diesFor a group of 40 seamstresses imprisoned at Auschwitz, the ability to create high-end fashion meant the difference between life and death.
Amid the horror of the Holocaust, starting in 1943, a select group of hand-picked women were segregated from their peers and set up in a workshop to create haute couture for the wives of Nazi camp officers. Their fame spread and wives from as far away as Berlin soon found themselves on a six-month waiting list for the Auschwitz seamstresses' garments.
On February 14, Berta Berkovich Kohút — the "sewing circle's" last survivor — died of COVID-related complications. She would have been 100 years old later this year, according to her eldest son, Tom Areton.
"She was the last living person from among these dressmakers," Areton told The Times of Israel. "She was in Auschwitz for 1,000 days and she always said she could have died 1,000 times each of those days."
The story of "Betka" Kohút and the unique workshop will be told in an upcoming book, "The Dressmakers of Auschwitz," written by Lucy Adlington. Described as "the true story of the women who sewed to survive," the book includes content from the author's three-day interview with Kohút in 2019.
Kohút was born in 1921 in a Ruthenian village, Chepa, in today's Ukraine, then Czechoslovakia. When she was eight, the family moved to the Slovak capital Bratislava, where her father — Salomon Berkovič — opened a tailoring shop. Fortuitous for his daughters' future, Berkovič taught Berta and her younger sister, Katarina, or "Katka," to sew professionally. Uproar in Poland over New Yorker article on efforts to stifle Holocaust studiesThe Auschwitz-Birkenau state museum said Monday that damage was done by a New Yorker article that explores efforts to stifle Holocaust scholarship in Poland, a piece the museum had originally accused of containing lies about Poland's role during World War II.
The text was amended on Monday to clarify some wording in a subheading, though the magazine and author said they stand by the article itself that argues that legitimate debate by historians about some Poles' alleged complicity in the Holocaust is being stifled by the current ruling party in Poland.
Auschwitz museum director Piotr Cywinski welcomed the editing changes, but he said in a statement to The Associated Press that he felt that since "painful damage has been done, an apology should follow the correction."
The government also reacted on the weekend, with a deputy foreign minister, Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, saying "this manipulation will be the subject of a strong reaction from Polish diplomacy."
The Auschwitz museum is located in southern Poland, which was under German occupation during the war. Today it is a Polish state institution that acts as the custodian of the remains of Nazi Germany's most notorious death camp and as a defender of historical memory.
It spoke out sharply on Saturday after the New Yorker on Friday published an article by Masha Gessen which looks at the case of two Polish historians of the Holocaust who were recently found guilty by a Polish court of defaming a deceased wartime village official.
The key point of contention involved the original subheading, which said: "To exonerate the nation of the murders of three million Jews, the Polish government will go as far as to prosecute scholars for defamation."
Some 3 million Polish Jews were killed during the Holocaust, but the vast majority were directly murdered by Adolf Hitler's occupying Nazi forces in Poland. A Polish underground army resisted the Germans, and the Polish state, unlike some other occupied nations, never collaborated with the Nazis. Germany to Draft Law Expanding Citizenship to Descendants of Nazi VictimsThe German government on Wednesday agreed to draft a law that would allow more descendants of those persecuted by Nazis to reclaim German citizenship.
The government said the new law would be a change to rules adopted in 2019, which were supposed to give descendants of Nazi victims more opportunities to acquire citizenship.
"This is not just about putting things right, it is about apologizing in profound shame," said Germany's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer. "It is a huge fortune for our country if people want to become German, despite the fact that we took everything from their ancestors."
Some descendants of Nazi victims have been denied citizenship because their ancestors fled Germany and changed citizenship before Nazi Germany revoked theirs, according to Deutsche Welle. Others were denied German citizenship because they were born before April 1, 1953, to a German mother but a non-German father.
In 1941, the Nazi regime revoked the citizenship of German Jews living outside the country, which left Jewish refugees stateless. Beforehand, many victims of Nazi persecution had their citizenship stripped for political or racial reasons.
Germany's Central Council of Jews campaigned for the new law. Germany to restore Jewish names to phonetic alphabetGermany will be restoring the phonetic alphabet to include Jewish names that the Nazi regime removed from the tool, according to Gruntstuff.
The phonetic alphabet is used by many countries when spelling out words, such as calling out "a as in alpha," with many having devised their own.
The famous model is the one used by NATO. The German model uses names, such as "w as in Wilhelm." Those deemed too Jewish were taken out and replaced with others.
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party changed Germany's own alphabet in 1934, about a year before he grabbed power as chancellor.
As an example, the Nazi Party subbed out the letter D for Dora instead of David and the letter N as Nordpol instead of Nathan, the German website DW reported.
The Central Council of Jews in Germany, in cooperation with Michael Blume, who works to fight antisemitism within the German state of Baden-Württemberg, got the go ahead to change the wording back.
The new rendition of the phonetic alphabet is to be drafted by the German Institute for Standardization by 2022. Using rare archival films, Ukrainian director forces viewers to face Babyn YarGoing to school in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sergei Loznitsa often wondered about what took place at Babyn Yar, or "Grandmother's Ravine." He was ignorant to the fact that it was where 33,771 Jews were murdered during a two-day killing spree in September 1941.
"Even though I grew up close to Babyn Yar and to the old Jewish cemetery, which was completely destroyed, and as a child I stumbled across the Jewish tombstones many times during my walks, my parents were very reluctant to answer my questions on the subject," said Loznitsa.
Later, as a young adult, Loznitsa read the book, "Babi Yar: A Document in the Form of a Novel." The 1966 tome helped break the silence surrounding the Holocaust in Ukraine, where German units and local collaborators murdered Jews close to their homes in open-air shootings.
"In general, people tried to avoid this subject [of the Holocaust]," Loznitsa told The Times of Israel. "There was an official formula — 'crimes against Soviet citizens' — that was written on the monument erected by Soviet authorities in Babyn Yar," said the 56-year old director.
In January, the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC) announced plans to construct one-dozen buildings on the site of the filled-in ravine. In addition to a museum commemorating the Jews killed in 1941, another structure will memorialize 70,000 victims killed at Babyn Yar through 1945.
Since 2019, Loznitsa has partnered with BYHMC on several projects. Although the pandemic delayed production of his full-length film on Babyn Yar, the German-based Loznitsa is releasing about two-dozen short films on Babyn Yar in the months ahead.
"Even today, 80 years after the tragedy took place in Kiev, there is no consensus, there is no historical narrative, which enables the society to address, understand and preserve the memory of this tragedy," said Loznitsa, who makes use of eye-witness testimony in several of the films. Microsoft reportedly seeking to invest over $1 billion in IsraelUS tech giant Microsoft is reportedly planning to invest $1 billion to $1.5 billion in Israel through setting up a new data center locally and expanding its chip research and development activities.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this month and informed him about the plans, Globes reported on Monday, without saying where it got the information.
Nadella told Netanyahu that Israel is "a very important development center for Microsoft," Globes said, stating that the CEO has made no requests for government incentives for the investments and none were offered.
Spokespeople for Microsoft in Israel and for the Prime Minister's Office declined to comment on the report. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks at the annual Microsoft shareholders meeting, Nov. 29, 2017, in Bellevue, Wash. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)
Microsoft benefits from a low tax rate of 6% on profits from the intellectual property generated in Israel, lower that the average corporate tax rate of 23%. Small tech firms pay a tax rate of 7.5% to 12%, Globes said.
The US tech giant said last year that it would set up its first cloud data center in Israel to offer services to Israeli customers, starting with Azure and following with Office 365, expected to be operational sometime this year.
The setting up of the center "marks a significant investment by Microsoft in the Israeli market," the company said at the time. How did COVID-19 cause an increase in the adoption of 3D printing?3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing that builds three dimensional physical objects layer-by-layer, as opposed to traditional subtractive manufacturing that removes material from larger blocks.
Thanks to their low price and small size, 3D printers have become a popular and accessible product for everyone. In fact, 3D printers have revolutionized the manufacturing of products, as they allow anyone to purchase a 3D printer and manufacture their own products – something that in the past only factories could do. 3D printers also help professionals manufacture the products they've designed themselves, which saves costs for them and for the consumers.
3D printers streamline procedures between the design and production stages, transferring the power of production to the average person, and reducing supply chain complexity, at a fraction of the cost of traditional manufacturing.
3D printers make it possible to create almost any product that comes to mind, including, houseware, toys, auto parts, jewelry and even body organs. Recently Israeli researchers introduced an amazing medical breakthrough when they succeeded in printing a living human heart via a 3D printer, based on tissues taken from a patient.
The three-dimensional revolution is still in its infancy However, the three-dimensional revolution is still in its infancy, and still has not reached its full potential. According to ARK Investments, 3D printing for end-use parts is the next frontier, but it currently utilizes only 1% of its market potential of an estimated $490 billion. Models & tools utilize only 4% percent of their market potential of an estimated $30 billion, and prototypes utilize only 40-50 % of their market potential of an estimated $12.5 billion. Israel Steps up Quantum Tech Race Amid Threat of Exclusion From European Research ProjectsIsrael is leveling up to join the race for quantum proficiency as leading countries, including in the European Union, seek to block multi-billion dollar opportunities for collaboration on the pivotal emerging technology.
Israel has embarked on a $375 million national initiative to invest in quantum technology — which promises to exponentially increase the processing speed of computers — and to build up its proficiency by 2025. As part of the initiative, the Israel Innovation Authority together with the Defense Ministry have begun to take requests from multinational companies, Israeli businesses and universities to participate in a $60 million project to build the country's first quantum computer with 30 to 40 "qubits," a unit used to encode information.
"We see the window of opportunity for international collaboration in this field getting narrower and narrower. For example, in the US, there are already certain quantum sensors that are export-controlled. It is not a defense thing, it is commercial. From China we see declarations that they will limit exports on quantum technology, which is pretty unique," Dr. Tal David, Head of the Israel National Quantum Initiative (INQI) told The Algemeiner in an interview. "Even in the European Union, right now there is a strong movement to maintain European independence in technology. They are pushing to maintain only the members of the EU and kick out all the associated countries [like Israel]."
"We are fighting this very strongly. For us this is something which is very much unwanted because we have a lot of existing ties with Europe about this. Israel has a lot of excellence with Europe in general and quantum specifically, so this is something at the back of our heads that collaboration is getting more difficult in this field," David added.
The US and allies, and the European Union, are now competing with China to lead the world in quantum technology, with the EU seeking to make its first quantum computer in five years. US chip giant Nvidia to recruit 600 engineers in Israel to boost AI prowessUS gaming and computer graphics giant Nvidia, which completed the acquisition of Israel's Mellanox Technologies Ltd. last year for a massive $7 billion, said it will be employing some 600 hardware and software engineers and chip designers at a variety of levels in Israel to work on its AI-based technologies.
The US firm, founded in 1993 by Jensen Huang, Chris Malachowsky and Curtis Priem as a graphics chip company, inventing the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), is today a leader in the field of artificial intelligence.
Since its acquisition of Mellanox, a maker of high-speed servers and storage switching solutions used in supercomputers globally, the firm now employs over 2,400 workers in Israel in seven R&D centers, from Yokneam, the HQ of Mellanox, to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ra'anana and Beer Sheva in the south.
Its R&D activities in Israel are the largest by the firm outside of the US.
Gideon Rosenberg, the head of HR at Nvidia Israel, said the firm continues to grow around the world. "We will be happy to recruit workers who have lost their jobs because of the coronavirus crisis or those who are looking for their next big challenge," he said in a statement. "In the past year not only have we not furloughed or fired any workers, because of corona crisis, but we have continued to recruit hundreds of workers."
Nvidia, with a market cap of $318 billion on the Nasdaq compared to $264 billion for competitor Intel Corp., has replaced the latter as the largest US chip maker, and the second largest in the world, after Taiwan's TSMC.
Both Nvidia and Intel have R&D centers in Israel and compete for the same pool of talent. This competition is set to become even stiffer, as Google enters the fray. The US search engine giant said earlier this month that it is setting up a chip-making team led by a former Intel Israel executive.
Nvidia has been active in Israel for the past decade, both selling its processors locally, buying stakes in startups like Zebra Medical, Deep Instinct, and Rocketrick, and setting up its R&D units. Israel's CanBreed gets hemp growing and breeding license in CaliforniaCanBreed, an Israeli genetics and seed company that develops and enhances uniform and stable cannabis seeds, said Tuesday that its fully owned subsidiary CanBreed Farms Inc. has received a license to grow and breed hemp seeds in the farm it owns in San Diego County in California.
The company bought the 1.4-acre farm last November for around $1 million. The license is valid for one year and is renewable annually.
At the farm, the construction of a hemp seeds production facility is underway. The farm's initial planned capacity is 12.5 million seeds a year, which will gradually increase to 50 million seeds a year.
Nearly 500 thousand acres of hemp is currently grown in the USA and is forecasted to increase fivefold by the end of the decade, reflecting a potential addressable market of at least $5 billion for hemp seeds in the US alone, compared with a $1 billion potential market today, the company said in a statement.
At the site of the San Diego farm the firm is also building labs, greenhouses, and facilities to produce the seeds. The company expects the farm to become fully operational during the fourth quarter of this year, and commence production of the first batches of seeds for the US market towards year's end. In mid-2021, the company will begin recruiting professional staff to operate the farm, the statement said.
The grant of the hemp growing and breeding license by the State of California will enable the company to commence activities as soon as the construction works are completed. US private equity fund Thoma Bravo to buy Israeli-founded ApplitoolsThoma Bravo, the US private equity investment fund, said it has made a strategic investment in Israeli-founded startup Applitools, a provider of visual test automation software. Financial details were not disclosed, though Calcalist reported that the deal is for $250 million.
The announcement follows on the heels on last week's news that Israel's ironSource, an advertising technology firm, will merge with the US fund's publicly traded special purpose acquisition company Thoma Bravo Advantage in a transaction that values ironSource at a whopping $11.1 billion.
Applitools co-founders Gil Sever, Adam Carmi, and Moshe Milman will continue to hold "a significant ownership position in the company," the statement on Tuesday said.
Founded in 2013 and headquartered in San Mateo, California, Applitools provides software engineers with AI-based and cloud-powered solutions to help automate functional and visual testing for their applications and ensure a better user experience.
The company's Visual AI platform uses computer vision algorithms, enabling engineering teams to rapidly write, run, analyze, and maintain tests to ultimately release high quality applications at higher speed and reduced cost.
The investment will enable Applitools to use Thoma Bravo's operating capabilities and experience in the software sector "to accelerate its already impressive growth trajectory and further scale its innovative, market-leading platform," the statement said. What is an NFT and why is someone trying to sell one of Golda Meir?What do Golda Meir, LeBron James and a drawing of Homer Simpson as a white nationalist meme all have in common? They are all going up on the NFT market, a type of blockchain-based commodity that has taken the collectibles world by storm.
Never-before-published color photographs of Meir, Israel's only-ever female prime minister, visiting Kenya over 50 years ago are being sold online as non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, for several hundred dollars a pop.
They were recently posted online by a London software engineer whose grandfather was one of the Jewish state's first fighter pilots and later flew for El Al, which is how it is thought he came to snap the photos of Meir in 1963.
NFTs are swiftly gaining popularity in the arts world and elsewhere as a way to sell ownership of reproducible digital artifacts or other multimedia creations.
A non-fungible token is a unit of data on the blockchain, which acts as digital ledger, using the same technology utilized by cryptocurrencies. Like cryptocurrencies, the NFTs are highly speculative investment vehicles, each underpinned by a creative work or action, and represented by a unique — or non-fungible — digital token recorded in the blockchain ledger.
The NFTs could be used to trade representations of physical objects, like the pictures of Meir or a painting, or digital creations, like audio files, videos, or any other kind of creative work. The NFT becomes something like a one-of-a-kind trading card, that can go up or down in value depending on demand and thus be traded for cash or other NFTs, or be kept as a collectible item with the bragging rights that come along with it. 
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